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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1898)
jgsgggpgj8gilPBaglB3clii ibiimi JaaBtaaiatoEaitoga ---i'.s ' .--iMaaasMBm"XJUB SArsa--.--jgai--Jg55sgaEaiig IS THB-COURIER.H Trw, - m -A MIDMIQMT MTBTEftY. V Nebraska Sanitarium. Vt '-. r --;-r , . . - -M T T . f & T&. JKti- ?r ?Ci, - fi$?.'. IF-' v c 'M,ys X ImHh.1 . i.mb-v ww T i.J i n.llli W!ll'T.I. -Mt 'mmm .. 'I ..-.. . , .. the Palawan Ritcr to tka jwowiicu vuiicgv vKw,,ipr., oners Toe iouowing lBaucenenis to we j. li'u. ii mil I ttin rit ' v tired a"1 suferiag public whaare Beeking Health, Rest and Cowiort: - tr Aaaac JerMjaieo Kia kaeaa rnr iaaWinHiMi fat ahaatal na ! nrJiitiHnit -'-- --a :-i j !..- ,i - - . . iiiT i TTi T'j - wj. nMaiB bwu Mm ad MHMMMtlH BM mnj UMN IK-? I VMM MM, OTWMMKMf IM Cliff 01 lakilDO of kvctoae far haeMriahMri. - wblafe !! tfcm iln In . . - .. .. . " heBorthweat,aad with whtohit tt WMimlMllHr u electric etfeetiau. T" -" - . .- -j-r-. k M wmKir tm let Ik M to M to civiUaattoa this pert set toveettoattoa. t ammmetthmErEmt.VtmTkn, JtoMw fiaida aaalrad far jwii u " --" . J7V7T. - VC s - .. ..-.,. ,.-i. a-i. a L ..S , , Beet of advaatani far tke I i a pm puiuniH pue yaw a m .m mrnnmj .raoanewa w- , ' -i;V""T V!T -- f -u -- Af -k-ai. Taeari. efloapaadahato. "!! rt;- aimmtrM , able aid effeeaive patient. ot received. athatieeM AIH. .if. a few i2 , uTL JSSLJ TMaiaVtitatto. LTLraoMtlye.. wadten mui doty s'jsrg.-arg.r??- ZSLr' , """ " hi 'nMk ."d kMtMt of d w Wt "LTZTZ: TnUMM-of !.. !??r.AvtJ1!fL5?,?JLtM-1 toClfaMiaMMtaliaMwd.Md , BrthooC omy tfokrfatkNi. iadooW HdUCml MmOm oifwi to tk M- A1M M .torfeU?t fcttkakhk iMiitiHtltMi'sdiMrYowi- tktliMKrUkU. wtot ia city ofleo mom. Itio a patoc omytog to too, i j, t j.v u i vaNqr that bo ttviag eraatwa thrtotooagaarlaiJ. aad it to. &. Coixaoc ViBW, Ni Far akeataia (iriag ratoo aal further tofematiea, hatMMaita oa tka ifraattheanaraataaadotiaa nUk. geoMoaa waa ia troable. aad raaa. wkiek ko aaaaad abmtt tto arteM. madthmaHn AltW tr w (h iltoi 4wi OMMiTa .baaldata. tko vaKaat faraer, dtoraeardiac all at'aaaek. Tke emaat raae to Mm mm mIt aaasd that rMeU ki mm. liaaaMutato atraaat that, boiio thrnvktaf tMAMdvonie'ivknt d wild Mfnia d it ju .M. . 'pi.. . . U- . im w MacKaaataa aatwoaa Ua owa aonoaal welfare, bacaa tka aa- taaatircreea dan laakad feooi baUad witk domm ud mi viaiUi BoariM ' Mfl aaat of tka BKMiataiB. Aa ke ekew tka boaldar aad tkrav tkawkoU nmin Knrba A 1U f mmIjiIu wMrttmA i tka laealitr.kaB.fleaM to ke aaafartotkeceare. tkeaoaad ot TaioM into kWtnae eilbnaefte WteUTmaU iJukIim hm t.k in tut haruil th' t?!LtL " ,2!l? ore diBtinct' Bd I!kt "- -"d tka atraia so loagw. Ha aaraaic ift