The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 12, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Profeaaional Directory.
Dr. O. C. Reynolds j
Office Hour
OAce rooms 18-19 110 toll a. a
Barr Block V Sto&p.m
Raa.2M8Q(St 1 Bon. 3 to'
o stjIW. L. Dayton, M. D. 1. ostr-t iioto i
iDkeuM of Eye, Kai.-- and Throat) Km. 1C Street )2J0 toSpm
(Dr. S. E. Cook
f Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat
113 O St.
Dr. Benj. F. Bailey , . j
ETeaiags, by appointment.
Ofice, Zebrao Block IStolOa in
V12 to 12:30
KaaidaBce.l313C atreat 1 2 to 4 n m
Soadar'a 12 to 1 p. m. aad fay appointment.
MI I Dr. J.S, Eaton,
BaMeaee. 962 f Borgery and Nerroua Dleaet ,
Office, 137 So. Ilth St.
12-to 4p.a
12 a.m.
(Uoun 10 to
IDr. J. B. Trickey,
f Refractionist only
1 19 to 12 a. a
V Off ice. I08B Oatreet VI to 4 p.m.
m ae. j-Louis N. .Wente,D.D.S.J i. BnJSSeli Bloacfm I
) l aolltb itreet. I
, J Dr. F. D. Sherwin
OnVe.roomlfl BarrBlkl9 to 12 1
2nd Boor
Eaa.at20Qat t 1 to i
Charles O. kittle. Lincoln Infirmery of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
Once our customer always our customer.
If you are not satisfied with your fuel try the Clark Coal
Company and you will be pleased.' Tel. 105. 1009 O St.
mm .aaBRaMBfLX
as well as to see well, you will find in
oar superb stock of eyeglasses, specta
cles aad loignertes After we test vow
eyesight aad fit it with properly ad- j
jystsa aad perfect tfttiog glasses, yon
will sever kaow yoa sight is defective
waca tie noveky of wearing them has
gone. WegiveyoHaew eyesight here
at a reasonable cost, ino caargc tor ex
1143 O Street,
Funke Opera House Bloc
: ' - f9KM
gocial 'and Personal ;
fMt i ?if
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Crandall and
Mrs. A. G. Davis were at borne on Wed
nesday evening at the ho r e of the lat
ter, to meet Mrs. A. E. Becker of Oma
ha and Mrs. T. M. Gillespie of Texas.
Progressive cards were played. The
house was very profusely decorated
with roses. A supper was served at the
close of the games. The royal prizes
were won by Mr. Harry Ball and Mrs.
O. M. Thompson. The guests were
Messrs and Mesdames Boss Curtice, F.
Hallett, Howard Rathburn.' Abbott,
J, B. Wright, R.M. lurner. Tilton, F.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. W. L.
Crandall and Mrs. A. G. Davis gave a
most enjoyable Kensington in honor of
Mrs. A. E. Becker of Omaha and T. M.
Gillespie of Texas at tne home of Mrs.
Crandall. The house was decorated
with chrysanthemums. At the-close a
dainty luncheon was served. The In
vited euests were Muses Hardy, How
land, Ingels, Hawes, Blair, Elias, Hal
lett and Davis; Mesdames Shockey, A.
M. Davis, Wharton, Hill, Welch. Gilles
pie, Becker, Spier, R:ordan, Stout, Dor
ris, Blair, Dr. Hill, Benedict. Ransom.
W. Hill, Jones, H. J. Hall, W. C. Davis, Robinson, Kennard, Risser, Lahr, Lat
Kgflad j ujur waslhi dr
amd sMnt waists to ms0
A. E. Kennard, Billmeyer, Dorr, Kir
by, Thomas, Patrick, Langwortby, W.
E. Langwortby, P. A. Brown, J. G.
Cbapin, Speier, Mis. T. Davies of Utica,
Mesdams A. E. Becker, Holden, C. -K.
Pitcher, O. M. Thompson, M. Riordan,
Robinson; Misses Nellie Gaylord, Ada
Curtice, Hallettr Mae Burr; Messrs T.
P. Kennard, Ralph Haggard and Fred
Miss Jessie Macfarland of Lincoln.
Miss Ellen Douglas of St. Joseph and
Miss Ella Wirt of Council Bluffs were
initiated into the Kappa Alpha Theta
fraternity on Saturday evening. The
ceremony was held at the home of Miss
shaw, Richardson, Leese, Scott, Powell,
Smith, Eddy, Taylor, Draper, Haynie.
Cards are. out announcing the wed
ding of Mr. Charles Sumner Lobengier
of Omaha to Miss Ella Ballon Periine,
which was solemnized on November the
third at St. Joseph, Missouri. Mr.
Lobengier is a very scholarly young
lawyer in Omaha. He has many friends
in Lincoln whom he acquired during
his course at the university who wish
him and his bride a long life and a hap
py one. They will be at home in Oma
ha after December first
The active and alumni chapters of -
Emily Weeks and it was one to be long Pf10" were entertained by Miss
.u.u.guuwu uu omuruay afternoon
in honor of Miss Kuox of Pittsbnnr.
remomuerea lor lis Deauiy ana impres
siveness. After the ceremony' they all
repaired to the home of Mrs. Will Hardy
where an elaborate banquet awaited
them. The table was beautifully eta.
