THE COURIER 17 m M 1 kffe6hute. fype6h4h7tcn -jg $ asr- I . A' .?. -- &: ?r $4. sXs. i4 OFF NEW JACKETS 1-3 OFF NEW WAISTS IToi? rC&xx Dars Beginning aMitir-sdajr, Nov. IO. SEVERAL LINES are somewhat broken as a result of 'the remarkable brisk selling- that has been going- on tvttut Trsir-Bno here and as briken lines or odd lots are not permitted to remain in our store we have placed NEW JACKETS them in one lot and for ten days, beginning- Thursday, November 10th, offer them at the uniform discount of ONE-FOURTH OPP. These are all new, this season's goods, choice styles and most popu lar coloring-s. The lot includes both ladies' and misses' jackets. ctt JkE We purchased an immense lot of sample silk waists at a big- discount. They come in black and STLK WAISTS assorted colors (eveming- shades), no two alike. As these are samples it is unnecessary to say that they are of the very newest styles and finest finish. The richest and prettiest showing- of the season; prices range from $3.00 to $12.00. On sale Thursday, November 10th, and ten days following- at a discount of 1-3 OFF. J". .--X-.-- MHft. ft m m i&mp'-'Ai'Km ABBVBBBB taaBBBBBi DMC CI IDC An Unmatchable Offering of Cnmatoh- T I IN H lU n-- able Garments. "'There'were 200 Fur Collarettes and fancy muffs left from the three days fur sale of last week. These we offer during- the ten days sale for less money than good furs ever brought before. For instance, $5 monkey fur muffs at $3.75; marten muffs at $3.75; $3.75 electric seal muffs at $2.50, etc. Fine fur collartttes at the same reductions. Je44l4h7tl On Friday evening Mrs. Newman gave a reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. The house was beauti fully arranged for the occasion. In the back.parlor, the tops of the book cases were banked with huge white and yel low chryEan them urns. The dining room was done in pink and white, the light being softened with dainty pink shades. Her coffee was served by Mrs. George Fawell, and Miss Cora Hardy served salad and ices. These ladies were as sisted by Misses Alice Cowdry, Oakley, Burr and Mrs. Fred Howe. Lemonade was aerved in the up stairs room which was decorated in red and relics from the Indian encampment. The room, was attended by Misses Grace and Jean Thurston of Omaha, Elsie Fawell and Kitty Cowdry. Mrs. Newman was as sisted in the parlor by Mrs. L. C. Rich ards, Mrs. Sen Dorr and Mrs. A. R. Talbot. 'Mrs. Thomas wore a handsome Parisian gown of white Tulle embroider ed in pink carnations over pink taffeta. Mrs. Newman wore a black lace net over yellow taffeta. The out of town guests were: Sen. J. M. Thurston, Miss Grace and Jean Thurston, Mrs. Luther Poland, Capt. and Mrsv Mercer, U.S. A., Mrs. Judge Dundy, Mr. and Mrs. Sctpio Dundy, Mka May Dundy, Mrs. Heth. Stockton Heth, Mr. and Mrs. Lawton of Omaha; Judge and Mrs. Norval, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Langworthy of Seward; Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, N. L. Marshal, Mrs. Geo. H.Thummelof Grand Island; Prof, and Mrs. W. H. Clemmons of Fremont; Mrs. C. M. "Woodward, David City; Mrs.E M. Cobb, Mrs. Smith. Ed. Union Worker, Mr. and Mrs. Spurlock, York; Judge J. M. Spurlock of Platts mouth; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Newman, John Newman, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. John Newman of Bayonne, New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. C A.Atkinson, Rock Island; Mrs. J. I. Creighton, President General American White Cross Movement of Washington, D. C. Mrs. A. W. Field and Mrs. F. E. Lahr gavo an elaborate reception at the home of Mrs. Lahr on Thursday afternoon. The guests were received in the front parlor which was decorated with white chrysanthemums and palms. These ladies were assisted in the parlor by Meedames Ricketts, I. W. Lansing and flallett. The dining room was decorat ed with red candles, shades and chrys anthemums. Mrs. Frank Hall and Mrs. McMurtry served coffee, chocolate and small cakes. The ladies assisting in this room were Mrs. Carola Welch, Miss es Hallett, Nelia Cochran and Grace Reynolds. In the library all the decora tions were pink and white. There pink sherbert was served by Mrs I. H. Mor rill assisted by Misses Heaton, Risser and Lindley. An orchestra screened by a large bank of palms, played in the hall during the receiving houre. This evening Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will give a dancing party in honor of the Misses Thurston of Omaha. Lemonade will be served all during the evening. Later ices, ice cream, cake and candies will be served. The invited guests are Clair Funke, JeeBie Marfarland, Jessie Outcalt, Marie Weisner, Lulu Hunt, Maggie Honeywell, Daisy Hargreaves, Pauline Meyer, Grace Thurston. Jean Thurston, Ethel Rechtor, Elsie Fawell, Ruth Macfarland, Ruth Raymond, and Anna Hammond; Messrs. Fawell, Burnham, Laws, Stein, Rehleander, Rathburn, Hill, Funke, Raymond, Laws, Marquette, Muir, Thompson, Kimball, Fuller, Deweese. The members of the Phi Kappa Pet gave a delightful informal dancing party at their chapter house last evening for their lady friends. The music was furnished by Mr. Ed Walt and Mr. Carl Wehn. Punch was served through out the evening. Theparty was chaperon ed by Mrs. Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd and Mr. and Mrs. Turnham. The invited guests were Misses Blanche Har greaves. Vancil, Hammond, Weeks, Funke, Farwell, Hays, Haecker, Polk, Jay nes, Goldsmith, Wiggenhorn, Woods, Winger, Jackson. Gartin, Macumber, Maud Macumber, Raymond, Cunning ham, Francis Gere, Ellen Gere, Ellen Douglas, Bridge, Deweese. Mrd.A.G.BillmeyerandMrs. H. B. Patrick entertained most delightfully Thursday afternoon with six banded euchre, at the home of the latter. The house was very artistically decorated. The front parlor was all in yellow and groen. The library was decorated in red. The red shades and meteor roses being used. The dining room was in white and green. Here dainty refresh ments were served during the afternoon by Mrs. Hayes Thompson and Mrs. Alva Kennard. The prizes were won by Miss Alice Cowdry and Mrs. Mark Woods. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Billmeyer and Mr. ard Mrs. H. B. Pat rick entertained at the home of the lat ter. Six handed euchre was played. The house was profusely decorated