The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 15, 1898, Page 6, Image 6
THE COURIER. Professional Directory. DOCTORS. feA IS r Tone. Office 656 Office Hours W t I Office rooms 18-19 (10 to 18 a.m Burr Block 3to5p.m I Res. 25t8 Q t5t 1 Son. 3to Dr. 0. C. Reynolds . Res. .655 6 Office 375 lW' L- DaytOn, M. D. 0ffl. ? O Street 1 10 to 1 (Diseases of Ere, and Throat I Rcs.lS210 Street 1 2:30 to to 5pm IDr. S. E. Cook f Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1215 O St. (9:30-12:3 am J2-5pm Jffice .618 ies. 1 Office, ZebmoK Block i 9 to 10 a m 1 Vl2 to 12:30 671. 1 I Residence. 1313 C street ) 2 to 4 p m treeing, by appointment. Sunday a 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment. Dr. Ben j. P. Bailey aoe 1lDr. J.S.Eaton, Beidence 562 J Surgery and Nervous Dieaes . f 1 2 to 4 p. m Office, 137 So. Hth St. 12 a. m. I itours xu 10 IDr. J. B. Triokey; I Refractionist only 9 to 12 a.m Office, 1035 O street VI to 4 p.m. I" DENTISTS. ffice 1 , . . . I Office, rooms 26, 27 and I 530-hLOUiS N. Wente.D.D.S.i l.Brownell Block, 137 V ) (so 11th street. ) .656 Dr. P. D. Sherwin DENTIST. ( Office, room 19 Burr Blk ) 9 to 12 a m J 2nd floor (Res.agQQst 1 I to p. Once our customer alwa3Ts our customer. If 3rou are not satisfied with your fuel try the Clark Coal Company and you will be pleased. Tel. 105. 1009 O St. tlMIIIIIK0HIIIIIIM9'MMIIIllllllMIMimilHtHimilUUllt OPTICAL GOODS of all kindB we carry in our com- $ plete stock and have many rich X and handsome opera glasses for 2 wedding gifts. Our leading spe- cialtv is the testing and fitting the I eyesight with proper glased. If X jour sight is defective we can aid X and strengthen it. We test the signi iree. EU All I "HVI -11430 Street, . nALLb 1 1 , sssssz1- XR'WJE$r,KR AND OPTICIAN. ife3 tlllMMMMMHMHMfMIMMMgMMIMM AA MAAAAAM4 iMd yom.t w&slh dhr 3 amd sMirlt waists to t. 5 CLARKSON I LAUNDRY COMPANY 2 v xr-c-rr-ccc (Strangers in Omaha are invited to visit our store and inspect the greatee V ) VAKliJl'i: Ufc i?'AJSUI UUUUS. JUiNA AN1 TU1S, J An the entire west Exposition souvenirs in great variety. Don't forget the m (piece. v X 1S1& and SI, Douglas (St., Omaha. ? I I vjrnlsj(i w llFjsffliPHflr 9S999999999999999999999999999 A CONTENTED WOMAN k the one who has baking and cooking to do and uses GENUINE VALNUT BLOCK COAL, cleaned and well screened from the CENTERVILLE BLOCK GOAL CO. A hot oven or stove rewards her, and she doesn't have to pile In by the bucket lulL Any size, MO delivered. JJ9 booth Twelfth street: Theme 397. Yard 'phone 382. iJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiilii i of i godal and J? . & 3 1 ' J I I - - aa Mr. P. W. Plank of Denver has been visiting his ft tends in Lincoln. Mrs. Guy A. Broarn has returned from. Omaha very much improved in health. Married on Tuesday noon in the pres ence of friends Mrs. Maggie E. Baxter to Mr. O. E. Houck by the Rev. Tingle. Mr. Moses Scudder of New York has been in Lincoln this week. He has made many friends who are glad busi ness brings him here frequently. Lieut. Charles O. Pulis of the Third regiment returned on Wednesday to the regiment stationed at Savannah, Ga. It has been ordered to Cuba. Don Adams, Roy Schick, Fred Will iams, Harry .McKillip, Fred Rain, Frank Buckstaff. and Fred Cooley, members of the Beta Theta Pi fratern ity, went to Omaha in a body "to see the president." A letter received from Geo. A. Love land, director of the Nebraska weather bureau, brings the information that bis father died on" Saturday last, at Nor wich, Vt. Mr. Loveland will return to Lincoln at the close of the week. Lieut. Frank S. Burr, U. S. A., has gone to Fart Snelling, Minn., to join his regiment, the Third infantry, which has figured in the Indian outbreak. Lieu tenant Burr was accompanied by Lieu tenant Edwards of the same regiment. Chief of Police Hoagland has returned from Bunker.Hill, 111., where he spent a weak at the bedside of his wife's brother. Mrs. Hoagland did not return home, as her brother's condition has not improved in the least, and but little hopes ol bis recovery are entertained. Married on Wednesday at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Barkshire, 