TH COTJRIfcfc. ( t 4- -- W MWItlllllMIMIIHIlUMMMIIIUIMIIMMI FANCY BUCKLES AND BELT SETS, CUT STEEL AND ENAMELED. In our notion department we have just placed on sale the most attractive line of belt buckles and belt sets which we have been able to secure since the demand for these goods became so great. In fancy enameled the prices are 25c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, 90c, $1.00; $1.15, $1.25 and up to $3.50. In cut steel we have choice patterns at 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25 and up to 3. MlbkER & PAINE kOWWWIIIIMMHWWWHMII'MllllUHIHIMIIIIMMMIMMIHIimiUM mmmsKKse0999)i9999mim999a9vas&sf9snKKmmsvviafS99m99m I NEBRASKA WESLYAN UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ONE OP THE LARGEST SCHOOLS OP MUSIC IN THE WEST AND THE NUMBER OP PUPILS CONSTANT INCREASING. ONE REA SON FOB THIS LARGE INCREASE IS THAT THE METHODS OP IN STRUCTION IN USE HERE ARE THOSE OF THE BEST EUROPEAN CONSERVATORIES, BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCED IN THE MOST THOROUGH AND RAPH) MANNER POSSIBLE, AND aRE NEVER ObLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SEVERAL TIMES, AS IS OFTEN THE CASE BECAUSE OF Ite-'RoPER IN STRUCTION. EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC, VOCAL, INSTRUMENTAL AND THE ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES. SEND FOR CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFORMATION TO 0REN E. LOCKE, Director, University Place. Nebr. SeoBcooeiceccg Fancy Groceries, IS to. 5 Tel. 192. 131-133 North Fourteenth Street. Lincoln I t Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialty. TO CALIFORNIA And North Pacific Coast Points take the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Elegant equipment. Pullman service. Chair can free. Through service to California points and Portland, Oregon, in Tourist Sleeping Cars. BEST LINE FOB AT.ARKA Send at once for a new f blder of tbs Klondike region. If you want to get a farm in Kansas Oklahoma or Texas, send for oor Emigration Folder. Address JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A. Chicago, III. REDUCED RATES TO GRAND EN CAMPMENT MINING DISTRICT WYO. The Union Pacific will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip, plus 15.00, from all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Utah to Rawlins, Wyo. Dates on which tickets will be Bold are 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in June, July, Aug., Sept, Oct. snd Nov. Stage line daily except Sunday each way between Rawlins and Grand Encampment. For full information call on or address E. B. Slossov, General Agent ooooocoocooocogocoooooj CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS HOTOG APHS OFBABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS sWGi7vriJfa THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. OO0O0O0OOOOO( 6b UBS. papers were read by Mrs. M. J. Santa and Mrs. Markham on history remote Continued from page 5. "d re5fnt ? Cuba- Alto nlptory 1 I Porto Rico by Mrs. Maud Sherman. Switzerland and Mexico were given by Music a solo by Mrs. Thorn. As in- Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Newell, while tereetiug report of the National House- Mlas Gaas in her ettremely interesting ho,d Economics Association, held at way presented at length a description of Omaha, the 13th and ltth, waa read by the United States government from the Mr- Treadwell. Our club sent no dele. fimt colonial institution until the pres- Rate to that meeting. This report waa enttlme. Her paper was both concise ad by special request. and exhaustive and showed perfect familiarity with the subject. 'Ih regular semi-monthly meeting of Current Topics wereably discussed by the City Improvement society waa held a number of the members, and much en 'ast weelf Q the Union Commercial club joyment was given by the excellent rom" th the president, Mrs. W. L. music furnished by the Mozart club. Taylor, in the chair. In Bpite of the threatening weather and limited attend- The Amateur Musical club of York nce. the mting proved of great inter met Monday afternoon, October 24th, in f6' Attnt,on WM called to the mis the new club rooms in Rogers hall. A taen.the1.,!pofti ot the Ia8t meetiD? Mne new Shaw piano furnished by Mr. whlch, lmph th?t,,tter bad been ob Matthewsof Lincoln was used for the agTnd oa the hlgh Bcho01 grounds, tint time. A second piano is to be pro- wher,e" atuth,ait meet,nK special corn cured before the next meeting, as this mendat,on. had "pressed concern club uses so much music for two pianos 8. ,he v'Kance of the pupils and the during tne year, both