before. One of tke faraera clmb to fad a viMar, d tkraagk tka treea. Be aBfroaeked from kia .corar aad daaked down tka iac to tke too ot tka altar, aad there ke throagfc the dry leaves more carefaJlr. conre toward tka road. Aftar h had foaad. naiatMl inwika tm of th. liealwayeia atocai, far botweea iiitj, from tke ekelter of a rock ke .aat iftar Tarda betweaa kiauelf aad tke araaita. ia lane, red lettera. tke follow. - - - '-- -..-:.. . ... ... w-w- ' - mum eoM leak jalo the aerce without beiew atardereaa aceaa ha i XhaooBcofbkM mm. aai aha abetter of af airrela aad looked iac ewoaa'iaacriatioB: "D.K E.KUT Ererr ligkt.kad diaanneared. GEBS." L. U. Robbihs. Mr tke ferkt of a wood fire be at a tkaoaljaaBBdia tkat of tka aurkt tkat ckilled tke blood ia skh 1" ' ' I tatkatftofBaadtBaavetorieaa vatoa. Twelve icaree. robed ia ktack. TrTPTTWrTftiai X reanaff of the hMtoea Mt ia a aeBinirde about tke fire aad , - -a..-- Bioat eariooa tokabitaaaB md a mtirA rhnt .. tt;- : ; I?!? 1 ."??g f Hu HinniiiuNar nnna utu MaliM LiJii. .. i m.j n n -w-. .-.- -.-....... oaana as a aottBu awviwa cr leu. jie- ' mm except to broad day, aad the mi fn the gffaraa, kk is air on the altar i &r&CB&?m GKOOQRT iiiiiHmii.owpMii.iHf roec wBere wa oeaa woman bid been ; T) booth Nutth Stbxet. Thokk497 ? adkw:tkerboat cfa wobmb who. ia a ai ..Wvi th.k;t. .n. . .b. S " " - """ ""l'"i v ,ou jmm.......... T --"----- .' wmvfvnnvwffffwr Minoe JhXavcat: i roBBd dead oa the .: Mtodfolded aad boaad. Tfaa ehaat topaf a cpMcal. boaUer that, like bb mm toawUd Bote that eaded. abruptly ahar.rieeeahoTe He fellows. aad aU wa deathly atill. except the AJtoat 9 o'clock of toat'XoBday Bight raaibliBg of the water among the rocke. a toMMr aaaMd Nerman Wyakaf , who Thoa to a deep. chUliBg voice ode of MvoBBtSkittaMa, waa ptoddtoc hoa- tke twelve epake. "Car!" he aaid. ward aloac the road tkat akirta taebaee ! tke tkkd aadlaet time before yoa ft tka aaofutoto. Be kadrraaekad the ara- deoaMd to eternal damnation. lofBoariBKBaakaaadkad aaMk!" Aad tke circle before the fire I kia paaa to tt ewa? f teat the growled:, "SpMk!" Agaia tke wild cry loeamy waaa Be aiajip ud u lor krip awoke the ochoM ot the ntoht. i at the aoaad of a akkaatog uditcaaie from the white fieure on tko doptka af the dark ka ,k. - a him. Again the cry raag AfalMactoat broahed the oriaonaV 1 froai the rocka aad wm loot ArmlA r ud r mtmrtMA trn, Ift? At WyekaaT waa Wrckoff. kiddea oatude tke circle of S itotobato kia toga. bat Mag a light, treatbled leet tke man ahoald ty esarage, aad the throw hkaaetf over the edge of the altar- 2 all Biattara Of ndr to alatnat wtun Ulh IT. .A? aad woald have called-oat to him, bat a ft) aaddeaaaoveoBtheDart of tha twalva fl? 