The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 15, 1898, Page 7, Image 7
THfe COURIER fichnvezr: J&cfrpc&tcihriezr2r. . aft 1. &r hi In the Cloak and Suit Dept "We have just secured at a big- reduction a lot of 25 monkey fur capes. Note the prices we name on them. They are thirty inches long-, have electric seal collars, heavy satin lining-; this is an opportunity to save $10' sold everywhere at $25; our price while the' last, $14.97 Ask to Bee our new line of la- Haavy all wool covert jackets, dies' plush capes' prices range very dressy, new styles, each.S5.00 upward rrom..v SI. 87 to $30 Grey blue overt jackets, corded Children's winter jickets up- slceves, collar culTs and down ward from $1.50 to 87.50. Ask front 87.50 to 830 tho all wool boucle worth 85, at $3.75 All wool Kersey jackets, body New line of ladies' covert jack- and sleeve3 lined with satin, eta in Venetian and Kersey strap trimming, tailor stitch cloths, the newest styles, all ed, four large fancy buttons lined, perfect fitting, upward with pearl centre?, a rfgular from 8750 810 garment, onr price $7.50 "groceries- The Season's Millinery Our line of trimmed hats has met with the approva. of feminine Lincoln and the briskness of the selling- proves conclusively that the people hereabout full' appreciate value, style and beauty. The walking- hats are creating- a sensation among- ' the purchasing- public because such little prices as are named here for such stylish, pretty and dainty headwear are rare in deed. All the new shapes and colors and many exclu sive styles not to be found elsewhere. Box Butte potatoes, per bushel.. 40c Shredded wheat biscuit 102 Rolled wheat breakfast food... .10c 3 pkgs Ra'ston pan cake Hour. . . 252 Al sorghum, -per gal 35c Pail syrup &3c Pail jelly 33s Satin flour, patent, guaranteed.. 8Sc JO pound can Ivory lard 82 15 Ivory lard, any quantity per lb.. 5c 15 bars Satin sojp 25c ff- 10 pound sack cable Gait 5c 5c sacks tablo salt 2 for 5; Wheatling 3 for 252 1 box parlor matches, 200 in a box lc Sapolio 4 for 25c 25 oz. K. C. baking powder.... 15c 1 lb can Calumet baking powder. 15c Lewis Lye, per can 7c Bird seed, fancy mixed, per box. 3c 10 lbs New York buckwheat .25c Underwear Ladies' natural grey. all wool vests and pants, "31 goods, each 89c Ladies' half wool union suits all wool outside, cotton fleece lineJ, each 81.00 Ladies extra weight, fleece lined vests and pants, 502 quality, each 37c Ladips' fleece lined vests and pants, 25c value, each 19c Boys cotton vests and pants with wool fleece, each 50s Children's cotton Heece lined vests and pants, each.. 19c Hosiery Ladies' il'eeced and cotton hose, seamless, double sole, heel and toe, a pair JOc Ladies' imparted iloeced cot ton hose, black and tin, high spliced heel and toe, double sole, a pair 25c Ladies' fine cashmere hose, double sole, spliced heel and toe, a pair 33c ChHdrens' all wool hose, lxl rib, double knee, spliced heel and toe, a pair. 25c Mph's extra heavy wool socks, blue and gray mixed.double heel and toe 20c We are sole foincoln agents for Rutterick patterns and publications Our new Catalogues mailed free to out of town customers. Biscuit Baking Contest" To the girl under 14 years of age who bakes bakes the best pan of biscuits at our store on f Thursday, October 27, we will give, absolutely free, that beautiful nickle plated Jnnior Buck Range now displayed in our South Twelfth street window. The contest will take place at our store Thursday, October 7, and we will furnish all the necessary materials. Contestants must come to the store previous to the day of the contest to register and receive a number. We invite all the grown people to attend this contest, as it will be a practical demonstration of the many advantages the celebrated Bucks stoves and ranges possess over all others. These stoves are withous exception the best on the market and cost less than any other good stove made. itfl&ifaZsAiM Lincoln Nebraska.