T--..5t?-CT . 12 THE COURIER conbealing a lighted cigar in the folds of her Kght dress. Last week a sen try on duly at the royal palace saw the white lady wanderings round the building, and reported the fact Ho his comrades, who made fim of him. Two days later came the telegram from Ge nera! Alder-shot is 2n woe over the ap proaching departure of the Oon " naughts. The duke and duchess have become immensely popular; and he has been most devoted to duty. Durr img the recent maneuvres he was of ten in the saddle for eight hours at a stretch; and his cheary ways animat ed the men. Buller, though a magnifi cent soldier; is brusque, so a differ ence will be felt; and, of course, the feminine military contingent -will be left lamenting past festivities. The duchess never missed a field day, amid always brought the children with her. Latterly they have been accompanied by MWle Alexander cf Battenburg, who is resolved to .e a soldier. Have you heard the latest, about Rider Haggard? He is the most chiv- 1tv.h f men. and has been- mucli Ul - - it - - . mM SulplioSaline Sanitarium, Cor. Itti and Ad All Kinds of Baths Scientific Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, ' 50x142 feet. Shaving Hairdressing. Drs. Everett, Managing- Physicians. ii able to style himself Earl of Arundel, Iiiiihiiiimiiimimiimiimim worried bv his wife's fondness for im- Surry and Aorfolk, Boron Fitz-Alau, Z MWOMIMIIHMIHHHmMIIIMIIHMMI Chin, OswaJdestre and Maltravers. and with Ms enormous wealth and four castles, besides the Norfolk, House, in London, it is almost pathet ic that so little snnshSne enters into his life, and that his days are passed with Philip Joseph Mary, his idolized and idiotic boy. Excelsion Stove Dealers. porting "lady domestics' into their pretty country house. The lady nurse was such a success thct a lady cook was engaged; then a lady parlor maid was threatened; but the novel ist "struck." Said he: "No, my dear; that would be too much. I can stand having my dinner cooked by a lady, or even my boots blacked by a lady, so long as I don't actually see he do ing it, but to have a lady waiting on me at 'table is more tlian I can stand. So if you get one I shall rise and offer her my seat, and do the waiting my self! the courteous creator of "She" was obeyed; the butler was suffered to reroajn. A rumor has reached me that the Duke of Norfolk is about to visit this country. The report goes on to say thait his purpose is to bring (his ory child, the earl of Arundel, wQtn hun in the hope which even tlie duke him self must confess is olmot vain, that some of the American springs may benefit his heir. The latter is a par- at, but HOt GaUOV. twenty years of age, who has been an imbecie from birth. His father's de votion for the past two decades teas been unparalleled. He is never seen in society, and spends most of his time making pilgrimages to various shrines and healing records with his afflicted boy. The duke is the main stay of the Catholic church in Eng land, and many of his female rela tives, including two sisters, have tak en the veil, while memory of the late Gardilan Howell is yet fresh in the minds of all good Catholics. The duke is the premier duke of England, and holds the proud title of Earl Mar shal and heriditary marshal of Eng- princes of the blood royal; he is also attention. All he new pictures. All the new frames. Special Importation of Florentine frames just received from Italy. I 1513 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebr. IIIIMII IIIMIMIMIIIIIHIIIiniMIIMIIIMIMMIIIIHIIIIM IMMMIIMIIIIIIIIIHIUMIIIIIIIIMIHIIMIIIMMIIMMMMMIIIMMMMM 3EI1F 8 I C3raooer,5r and Feed Store "W O, Pletoher, Manaeert 229 South Ninth Street. IHIMIIMIIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIMIMIHIiIMUMMMIIHIIIIIIIMII Phone 497. HONE4i. MIMIIHIM Nickel-plated stoves, Eke paste diamonds, are manufactured wholly for show. Majestic Ranges are for use. Made of malleable iron and steel by the Majestic Mfg. Co, St Louis Mo , and sold as low as $27-00. For sale by HATvIv BROS. CO. 1308 O (Street. We have the best in cutlery and kitchen ware. All orders for iob work receive special 1HE UNIVERSITY 0l OF II (Directly Opposite the Campus.) Is the most thoroughly equipped Conservatory in the west. It offers the most complete cousses in all branches af music. Special attention given to the training of children. Fall term began Sep tember 5. Pupils may enter at any time. Send for catalogue. WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. r II f IILLLYLLLLW ' EsSri' i' -'LT IS? jglrij W BE GOOD TO YOUR HOME BUT A NEW LINCOLN STEEL BANGE and please your dear wife aud family. Warranted the most perfect cooking stove made. We ute the very best cold rolled patent leveled steel, and line every Range with asbestos and steel, which makes it impos sible to set fire to your floor. They are handsome, at- tive, up-to-date in pattern and design, full nickel trimmed, will burn any kind of fuel, will last a lifet:me. Made on honor, sold on merit. This is wby we call them the "best on eakth." 11 your dealer oopb not handle them he makes a great mistake Write to us and we will provide a way for you to buy one at a reasonable price. R. g. A. SHDEMAKEK. Private Hospital Special attention given to all DISEASES OF VOMEN. Every Convenience for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery. Turkish, Electric and Massage Baths for ladies. The Swedish Movements, in their most recent developments, by the trained masseuse in charge. ... 0 Graduate Nurse m attendance. Corner Eleventh and K Streets. BUI BROS MF6 i UN LINCOLN, NEB., MAKERS. Patronize home industry. Made in Nebraska. We refer you to State Offi cers. Banks and Express companies of Lincoln, and thousands using our Ranges. Special attention given hotel and restaurant outfits. 405-7 Braoe Bki Isabella A. Fickxeb, Proprietor. Office hours 9 to 5. Wednes day evening 7 to 9. Explana tions and Health Book tree. ! i IMMIIIIMIimi TRIENNIAL CONCLAVE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, PITTSBURG. PA'., OC TOBER 10-14, 189S. For the above convention or the Tri ennial Conclave Knights Templar at Pittsburg, Pa., the Union Pacific will sell tickets at one fare for the round' trip. The Union Pacific and connec tions is the best line and offers the fastest time and best accommodations of any line. For dates of sale and lim its on tickets call on E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agent. j I