WSfv srt Cff"--fj-4r.S!ftjsy vVj.-: -CTv-SC V - - 10 THE COURIBR. 1.4" li- ir- s l J ' J? if: I 5 . & ' pat s1 &M m l&" VARIEI'Y OP PANPV nnnna nmxrA imMmra TJ I . . - -- .wwi, vuuia anjkr ivia, iq iue enure west. Exposition souvenirs in mat varistv. Dnn't fnrit th. micw .-.B. i HARDY'S, 1S16 ci i, Douelas St., Omaha, lows, therefore, that the assassin can swore to defend Hungary aeainat the be handed over to the Austrian gov- world, and he seized the Jibrse by the hat . . 'fWs'M ernment to be tried and executed nt mouth and -turned it by main force A VARIFrY r&i&ti&J?"1 tenna, and bwitzerland would be un- toward the four quarters of the globe, likely to refuse a demand for his ex- The refinement of age and the change tradition. But the plain truth is that in the color of his hair from red to the European governments are afraid white, have improved the Emperor's to punish anarchists; every ruler appearance; but he was then no trembles lent he sign his own death match for the beautiful Elizabeth, warrant -when he condemns a an an- Their estrangement began soon after archist to death. The difference in their marriage, and it drove the Em this country is marked and suggestive. press into the equestrian and other We take anarchy by the throat and extravagances for which she has been strangle it into decent citizenship, criticised. VAs unhappy as a Hans- burg" is an old proverb, and as wife, mother and empress the air Eliza beth of Bavaria could testify to its truth. It was shameful that she But, then, we begin by treating all men as free and equal and laugh at the silly pretense that certain families can govern the people by divine right. fill 0 pi ill:; P. C. ZEHRUNG, Mgr Corner O aod Twelfth streets With all the horror nttached to he should die by the hand of a cowardly assassination of the Empress of Auk- assassin; but for years she has been tria it is perhaps scarcely strange that ready to welcome death. the more fltppaut of pur journals should indulge in fake anecdotes more Electric wiring, gas and electric or less unkind. The British Queen's fixtures and lamps a specialty. Kors dislike for the late Empress certainly meyer Plumbing and Heatinj Co., 215 had origin in some penny-a-liner's South Eleventh street. mind; although scarcely chummy could you imagine Victoria, with her J- A. Vance, M. D., who has Joined Sunday-at-home method of living. Dr. Charles W. Little, as president of ever hobnobbing with a Bohemina? the Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, they never had "a falling out," and formerly practiced medicine in Ash the "unoonventionality" stated to be land", Neb., but seeing the workings of the cause of the rupture was probably Osteopathy, he recognized its supe- 25 cents the trait in the deceased lady's char- riority as a therepeutic agent and acter that appealed most strongly to abandoning his practice went io "" " ' " the queen. Again, to state that -fter Kirksville , Mo., and took the course ASSEMBLY OF ALL INDIAN TRIBES luncheon at Windsor.tlie Empress ate ; tjie celebrated American School of Por One Monday, Sept. 26. Redmond Dramatic Company Sg2S assa ms ass 4The Lost Paradise." A stronir comnanv nf sivti-pn nmnia mor,..:.., ... " , --- -; r-T"1 .cuoiiie iJCCiaiues at. eah nor. nice, jionday evening ladies free, on the usual conditions. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Matinee Satnrriair in o.i Seats on sail Saturday 9 a. in. formance. v ..- i. i - . 'l'ho imiA VA -. J 1 a -hearty meal at the Windsor station of which Dr. Li(tle . 