1525 North Twenty eighth street, Miss Ina Tibbils to Mr. Bert T. Pentzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Pentzer. The usual number of in terested friends heartily wish them happiness. Mr. Lew Wessel, the founder and suc cessful publisher of The Cocbieb for many jeare. is visiting relatives in Lin coln. He has many friends who are glad to learn of his prosperity. He lives in Chicago and is publisher of the Ar kansas Traveler and proprietor of a sta tionery company. Word has been received from Section Director George A. Loveland, who was called to his home in Vermont a few days ago by the sickness of his father, that hlsfathei is in a critical condition, and not expected to live. During Mr. Loveland's absence Observer James H. Spencer is in charge of the local weather bureau office. A club with the title of Lincoln Club has been formed, the purpose of which is simply the cultivation of social pleas ures. It is officered by the following: President, Edward Gugenheim; vice president, J. T. Brown; eecr tary, A. Herminghaus; treasurer, Frank DuTeil: committee on arrangements, Charles Schmittel, L. A. Bolshaw and R. If. Law lor. The c'.ub will give its first hop October 27th. wm The university Y. M. C. A. has adopted a very clever scheme for getting more members. The boys have been divided into two classes. One class wears a bit of red ribbon and the other blue. It is agreed that whichever cla s fails to secure the most new members by a certain date shall treat the association to a barrel of apples. On Saturday last Misses Alice and Bessie Wing gave an afternoon tea to a large number of friends. The house was tilled with roses and the two young hostesses were assisted by their aunt, Mrs. Henry G. Lewis, and Mesdames Lewis, S. H. Burnbam, C. E. Bessey, Hudson Imhoff, A. W. Mitchell; Mieees Laura Haggard, Stella Rice, Edith Lewis, Margaret Lewis, Helen Woods, and Joy Webster. Among the Lincoln people in Omaha on Wednesday were Miss Charlotte Clark, Mrs. U. S. Freeman, Mrs. Marg arit G. Smith, Messrs. John and Ralph Reed, H. G. Whitmore, V. F. Lehmer, Misses Be3sieSizer,Sallie Berkson,Gere, Ames, Mesdames Field, Ricketts, Saw yer, Munger. Summers, Richardson. Bartruff, Depu, Franklin, Plummer, Rehlander,'Scotf, Mrs Newmark, Mrs. H. H. Wilson, Mrs. Stonebraker, Mrs. Kelley, and many others. Mr. and Mrs. Geo H. Clark gave two card parties on Monday and on Tuesday nights. On Monday night the guests played old fashioned euchre. The games were so rapidly played that every body was kept moving. Mr. Will Green took one royal prize and Mrs. Mark Til ton the other. On Tuesday nieht thpr were thirteen tables of progressive euchre and Mr. and Mrs. Rudge took the royal prizes. The rooms were lav ishly decorated with palms and roses. The following guests enjoyed thor oughly a party given by the Misses Edna and Alice Spears at their home Satur day afternoon: Misses Edna Harpham, Cora Schle3inger, Margerie Loomis, Emma Dalby, Louise Hargreave&, Gladys Hargreavee, Marie Weesner.Faye Rawls, Beth Marshall, Jessie Outcalt, Claire Funke, Ruin Raymond, Elsie Fa well, Mable Muir, Helen MacFarland, Mildred Parks, Maggie Honeywell, Louise McQuinnie, Genevea Woodruff and Elizabeth Cunningham. At the home of Mrs. Frank Woods on Monday night Miss Herbert Jaynes, Miss Edith Jackson, Miss Wood John son, Miss Maud Macomber, Miss Ger trude Macomber of Omaha and Miss Elfreda Haecker of St. Paul, Minn., Miss Nona Bridge of Fremont and Miss Allie Fuller of Lincoln were initiated into the Delta Gamma fraternity amid the solemnity and pleasure usually in evidence upon such occasione. Before the initiation two dczen American beauty roses were received from the Al pha Epsilon fraternity. Mrs. Coffroth's tea on Tuesday after noon was one of the pleasantest func tions of the week. It gave an opportun ity to meet and greet Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. Barnard both of whom are old res idents of Lincoln and possess many warm friends. Mrs. Coffroth received her guests assisted by Mesdames Hewitt and Barnard and, Gere and Beeson. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Wright, Mra. .?