:. S. - 5V" ' -"V - . t m , J' 8 THE COURIER. "K.-WJ , 3 Li.. It. m s & is- Harry Safer. Mr. and Mn. C. T. Mr. Frank Thompson, MiM Gussie Orevling, Miss staff. . . oi rr:i. u. WMiiaa urevuBg. i ow ui, -.. 0 , mot p,ettiDg Urorge i-imo, r. Den runra, r. . tainioe eocial events of the Mi. CrevliDB-. Master UBaries ;xhw bob and Miaa Floaaie Nicholson. Baekstaff, Mr. Aaron Back- aaeeeaaeaeeeaaaaaataaaaeaeeaawiiiiiii iaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaa and enter- season will take place at the Oliver Wednesday evening, Not. 2d. Longfellow's Evange- Wednesday at one o'clock at the home Hoe will be produced in pantomineby of the bride'e sister. Mrs. F.M. Barnard 160 of the beat talent of Lincoln and occurred the marriage ceremony of Miss Judging from rehearsals the production Helen Liddiard McCheane and Mr. W. promiaea to be not only the eTent of this n t.ii. both of Omaha. Rev. Robert of y aeasons. Mies Mae iTWTomen Folks N. Turner officiated. Palms and chrys aatheaums added beauty to the parlors. These presant at the wedding were Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Oliver, .Mr. and Mrs. E., E. Brown, Bruce M. Barnard, Mildred Williams, Helen Oliver, and LeVater Thompson of Lincoln; Mr, and Mrs. Mount, Mkses Traeland, Sue Kane, Hamilton, Margaret Mount acd Sarah McCheaae of Omaha. The biide has visited in Lincoln several times and has woa friends by her vivacicus acd pleas aat manner. Mr. and Mrs. Aztell will reside at 418 South Fortieth street, Om aha, and will ba at home to their friends after December 101b. Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean gave a reception Thursday evening lo the sen iors of all colleges connected with the state university. Besides the two hun dred students there were invited Dean aad Mrs. Sherman, Dean aad Mrs. Bes- my. uean ana jstr. rjugreo, jc-u lu Burr will interpret the leading role aad will beaupported by a cast comprising many of the best known people about towa. Mrs. Mark Tilton entertained about fifty ladies at sir-banded euchre on Tcuesday afternoon. A delicious lunch eon wss served at the close of the games. The mrrried ladies' prize was won by Mrs. J. A. Buckstaff and the prize for ladies by Mks Louise Pound. Strictly pure maple eyrup and buck wheat flour at Han.on & Evert's, 1325 O street. Mrs. A. R. Mitchell entertained the young ladies of the Delta Gamma fra ternity on Tuesday evening in honor of her sister Mrs. Deutsch of Beatrice who is a charter member of this chapter. . hate to see Monday come. It means wash day day. We have provided a plan to 'do away with the whole disagreeable business a family wash departmeut added to onr laundry. We rough dry your wash, all ready to dampen for ironing-, and iron the flat goods, for 4 cents a pound. No bundle less than 50 cents. Called for Monday and Tuesday mornings. Delivered in two days. Cheaper and better than at home. Saves fuel, soap, scrubbing and cleaning. Also saves tem per and ill health. Send a trial order. Tel. 199. Eters bavmdrvj Go, M MIMIIMIIIIMMHIMIIMIIIMimillH ))t i JUBILEE WEEK IN CHICAGO. Living in Chicago during jubilee week is like being in a foreign city. If you find the side walk in front of the audi torium blocked you may know that the Chinese minister is expected to walk to his carrirge in full regalia. Or if you herself, she considered her face hard and uninteresting. Mrs. Palmer waa dressed ia black with a narrow clinging skirt demi train, embroidered in bril liants. The waist was 'decollete with coft, white net mysteriously arranged about the neck. Her jewels were pearls and diamonds. The Palmer box waa next the president's aod later in the evening she received guests of honor hear the clatter cf ho-ts you must rush The Woman's Bimetallic Lsague will to the wiaow ,, in all probability you meet in the parlors of the Lincoln hotel : KM th president beioe escorted by there. on Monday afternoon, October 31at. at ii,.iiiinUn.un rr in -hnnninir When the stirine airain-nr th. -a. --- d . ..... ..... " ""- . rw m n , , .-. -UD uiw Mrs.Reece. Rezent and Mrs. Morril. p. aa., Dy call ot the president, Mrs. W. th-re is an air of exnecUncy everywhere epmDiea "nner'were heard, we all a i- n.-i:nra T?-..nt anrf L. Pomerene. .. u : i. --.