-CXTi r,r 'i ' yTS:'" '- -jp 12 THE COURIER fM ARNOLD BOEKLIN. Araold Boeklin m to German art what Wagner is to German ramie and strange to say both owe to the artistic, crazy Ludwig of Bavaria the means of accom plishing their ideals. As a youth in the Academy, Boeklin was aoted for hie wonderful memory. When the students were given a bit of landscape to sketch be would lean com fortably against a treo apparently en grossed with the panoramc before him bat not doing a stroke of work. Later in the day when he returned to his room his brashes flew over the canvas anr. he soon shoved bis fellow students how deeply thescene was impressed upon his aaiad. Each tree seemed to be repro duced with i correctness of line that could scarely -be credited by his fellow workers when they saw it the following day. This did well enough for the limbs of trees bat when it came to the human body hard study from life was necessrry to reach perfection and Boeklin'a draw ing is far from faultless. Some say he lacked the money for study in his youth. Others that the jealousy of his wife would allow no model in his studic. Be that as it aaay I soon forget everything but the poetry of the conception when looking at his work. His work may be divided into three subjects mythical, allegorical and re . ligioue. The first named are his great eat. They contain a sympathy with na ture which is seldom found except ia Greek statues. Hawthorne felt its sub tlety standing before Praxiteles' faun and called it "neither man nor animal, and yet no monster, but a being in whom both races meet on friendly ground. The idea grows coarse as we handle it, and hardens in our grasp. But, if the spectator broods long over the statue, he Will be conscious of its spell; all the pleasantness of Sylvan life will seem to be mingled and kneaded into one sub stance, along with the kindred qualities in the human soul." "The Play of the Waves." a picture which hangs in the new Pinakothek of Munich, is abhorred by some people be cause of the hideous figures which sport through the cold blue water but yet there is a charm about it like one of An dersen's fairy stories and everyone feels it in time. Boeklin was born at Bazii and in his religious paintings can be traced the in fluence of the early German masters whose work he studied in his youth. In these he has simplified his coloring and has depicted in a realistic manner the drawn, agonized faces around the Christ. A thing which modern artists have not attempted. The "Dance of Death," which figured in all literature and and art of Holbein's time, has also been a favorite subject of Boeklin. Of the many treatments of The Nebraska Sanitarium. T Located at College Viewf Nebr., offers the following' inducements to the tired and suffering public who are seeking Health, Rest and Comfort: -" of the Stomach and Digestive 'HE institution is situated on an ele vated site, overlooking the city of Lincoln, which lies three miles to the northwest, and with which it is connected by an electric street rail way. One of the most healthy locations be tween the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. A well-regalated institution for the treatment of all chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. Baths of every description, including the Electric-light bath. Scientifically classified dietary. Labratoryof hygiene for bacteriologi cal and microscopical investigation. Stomach fluids analyzed for dyspep tics. ' Aseptic operating rooms and surgical wards. Foar physicians, well-trained, with large experience in sanitarium medical work. Trained nurses of both sexes. Skillful attention given to the treat ment of Di 8ysteaB. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and Lunrs. Diseases peculiar to women. Best of advantages for the treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur able and offensive patients not received. This institution also has recently op ened a city branch office and treatment rooms in the Halter block, southeast corner 13th and P streets, Lincoln. A fine new electric light bath cabinet in city office rooms. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA iV2ITARIlXIr, College View, Nebraska. this theme his portrait of himself is more in demand than any other. The artist is standing playing on the one string left on his violin while back of him looking over his shoulder is a skeleton. The picture seems prophetic of the life of the man. Boeklin is now para'yzed but works on for a few hours each day with the one band that can hold a brush while he says he knows death waits back of his chair. Perhaps a little gossip as to Boeklin's life romance as it is retailed at the Ber lin studios may be of' interest. While yet a young man, poor and unknown, he was wandering in Italy and stopped for the night at a small inn on the Campag na. A peasant girl who was serving the guests attracted his artistic eye. She seemed so strong, so perfect in form and such a true child of nature, but lacking altogether a soul to understand its beau ties. There is a deeply sentimental vein in all Germans and the wish came to Boeklin to train this untouched and perfect piece of nature until the soul ehould respond to the beauty without and make the being complete. The maiden of the Campagna became the wife of the artist but her heart re mained stone and the dream vanished. However, they live now in a villa in Italy and I have no doubt but that Ma dame Boeklin has learned to cook "Eartoffeln und apfeln" to the taste of everybody so the absence of soul is not especially regretted. The greatest thing about Arnold Boeklin as an artist is that he is nation al "Echt Deutsch' as the Germans would say. He has never beeD influeuc-. ed by Paris. His coloring is heavy and intense. His conceptions are practical and deeply sentimental and mingled with this is something brutal the re mains, perhaps, of his northern blood. The Germans say the French cannot understand him but that they will give them an opportunity in nineteen hun dred and I have no doubt but what the French will rise equal to the occasion. J. Russell. r MIIHMMIMIJIIHIMMIMIIMMIMIHIMMI HIMMMIMMMMMMM All he new pictures. All the new frames. Special Importation of Florentine frames just received from Italy.- ! Im'iihmm 1513 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebr. IMIIMIIIIHMMIHIIIIIIIillllHMimiHHHMMIIIIMMI BE GOOD TO YOUR HOME BUY A R'NEW LINCOLN STEEL RANGE ftHrasSSnsir"HBT Patraakw and please your dear wife and family. Warranted the most perfect cooking stove made. We use the very best cold rolled patent leveled steel, and line every Range with asbestos and steel, which makes it impos sible to set fire to your floor. They are handsome, at trative, up-to-date in pattern and design, full nickel trimmed, will burn any Kina or met will last a lifet'me. Made on honor, sold on merit. This is why we call them the "best ox earth." It your dealer does not handle them he makes a great mistake Write to us and we will provide a way for you to buy one at a reasonable price. Biff K MFG. GO. LINCOLN, NEB., MAKERS. hosse iadrcstry. Made in Nebraska. We refer you to State Offi- Baaks aad Express cosapaaies of Lincoln, aad thousands using our Special attention gives hotel and restaurant outfits. IMIllMIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHIHIIllMliHiiMIIHHHMIIMIIIIMIHHIMIIMI PIvETCHER'S Bulk Home Made BJArno Ifcre-eat: Atonioltately Pure. PITCHBR'S GROCERY 229 Socrn Nutth Street. "Phone 497. IIMMmilHMMIIIIIIIIHIMIIHIIIIIIIimMIIMIMIMmilMIIMMHI I UNIVERSITY ML OF 11 (Directly Opposite the Campus.) Is the most thoroughly equipped Conservatory in the west. It offers the most complete cousses in all branches af music. Special attention given to the training of children. Fall term began Sep tember 5. Pupils may enter at any time. Send for catalogue. WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. r R .S. A- SHEMAKEK, . Private Hospital Special attention given to all DISEASES OF WOMEN. Every Convenience for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery. Turkish, Electric and Massage Baths for ladies. The Swedish Movements, in their most recent developments, by the trained "amffr in charge. ... m Graduate Nurse in attendance. Corner Eleventh and K Streets. A i I J. H. TREXHOIVM. Hello 738. 930 P Street. Pays highest prices for good second hand furni ture and stoves and will give you in exchange any thing new for your old. I ;): i SBlSii