The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 08, 1898, Image 1

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VOL.13. NO. 40.
J -siiS--"-.
..- "- Mf a
success. President McKinley is nat- discovered. I mean Hie author of what there are Indians, comboys, buffalo
urally and magnanimously anxious to we call The Arabian Nights or the ami frontier remains to construct a
give his former antagonist whatever Thousand aril One Tales. SehtCieiU- procession a mile long-. There is only
favor ami precedence he is unwise znde's characters are under control of Licking' the will, ami the conviction
enough to ask for on that account, genii w4ho converse and1 scrap and lot that it is good for us. A visit to Dcn-
In placing' the responsibility upon anklcoumterplbt over them. Their own ver or St. Louis or Omaha and an in-
Estzeedin thk fostoffic at LiKcoLH as Governor Holcomb of making the spiritual life and freedom from a body, quiry of the merchant will convince
"cnilP " ! choice between the First and the its aches, deimrtnils mad- mortifications doubters that such a festival is proflt-
aTnnv Third regiments McKinley has em- stems not to interest "them, which is able as well as amusing.
PUBLIBHEDEVERY SATURDAY harassed the governor, but there is qer to one who has had a vision of .
BT Kttle hope for the boys in Mundla. the range a ghost hku;, Mr. Ralph's story Theee was a time, and it is not
TIE COURIER PfilillK WD NBUSMG CO nbbut Aa Ar& in a Web' w:hiih d- whonv i when uvn & vr
a ; f ---..i i . scribes a youngs girl ignorant, innocent ana frienklless the Tw had no mercy.
Office 1132 N Btreet, Up Staire J Zf T v! a h Wn' e ethe- V w" for " who TOuW W
Telephone 384. oulse Pound is t'he result of research riai autlAr hL" " .E T' 2r7"r
ini !,, m.- - 'curtu eMlcavor to kce her Qlrt the t man, ihakd! before its tnu-bnal, wus
SABAHB.HARKIS. Editor teUvo leveaT Th"" maln fOT " aral to n PPI1 guilty. Legal cortrartSon
,!--.. ., - Z' X vIT1" "w -to the home of her gmitfl farther, "'a transposed the bunlen of proof
Subscription Katee-In Advance. :"?,, . , Iu " an aged nriXTiamire dying without an accusing party. The innocence
Per annum f 1 00 nded for use m the elementary heip vUlain tj he M accused fa aiiml and he fce
SixmonthB 5 classes m the umverstty of ebras ka Ws That is, a not have to prove it. There is a wide
OnfmoSh 0 w ' J "J C,Ted- but one of the etherians endeavor to difference between the twx altitudes.
singircopiw::;:.'::::::::::::::: 05 S!i1en put mann he3p . that one, ner Frthemre, th,-s umpuon apPheH
8 P r r e,jr of the villun, guides tihe ,Oaln to e.e lfr to a man accused of roWtnP
... f . B,iH(,foPTOl Si , WfreDOt access,ble; he a 7j.nts fuU Qf w.cke1 . ..tato antl one MMd fitralinfr
JSSULWuSS. eSeDt T" .jf8? f An designs. The October number leaves ngs. It shouM influence a police
wtnrn posUge. B10 on veros will be appre- .. ntaJ ....eppsafui th the lovelv " weH a a Hupreme judge.
Communications, to receive attention, must dated bv the student who hi villain successiui, wiin tne loveij i ,J fe , ,
be signed bj too fuU name of the writer, not tJil ne siuuent wno nas j ,ure(1 t) j.,! up in a Judge Oomstock, like a gooxl laiwyer
ESiiWSS." f"th'botfor SLT7 if TKf 8 empty office building in which nd a good man,, ints upon
V fr elU81.Te ; ei '-- " J daubt- he 1el he; rf,e will be kept until he e Pr creatures brought before him,
SWVy00? less do just what iLss Pound intend- ;ses to . m. Tl.e frank not witfe mercy, but with justice, such
J ed it should, 1. e.; make it easier for COrtrereation betweeD iiie gBOsts, and defauten., mayors accused o. m!
3 ORSERVATIONS 8 TT the.verb J"" tlhdr frmTom from puichrainess feance in office, and poKcemen ac-
UBbBiXVrU lUlO. 5 5n Anglo Saxon readings. Her defeat flhe nn. feafcure of Tfce cused of theft from offices Uiey ore
luXy,X JCjtS 1S o;'ershafow ' tte - etheriar.B are the Greek chorus, or mppowl to protect, receive. The ef-
VVVt0Otym suit of her real quest m Chicago. 1VameVs hostly, fferir, revenge- ' ' lAihmthropists to improve the
The PhilharmonOc orchestra, under .. . . sMverv. conditions of jails anxl penitentiaries,
,. . a- -r A..M. TTnMntfvi.f ni . - .- - -
xne aireacion 01 jit. iiugusir uob"1""!