'Bradatorofaakadfraai tke aaaaad him tn hikt Tk XV . i i a i , bibb wo wmv UMDa av the tow- each takiar a fire brand from the blaaet ft$ Striktog' ap their BwaotoBoaa chaa. jK By aaato, tfcar dieaaaeared behiad the nal. BHOBeiy aae bh eeaia hear ait reek, aad ia a abort tfe atood aaoa 01 . "Ml ee- to tefwheretkeyaernmBded the bound a Uw, aaaaajaff ary of aa- awa. Tke leader broagkt forth a loag aa wefl,ke I 1 (1VER81TY SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1 g (Directly Opposite the Campus.) 2f . Is the most thoroughly equipped Conservatory in f the west. It offers the most complete cousses in &. all branches af music. Special attention given to the training of children. Fall term began Sep tember 5. Pupils may enter at any time. Send for catalogue. WILLARD KIMBAEl, Director. t HHHHHHHHHHHHmbbK afaSaal aThawafMaBB "Hhaaja Jup ;aTaMMMamMMaTr beat oold roUad aahMt latokd ZM' rltoage witkaabeatoe i MaaTMBaTMBaTMaaTMBa"! V. "to to aet fie to Tearlei " WMMMB-BBBBBBBa trarira. bb to date "" bwmbbmbbmbbL-mbbmbbmmmbbm aa'h'''''Mtotew "aTawahaMaawl JHMSMSMSMSMWMBMSMSMBBBWMsaZiMMMBSBw . f VaTBBBaWaVo MaMBaMBaWamCaMBBMMaWMBMflMBMaS tw af--iaf-f-f-f-f-----r-Ti-r -mi -Men. x-vsmviit tMOAU htm. '-..: 4BBWaBMBMBaWamMBMl aaaBBaVjVjWI IIIIMT'mb aWMnMHB MaMVal iBiidh:. a JlZfa llMUMlHrLSMr ydtobay MBMmTmTmTmbV M 1 MmMbTB I B MrKMMMTMBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BBBJ adMBBhaaar' IBBJM' -. mTmVmmbVmbSmS I MVtLMal bVmbmVmbVmb I - Bmmmm m. m MBmBBBBBBBi XSSBfaBk' ll"r ,jhMaBM AaawBBBw r'' la "mwmwmwb '-mb9VsI3 JaHBBHBal B9HV eftMilHt-f a JmWBV Mi dnWSVHHMW' f NMtaT BE GOOD TO TOUK HOME-BUY A 1!NEW IJNOOLN 8TBBL RANGE wile aad faatikr. Warraatod the . we bm the vary atoeLaad ltoeeverv atoel. whtok makea it impoe- ta pattara aad daaiaa.faH aickel wffl bara aar ktod of faal wiU iMwbi. Made oa hoaor.aoldaa aeam. xbbi h way we can thaw ax year dealer doM aet to aaha a mat miatahai- Write to m aad wewiU atwvide a war for atareaaaaaUepriee. ,' R. 2. A. SHQEMAKEK. Priyate Hospital MJaalSargary. S m tverytM J Taiaam, Flu toJc aad "- g A mvA-k-. IIXaaBaXM dam hiiaaile r i a? fM - ta.. T V . "JBBJMHW XfBTaC SB MaVMBmTMWaV faftamfB OtVtflfc BBS K 3mbb4bW M giVM tea DISEASES OF OMEN. FiCaai The! .CO. LDWOIiX, MKBn MAKESa yeato8tatoOffi. X Hello 738. 93op Strt Pays highest prices for good second hand furni ture and stoves and will give yo im exchange any thing new for your old. , - -;.j. 5l -", .m -"'. -.i?. viS'-M :,-' . r' SiM '- - :S "- 5f i 1 il' -'-? m 5J. '-"--. !-, . ;WljBWBf awawlBMW AbVI -MBwaVaFaWaW MnMWBVIW tVaa dkBBMWfVawBf eawawlj WHHM VlWtBK BMBMBWaTfc aVfeHewawa "BweMal PIVaB ompVH Bawhw eTVVVMVMrBBVa'Ti fMRaVarlB mmmmmmmimmt t !&- (&.- '.? M- :.i 4