00 Wed inT T JZL"" " ating at Omaha the rarest ethnologi- " UUr WUNTJ!iK'BCOAL wood. See Gregory, refreshment room is absurd, eeing that she would pass through the royal waiting1 saloon to the train, a special of course, bound to leave on time, and would not even be in the neighborhood of the stuffy little pork pie and Bath bun closet that does duty for a cafe at the Windsor station ties the Empress visited Ireland or England every winter for the hunting and a straighter rider it would be dif- graduate. AT THE FUNKE. Begining on 3fonday evening the Redmond dramatic company will be seen at the Funke for six nights and ing great Indian reservations, it has .tuuktnl 1ij1?ia' injl nliwlran'c ml4inaa llMMl tlVclll1d YiArm 4 .WMM.M .m. !.. I . In the seven- i """-" J.-.-. .. . ---. , . , ""H-"" at 2:30 Saturday. They will present swgni. expense, to gather upon the ex stanard dramas only, opening with position grounds a show which would the great labor play, "The Lost. Par- 1e possible nowhere else in America. cal exhibition ever attempted in this and or nnv other land. Sitn.iWl i, heart of the great American union, COIHer Eleventh and O, be within easy reach of all the remain- tora Olivine . adise," for which they carry special Sioux from the Dakotas, Omahns and Winnebagos from Nebraska, Sacs ficult to find. She was for years pi i-a ,- i... ,n.Vn,.,, rvimtnin scenery. Tlie followinjr card from Mr. Mitchell, and made herself immensely Redmond shows the confidence - has and Foxps frn Iowa. Chippewas from popular with those she mtf. The last in his attraction: Mmnesota, Kickapoos from Kansas, time that I was in the Melton Mow- "In presenting for your approval the an Jans J"m orth Dakota, Crows bray region I went into a farm house Bedmond dramatic company we take ". Uieyennes and Flathead-J in the centre of the hunting district, pride in calling your attention to a from Montana, Sheepeaters, Bannocks and wttle there noticed a comomn eompnny that has never received an and Nez Perces from Idaho. Ynldmas -ntlrorst rriiTn. Ererv ntvimisf will tiyitii iVncliinkrtnn TT- tr rvij. china plate recHning in a glass cajc. ulnlled and each performance Arapahoes and Shoshone, from Wv-' The Omaha BOUte. The farmer explained to me that the guaranteed or money refunded. We ,;,, , x- j n " -. Empress one day, being far from home give no presents, conduct no gambling on,,I,f' L"te"m Irom erada, Zunis, Traina leave Lincoln Ion" devnses, imt give hign class dramatic '" '' - "j"" -iK.-j: inim .uuiiui-ohb. performances, lntersperseil wntn the -"zonu ana -ew .Mexico, loggers and t JC "? Tiwio a. m. latest at prices that will Mojaves from California, Umatillas pj, q h s'i? P m" please all. from Oregon and representatives from Fnr nm!k! ?! m T .. " .. . " X"""" i" F- m. H and hungry, after an unusually run, had entered his house and eaten bread and cheese, and drunk of his home brewed ale. "She said," con cluded this rural entertainer ot roy alty, "that she had never tasted" any thing so good in her life, and give m& a five pun' note, and sent the missus and kids a whole lot of dress stuff the jnamn aerniory ana Oklahoma of or umaha "12:40 a m I 11 A- t A . TT . . m .- j lie iiuni tour ui ncruiuiiu iuc LTeekS. Uhlckasaws. Omntnwc 3mI- I o TRAINS r:Von. r i,"n,i.i uv Tnn "hmi it.i. i ru-i .. '. ifa,re. WHiaha for . ..., .. .. -. . ":;., uicrom-n., rsuges, uioes, ion- ijincoln 85 a. m ' ide, under the direction of Mr. Edward kawas. Kiowas, Comanches. Poncas Lincoln YliS n. m' Thurnaer will oien in Cliicago, 111., lowas, Quapavs, Delawares, ivaws and J,!ncojn ".2o p. m. ..... wG .. .. .. y September 3th for a two keek's stay other tribes and remnant of Mho, x J"" PI-10 P- ra- next day." This is only one 01 count- - . . . .,. ----- jmicoin t P. m. less instances of the kind-hearted nes and then tj"e a h wrn eonoregatl ,n their wickiups, tenls. Lincoln 1150 p. m tour covering the greater part of the tepees, wigwams and cabins, pursuin territory used last season where ilerr- their usual avocations and illustrating matin's gave the greatest satisfaction their dances, religious rites and sav- and where managers are desirious of ae customs, make up a show unlike playing' them again. There will be anything ever before presented. many new illusions by Leon Herrmann Delegations fmm wppi- fr;K : ... coronation ceremonies, xne jmpress that- as. yet nave never oeen seen in was toen one oi iub uiiuuuc.i. - -- r j - - - -- - - .,;, f . ,, 4. :,. will cive to the public lor the nrst " '" ",c -iw I 6 TRAINS f of the Empress. When the Emperor and Empress of Austria were crowned as the King and Queen of Hungary, I happened to be at Buda-Pesth and witnessed the Daily. tDaily t Slinfl G. W. BONNELL. 6. P. & T.A. HOMESEEKEBS' EXCUBSIOX; September 6 and 2C. Ortoi a -.i -"-'-. -x tlll i yet nave never oeen seen in r.n . . nn ., , . ".j ana UKianonui TerrHorir ni iis eonntrv and Adelaide Herrmann " " """" " hmHt nil : . .. ' '" ' ' - .:.. xa .. - - en in Europe. I had seen Queen Vic- CJ-F"? Each tvne will te n2 ZZZZ "isiana Sew Mexico, the Bu, .a - iiiiii: iici iiiiiil 11111.11 mill .uuuii ik . - --- - .. uinri u z a. toria, Queen Isabella and tue impress Fash,on Plate"; in-which she changes uriate costume Awth weapons, uten- T , Sc" tlckets one fan Eugenie; but the Empress Elizabeth her 50 times in 10 minutes sik, industrial appliances, ceremonial ?. . the Tound triP- For fur IS, to all points in Texas, Indian Tcr- 1 Oklahoma Territory and to points in Ari2na, Arkansas. uu .ew .Mexico, the Bur- on will sell tickets at one fare J t .A.. .. .. . i J . -w- . j - tin .w r mi rmB in ti iff 1 ..a.. lAjioinn a a n rvv ninn t un rk i wDeaiuGupiuu.; .. , -- Hu,,Ug.ucwa,i.n:,., objects, burial structures and handi- tall, slender, graceful, elegant, and anese Magic Fete in which she will . TI,. ... , , wrth a. eentlead irracious dignity iutroduce some of the most intricate - he r 8, thr solemn, fes wrth a gentteua .""s "VJ i a"d sensational novelties knenvn to the t,rak' e.r 1Wculiar customs and she was a perfect picture of youtntnl por ms acfc ecpecialjr new their natural surroundings will be re sovereignty as she walked up to the scenerv is g painted by Mr. Ernest produced. In connection with these altar of the ancient cathedral, carry- Albert of Xew York City. illustrations of .,.,. u. i.:.. , 1 A: ;f. nnnnna'iAllC .. mg ner lung irsini. nu u.j... ease. It is not lese majeste to say ii. t,EONHARDT' that her consort, the Emperor Joseph, looked like a pig. When he put on the gold pot that served as the antique crown of Hungary, his appearance s ridiculous. He redeemed himself. however and won the plaudits of the Bilkramie88,5fervous Ilk Pill Habit and wil be prominent. Mr iK.-i-ir-rsra isssbTvs , 71 M a wnurc . - r, - lree. unwnni.isac.or auaress ash ri- animals unless tliev n.n n .- .-. ....uiuiauon ana tickets iiii t B. & M. depot or city ticket offices corner Tenth and 0 streets. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. & T. A. Mft-PuU Cures OyiiJi, charger up the mound on which lie PILL CO., Lincoln, Nebr. HALF KATES TO ST. LOUIS. inal habits and customs and the para- . ".1 r " 7 tne Missouri Pa- phernalia of the plains, mountains, " W,U SCl1 tlckets to st- Iouis and lakes and forests, their homes, ex- &t ne fare for e round trip, hibits of their industrial advancemenr, couJtt ot Kw'r and Veiled Prophets their school work and other incidents ,rade' & until October 9. The Ne of their slow but sure movement to- . at 2:30 P- m- and arrives in St. warn nntizanon ana enlightenment w8 7:20 a. m. For sleeping car wsrthB or further information call at city ticket office, 1039 O street F. D. CORNELL, C. P. & T. A. "The Courier for Mle.aJl newartindc Then they are the real thing. 3 i ,3 n I" LI 5 . i. n t M . Jf --"- -- f