Wifr ' vv r g--t$i&fB4j?P&''t ysr,- ijjfi -ws : Tywvw- '?:f rsrt7r SSJBM" Xtm?? rw jtT' -T ' THE COURIER. Sri3iiVcL;f;'V A-3 m? -, ?! - Sf .1 . r" 'j I---- depends. He seems to think lie has THE WIDOW IN PEACE. Town Topics War Correspondent. received a special inspiration to work for his country and lo do knightly deeds upon the spur of the moment antl without consultation wha' prom inent leaders. "Certainly not," said the command er of -the commissary department. "He shall have more. He is entitled The young soldier was placed in tho carriage and the father drove off with out interference. Physicians and surgeons these "contract" ami volunteer ouch seem, in many instances, to have had their love for the profession nlworbed in To bring back to America our dead V immediately, and so much a in Cuba sounds well. It is certainly day for every sick soldier, from the little enough to do, antl a beautiful commutation fund," etc. -sw,. soldier heroes who foucht General Shnfter was cubled this, or In the twenty-five vears since the for our honor, against all odds, to the sulwnlinnte cracker-bo captain, their love for shoulder straps. It is first class was irrad.mted lrom the their death. After going into the or both. Red tape commenced to un- nmk first with them ami the profes- TnLrs-itv of Nebraska it has grown Santiago (in itself) death trap, going wind. The soldier dietl without his store afterward. One day I lieard a fr on obscure school of the grade into battle not recuperated from sea- delicacies, but the great system is car- "major" doctor say to u sick soldier f an academy lacking distinction hi sickness, without proper food, with- riel out, and any time you desire you who wis unable to stand and was " . . J Tfncuwv and in out generals, remaining in trenches can examine and see the correctness holding on to the tent: the composition 01 we j RO!1i.,i and sun-bakeu until of the book in the Commissary Dcrrnrt- "i'ut your urm down nn!d stund at- the curriculum, anil enrolling oihj - . ,u niimW of ritiulerits to a univer- opaiusu uu..,..o .. . .- ,u. , the first class, in which not parison, and then at the lost, a ter au more than, twelve schools in this coun try' can be included. Among the pres ent faculty are men who are well known to the scientists and scholars of this country and Europe. They have added their contributions to the slowly accumulating stores of knowl edge and induction ami at the same ficers amj, tne war department itself time have increased the -fame and dis- jou- it cannot be done. It cannot be ti net ion of the institution- in which Qm oeCai;5: 01 the unwritten side they teach. of this war. Registration has begun and indi- Tn;s unWritten side is so much entes an attendance of over twenty- worse (than the horrors that have five hundred. Before the school year hecn toii that those Who know cannot is finished there will probainy be three Write it, and if they could, in the real thuusaiid students im the university. jzinr knowledge of all that came .to It is an institution of Which a real OVed ones, unbalanced minds would :Xebraskan is proud. AH other state accompany unstrung hearts, institutions are remedial, punitive, Graphic writers have allowed .their legislative or philanthropic. None of pens to slide over the worst, but there them send out hito the state are the living wounded io tell of the every year a hundred or more vultures that hovered over them, wait young men und women with their ing for death to give to them their wuts sharpened ami taste cum- prey; 01 me near ueau e.uimcu. uj U'litfon. How dare you stand in that General Miles cabled frnn Poi'to Rico position in t!ie presence of your sti- this showing to the world the pluck of for $50,000 for necessary supplies. jwrjor officer?" the American why not say that their "Certainly not," said the eommissa- In private life this "superior officer" own loved home soil shall be -their ry commander. "Everything is prov- was n doctor in a little country town, final resting place. v ided by my adjutant (or whatever he and the soldier was a private with an It not only sounds well, but there js)t and you must- do as he says," or income of several thousand dollars a is something of poetry