The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 12, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    the com-..
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Wonderful are the hats exhibited next week
for the first time. There is that artistic
grace in each that connoisseurs concede to all
that emanates from J. L. Brandeis & Son's
Pattern Rooms. All new. fascinating crea
tions, that will greatly please you with t ieir
elegance and chic style. Our head trimmer
with her assistants, who have spent the past
month in New York, among the leading Fifth Avenue millinery parlors, h ave ju s
returned and we will display a hundred Pattern Hats from New
York and Paris and put them
ON SAbg AT $25.00
n 11 w urns
trimmed in the very
latest st3Tle
$3-98, $5, $7.50
and $9.98
Jk z EL
the Roosevelt Hat and Military Hat, all trimmed with ribbons, ready to wear, at
75 and 98c each
All our suits are made of the beet quality covert
cloth, kerseys, cheviot and broadcloth, in tight fit
ting, reefer and novelty effects, also flounced skirts,
in black, tans, browns, grays, bluet., all thoroughly
finished and tailored, in four great groups, at
$0.08, $12.60, 016, 10
500 wool brilliantine
Bkirts in plain, figured
and striped, woith from
83 to 85; on sale at 81.93
Silk ruffled taffeta skirts,
ruffled all the way up.
exceptional quality of
pure silk taffeta; on sale
at 810.00.
Fine all wool boucle
capes, 24 inches long,
lined throughout with
black silk, either plain or
thibet fur trimmed;
86.50 boucle capes at
83.98. Black kersey and
beaver cloth capes, trim
med and braided, at $1.50
200 Astrachan fur collarettes, silk lined, on spe
cial sale at 82.93 and 85.00. 20 fur Collarettes in a
combination of blue fox and imitation chinchilla
and electric seal, worth 815.00; on s&Je at 87 50.
If U f
The very latest novelties in, ladies' Jackets, broadcloth, kersey and boucle, value from 812J30
.to 820.00. Your choice Saturday at 59.98. Misses and children's jackets, imported French
boucle, mixed novelties, silk lined throughout, on special sale at 83.98 and WD8.
When you visit Omaha make
our store your meeting place,
your wash up place, your lunch
room, make it jour home for the
time being and feel at home. We
have everything readv for you at
no expense to yourself.
lOtti o.:r&cl Douela
We will take care of your pack
ages and check them for yoo free
of charge. Ask any of our floor
walkers to show you our recep
tion room and balcony waiting
room. When in Omaha do not
fail to give us a call.
Do not say again that Chicago ii nut
intellectual when bercitizons will pay a
dollar for seats or standing room to
listen to a lecture and then go away
contented with their money's worth.
Zangwill started his lecture course in
the United States by treating the drama
and eschewing reporters while everyone
longed to know what he thought ot his
own race and its destination. His si
lence seems to have been for the pur
pose of giving him a better chance to
observe the American Jew in compari
son with bis fellow countrymen in the
old World. At least there was no doubt
left in the minds of anyono who listened
to "The Ghetto' as to what Zangwill
thought of the descendants of Abraham.
He reminded me of the mother of Ben
Uur as she caused the nations to pass
before the mind's eye of her discouraged
boy and pointed out to him the manner
in which the Jews had led the world in
every art except the making of graven
images. After the fall of Jerusalem
and during the chaotic middle ages
Zangwill showed how persecution ani
the Ghetto had held the race together
with iron bands. Then he struck the
key-note of his lecture with the ques
tion, "Will the Jew survive the Ghetto?"
"On the continent prejudice to a great
extent still rivets them together, but
will free America and liberalism file the
chains? If co it will lead the Jewish
church toward absorption and extinc
tion." There is a warning in this for
the Jew who leaves his church not to be
come a Christian but a Unitarian or even
abandons this "half-way house" and joitiB
the ethical Eociety which boasts of hav
ing no fetich. "There is behind the
church the poetry, the history, the
tragedy of the past. Jews must and
should preserve their traditions. ' This
is the thoughtful side of Zangwill's lec
ture but more noticeable is the humor
that pervades the whole. In this he re
minded me more of Bob Burdett than
any speaker I could think of. ilia jo 'its
on the Schnorrer, the Jewish beggar,
were applauded enthusiastically. One
fellow of this class came to a rich friend
to ask for money to take timtoa sea
side resort as his health was broken
down. "But," said the wealthy friend.
"You have chosen the most expensive
resort in the country." "Sir." said the
Schnorrer, "Shall I think of money
when my health is concerned." It is
this power to laugh which has helped to
keep up the spirit of the race during
long years of persecution.
When Zangwill" arrived at Chicago
his first visit was to the poor JowiBh
quarter of the city and later h found
t'me for the high buildings and stock
exchange. It was in this last place that
I first caught a glimpse of the writer of
"The Master" wandering about, and at
once guessed him to be a literary man
from England. Ilia clothes hung loosely
on bis tall figure. His hair was rather
long and curled. A cape thrown back
over his shoulder gave him the air or an
artist from Italy. He is not handsome
but as he remarked, "If a Jew is beauti
ful he is considered the fool of the
family, which is consolation for some of
us." He will not express himself much
but it is known that he will write a book
treating of our idioeynciasies eo those
who are curious to know what he thinks
of us may be gratified.
The young author met the literary
people of the city at a dinner and enjoyed
an evening with the society people, at
the Century club, so he will leave for St.
Louis with a pretty good knowledga of
Chicago from the poorest streets on the
West Side to the loveliest homes that
riches can procure.
Zangwill calls himself a cynic, but in
truthheis an agitator and reactionist
for his own race. He uses his talent
and influence to hold the Jews together
and gie them a proper appreciation of
themselves. This he will probably ac
pomplish more than any rabbi for hia
own generation, but as he remarked
himself, "The fate of the Jew is one ot
the ridalea of the sphinx.
J. Rcsszix.