The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 15, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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The Primrose and Dockstader min
strels played to a good houso at the
Funke on Tuesday evening. It wan a
very good house considering the fact
that they were playing against the pres
ident of the United States only tUty
miles away. Mr Primrose and Mr.
Dockstader are at the bead of their pro
fession in Amorica and America is the
home of minstrelsy. Every member of
the company is one of tho bsst singers,
or dancerp, or banjoists.or high jumpers
as the case may be, but with the presi
dent only fifty miles away theyplajed
only to the people who had not gone to
see him. Tneii performance whb e'ean
and wholesome as well as finished. The
next tire Primrose and Dockstader
come ti Lincoln The Coukier hopes
they will have better luck.
"A Milk White Flag," Siturday evo
only. The theatrical profession is well
represented in the militia and many ac
tors have Been service in thtt Cuban
campaign. When President McKinley
issued the call for volunteers state militia
companies respnded, but there were a
"few exceptions. like the Seventh regi
ment of New York. It is against these
exceptions that the satie in "A Milk
White Flag" is directed. In cases
where men enlisted in times of piping
peace for love of a uniform and hopes of
social elevation. All credit Is due to the
large proportion of citizen soldiers who
gallantly fought, but for the few whoso
bbbPK JJrffimlLliH
inclinations were peaceful "A Milk
White Flag" is a fitting emblem. Cbas.
H. Hoyt is the most tireless dramatic
author of the day. He is never content
to let well enough alone but is constant
ly pruning and adding to bis many com
edies. His active brain, brimful with
humor, is constantly suggesting witty
dialogues and ludicrouB situations,
which are embodied in the sparkling
mosaic of hiB plays. Since "A Milk
White Flag' was first written conditions
have changed and has caused Mr. Ilnyt
to alter the tone of his satire considir
ably and to make many changes and to
introduce up-to dat hits. Unlike many
other productions, Hoyt's pl-tjs are al
was sent out with the New York casts,
scenery and accessories. Theatre goers
are promised a first class performance,
and this promise is faithfully kept At
the Funke opera bouse, Saturday even
ing, Oct. 15th. Regular prices.
"The Cherry Sisters, who will be at
the Funke opera house, Tuesday eve,
Oct. 18 tb, come highly recommended.
They have played in all the largest cities
of America and have received the high
est congratulations from their aud'ence
and those who have 6een them- once
never fail to patronize them the second
time. In nearly every instent where
they have plajed they have been re
qutsted to repeat the entertainment
but it will be impossible for the young
ladies to appear but one night in Lin
coln and all who wish to see the enter
tainment should avail themselves of the
opportunity. They will be assisted by
other good talent which will make one
of ths most enjoyable entertainments
that ever appeared in Lincoln. Mies
Jessie Cherry, the youngest of the sis
ters who is some fifteen yejrs old, and a
very sweet and beautiful young girl, has
composed all of her own selections. She
is considered the youngest composer in
America and one of the best. Their
costumes are the finest ever seen on any
stag. While playing in N. Y. City Ex
Govener Flower who attended tho enter
tainment said of them: In all my trav
els through the states I have never
attended an entertainment moie amus
ing and interesting then the Cherry
Sisters. Written by the Cherrv sist9rs.
Prices 25, 33, and 50 cents. Ssats on
sale Monday.
Tho following notice from tho St.
Jos?ph (Mo.) Da ly Gazette will show in
what esteem the Merrie Bell Opera Co.
is held in that lively city: "This popu
lar organization reproduced 'Mascotte
at tho matinee jesteruay afternoon and
the opera was attentively listened to by
a large audience. Auber's beautiful
opera, Fra Diavolo,' was fault'ossly giv
en. The audience was the large-t of the
season, showing that the people of St.
Joseph appreciate a good company.