in tho saying words to that effect. year and a man of position who would of it. Those who are left to us, how- Gmvt SyHtcms, m tape and jeal- ever, our remaining soldiers, our oi- ons,v jrlllmic,i dignity! the general of the purse ,and the general of the sword! And you can say what you choose about the honor and the glory not hae recognized cinllr. the "major" so- PATTI'S GRANDNIECE. Patti has had her special guest this of the general who faces the enemy, summer at Cmig-y-Xos castle, her the general of food is bound to win grand Jiieve, Miss Louise llarill, an out. To this list of dead already and American girl, whose homo is in At- th'ose who are to die, the list of the lanta, Ga. Miss llarill is the 13 year generals of 'the purse will far exceed old daughter of Patti's favorite neph- the list who fell facing the Spaniarl. ew, Alfredo llarill. Writing of her Hut the books f the purse-generals visit to a girl friend in this city, Miss are all right and they challenge inves- llarill says: tigation! "We have had a delightful time Our soldiers went into Cuba without since! we have been here ami Aunt Ad proper clothing, without a second suit, elina wants me to stay a year and go and in some instances without urn?- w' I,er to Switzerland, but I caa form at all. never stand it to be away from papa shrugs his shouldcm and knbws it we Jave lwlce- 1,,e ,irst rae :t, undoubtedly at that time had not the awmK Mnff al u,e 3?w" Pace anu !. - rk.. ,...-. i .. .i ;iml mamma so loner. I wnnt io tell ,. j,i - A. AAn win iiiuiuviiiiuit:ciiuiai a iitrur. o- vated and chastened by study and as- these creatures "before their very ejes everyliody loves J'ou nboufc r vIsit to London, where ?a? ...iti. 4i. i.t iA-rik n5 in iit- winra ii ""Ki;i;iiiit- ruuiu ijiiii iv cu.aaa - - i i m. . l x? erature and science. The effect of or burial to their comrades, and again c,o, ,. mimiilatlve stream of inspira- after burial, from shallow, rai tion will not be apparenl perliaps un- ed graves. Polisl.eil bones lie glisten til another quarter of a century has ing in Cuba's sun, and in ono creek, passed. Then this big state will ac- from which our men and officers were knowledge its gratitude to the state drinking, were found six skeletons, university. ur returned1 correspondertts have " fought mental battles that have un- MAltY'S UEDSTKAW. nerved them equally with the soliders. There may lie something left to bring clothing to issue. Xow he is sending 16,000 .suits or so. Our soldiers in Cuba are dead, or coining home, but the clothing will go, and systems, per fect systems, and ilwoks will show up all right. At Chiekamauga, even in God's own country of luxury, this department at Alfred de Rothschild's, the second time at Albert hall. Her voice was never better. "We sail on the 10th, so we have not much longer to stay. Aunt Adelin iia has given me so many lovely tilings and a beautiful picture of her self. She has rented a bicycle for me to ride while here. There are lots of The Germans have a legend, quaint all we gave for the Cuban's but 1Id I,ot see,n l understand that r.0,000 here now and they giye a and old it is a false and cruel hope to hold out "- ,t" "l ' .""" "iniornis, forniancti ins ti,e beautiful theatre That tells the'story of that tuft of to members of broken homes. If the :,n1 wl to th5s unmlnsr, the ir- ncarly every ni-ffht. gold i War Department is sincere in its de- rentage necessary for wear and tear. 0ne dtdig-htful incident in Miss Bar- We call the golden rod; . . sire to give comfort to those who gave The ordnance department was as lmd ilVs v!sIt was tlie meeting with her They twioe this flower with the .holy their fathers, sons, brothers and hus- -" many ways. grandunele, irerman Vezin of London, ,norn . bands to die in this war against "in- Systems are slow, w-.ir is rapid. The the actor, who is called "The Master." On which in Bethlehem the Christ was humanity," and would like to build a generals of the purse sitting ire their He has beea playing at Swanzea, monument for itself to last through offices in Washington cannot under- Wales, and gave a special perform- the years to come, make sacred this stand the necessity for immediate re- ance of "Hamlet" for