THE COURIER .. V BsllV on Tuesday afternoon of this with palmt and chrysanthemum!, and week and completed arrangements for the dining room with carnations. Mus- the banquet held last evening. Mrs. ical cumbers enlivened the evoning and d V Taylor, Mrs. Summers and Miss Harris refreshments were served. Tberecep- W 0i,-Al I O I X" 0""ll War offered a few suggestions touching tha tion was commemorative of the organi- j 0011031101131 03l OT wllKS & City Improvement association and after- zation of the club one year ago, and the "" r "" wards the club joined in the general retrospect is most gratifying. .L This is the first offer we have made in our silk dc- j d.scuss.on The next meeting will be JI paitment amd having two exceptional jood values If SLSSt black brocades we intend closing them out at a f yotSuggest ffl Deanition: "By suggestion is meant amj Engli3h balIadB for the Voiee. ) U"L ' UI,IIUm". tl""i mUlimilV, I1UI. L ?W great class of phenomena character. Twenty minutes was spent on 1 he his- v A IT A I II t ed by the abrupt entrance from without tory lesson after which the program as M II it II IR If into consciousness of an idea which follows was given: V tends to produco motor effectB and bripg "paner "The Fugue'' f Illustrated) M We wi" p,ace on BDcia' eaI our Black Brocaded Silk, 20 inches about the acts which ordinarily follow Miss Cobb M wide'for '.P0 y.arf- ThlB ' our reKu!ar 50c lua'y nd has A- upon its presence. -Prof. J. M. Bald- Minuet-Arranged for two pianos, 3a We will also place on special sale our 24 inch Black Brocaded VL win four hands Bocherini J Silk (regular price 65c). Saturday's price 59c per vard. These two I. Suggestion in the normal waking Missaa RobArta Pinrcn d. numbers are very good values and it will pay you to purchase these life. v jd j Vw goods at the above pricer. Mj ... , . . ... , ... Kisser and Rader. mw jfow the election is over you should turn your mine's to that Br a. -In the developing child lire. Banad Toati 1N new winter dress your husband has been promising you. You will 0f 1. Suggestions due to mere sensations jrB juja jjell. g iind it here complete, aa we carry a fine line of dress goods. We arc C (physiological). Minuet Ravina m a new flrm in LDCO,D' building up our business, but neverthelees Mm 2. Suggestions due to simple ideas Bessie Gilbert' M W haT-B d8?Ui5idr3ri. gdB fr I T7 y?ar"aDd Rurally wo know Jf , ,. . . , Bessie iUDerr. -J a fine line of goods when we see them. We have taken special care more or less dimly perceived senson- a. Is It For Me? Barnby . in selecting our stock and we are prepared to stand by any Ptate- F motor.") b. Kathleen Behrend . ment we make regarding the style and quality or our goods. 3. Suggestions due to ideas clearly MrB Ida WoodB. W J REMEMBER OUR SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. j perceived and associated with remem- Minuet for violin Demuth 31 Iff fj I . O ? It bered and imagined ideas tldeo-motor.) Grace Taylor. VV 11. LtSLCCV OL H)I1, b. In adult life. At Sundown Welhings ti M 1. So called unconscious suggestions. M Parks. W 1217 O St., Ilncoln, Nebr, 2. Sub-conscious suggestions. Gavotle Two pianos, four hands . . "V fmf 3. Clearly conscious suggestions. pirani f fj fj f I f f Vf ff T" II. Suggestion in sleep and drams. Misses Carscadden and Allen. r r T" T h V" T h T , a. Sepe-impressions of the moment a. Nobody At All Roeckel The following circular was iMstributed b. Ideas which have been recent, fre- b. wt a jjttle Bird Saw " at the Greeley convention: l! quent or vivid in consciousness. Miss Warner. The Woman's club of Denver, beJiev- l I M c. Ideas mechanically linked with A Gavotte and Musette Two pianos .Raff ing that many clubs, at intervals, desire or B. Miss Cobb, Mrs. McConaughy. or need Borne inspiration which can only A HI Suggestions in abnormal life Mr D. E. Sedgwick, president of the SlSSSSSii FOC I" W Gdf a. Instances of the remarkable inHu- Amateur Musical club, is in Chicago at bureau of reciprocity, whereby all clubs ence of suggestions in hypnosis, disease, present, attending grand opera. in the state, whether federated or not, amJaj1aw m seances, popular movements, etc may avail themselves of the privilege of flf fvj)K? : A a L 1 X b. HM. .or.hi.i.cI.- 0o s.,, rilenIoon. WMtati ffiSi,XmV.hS?b.h.'Jl!rcon ( ml&tW&lfl Buence. the ladies of the North Bend Woman's information, original thought or merit "m 1. Theories of physical force (magne- c)ub aggembled in tho city hall to listen in other respects. All clubs are invited Wsfl fHC fj1 'w tism. telepathy, etc.) to a program in honorof j.G. Holland. 2SBMito?&31S fe l08'fOMf J 2. Theory of two selves. (Hudson, r,,, call wa8 anBWered by quotations SSTpSSStaSlSl fidea S ciprci!y lg H &&' Sidis, Myers, etc) from his writings. The "Character A committee from each department S- 3. Theories which refer all the phe- sketch" given by Mrs. E. R. Smith will select and keep on file such papers flST ! 