will give
-win'icr us nicj "-" - are iorgiven ana loraroMen. but when nhit nf nrnVaKni.(i
tra plays ithe best music and it is a a man who in his lifetime sat in a hlga named arid the Mussulman calj .-ate. has refused them justice are of ten ren
credit to the musical taste of Lincoln ptace amd received the homage of man- dered' ineffectual by po3ce judges cf
that Mr. Hagenow's concerts are al- kina, dies, hfe faults receive the at- We kind tihe News of thk city urges
ways crowded. In all ways musical tetattion which men were too cautious The c3"111 season " Denver, St. JMge Comstock to Lecome. A police
he has done much for the education to give them while his influence was jMXlis' Omaha and Kansas City has be- ju j9 -in direct conitact with tlh
of western people and the response a pb 0f existence. The 5nttnnates of S"11 The a1 prophets of St. mogt igna oni g most helplrrs
to his offer of a series of five con- Bismarck and Gladstone are revealing' Louis' the slaves of e serpent in Den- portion of society. He has opportiml
certs for this winter testifies that his opinions whach they carefully con- Ter the Kniffhts of Aksarben and the of tyranny which, the judges of
efforts are appreciated. eeafcd from these statesmen AvhUe priests Pallas of Kansas CEty are higher courts have not. It is neces-
they lived and moved the men on. their n"10? joyous procession through g. that he should be untrammeled
The appointment of Colonel Stot- chessboards. It appears from these streete Hffhted by a double line of arJ(1 he is, Everjbotly knbws the usual
zenbuTff of the regular army to the friendly memoirs that neither the 1!ffhts and fringed with crowds of peo- procedure; a row of prisoners line up
colonelcy of the First regiment is one English nor the German statesman Ple- The caTndval spirit is undoubt- 5rt hls n ery ,lay, one by one tihey
for which Governor Holcomb should vras free from egotism nor the habits ed,r encouraged by merchants be- stand up and the policemen make
be unreservedly congratulated. The of a poseur. It appears that they were can ifc P3 trade, but it is none the whatever charge, truth or revenge, or
colonel is an officer par excellence. By more interested in their own position less beneficial to Americans to pause prejudice, the result of an haibrtual
lus constant oversight and instruction and their own fame than in the wcl- and laaffh and consent to be aniused. authority over the wretched, demanO.
the men in his command have been fore of England or Germany. Dr. The muscles bent and strained in the 'pjien the accused is heard, but, in the
kept from sickness. His record en the Schweninger's BosweHian- "biography race for wealth are grateful for the majorTty of cases, his testimony is un
fCTV months of this war is flawless and of Bismarck shows Uhat when tlhe rest of a "ffh and the fall carnivals heeded arid he is sentencetl to a fine
the governor hi recognizing it and ig- Kaiser accepted his resignation Bis- are the cause. They are the children and imprisonment in a reeking jail or
noring pontics has laid the men of marck was willing to print state se- he annual county and state fairs ordered to leave town. This procedure
the First and their relatives, not crets which would inevitably stir up wnieh they have superceded in many has condemned many an impo ver&hed
to speak of the colonel and his strife in the nation in order 4b make states, though they still linger in Xe- man and woman to undeserved punum
friends, under obligations which may the Kaiser trouble. Aasd Gladstone braska. They are amusing where the merit who have chanced to pay scant
induce them to forgive much. was willing to help to dismember tihe fair was tiresome and one of a count- courtesy to the man with a cliib. It is
m British empire, ultimately, fornis own less number of its predecessors exac;- -the unliverstil testimony of economic
If Mr. Bryan were inspired by the popularity. Thus the near views of ly like it. The carnival adapts itself itnuTerits tihat the abuses of the lower
generosity which influenced the dying an idlol tihirough a magnifying giiss to the spirit of the people who make courts create and encourage enemies
Sir Philip Sydney he would say to the held by a dear friend is invariably dtts- it and the ingenuity of the various to society. The police court is sup
offjeers and men of the First regi- appointing and consoles the obscure floats gives character to each city fes- posed to be a protection to society,
ment, "Your need v is greater than investigators for tihe lack of interest tival. Lincoln might inaugurate an but it often fails because of tihe lack
mine." Those boys on the other side the public has in themselves. annual festa that would signalize the of character in the judge. As a miatter
of the Pacific ocean have fought and opening of business and the beginning of fact in. most of the large cities of
lived in camps for months longer Julian Balph has begun a story in of "the Indian summer in Nebraska this country the police judges are
than the Third regiment, which has Harper's Monthly which remSndo me which lasts till Christmas and is posi- small bore poStickins -who discharge
seen no service at all. Mr. Bryan has in its treatment of the supernatural tively unmatched in balminess stimu- their duties according to routine and
pleaded the consideration due to a of an author who lived in so remote a lating quality and healthfulness by with, no especial examination of the in
defearted presidential candidate with padt that his identity hob never been any other state climate. Of tradition dividual cases submitted daily. The
ine vintuesot the obscure when tlhev Th- lit,. i.Knff h,vt. w ni; of arou to nem unose wno nave been
a scries of five concerts this dfe ore illumSnated and their failings Tne Arabian Nights or like the pro-ore cIubfbe1 bv fenoranit policemen into
AT- -1,-1 fn-- 'iifriA mnhae. . ...... -' - i ji a a a - itfi
rn -tftvit r-ilvin Jei remsunice 10 a sociexy wmen