They certainly have made a lasting im
pression here, as a foremost attraction,
and ought to feel certain of a hearty
welcome upon their return. They have
had a longer season than most companies
enjoy and their early opening is the re
sult of their popularity which we glean
from exchanges. A great number of
the perns of the operas were redemanded
and the artistic rendition of the 'Sex
tette' from 'Lucia' brought forth a spon
taneous outburst of applause." They
come to th Funke opera bouse for three
nights and a matinee, beginning Thurs
day, Oct. 20th, in a repertoire of popular
operas, at prices from 2o to 75 cents.
The following notice will show Lincoln
theatre goers in what esteem Sadie Ray
mond is held in our Bister capitol, Spring
field: 'Sadie Raymond and her company
received an ovation last night to be
proud of. Hundreds were turned away
unable to get seats. The vast audience
came to see a good performance and they
saw it. The members of the cast put
forth every effort to please the people
and the applause showed how well they
succeeded. Sadie Raymond, as 'Daisy,
played her part to perfection and sus
tained her well earned reputation as a
first class artist. Fred Raymond in his
popular work as a comeJian kept his
hearers in a continuons roar of laugh
ter." Remember the date Wednesday,
Oct. 19tb, at the Funke opera house.
Pastors are requested to send notices
of services and free entertainments to
TnE Cockier for publication in thiB col
umn by Thursday of each week.
Plymouth Church A and 17th sis.
Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip, 10
a. m.; public worship, 10:30 a. ro.; Bible
school, 12 m.; Junior C. E., 3:30 p. m.;
Y. P. S. C. E., G:30 p. m ; evening service,
7:.0 p. m. Rev. John Doane, pastor.
Druggist and
Fine Stationery
Calling Cards
i 127 S. Eleventh Street.
ft PHONE 68
oxx j4iirJt
TOBER 10-14, 1S98.
For the above convention or the Tri
ennial Conclave Kiugits Templar at
Pittsburg, Pa., the Union Pacific -will
sell tickets at one fare for the round
trip. The Union Pacific and connec
tions is the best line and offers the
fastest time and best accommodations
of any line. For dates of sale and lim-
Corner O and Twelfth.
Telephone 355.
(Saturday, October 1&.
Frame Your Mind to Mirth and Meiriment. Hoj't's
Original New York Company, introducing
and fifty farce men and maids. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.
Box office opens Friday, 9 a. m.
Tuesday, Ootoberl8
n y sin
in their beautiful and novel specialties. An enter
tainment of great merit. 10 weeks in New York city,
10 weeks in Chicago, 2 weeks in Cincinnati, St.
Louis, Washington and all other larger cities. Bring
the ladies and children. Admission 25c, 35c and 50c.
4,Kentuck)' for its blue grass; Dakota for its wheat.
Connecticut for its nutmegs; Texas for its heat.
Kansas for its grasshoppers abaking in the sun;
But Iowa with her Cherry sisters cany off the bun."
Rockford, 111., Star.
Wednesday, October 19.
The '-'Little Streak o' Sunshine"
and her clever companj in the big hit of the season
The Missouri Girl
Interpreted by the strongest cast ever given a comedy production, includ
ing the most popular of all comedians,
Mr. Fred Raymond
Everything new and up to date. The funniest show on earth. One
great, grand, glorious; gala night. Near and original topical songs and
pretty dances. A comedy with a plot interesting from start to finish.
Guaranteed attraction. Prices 23c, 35c and 50a. Seats on sale Tuesday.
THY, FRIDAY AND ill, OCT. 20. 21, 22
In a Repertoire of popular operas at popular prices.
A company of twenty-five.
Artists and an ore estra.
New scenery, new costumes and new faces.
Prices 25c, 35c and 50c. Box seats 75c.
Sale of seats opens Wednesday at 9 a. m.
O! Jibhest, rarest covenar.fc ot olood, . . f, w-af .,.
By men, earth born, scarce ever under- tJon of yormal School MasterB of
siooa; uaucicg, opened nis
The -will to take -iffae wound, but nfot jg n,wrvf, ...
,. ii.4 wll , :i . ffi oawwu
E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agent. Mh-n-victirn, Christ, make thou of us at 141 South Twelfth Street, Mon- g
si dnv Ontrmcr 3 S.
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day, October 3.
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