the Barilla and battlefield in: Cuba. Do, as everyone sponse when generals of the sword ca- Mmme. Patti. They went from the who has been there and witnessed the ble or telegraph for supplies. Their Castle to Swanzea, twenty miles, on horrorswill say, make there a national purse minds being drilled and edu- a special train, where the mayor and cemetary. cated to systems cannot understand, mayoress met them and they drove in This skirmishing among generals evidently, and movements and quick carriages, preceded -y mounted po- for glory, and from kitchen generals action that give victory to the fight- lice, through gayly decorated- streets, to medical generals to fix the blame of ing mind. and were cheered by the people. Her- the suffering army on the other fellow, Speaking of a fighting mind, I am ma" Vezin is nearly 70 years old, but wwild be amusing if it were not so ex- reminded of a fighting Tennesseean. 1,e sustains his numerous roles with asperating. Several weeks ago, im tuis ire came to Chiekamauga to see his aI1 the re an1 viSor of youth. Miss latter connection, in this column of own son who was ill in "quarters" Ia,,ra v- Johnson of Louisville is one In this event that matle a wnoie worm mine, j. remarseu uioat. nuyuawMiv which means, in miinary parlance, in jal that three departmens were falling his own tent. The father, a big burly .This dav of daws the best; down the quartermaster, the medical ,naiTj asked how long it took to get a Thev call it "Mary's bedstruw" and and the ordnance. This was from furlough ami permission to take his "Don't you think Lucy's new sailor they hold Chiekamauga. I have no: changed my son home. He was answered "several Aat is perfect?" said Miss Frocks to The vellow bloom as though 'twere opinion, but I am wondering if I must days." .Miss Kittish. (,, add to it another 4he commissary. "Several days? What do you mean "It certainly is replied Miss Kit- Vhove all other blest. If General Eagan, one of the most by that?" tish. "It makes me seasick." WILLIAM REED DUNROY. conversant men an his department,has "There are so many applications in , had but twenty-two men to listribute already that another one will have to gnniHinnillimiflWIinniflfminiinnfia born The blessed son of God. They say that on the bed where Mary lay This golden blossom shone amidst the hay, And strewed. the humble cave; It lent the only glory to the jlace That housed the Saviour of the human race, A golden bed and pave. In honor of the humble part it had oi nis most promising pupils, and is playing with his company this summer. c Best Place in Omaha C To duy Ladies' Cloaks, Furs, Tn this issue appears the announce- his millions of dollars worth of food take its turn." u. t :i., -Srifir-niY" nf osteo- to 2SO.O0O men in the field, who Ls re- The southerner looked at th'e nflFfp.r meniOT ..-.. .... . ... , 41.to t :.. ., u. ....... C Ready-made Snita. Skirts. Waists. pathy. The proprietors evMienno - !.. . ....... .u. .... ,..,.., ...... ,., n.,.. .l c Underwear. Neck Wear. Belt and all kinds of ladies furnishings. Lowest prices Desirable qoali- fi"th in this method of treatment or Great systems are all right ire war. word, walked into the tent and gath- thev would not agree to accept ten the military department and tlie polit- ered his boy into his arms. He uses for a term Of two weeks treat- We cannot get along without them, brough him out and started for his ent nud make it wholly optional But between systematic red tape of carriage and said: ith the patients whether tlie y pay het military department anl the polit- 'The first man who interferes with i ieal led tape somebody dies in the un- me I will put a bullet through. When m raveling. For instance, General Shaft- the commanding officer of this regi- Maud You don't seem to find time er cabled one day for $2000 wit1 whicli ment is ready to send my son his fur to get married. engaged all uy food and delicacies for the sick lough or his honorable discharge he . In?!- and wounded in Santiago. . can send it to him at my home." ties .Polite attention Everybody invited. Look for this sign. m OflELD CLOAK & SUIT C 0.1 : lSie BB(laa C aafca, Hefc. luuuuuuuuuuuuunuyyymuujj 4 A 4 1 j . si 3 4 A LiAtaaaf