i THE COU 1 - :. 8- B? m i ZIP R SK 2i$f sja ais? yap i sa is? wz m w Mk&& fWWWW BOSTON STORE OMAHA, NEBRASKA. I IN 1 Wonderful are the hats exhibited next week for the first time. There is that artistic grace in each that connoisseurs concede to all that emanates from J. L. Brandeis & Son's Pattern Rooms. All new. fascinating- crea tions, that will greatly please you with tjeir elegance ond chic stvle. Our head trimmer with her assistants, who have snent the nast month in New York, among the leading Fifth Avenue milliner' parlors, have jus" returned and we will display a hundred Pattern Hats from New York and Paris and put them ON SAbE AT $25.00 DEI Mi IS trimmed in the very latest style $3-98, $5, $7.50 and $9.98 LADIES' TRIflMED SAILORS the Roosevelt'Hat and Military Hat, all trimmed with ribbons, ready to wear, at 75 and 98c each XEW FALL TAILOR MADE SUITS AT EX CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. All our Buits are made of the Lest quality covert cloth, kerseye, cheviot and broadcloth, in tight tit ting, reefer and novelty elTects, also flounced skirts, in black, tans, browns, prays, bluet., all thoroughly finished and tailored, in four great croups, at $0.08, $12.uO, $1S, 8lO SKIRTS 500 wool brilliantine skirts in plain, figured and stnped, woith from S3 to 85: on sale at 81.93 Silk ru filed taffeta skirts, rufiied all the way up. exceptional quality of pure silk taffeta; on sale at 819.00. CAPES Fine nil wool bouclo capes, 21 inches long, lined throughout with black silk, either plain or thibet fur trimmed; 86.50 bouclo capes at 83.93. Black kersey and beaver cloth capes, trim med and braided, at 81.50 COLIARETTBS 200 Astrachan fur collarette?, silk lined, on spe cial sale at 82.98 and 85.00. 20 fur Collarettes in a combination of blue fox and imitation chinchilla and electric seal, worth 815.00; on Sale at 87 50. VJlLjy HIS The very latest novelties in ladies' Jackets, broadcloth, kersey and bouclo, value from 812.50 .to 820.00. Your choice Saturday at 89.98. Misses' and children's jackets, imported French boucle, mixed novelties, silk lined throughout, on special sale at 83.93 and 84.93. When you visit Omaha make our Etoro your meeting place, your wash up place, jour lunch room, make it your home for the time being and feel at home. We have everything ready for you at no expense to yourself. lOtti raxicl .Oouglas Omatia, Jfo.BRANDEIS&SONS rxrorMetoir. X-R-iKiTrfaTxiJTOxi rrjZ'i?vrrw7 rrz c rsvr? r? '.7A'z-i V3 r--,T vi r-w.w 1-. .v-i l,, LvrLr.w: zf.zr rzr ww msr vuF mux vm? hop uy TmrQ&tiyHivoyMUFijPvu, We will take care of your pack ages and check them for you free of charge. Ask any of our floor walkers to show you our recep tion room acd balcony waiting room. When in Omaha do not fail to give us a call. m ?m v& cV, ,3! m '4l& &1b HI 8S m 1 sl viLN m 1 LITERARY NOTES. Tbo life of Varina Anne Jefferson-Da vis, or Winnie Davis, as she was moro commonly called, began amidthu Btorma of war, Juno 27, 1 SGI, in the White Houso of the south, in Richmond. Miss Davis was educated in France and Ger many, and became her father's com panion and secretary and assistant in his literary work. In social life Miss Davis took the rank to which her birth, natural talents anc educatiDn entitled her. According to a writer in Harper's Bazar she was gracious in manner, kindly in disposi tion and counted her friends by the score. At an early ago she showed marked literary inclinations and this tendoncy in later lifo she turned to ac- && m m W m TJRIX.I A.VNE JErtUafW-IIAVIA tive use. Her first novel was The Veiled Doctor, a story of southern life, which sho.ved elements of strength and dramatic power. The book was well re ceived; anu her second one, "A Romance of Summer Seas, which appeared about two months ago, shows a great advance in Btcry telling power, and is marked by a sprightly Btyle and an undercurrent of humor often verging on wit. Miss Davis was just making for herself a po sition in the field of literaturo when death stopped the busy pen. But the love which was hers in lire goes beyond the grave, and holds in loader recollec. ono who combined in her person all that web noble, gi ntle and true in southern womanhood. W.TC ! The Century Magazine makes the most important announcement for the coming jear that it has put forth for fifteen 3 ojrd. It is that length cf time sgo that the magazine announced its 'War Series," which grew into the most notable history of the civil war that has appeareJ A new war stries row promised, dealing with the recent war in the same remarkable way that gav distinction to the former scries. W m ffiir M Thf State Historical society has im proied 1i.e arrangement of its collec tion room this .summer by making1 more room for the handling- of news papers. Nearly all the papers of the state are received by the society and kept permanently as a record of the local history of Nebraska. 3Cany peo ple think there will soon, be no room to keep hem, but when papers are bound they take up little room. She I am willing to surrender A I can do so with honors of war. He What do you call the honors of war? ' She I don't want to be deprived, of arms. The arms were his but he conceded them. 1 t& vie? -TIYv. VTV JX 3aasxSJ yTrz-vrr vrrJifi l$& 'W jxi W XR. IBOXHARDT'S Mft-Pii Cures XervouM 111m Pill Habit, Constipation, and hillious neqs. Action not followed by costiveness. Doubt it? Try it. Sample Tree. Drug gi3ts.2oc.or address ANTI-PILL CO., Lincoln, Xebr. 1JT1 ii irr-i. i,'r36