-. v....;-. u"w mm presraens Full line of nuts -new crop at Han son Sc Evert's, 1325 O street. The informal opening dance of the Lincoln club at the Lincoln Light In- The Iowa Wfakt club bad a pleasant fantry hall Thursday night was a big first aaeetiBg Monday night at the home success. The full membership was of Prof, aad Mra.E- H.Barbour. Light present and a very enjoyable time was Rffreatasd Mrs. Rawlinga, Regent and Mrs. Weston, Regent and Mrs. Goald, Regent and Mrs. Voa Forrell. Regent aad Mrs. Keaomer. The parlors were decorated with red and white rosea. for Mason may be in the store buying maiM ' t -, tZy' " ""J" . ., i. .;.. .-. u.il m" 'V. .-,-w.iwh uur one oi oh negugea iieo iu- iu ui w pnwiueni ass a nne nead and imposing some other celebrity may be just around presence and I think friend or foe will the minute in all bis glory. To begin, the jubilee - . . . . loin in accordino' him fh.t ...- : corner and oarst upon yon at any wjt If" S.Z " 7 ,. "".". -' "" - iBviiag ue BSBar' refreshments were served. The mem bers of this club are Prof, and Mrs. Richards, Prof . and Mrs. Fling, Dr. and Mia. E. L. Hoi joke. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Helyoke, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.LsGore, Mr. aad Mis. C. T. Munger, Judge and Mrs. E. E. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Holm, Prof, aod Mrs. Kimball, Mr aad Mrs. Don L. Love, ProT. and Mrs. Barbour. Mrs. A. R. Mitchell gave a euchre party Thursday afternoon in honor of her sister. Mrs. Ddutscb, of Beatrice. Reese, vio'.eta and chrysanthemums aaed for decorating. Palatable refresh meats were served in tvo courses. Mrs Frances Wilson proved to be the most skiwf al player present and won the royal prise, aad Mrs. W. B. Wilfcon took the consolation prize. About twenty-five ladies were present. spect. Mrs. Henry Mansfield (born Funke), of Peoria, III., and children, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rosa Funke. She will remain two or three weeks. Pioneer brand tomatoes. 3 cans for 25i. at Hanson & Evert's, 1325 O street. Mrs Bryan has received word from Colonel Bryan's physician that he is better though still very weak and unable to confer with his officere. Electric wiring, gas and electric fix- Sunday was beautiful, but the supply of tickets for the religious services at the Auditorium bad been exhausted for two weeks. However, the newspapers announced that holders of tickets who had not claimed them by 8 o'clock would find their chain occupied by the general public. This encouraged the ence 10 me wnen, dunnsr the war. I would come across McKinley's picture hanging in the shop windows beside that of poor little Alphonso. The president's party left the ball at an early hour but other celebrities re maineJ. The box opposite the presi dent's was decorated with chrysanthe mums in honor of Japan, and in this box sat some interesting people. There was me ininese minister, mhn tm WAM. unfor- fond of American ladiea' anriotv .n d tunate who had no'ticketa aad the side- jown BrSuIto , ldies'manat Wash- .. j -.L ington. Tnen the minister from Onnta walk was packed with an unmansg- aBO,t wonderful be.cokuS able crowd from six on Even people of thirty hairs, which he is not allowed with places of honor on the platform to grow until be m forty yea s old, aad were not able to see what the doors of the Auditorium looked like. The third program of the Matinee Maekale will be giren in the club rooms oa Monday. October 3lst, st 4 p. m. The business .nesting will be called at 3:45. Owiag to the small audience two weeks ago, due to the inclement weather, several of the numbers of the program of that date will be repeated on Monday. Ob Sabbath evening Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BackstiC gave an elegant luncheon for Mrs. Charks O. Robinson of Chicago. A profusion of superb American beau- which k far too precious to nnli -h. embarassed as American men do. I no ticed that later in the arnin u ik Booker Washington, th negro speaker foreign curios took to the champagne nl thai nvmninr imbmI tn h th iwtI in and Salted almonds in the mKanrmt .. were tures and lamps a specialty. Korsmeyer interest to the president He ia a favor- Thntl0 "T1 0D Afresh- Plumbing and Heating Co 215 South ite with a Chicago audience