The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 29, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Profesalonal Dlreotopy.
Office Hoars
Dr. O. 0. Reynolds
OSee rooms 18-19 110 to 11 a.m
Barr Block.
.... y stoap.Bt
....) Hon. 3 to
Km. 2318 Q dt..
IW. L. DaytOn, 1C. D. i 0ee,iaoriO Street MOto 1
JDiwises of Eye, 1i.v-m and Throat) Res. 18MO Street J2J0 toSpm
I Dr. S. E. Cook
f Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat
1215 OBt.
J Bee.
Dr. Ben j. P. Bailey
Evenings, by appointment.
( OrBee.Zebranc Block IStolOaui
J J-12 to 12:30
(Residence. 1313 C street 1 2 to 4 d m
Sandajr's 12- to 1 p. m. and by appointment.
"" "UDr. J. 8, Eaton,
, Keidence 962 1 Surgery and Nervous Dieae,
Office, 137 So. Ilth St.
1 2 to 4 p. a
-(12 a.m.
I Hour 10 to
IDr. J. B. Trlokey,
( Refiactionkt only
9 to 12a. a
Office, I OX O street VI to 4 p. m.
I . .. I Oftee, rooms 28. 27 and
ce K.VLOUi8 N. Wente,D.D.8.i l.Bjownell Block, 137
J ( so 11th street.
and I
IDr. P. D. Sherwln
(Ofice.roomU BarrBlkl9 to 12a m
4 2nd floor V
Res. 2530 Qst . I to p.
Once our customer always our customer.
. If you are not satisfied with your fuel try the Clark Coal
Company and you will be pleased. Tel. 105. 1009 O St.
in tbe investigation of army abuses, i
and when your eyesight is defective
it seems to be a constant bliodrnan'a
buff, if your eyes are not fitted with
tbe proper glasses. We will test
your eyesight free, and fit it with
proper glasses for a small amount.
Don't neglect your eyesight. Come
to us and we will do you justice.
1143 O Street,
Funke Opera Ronse Block,
Lincoln, Nebr.
-ff f Tl Tinr-miiuiiiiiiHiii iiiiiiiiiiutiiT
OM'TMO mrms?mr,
)md yut w&slh dresses
amd sMmt waists t ms0
godal and Personal
A brilliant function was the recep aon
and housewarming given hy Mr. and
Mrs. John B. Wright on Monday night,
when their beautiful new home on H
street was thrown open to four hundred
were lit'le books, with cover of one
painted from nature in autumnal lines
to repressnt an oak leaf, the other a ma.
pie leaf. The books contained quotations
appropriate for the occasion. On each
friends. The gueetB were received in page in the oak book was painted a little
ttie drawing room by Mr. and Mrs.
Wright, Mrs. J. M. Robinson and Mrs
Chirks O. Robinson, both of Chicago.
Mrs. Wright was charming in a gown of
white swiss mull with diamond orna
ment). Mrs. T. M. Robinson wore a
handsome toilette of moire antique and
Ecenein water colors and the maple
Look Tas decorated in flowers. They
were done by a Chicago artist and were
lovely souvenirs of a pleasant hour. The
houEe was darkened and the artificial
lights shaded with green, the same color
prevailing in the decorations. A two
real lace and diamonds, aod Mre.Charlt" course luncheon was served, the guests
O. Robinson was gowned in white satin finding their places at the "tables by
trimmed with pearls and a necklace and matching names on cards, for instance
ornaments of pearls and coral'. Tbe Romeo mart find Juliet; Damon Pythias,
reception room was lavishly decorated etc. The ladies who were invited to
withpa'ms and American beauties. The these pretty parties were Mesdames Mc
oriental room, next to the parlor, was Creery, H. W. Broxn, Webster, Laws,
also decoiated with manv palms and Sabin, Garten, Backus, Morrison, Ke.'
here Miss Willoughby's oiches'ra played loggt Trigg. F. A. Brown, Miller, Cox, E.
sweet music during the evening. In Seacreet, Phillips, L; man, Talbo'.Lascb,
the library, which was fragrant wi h Ilodgman, C. I. Jones, Way, Leis. Mills.
pink roses, cooled by palms, pun :h was
served by Mr. C. E. Yates, Mr. J. A.
BuckBtaff. Mr. F. W. Brown, JuJge Ir
vine, Mr. W. C. Wilson and Dr. Ladd.
Griffith, G. W. Rise'ley, ITibner Davis,
Will Riseley, R. E. Meor, Rudge,
Houtz, Gillilan, Flanrberg. Kslly, Doty,
Liemiop, DeLievis, Smith. Moaning. Gear
The floral decorations in the dining hart, Cobb, Precton, Van Brunt, Candy,
room were large yellow chrysanthe- Welch, Wells, H. J. Hall, Drape-, Fin
mums, an elegant epergne in the center ney, Curtis, Crancer, M. W. Folsom, II.
of the table supporting a wealth of the T. Folsom, Stiles, Griswold, Tiltoo, Will
golden beauties. In this room coffee Hardy, E. C. Hardy, J. C. Seacreet
ices, cakeB and confections were served Sn'.veli, Waid, Blisb, Blake, L?e, Mc
by Mre. Yates, assisted by Mrs. W, C. Arthur, Clark, Barr, S:ott, Pitcher, P.
