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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1898)
THE COURIER. Pt spa fr????? gt 9i 991 Fitzgerald Dry Qoods Go. 1023-1029 O St. Lincoln Neb. CLHBS- i i it I 9&&8r8&89&9&S&9&&9& J - u 1 The visiton and delegates to the Ne braska Stite Federation roe in the auditorium of the First Congregational church on Tuesday morning. The pres ident, Mrs. Belle M. Stoutenborougb, presided gracefully and efficiently. The officers elected for the coming year were: President Mrs. Langworthy of Sew ard. Vice-President Mrs. Appereon. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Mc Killip of Seward. Secretary Mr. Sackett of Weeping Water. Treasurer Mrs. H. W. Doane of Crete. Auditor Mrs. Fuller. Librarian Mrs. Lambertson of Lin coln. The program was as follows: TUESDAY, OCT. 11, 9 A. Jf. Prayer Rev. Mary G. Andrews, Omaha. Address of Welcome Mrs. A. N. Ferguson, vice president of Omaha Woman's Club. Response Mrs. Sarah Brindley, president Colum bus Woman's Club. Music (a.) Mignon Hardelot (b.) The Little Dustman... Brahms Mrs. J. H. Metcalf. Report of committee on credentials and roll call of delegates. Reports of officers. Two minute reports of Clubs. TUESDAY, 2:30 P. M. Recommended Work. Town and Village Improvement Mrs. Nellie Richardson, Lincoln. Art Mrs. Ida L. Snyder, Plattsmouth. Rest Rooms Mrs. Helen Harrison, York. Music Anelus Chaminado Mrs. D. A. Campbell. Miss Maude Oakley. Short Addresses University Extension Mrs. H. H. Wilson, Lincoln. District Federation Mrs. Appereon, Tecumseh. Unfinished business Music "An Rendi Me" 1686 . . . .Rasse Mrs. D. A. Campbell. Reports of Committees Election of Officers New Business TUESDAY EVENING, 8 P. M. Music a. A Woodland Path (In Mss.) Roy L. Smith b. Mine Own Little Sweetheart (In Mss.) Mr. Dan H. Wheeler, Jr. Address Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowe, Atlanta, Ga., president General Federation of Wom en's Clubs. Introduction of Officers of the General Federation of Womeu's Clubs .... Music Aria, "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" from Sampson and Dehilah Saint Saens Miss Lillian de Land Terry. Annual Address Mrs. Belle Stoutenboroughlattsmouth, president Nebraska Federation Wom en's Clubs. WEDNESDAY, 9:30 A. M. Mrs. Philip N. Moore, chairmn, St. Louie, Mo., treasurer General Federation Women's Clubs. Music-Organ, Allegro Symphonique Salome Mrs.F. M. Ford. Address TrpveliDg Libraries Mrs. E. L. Buchwalter. Springfield, O. Discussion Music A May Morning Denza Mrs. Katberine Collins Morris. Address Rest Rooms in Market Towns, Mrs. A. E. Giddings, Anoka, Minn. Discussion WEDNESDAY, 3:30 i. M. (Auditorium, Exposition Grounds.) Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowe, Atlanta, Ga., Chairman, president General Federa tion Women's Clubs. Organ Solo Mr. Thomas J. Kelley, Director of Music, Trans Mississippi Exposition. Greetings from His Excellency William McKinley, president of the United States. Music Arietta from Romeo and Juliet Gounod Mrs. C. S. Cotton. " Address The Unlimited Club Mrs. Sarah S. Piatr, Denver, Colo., vice president General Federation Wom en's Clubs. Music Fruehlingsrauschen op. 32. No. 3 Sinding Berceuse Karganoff Mr. Joseph Gahm. THURSDAY, 9 A. M. Mrs. Laura B. Scammon, Chairman, Kansas City, Mo., president Missouri Federation Women's Clubs. Music a. Polonaise Op-40 No. 1, Chopin b. Birds of Passage Emilius Trenchery (Dedicated to Eugenia Whitmore.) Mrs. H. P. Whitmore. Address Bible hb Literature Miss Helen M. Cole, Denver. Colo. Address Philanthropy and Charities, Mies Julia Lathrop, Hull House, Chicago, I1L Music Madcten Herz. .Clarence Lucas (Dedicated to Miss Oakley.) Miss Oakley. Paper Evolution in the American Home Miss Bertha Rockwell, Junction City, Kans. THURSDAY, 3:30 P. M. Music Violin Solo, Legende Wieniawski Miss Maria L. Connor, Mrs. J. H. Mcintosh, Accompaniest. Address Club Life in California .. Mrs. Willis L. Moore, Santa Barbara, Cal. Music Che Gioj'a TitoMattei Miss Kellogg. Addrees Pioneer Club Life Mrs. Selwyn Douglas, Oklahoma City, Okla. THURSDAY, 8 P. M. Reception , ." . & o .r ar 4 .r L emu Mad ar cemnts savedL . 0 . FUR C0LLAKETTES Coney fur collarettes, special price this week, at II 95 and 12.95. Black Astrakhan fur, lined with satin Rhadame, worth $5, at 13.75 Electric seal collarettis, Astrakhan yoke, lined with black satin, trimmed with fur heads and tails, worth 87.50, at $4.95. Monkey fur collarettes with electric seal storm collar, lined with solid color satin, worth 110, at $695. CHILDREN'S EEEFEKS Double breasted reefers, made of chinchilla cloth, trimmed with solid color cloth and braid, special price 12.50. Child's reefer of fancy cheviot, deep star collar, embroidered with silk soutche braid, special price $3.50. Child's reefer of all wool fancy cheviot, handsomely trimmed with applique straps and soutache braid, special price $4-95. Special prices this week on dress skirts in black silk, black wool and novelties. These skirts ate all well made, the latest in Btylc and in every way will prove satisfactory. There are several styles in trimming, also different cuts in flounces. All these skirts go at a a remarkably low figure. Ladies' outing flannel night dresses, each 50c. Ladies' night dresses, full length, full width, well made, this price is the cost of material only, each 50c. KID GLOVES The Kid Glove Department of Nebraska Eror? pair of gloves in this store fitted and guaranteed to give satisfactory wear, per pair $1 00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 03. HANDKERCHIEFS 500 dozen of ladies' handkerchiefs, 25c, 20c and 15c grades all in one lot, and your choice during this sale for 10c. s tei - 'Ok ' ifr -V" I T ff -?, ft ; "j "i fr j " " tr - -, -. i;- v 4 ' if tN 7 1 4 XK tk -. W - m Jy mo A i I if go$5 and ildrens Suits (fjuercoats Reefers and Ulsters ttMsW fry The following general officers were present in Omaha during the Nebraska State Federation: President Mrs. Rebecca D.Lowe, At lanta, Ga. Vice President Mrs. Sarah S. Piatt Denver, Colo. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Geo. W. Kendrick, Philadelphia. Pa. Treasurer Mrs Philip H. Moore, St Louis, Mo. General Directorr Mr3.Chas.S. Nor ris, Berlin, Wis.; Mrs. Francis A. East man, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. C. S. Kin ney, Salt Lake, Utah; Mrs. E. L. Buchwalter, Springfield, Ohio; Mrs. Frances M. Ford, Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. Mary Smith Lockwood, Washington, D. C; Mrs. James H.Windsor.Dee Moines, Iowa. Also special drives in Underwear Dress and Everyday Gloves and Mittens, Hosiery, etc., for the little men. Boys'Knee Pant Suit for school wear, made of strong durable ma terial, perfectly fast in color, at $1 95. 82.50, $2.98 and $3.50. Dress suits at $4.50, $5 and $6.00. Boys' Ions; Pan. JSvaits sgelO to 19 years, at $2.98. $350, $4 50, $5. $6.50 and $750. Dress suits at $10, $1250 and $15. Boys Hea-vy Reefers Agc& 3 to 16 years made either with sailor or storm collar at $150' $1.98, $2.50, $3 50, and $5. f Continued on page 9. BOYS' OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS at $2.98. $3.50, $3-95, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50. PEMSTR0HQ CYi0THQ CO. 1013 to 1019 O Street. t t --"'- ' TT"T"1