fjiiiiifcamMiawMMM mmmammxiLjLi.MaMmamm THE COURIElL 10 original and beet executed deaigo; sec ond piize $5.00 in cash; third prize 82.50 in cash; honorable mention for other deserving contestants. C. A com mittee of three, members of the Haydon Art Club, will name the prize winners. 7. Three desigos may be submitted by onecontrstant; deliver flat, with name and address ia sealed envelope, before 6 p. m., October 20th. to Harry S. Stuff, i57 north 12th, Lincaln, Neb. Concert by Prof. Hagenow's full band or twenty-eight pieces. Collection of three color prints will positively be the largest ever shown, as we have secured every house in this work to make a dis play. The? o are reproductions of cele brated paintings by the new process, Coloriog, sbadee, etc., identical with originals. Not a "freak"' poster show, but an exhibition showing the wonderful advance of art in the craft in the past few years. Calculated to broaden the appreciation of artistic advertising, to stimulate the demand for the better class of work, and to encourage local de signers and art students by s '.owing their possibilities and exhibiting their own work. HJSAJ'T DISEASE And nervous ailments are as curable as other dif?f- I treat nothing else- J. SS Leonh a xa.t, 2VI.I3. " Office 1427 O Sr., Lincoln, Nebb. 1 ID M&JftS BOTH MEN A2ffD WOMEN. If you are willing to work, we can give you employment with GOOD PAY, and you can work all or part time, and at home or traveling. The work is light and easy. Write at once for terms etc, to " IflE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY JUil-wcaixltee, Wlss. The Omaha Route. Trains leave Lincoln For Omaha 8 a. m. I For Omaha tl0:15 a. m. Z. For Omaha "10 p. m. O For Omaha 2:15 p. m. TRAINS For Omaha tG P-m. I Iftln J For Omaha 12:40 a, m. Leave Omaha for Lincoln 3:35 a. m. j Lincoln fil-w p. m. Lincoln "4.25 p. m. Lincoln k'3o p. ra. Lincoln 1 7 P. m. Lincoln 11 50 p. m. Daily. "JDaily except Sunday. G.W. BONNELL. 6. P. & T.A. Teddy I bet Jack will have some wonderful experiences to relate when he returns from the army. Freddy But he didn't participate in any engagements? Teddy I know, but you remember what fish stones he could tell. i o TRAINS Jorkins What are you thinking so hard about? Perkins I am trying to decide which a man derives the most real enjoyment from, laziness or conceit. City Editor In your report of the Smith-Jone3 uedding you have not men tioned the beauty of the bride. Reporter She was one of the plainest women I ever saw. C. E. What difference doas that make? y ? H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68 9 V 9 IIMIIIMIMIMIMMIIMIMMIIIMMIIIMMIMIIIIMI(IIIH i Fint publication Oct. 22. 3 NOTICE OK MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Xotica ii hereby siren that on the 22nd day of March, 1691. August Sanders executed and delivered hi certain chattel mortgage to one Arraund Lindgreen, which said mortgage was afterward and on the 22nd day of March, 1894, at 1 o'clock and 45 minutes in tlio afternoon of said day, dnly filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk of Lancaster County. Nebraska. Said mortgage being to secure an indebtedness of six thousand ($6,000) dollar. Said indebtedness being represented by one certain promissory note dated March 22, 1894. and due on the Sind day of March. 1895. 8aid note being payable to Annand Lindgreen signed by August Sanders. Said note and mortgage was, on the 23d day of March, 1894, for value received, duly assigned, transferred and de livered to the First National bank of Lincoln. Nebraska, who is now the bona fldo holder and owner thereof. Gaid note has not been paid and thereby the terms and conditions ot said mortgage have becomo absolute, and there Is now due and owing on the said note and mort gage the sum of $8,750.10. No proceedings at law have been had or begun for the recovery af said note or any part thereof. Now therefore, the undersigned will en Fri day, the lltb day of November, 1898, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. offer for sale and sail to ti.e highest and b?st bidder for cash all of the following described property covered by said mortgage, to-wit : One front bar, one back bar, one large mirror and frame, one ice box, one hot urn, one cash register, three movable rooms, gas fixtures, one Hall sate, one wood and glass partition, one office partition, spittoons, all chairs, 8 tables, desks, pictures, clocks, silver and glassware, vases, linen, snow cases, fancy bottles, cork screws, strainer, funnels, whiskey rack, cur tains, beer pump, linoleum on floor, all other furniture and fixtures belonging to said August eanders. from celler to garret, situated in build ing No. 146 North Tenth street. All now located in the.storeroom known as No. 146 North Tenth street, in the city of Lincoln. Lancaster County, Nebraska. Maid sale will take place at the above itamed store room at No. 146 North Tenth street, in the city of Lin coln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, and saay be adjourned from day to day at tha same time and place until completed. First National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraaka. By Harwood & Ames & Ames, its attoraeys. First publication Oct. 22. 