Wilson, Mrs. Buc'staff. Mrs. Tilton, V. M. Raymond, Ladd, Held, Beaton.
Jlis. Irvine, Mre. D E Thompson, Mrs. Hindman, Babcock, F. K. Hall, Winger,
Leonard, Miss Price, Miss Mae Burr MacLean, JanBen, Hill, M. E. VanBrunt,
and Miss Eliza Miller. Mre. Wright White, Plummer, Chapman. Misses
was further assisted in entertaining her Jones, Loomta, Hardy, Blish, Barr, Sny
guts's by Mrs, Beeson, Mrs. Coffroth, der, Rice, Risely and Snivdy.
Mrs. Hewitt. of Columbus, O., Mrs. C. L-
Jlyatt & Hyatt
125 South Twixith Street.
Successor to Sunos & Hollowbush.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Milton Scott
gave a large reception in honor of her
Bisters, Mre. Thacker of Dayton, Ohio,
On) AoTt. PumnrtAll m..I TslT T a
gowned in white. Mr. and Mrs. Wrights ," "7' n1' "u" w" DurDaDK
. . ... , . ... . . of Broken Bow. The davlieht was ex.
Burr, Mrs. Lew Marshall, Mrs. Burn
ham, Mrs. JanBen, Mre. D. A. Campbell
and Mrs. Oakley; all of these were
eluded and the soft radiance from pink
shaded lamp and candles mave a pretty
effect in the reception room whieh was
decorated with American beauties. Mre.
Scott wore a toilette of rich blacK Bilk,
We are bow prepared to furnish the public with all the leading high
gradexonfection. Ices and ice creams in all styles and quaotitv. Re
ception and parties orders a speciality.
can be obtained these chilly evenings or
when Mercury is dallying with Zero if
your rooms are heated with our
or .some of the many kinds of first oual
ity coal we sell. Buy now. '-Procrastination
is tbe thief of time. Lit Me by
little it steals till all is gone. WE SELL
Cextebville Block Coal Co.
Yard Phone, 382. 119 So. Twelfth St.
Office Phone, 397. Lincoln, Neb.
new norre is tne large brick residence
which faces the south side of the capitol
grounds. It has been remodeled through
out and is practically a new house. The
exterior is attractive with its broad
Vtiiir ATfaknrlinr itauvlv misir3 tkn
edifice and the interior reflects the ex- Wlth a velvet, corsage with vest of
ni.;t toA nf ;ta mr Th. h.!i ye,low- Mra- Thacker s gown was of
., , ..,
both below and above stairs, is hun in
a rich blue, the caipets matching the
walls. The parlor is dose in delicate
green ana white and its lurmtnre is in
the old colonial style. The name of the
orieotal room suggests ts furnishing, its
coloring is rich, principally red, and
there is a plentiful supply of couches
and pillows. The broad stairway ascends
from this room and from its spacious
landing may be obtained a fine view of
the room, ai oriental fret work and rich
draperies separating it only on either
side the stair case. Tbe library is an
attractive room hung and darK green
and terra cotta, with furniture of old
English oak. The large dining room
has hangings and rug of rojal blue and
silver and furniture of antique oak. A
glance at the rooms on tbe second flcor
intensities the dainty effect
Mrs. Sarah Everts and Mrs. Frjnk
DiacK taneta mousseline, trimmed with
wide lace inserting and made over white
taffeta. Tbe waist was trimmed with
tiny white satin ruffles and heavy jet
applique. Her ornaments were dia
monds. Mrs. Campbell wore a black
silk skirt and a corsage of lan silk em
broidered in blue, and Mre. Burbank's
costume was of heavy green and black
brocade. Mrs. Scott was assisted in the
parlor by Mre. H. B. Patrick and Mre.
Winger. The dining table, which whs
beautifully decorated with pick roses
and candelebra upholding pink shaded
lights, was presided over by Mrs. Paul
H. Holm and Mrs. A. R. Candy. These
ladies were assisted in serving by Misses
Polk, Hartley and Marguerite Winger
and Miss Smith of Crawfordeville, Ind.
On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Morris, of 812 North Sixteenth,
entertained a company of friends very
pleasantly for their guests, Mr. aod Mrs.
Everts entertained both in the morning Charles Thompeoo. Mr. and M Ninhot
and afternoon on Thursday in a novel son, Mies Flossie Nicholson and Master
issnion. xne entertainment was (Jnaries N cholson. all nf rhJo
in the form of conundrums written on
green paper leaves. The answers to the
conundrums were authors names. The
prises were artistic and beautiful; they
parlors were prettily decorated with
roees. Delicate refreshments were serv
ed. The invited guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs.