"-. 'XflU-' ''-yfcrj-jqfffig --w3 THE COURIER. 9 3 -- (First publication Aug. 13.) 4. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby given of the incor poration under and pursuant to the laws of the state of Nebraska of a corporation to be known as Lincoln Traction Company Extension, the principal place of transacting the bus iness of which will be at the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, State of Nebraska. And the general nature of its business will be to construct, ac quire, own and maintain a line of street railway as follows, viz: Having one terminus at the intersection of Baldwin avenue in University Place, in the County of Lancaster and State of Nebraska, with Thirty-third street in the City of Lincoln, in said county and state; and. extending thence east erly along said Baldwin avenue to the intersection of said avenue with Arch er street in said University Place; thence north along Archer street to its intersection with St. Paul avenue; thence east along St. Paul avenue to rts intersection with Merrill avenue; thence north along Merrill avenue to its intersection with Adams avenue; thence east along Adams avenue to its intersection with Foss avenue; thence north along Foss avenue to its intersection with Wabash avenue; nue; thence east on Wabash avenue to its intersection with Foster avenue; thence north along Foster avenue to its intersection with Clark street, which shall be the other terminus of said line of railway in said city of University Place. Also to purchase, own, construct, maintain and operate a line or lines of street and interurban and subur ban Tailway through and between the corporate limits of the City of Lincoln and the villages of Havelock and of Normal and College View, in said county, and through and between the corporate limits of said city and such other municipal corporations, parks, and public places as the Board of Di rectors shall from time to time de termine. Also to establish, construct, acquire, maintain, own, and operate the neces sary buildings, works, machinery, poles, and structures for the purpose of generating and furnishing, supply ing and distributing electricity for the purposes of illumination and for mov ing machinery and vehicles; and to erect, acquire, own and maintain wires and other conductors of electricity for conducting the same for the pur poses aforesaid and distributing the same to the public and to individuals within said City of University Place and any of the said' villages or muni cipalities. And to have, own, told, and enjoy all the rights, franchises, easements, hereditaments, appurtenances, fix tures, and property, both real and per sonal, necessary or convenient for the construction, maintenance and op eration of the said lines of street rail way. The amount of the capital stock authorized in said corporation is fifty thousand dollars; ten per cent where of is to be paid in cash at the time of subscription, and the residue a-, the expiration- of ninety days from said date; but the corporation is to be deemed complete upon the subscrip tion of twenty thousand dollars of its capital stock in manner aforesaid, and the residue of said stock may be sub sequently subscribed from time to time as the Board of Directors shall direct. The time of the commence ment of said corporation is the date of the filing of its articles in the office of the Clerk of Lancaster County, to-wit, on the 9th day of August, 1898, and the time of its termination is at the expiration of fifty years from said last named date. The highest amount of indebtedness to which 6aid corpo ration may at any time subject itself is thirteen thousand dollars, or such greater sum as saall not any time ex ceed two-thirds of the capital stock ac tually subscribed. Its affairs are to be conducted by a Board of five Direc tors, who will chose a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and any two or more of said offices may be combined and conferred upon one person. . JOHN H. AMES, BRAD D. SLAUGHTER, JOHN H. HUMPE, MOSES L. SCUDDER, NORMAN BELCHER, Incorporators. They wandered by a sea-beat shore, He softly drew her to his side; "Love, were you ever kissed before?" "Only by Hobson," she replied. ( First publication September 3.) 4. In the District Court in and for Lan caster County, Nebraska. Notice to Non-Ilesident Defendants. James A. Devore, Plaintiff, vs. Michael Ilnr.nin, Mrs. Michael Bnnnin, his wife, first name unknown, et al., defendants. 23-240 To Michael Bnrann, Mrs. Michael Dannin, his -wife, first and real name unknown, Levi C. Sloan, Lederer & Strauss, and the First National Bank of Chariton, Iowa, a corporation: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of August, 1S93, James A. Devore filed his petition in the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, in the above entitled cause against you and each of 3011 ns defendants, the object and prayer of which said peti tion are to foreclose a certain U lieu on the following described real estate, situated in Iancnstcr County, Ne-r-raskn, to-wit: The northeast quar ter (11 e .1) of section thirty-five (35), in Township twelve (12), Range six (6), which mi id tax lien was obtained by p!aiiUtitT by purchase of said above described real estate at pubic tax sale for the delinquent taxes interest, pen alties and costs for the year 1894, ami the payment thereafter of the subse quent taxesfor thej-ears 1895 aand 1S96 the time of redemption from said tax ftili having expired. That there is now due plaintiff upon said tax lien tihe Mini of $110.40,, which amount dmws interest at the Kite of ten per cent per annum from this date. Plain tiff prays that in default of payment of said taxes, the above described premises be sold to satisfy the amount due him and that the defendants, and each of them be foreclosed of all right, title, interest and equity of re demption in said premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of Octolwr, 1S98. GILKESON & REESE-, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ( First publication "September 3.) 4. In the District Court in and for Lan caster County, Nebraska. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. James A. Devore. Plaintiff, vs. Michael I'anniu and Mrs. Michael l'nimin, his wife, first name unknown, Mary Fitzgerald, widow of John Fitz gerald, deceased, et al. 23-23S. To Michael Baunin, Mrs. Michael lianniu, his wife, first and real name to plaintiff unknown, D. W. Tryon, first ivnd real name to plaintiff un known, Lederer & Strauss, Thomas E. Jonlon, Lillie B. Branson, Levi C. Sloan, and the First National Bank of Chariton, Iowa, si corporation. You and each of 3-011 are hereb3 noti fied that on the 16th day of August, 1898, James A. Devore filed his peti tion in the District Court of Lancaster Count, State of Nebraska, in the aboie entitled cause against 3ou and each of 3-011, as defendants, the object and pra3er of which are to foreclose a certain tax lien on the following de scribe;! real estate situated in Lan caster count, Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section twenty six (26), Township twelve (12), Range six (6), which said tax lien was ob tained 1)3 plaintiff b3 purchase of said above described real estate at public tax sale for the delinquent taxes, interest, penalties and costs for the 3car 1S92, and the payment there after of the subsequent 'taxes for the years 1S93 and 1894, the time for re demption from said tax sale having expired. That there is now.due plain tiff upon said tax lien the sum of S130.S9, which ainonnt draws interest .at the rate of ten per cent per annum from this date. Plaintiff pra3s that in default of pament of said taxes, the abovedescribed premises be sold to satisf3" the amount due him, and that the defendants, and each of them, be forcfclosed of all right, title, interest and eqnit of redemption in: said premises. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 10th da3" of October, 1S9S. GILKESON & REESE, Attorne"s for Plaintiff. "I had that idea in my head for weeks." ' "It must have been lonely." He Nonsense! It's the easiest mat ter in the world to tell a woman's age. She Not for the woman. ( First publication September 3.) 4. In the District Court, in and for Lancaster County, State of Nebraska. Notice to non-resident defendants. Jnmes A. Devore, Plaintiff, vs. Lin coln Park Association, a corporation; Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, a cor poration', et al., defendants. 23241. To Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, u corporation, J. A. Weart, first name to plaintiff unknown, Christopher C. Wolf and Mrs. Christopher C. Wolf, first and real name to plaintiff un known, and Amoskeag Savings Bank, a corporation. You and each of ou are hereby no tified that on the lGth day of August, 189S, James A. Devore filed his petition in the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, in the above entitl ed cause against 3011 and each of 3011 as defendants, the object and pra3cr of which said petition are to foreclose a certain tax lien on the following de scribed real estate situated in Lancas ter county, Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section two (2), in township nine (9), range six (6), also lot seven (7),in the n'ortheast quarter of section three (3) in township nine (9), range six (C). Also lot eighteen (18) in- the northeast quarter of section three (3), in township nine (9), range six (6); which said tax lien was obtained by plaintiff by purchase of said above de-, scribed rail estate at public tax sale for the delinquent taxes, with interest, penalties and cost for the year 1893, and the payment thereafter of the subsequent taxes for the ye-rs 1894 aud 1895. the time for redemption from said tax sale having expired. That there is now due plaintiff upon said tax lien the sum of $476.14 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from this date. Plaintiff prays that in default of pay ment of said taxes the above described premises may be sold to satisfy the amount due him, and that the defend ants and each of them, be foreclosed of all right, title, interest and equity cf redemption in said premises. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before October 10, 1898. GILKESON & REESE, Attorneys for Pla.ntiff. 'First Publication July 30. C Land Office t Lincoln. Nebr. July 27, 1868. f Notice U licroby given that the following named sottlcr lias filed notice of hit intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof trill be made before the Reenter of tlio United States Land Office at Lincoln. Nebr., on September 3th, 1598, viz: Frank Jnricek, for the nel-l of tha nw 1-1 and tho nw 1-4 of tho no 14 of section 17, tp 8, range 5,e. Hn names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, viz: Felix Baumgart, John Keenan, Frank Kritgi, Frank Husi, all of Berks, Nebr. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under tho Jaw and the reg ulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not bo ullowed.will be given an opportunity at the abovo mentioned timo and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidenco in rebuttal of that snbmittcd by claimant. J. W. JOHNSON, Register. First Publication Aug. 27. 4 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is Hereby given of the formation of a corporation under the laws of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is Hedges Milling Company. The principal placo of transacting tho business of the corporation is Lincoln. Ne braska. Ihe general nature of the business to bo transacted by the corporation is the pur chase and iale of and dealing in all kinds of personal property: tho manufacture of Hour, m-al and fvd and the transacting of a general milling business ; the purchase, owning, im provement or leasing by tho corporation of such real cstateor personal property as in the judgment of its board of directors snail be necessary or adviable in the transaction of said business. Tho authorized capital stock of the corporation is tlu.ODU of which 2U percent shall bo paid in cash on or before August 20th. 1&P8, and the balance shall bo paid on call of the board of directors. Tho corporation shall commence on the SOtu of August, 1S98. and ter minate on the 19th of August. 1948, unless sooner dissolved by the action of a majority in number and amount of its stockholders. Tho highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any time to sub ject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its authorized capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors consisting of three stockholder. The officers of the corporation are president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Dated this 18th day of August, 1898. W. V. Hedges, 1 C. L. Hedges,)- incorporators. M. K. Hedges, ) TO CALIFORNIA And North Pacific Coast Points take the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Elegant equipment. Pullman service. Chair cars free. Through lervice to California points and Portland, Orrgon, in Tourist Sleeping Cars. BEST LINE FOR ALASKA Seed at once for a new fblder of the Klondike region. If you want to get a farm in Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas, send for our Emigration Folder. Address . JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A. Chicago, III. HOME3EEKES EXCURSION. Aug. 2nd and lCtb,Sept- Ctb and 201b, Oc'. 4th and 18th the Buriiogtou will sell to all points in Indian and Oklaho, ma Territory at one faro plus 12.00 o-indtrip. Apply at B. &M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O Sts., fo information. G. VV. Boxmell, 0. P. & T. A. Oct. 18. -boWBQKB g 1 nc-aaw Ml CITY IUD01II dH Will furnish instrumental music for ptrtiesand receptions at rea sonable rates. Address j Jt John Benson. Union Cub ( ii Xorah (reading) In England ser vants are proud of growin' gray in the service of wan fam'ly. Hriget Huh! Thot's joowt like tliim Sassenach! What M they t'ink o th loikes o me what 's mode more 'n a hoondred misthresess grow gray in th same toime? Sunday School Teacher And Sam son pushed nunder ihe pillars, causing' the temple to collapse. Johnny Update Hut I'll bet it was Schley who really did the trick. I-nt I'hwat koind of, a langwich do thitn Spaniards spake, annyway? Mike Itegorra! they make tomorrer rhyme wid banana. "Mood," said the Angomaniae, "is thicker than -water." "So it is," yelled the imperialist. "Let's wade in it" A pretty maid in bathing suit Walked sadly on the sand; "Alas!" she cried, "there's not a man In sight on sea or land!" Then suddenly she danced witlTjoy And clapped her hands in glee; 'What luck," she cried, "here come at last A swell upon the sea!" "The Phillipines, as I hearn tell," Ole Uncle S., sez he, "Are 'bout as hard a nut to crack As grows on any tree" Ole Uncle S., sez he, "I guess . Fer fifteen year," sez he, -"I had a little harder nut In South Car-o-li-nee Now, that is my idee!" "Varnely told me a story today that entirely took my breath away." "It must have been a powerful tale." "Why do you call your mare Louise?" , , "She's named after my wife. "Why after her?" "Don't you see how she