4) in the District Court of Lancaster County, Ne braska. In tha matter of the ap- j plication of George H. i Clarke, as executor of I ORDEB TO SHOW the last will and testa- J- CAUSE. ment of Alonzo Barnes j deceased, tor license j U sell real estate. J llits cause comes on to be heard upon the pe tition of the aaid executor and the proofs of fered in support of the same; and it appearing therefrom to the court that there is not suffi cient personal property of said estate in the hands ot .aid executor to pay the legal debts andaxvens a of tha same; and it further ap pearing that it is necessary and proper that the real estate of said Alonzo Barnes, deceased, should be sold to pay the same; and the court being fully advised in the premises, It is ordered and adjudged that all persona interested in aaid estate be, and they are here by directed to be, and appear before the said court upon the 5th day of December, 1W8, at 9 o'clock standard time in the forenoon, then and there to show cause, if any such there be, why a license should not be granted to said execu tor to sell the real estate of said deceased de scribed in said petition, for the purpose of pay ing the debts and legal expensts ot the said estate. It is further ordered and adjudged that ser vice of this notice be made by publishing the same for four (4) successive weeks in The Courier, a legal newspaper of said county. Dated at Lincoln, in the county and state aforesaid, this 18th day of October. 1898. (Signed) Albest J. Cornish. As Judge of the District Court. First publication Oct. 23. 4. LEGAL NOTICE. The defendants, John Knight Lowe. Marga ret L. Knight, Tunis B. Van Wyck, Helen Hea cock, Allie Van Wyck Pope, Russell Heaeock Bellows, Eugene D. Heaeock. will take notice that on. the 14th day of October, 18P8. Nathan S. Harwood, trustee, tha plaintifi herein, filed his petition in the district court of Lancaster Countv, Nebraska, against them, impleaded with John D- Knight, executor of the estate of Helen V. V. Knight, deceased, the object and prayer of which are, to set aside certain deeds of conveyance made by the defendant John D. Knight to the defendant Lewis C. Dunn, and by Lewis C. Dunn to said Helen V.W. Knight, deceased, conveying lots 'seven, 7. eight, 8. and nine, 9, in block twenty-one 21. of Lavender's addition to the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, and decree the same subject to a judgment obtained by the plaintiff on the 21st day f March, 1898, against the defendant John D. Knigbt in tha sum ot $2,0204, and $45.01 costs ; and also to decree saia judgment to bo a lien apon a certain bequest of $10,000 given to said John D. Knight by the last will and testament of the said Helen V.W. Knight, deceased, and to restrain the said John l '.Knight, executor of the estate of Helen V.W. Knight, deceased, from selling the real estate of said estate under the power contained in said will, and from receiving the purchase price thereof; and for the ap pointment of a receiver to take possession of said estate and enforce tha rights of the plain tiff thereto, and for such other and further re lief as equity may require. You are reqaired to answer said petition on or before the 28th day of November. 1898. Dated Octooer 20, 1898. Nathan S. Hakwood, Trustee. By EicketU & Wilson, his Attorneys, LADIES' UNION SUITS, GENTLEMEN'S UNION SUITS, CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS, t-,;V5 In our underwear department we are showing underwear that will fit your eye, your body and your price. We are Belling union suits in larger quantities than ever. We are exclusive agents in Lincoln for all the following celebrated makes of popular priced and fine un do wear: MiiDeing, Yp3ilanti andStutt-gartcr. c f , " 2 MIlbER& PAINg lllllMIHMmilimHMIIMMIMIMlHMeIOIIIIMIMH0HIIIIIII &i)fe&g't9ee6 NEBRASKA WESLYAN UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ONE OF THE LARGEST SCHOOLS OF MUSIC IN THE WEST AND THE JNUMBER OF PUPILS CONSTANT INCREASING. ONE REA SON FOB THIS LARGE INCREASE IS THAT THE METHODS OF IN STRUCTION IN USE HERE ARE TOOSE OF THE BEST EUROPEAN CONSERVATORIES. BY WHICH PUPILS ARE ADVANCED IN THIS MOST THOROUGH AND RAPID MANNER POSSIBLE, AND aRE NEVER OBLIGED TO GO OVER THE SAME GROUND SEVERAL TIMES, AS IS OFTEN THE CASE BECAUSE OF LV.'RoPER IN STRUCTION. EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC, VOCAL, INSTRUMENTAL AND THE ORETICAL TAUGHT, WITH MANY FREE ADVANTAGES. SEND FOR CIRCULAR G1VTNG FULL INFORMATION TO 0REN E. LOCKE, Director, University Place. Nebr. I M J I Fancy Groceries, Etc. 2 Tel. 192. 131-133 North Fourteenth Street. Lincoln 2 Fine Teas and Coffees a Specialt'. 2 2 aim O! TO CALIFORNIA And North Pacific Coast Points take the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Elegant equipment. Pullman service. Chair cars free. Through service to California points and Portland, Oregon, in Tourist Sleeping Cars. BEST LINE FOR ALASKA Send at once for a new fblder of the Klondike region. If you want to get a farm in Kansas Oklahoma or Texas, send for our Emigration Folder. Address REDUCED RATES TO GRAND EN CAMPMENT MINING DISTRICT WYO. The Union Pacific will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip, plus $5.00, from all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Utah to Rawlins, Wyo. Dates on which tickets will be 6old are 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in June, July, Aug., Sept, Oct. and Nov. Stage line daily except Sunday each way between Rawlins and Grand Encampment. For full information call on or address E. B. Slosson, General Agent OOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOSOOOOOOO, CYCLf PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS HOTOG APHS OFBABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS Qnnfy JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. Chi-ago,IU. P. A. THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. ooooooooooooo