Miss Garten's guests were Mrs. Frank
Woods, MiEses Tukey, Cole, Jaynes,
Fuller, Welch, Macumber, Jackson.
corated with the fraternity colors, black Webter 'k' Rentiaj, Mullon. Davis.
and gold, and flowers which were sent
by the numerous fraternities. The ac
tive members of the fraternity are Misses
Edith Swartz. Grace McMillan, Jessisa
Morgan. Nell Randall, Emily Weeks.
Cochran, Johnson, Bridge, Macumber,
uoecKer, Miner, McMemmeny and Helen
Mrs. D. A.
Campbell entertained
a few friends at
El'a Harper, Francis Cunningham, Jes- o clock luncheon. The table was very
sieand Jane Macfarland, Selina Wig- beaut"uI,y flhd porfusely decorated with
genhorn. Leola Vancil, Lida Miller, white chrysanthemums and ferns. Those
Ruth Wilson, Charlotte Clark. Ella nvea were Jieeaames McClure of Mr
jiyatt & Hyatt
135 South Twelxtb Street.
Successor to Suttos A Hoixowbush.
We are bow prepared to furnish the public with all the leading high
grade confections. Ices and tea creams in all styles and quantity. Re
ception and parties orders a speciality.
-t-ieasanr, lowa, Sherwood of Connecti
cut, Robinson of Chicago; Wright, A.
S. Raymond, Yates, Burnham, Lambert!
son, W. F. Kelley, McLean and E. P.
Mrs. Horton entertained on Wednes
day evening at a seven o'clock dinner.
a m .. -
colors. The banquet table was BDread A"er a,nner the guests played proem
in the large front room where an Bive euch"e. Mr. and Mrs. Baker won
elaborate course luncheon was nerved the "J1 prizes and Miss Alice Cowdry
C. E. Matson acted as toastmaster, and and Mr tt H- Wilson the consolation,
called upon the following men for Mre Hortn'B guests were Messrs and
toasts: Captain Bill Melford, "The M"dames H. H. Wilson, W. B. Har-
Victories of '98"; "Satan" Erwin, "My reaes, uozrotn, Baker, Mrs. Ewine:
Wirt and Ellen Douglas.
The Kappa Sigma fraternity enter
tained the foot-bill boys and a few of
their friends at a banquet on Tuesday
evening. The rooms were decorated
especially for the occasion with foot
balls, university and the fraternity
is very inviting when the grate is blaz
witb our
It burns freely. Is free from slate and
dirt Makes a bright, glowing and eco
nomical fire and does no burn out im
mediately. WE SELL ALL KINDS.
Buy what you want and buy it now.
Cehtekville Block Coal Co.
Yard Phone, 382. 119 So. Twelfth St.
Office Phone, 397. Lincoln, Neb.
.' a nrasawsBssBaar V "!
:rruasmssswsBsWsBaui uZ
f f If jSjEapaaj yassmaaBsM
"iffl bTbTbTbTH bTbTb EaTr21 a? SflBTsTBTsTaTiTa""
Last Touch Down"; Kingsbury, "My
Last Touch Down"; Elliott, "The Man
Who Gives the Signal"; Lieut Carl
Shuff, "Kappa Sigma in the Army";
John Cochran, "Athletics"; Reeder.
Miss Cowdry.
Mr. Millar and Mr.
The following is clipped from an east
ern paper: Mrs. Charles Sprague Lip.
pincott, a pupil of Mme. Lena 1W,,
Devine, enjoys an enviable renntat;nn s
Mr. John Macdonald will be very B08011. Cincinnati and Lincoln, Neb.
much missed when he goes east to take Sbe recentIy sang at the Ladies' Musi
up his bank examiner's work. Perhaps cal club of Bayonne, and received praise
no man in the city has more devoted forthe beauty of her voice and her art
and appreciative friends than this same ia UB'DK & Mrs. Lippincott will eicg in
John Macdonald, who has mado them ortrio this winter,
by a never failing courtesy and good The many friends of Mrs. Charles 8
will. His business capacity is Lippincott will be clad to l. .- v
also just as well recognized, but his singing has met with omVir o :.-
.n:.i;t. ....4 ...Il... J, n . S XT- .r . V FF'OVWUOD
gouiauv suiu geuiHcuooa iias uiouo tvlAv
warm friends referred to. The Union
Commercial club and the inner whiBt
circle of which be and Mr. Willard
Hammond, who accompanies him, were
such brilliant members, will be sadly
mutilated by their withdrawal.
. c iorB. one has several fine
concert engagements for next month.
She will be the soloist for the New York
Professional club. She is devoting most
of her time to music and the reports
hot Kink T.: . r
. .v 'utuiu 01 ner success
very pieasing.