for four and eight niU"' the complaints had referred to hands. After the history outline Mon- P.8Pe altered hpasae- by in the davthe following nmor.. Mn wci-ity of the high school, but not on mostly by the student members: th"?r0ndf' Waltz-A flat Moszkowski LTn tMnD and scattering of paper on Miss Carscadden. sidewalks was discussed, and the Valse (for violin) .' Bohm "weePin out ot dirk and papers from Eva Frauw. the b,ocka ' buildings upon the streets Water Sprites Waltz....." Bohm by Qiton and others, was condemned. Gertrude Nisser. The society will meet again next Thurs- ) Op. 33, No. 1 Chopin day' Mazurkas Op. 33. No. 3 ) Op. 7, No. 3 " The Frances M. Ford club of Stroms- Miss Cobb. burg, Neb., waa organized September 19, Cradle Song Dennee 1898, with a membership of twenty and Miss Allen. five honorary members. The husbands Dancirg Stars Godard and gentlemen friends of the ladies take Bessie Gilbert. part with the club every alternate meet. Polonaise Bohm ing. The first meeting for active ork Jennie Doty. was held at the home of the president. Waltz dee Fieur Ketterer Mrs. N. S. Clark. October 3d, and was Mrs McCoaaugbey. one of great interest. October 17th the Cradle Song Lillian Tate Sheldon club mtertained their husbands and Mrs. Ida Woods. gentlemen friends at the home of Mrs. Waltz P.T.Buckley; two ladies of the club, Mabel Pierce. Miss Ruth Haskell and Mrs. N. S. Clark, Polonaise C sharp minor Chopin entertaining with her. The beautiful Martha Dayton. home was tastefully decorated with the club colors. The address of welcome Mrs. May Wright Sewall will be in was given by the president, Mrs. N. S. Lincoln Monday, October 31st, and will Clark, in her forcible and graceful man speak at the Saulsbury block. Twelfth ner. It was responded to most eloquent and M sheets, at 2 p. m. Mrs. Sewall is ly by Rev. J. H. Presson. A piano solo the president of the National Council of by Miss Haskell was a gem. An address Women which has just closed a success- by Mr. Geo. Stratton, with selections ful congress at Omaha, and she is anx- from Longfellow and James Russell ioustomeet all tbeladie3of Lincoln Lowell were well received. Then folio w wbo are interested in the aimB and work ed a vocal solo by Mrs. L. V. Haskell in of this great organization. her most pleasing style. Dainty refresn- ments were served and the whole evon- The North Bend Woman's club met in ing was passed with "a feast ot reason regular session Saturday, Oct. 15. Roll and a flow of soul." We feel we have call responded to by quotations about struck the keynote in having our hus inusic. In our year book this date is bands with us at every alternate meet down for "Musicale." Reading of min- ins. utes of last meeting. We then listened to a beautiful solo by Miss Sherman; The Cosy club of Tecumseh devotes followed by recitations finely rendered its time this year to a thorough study of by an elocutionist from Fremont, recent that timely topic, "Spain and the Span graduate from a Chicago school of elo- iards." em tracing their hietory, Iitera cution. We were then favored within- tureandart. strumental and vocal music delightfully The new year books are very artistic rondered by Miss Blewett, also of Fre- and complete in every detail and give mont. Committees were then appointed promise of a very proStable year, by the president to assist each young The first meeting dealt with the lady in getting up a class in her special geography of Spain and its earliest in ty. Mrs. Doan reported, as alternate be- habitants with a paper by Mrs. True on ing at theN.W.F. C. at Omaha the the "Ballads and Legends of Spain." past week. "I was there through the The lesson brought out a very interest. 'Household Economics,' Thursday and ing discussion, there being a diversity of Friday. The papers were all most ex- opinion as to who were the very earliest cellent and at the reception Thursday inhabitants of Spain, evening the privilege of shaking hands The next meeting will discuss the and talking with all those grand womeu Barque?, with a paper by Mrs. Harris on from nearly every state in the union ere- "Basque Folk Lore.' ated sympathy and strengthened the un- ity of the clubs federation movement. Lincoln Sorosis met on Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. J E. Miller. The ses- The North Bend Woman's club met in sion was entirely devoted to business. regular session Saturday, October 22nd. It was decided to hold the annual ban Roll call answered by current events, quet on Friday, November 11th, at the It was History day. Most excellent home of Mrs. Sawyer. Three new mem-