1 C nomenaot suggestion to variations in 8howedmuch interest and familiarity J" JT tm LJCaVIO attention, and seek at the same time to with hi8 booke. HIa literary 8tyle. wa8 Xughe: 1213 O 8treet. find the physiological differences which eloquently portrayed by Mies Owens. Home, education, art, literature, science, correspond to all degrees of either nor- The Dook review "Arthur Bonnie Cas- philosophy, philanthropy, music, reform, ZrZrZrZT77ZrZZZ' mat or abnormal suggestion. tle. waa very fine. Magazine reviews by h'p .lwS annu, 1? - Baldwin: Mental Development, chap- rom vari0U8 magazines were finely postage both ways, and return of the J - . terVI. rendered. Regular business of the club Bame in two weeks. The committee will L VTUgglSl ana Wundt: Human and Animal Psychol- waa bad. a'8? pieasea 10 answer any inquiries j BookseUe- 19R W wnouBu. which may be helpful to club women. J v-ivaoiio . I. ilol- Prinpinlna and Pavcholopv The home department of the Woman's , Tmtixgcm y 255 rVcnoKy. The following items are taken from club has fitted up what was the Delgany 7 Fine Stationery vol. II. pp. 598-601. ,- , the Denver News the very able club de- kindergarten room for a free library V a t Moll: Hypnotism, pp. 241-249:278- tment or wbich is - b Miss f?r thadi8tfic andk a' th.e meeting of J a 23 f!. T r -u i the club yesterday the chairman of that k Calling Cards RH!.. ThPsvcholoPVofSuraestion Mmn,eJ- Reyn0,d8 'hoee rePrtf aro department, Mrs. Coleman, gave a short V f on c Fi n.c-i t Sidis: The Psychology of buggestion, cbaracteri2ed by BUccinctness and the report of the success. The room was $ 127 S. Eleventh Street. Jf esp. chaps. 1, 11, 111, ana aavii. leaving out of the unimportant a very given rent free and heated and the elec- k PHONE sr 7 Ochorowrcz: Mental Suggestion. rare girt indeed- trie lights were put in free and no charge y - , Binetand Fere: Animal Magnetism, JJ DeQver Woman,e dub g t(J haye ifZJ hale chap-VHL an official, organ The , organ will be oS andPa number o7 maS Hart: Hypnotism, Mesmerism, and published m the form of a very pretty Both librarians were very kind. Mr. Par- : ;n tm,F?n. .. . the New Witchcraft, esp. 33-57. little magazine, with an artist.c cover 8Dn8 promising Italian books for those ,8,H TUS B'eeP'n? car, personally ff,n&dillwUn li " n'i!re u08 who cou,d not read English. Those ducted, via of the Burlington route. Mrs. Edholm. who has spent the week ffi&S,SSSilI To Mrf Ch'arUon ufeSSFS UmeYoflThT' f " '"' in the city lecturing on the subject of ly the Club Review. The editors at d Tuehtnatc ub SSS iffiS S. T "J """' social purity, is a fluent speaker and a proprietors are Mn. Mary E Burdick eend some. I' ourcar " ot so expensively Bociai puny, t- and Mrs. Laura P. Coleman, both mem- finished nor so fine to look at aa a devoted woman. Her exhortations have rf th lnb Mr8 Coleman is a The Woman's guild of University DaIace sleener hut tt ; w , been so successful that several hundred long-time resident of Colorado, and one Park raised 1500 last year, almost en ?aiace sleeper but it is just as clean, dollars have been raised for the rescue of the earliest members of the club, tirely by membership. This was divided Just as comfortable, just as good to ride ,ir hm Th mnnnv waa Mrs. Burdick is a comparativley new- among sixteen worthy pupils who need n, and nearly 820 cheaper, mission work,re- " mTy.Wa8 comer. The managing editor will be assistance in their college course. This The Burlington excursions leave Lin very much needed. Mrs. Edholm is in MrBL.M. Stansbury. It is proposed money is made, not as a gift, but as a , at 6.10B m 11 IJ , earnest and gives her life work with the to get out the first number about the loan, on long time and without interest, .. 0-lu p m everv Thursday, conviction ihat help is needed and she middle of November. The publication but still a loan. Thus the pupil receives "c&ing ban Francisco Sunday and fl tothe mission. read at clubs and literary features will g,DB ,s the ev,dent purpose of the B 4 M depot or City ticket office, corner n form the contents. The projectors of Denver women to be in touch with all 10th and O streets. The first social function of the year the enterprise are positive that the time forms of life. G W Bomnell given by the Syracuse Woman's club has arrived fora successful club publics- leonhardT's O P r' JLmtinn on Fridav evonine No- " n Colorado. They are undismayed D' jhadt UP.A:T.A. was a reception on tnday evoning.wo- fate rf variou8 iournajB of a fcllTt nilwl. " ember 4th, at Turlington, the country 8imilar0r allied character which have Ml 1 1 r llili HKA.IT ISFAT residence of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Har- fallen by the wayside in Denver, and ,- Ma M3t.M3, rer About fifty of the club women, declare that if the Club Woman ran .."f."11 , And nvou ailments are ascuraHe a y. i. j j.:ona ... live, grow and prosper, the Club Re- Constipation, hilhousness and nervous- other diseases. I treat notfeuur! their husbands and friends were present. gta,. The management has nese. Action not followed by costive- , J i treat notntng eke. The grounds were gayly decorated with pigged half the net proceeds of the nese, Doubt it? Try it Sample free. J . lVeonliarclt, M.D. Chinese lanterns, the reception room magazine to the Woman's club, to be Druggists. 25c. or address ANTI-PILL Office 1427 O Sr.f Liscolx Nebk. and parlors of the spacious residence added to the fund for the club house. CO., Lincoln, Nebr.