and is a man g!3fc ft? VlLSSHS K? of intelligence, combining with it that ter, whom I do not believe baa lost a gift of oratory which his race possesses. PSn( of ??1wit aI1. h campaning, but each man triad to make us proud of whirling about everywhere. being Americans if we were not already. The procession on Wednesday was A person cannot expect two days of like m.0,t the" toWnd, good, but u- it- not original. The crowds were inm. sunshine in sucseaioa in Chicago, so thiDg dreadful and ought to achS "the next day it rained." Some people authorities to tram the police in lam saw in this ominous forbodings that the cities for such occasions, as they are peace commissioners would not succeed, i1..", Londo,n- Only the proverbial but other, not blessed with a good SSSjiSSJlSrd imagination felt sorry to spoil their beet The only glimpse that Chicago had of clothes in such weather. On Tuesday Mrs- McKinley waa when ahe watched Eleventh street. Mrs. J. A. Buckstaff entertained four tables at duplicate whist Tuesday even ing. At the close of the games a very elaborate supper was served. Mrs. K.M. Turner and Mrs. C. I. Jones will give a card party Monday and on 3 Wednesdsy afternoon at the home of Mrs. Turner. Mrs. B. R. Cowdery and the Misies Cowdery entertained a company of la dies at euchre yesterday afternoon. Miss Myrtle Stevenson will entertain on Saturday evening for her sister, Mrs. Henry Drummond of Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Marshall will give a luncheon tomorrow evening for Mrs. celebrated and T?" ?lf!!?1 .frm . wiDdo'r of the Union League club aa it paned in front ties adorned tr-e table. The guests were Charles O. Robinson of Chicago. If re. Charles O. Robinson, Mrs. J M. RobiaaoB, Kr. and Mrs J. B. Wright Jadge and Mrs. Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brown, Mrs. Smith and Miss Smith of Craw fordsville, Indiana, are the guests of Mrs. C. W. Chambers. Mrs. M. Ackerman went to Omaha this week to attend the Council of Jew ish women. Mrs. M.D.Welch, Misa Welch, and The time has COme tO "lay Mi-B Rata Bryan spent several days this songs. . wrrxrrnTi-Da nrT wee ttbe "P0-01-- Mrs. Palmer, as everybody knows, in your WINTER'S .GOAL J ...... ... . M.M,.-rm... .,. k.h ' -J: and all eyes were centered uoon her. night the great ball ib eetwuiii was m unman aaair. x of th htmv nr tmA bi.i. . never realized the beauty of the Audi- ant face and was becomingly gowned in torium theatre until 1 saw it cleared of f? Tne .crowd waa delighted when seats and stage with rotbing to detract stjllyCn,Xed hernd chewec enthu- from the curve of those arches studded The banquet Wednesday evenioe wss with electric lights. The rose color of one of the finest ever given in this land the frescoes seemed to soften the effect The toasto brought forward our men of of the whole. At the farthest end of glen" diwidnnn0fll theKwnoie un- .v . mj- . .- . " " nned under the stars anil the building waa stationed an orchestra stripes. One incident of tteiffair in a long portico among the palms for seemed very uo American to me and that the dancers, which played selections waf aTins' '"dies sit in the galleries from Sousa and Strauss, whUe the S-hif Z22 "Iw ttdr..0n sand ... , . .. . 5icn " they cared for anythinz ta eat orchestra for promenaders in the foyer It svored of a Chinese theatre and de gave Schubert's serenade and dreamy tracted from the dignity af both oartw l aayaeii prepared to read the speeches next morninsr at hom- nj from afar. speeches applaud and wood. See Gregory, corner Eleventh and O. be tore bayinsr. The Round Table will meet Monday evening at the home of Mr. Albert Wat- kins. Judge and Mrs. Frank Irvine will en tertain at cards this evening. Mrs. R. N.Howell will give a Kensing ton Tuesday afternoon, November let One of her enemies, for she has them like the rest of us common mortals, re marked that anybody could look beau tiful if they were gowned in the moat gorgeous creation that a Paris dress maker's brain could conceive, and as for .Rcsseix. ITOARtr ISUASI, allocate arc as evrahis as ItreatsMtaJBcek-jT J. . lVeonxiarclt. ACD. Otfio. 1427 O Sr., Lwcoiat, Nb. And other -, '"ii ?- $& ? S4".' - ."" , .. --AM . "z a-a- .t-!.52; " J'"H ai-- r" ...-A:- '. 1 V is c -Jitr-! .i?fel