fHE COUWElL. 6 Profeaaional'Dlreotory. DOCTORS. , . Telephone. Office Hoars H. M. Betts, Optician. Mnacnlar Troubles a Specialty. 7 l 9.30 to 12am Herpok&eiroer Block, Second Floor. H 30 to 4 B Ofiee 666 .Bn H 1 ij 0n room 18-M, llOtoll a. Dr. O. O. Reynolds j.......... j.-. 10 to IS -v -. -JW. L. Dayton, M.D. (., wostrt uotoi Diseases of Eye, IfcOaTkroet I IC Street 1230 to toSpm f Dr. J. H. Tyndale Oflce, roesaa 9 ud 10 ulltoM j 2 -to! 9 to 11 JO am NOSE AND THROAT LudBcTMtn Spaa Sf : Pl gocial ani personal 1 JDr. 8. E. Cook f Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat I ltisost. 19:30-12:3 J2-5pm Ofiee, Bes EreniBss, by appointment. Saaday'a 12 to 1 p. . and by appointment. Ofiee. So.. 349, Dr. R. E. Qif f en j Ofiee, Telephone Bid... 12 to S pm 1 Residence, 1821 T street f pointment ofiee Hii-nr. T.fl. 'RiRtm. I . ...... f.toi,,i, y- -?- vuuice. 191 so. ilia ov, it a.m. Beideace, ..HI I ..562) Surgery aad Nervosa Diseases, ) 1 Hoars 10 to IDr. J. B. Trickey, j Refiactioniat only office. IGBBO street. 19 U j-Ito 9 to 12 a. m 4 p.m. DENTISTS. 530. Louis N. Wente,D.D.S.?BjowBSMI.,Kn ) I ao llth street. 27 audi r ..mi Dr. F. D. Sherwln DENTIST. Ofiee, room 19 BorrBlk9 to 12a m 2nd floor Bea.at30Qst..., .r I to p.m BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WALTON G. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embalmer. Telephone, Office 145 Eleventh and P St. Res. 156. feeeeeeMMMMJSMMIIISMMMttIIMMMIMSMMMIIIHHS 1i A SHARPSHOOTER knows well the value of perfect and : accurate ejesigni, aa wen as anyone , whoss occupation necessitates the : rnntinual una of the evefl. Recline glasses are a great relief 10 the stu dent or bookkeeper, we win test ; vmir ffvMicrht and increase the effi- 5 ciency of your vision by proper : glaesee, or 10 inose wnose Bigm m , railing witn age. v E. HALLETT, U43 O Street. Funke Opera House Block. jkwbi.br astd optician. a i aa r si Mini Senad yMr wmslh dresses aurad sflaiirt waists t ms0 CLARKSON X I'LAUNPRY COMPANY ? j TRUNKS, Blesant line o Pocket Boolca, Oard Gamsaesa, XeaUesa and Gerataa9 Blta amxaci. Leatber Novelties fox aBcaaaaxaaeJ Totariavtsa aaaad oa Ke-w Qvaaaart'exraa. 1086 O street. PEBKI98-GRAVES. f Ob Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock Miss Grace Perkins was married to Mr. George Graves by the Rev. F. M. Williams, formerly pastor of the First Baptist church. The wedding was a very quiet one, only tie relatives of the bride and groom being present. The bride wore Tier traveling gown, The house was prettily decorated with palms end sweet peas. After supper there waa a reception until the conple left on the six o'clock train for the east. The bride is well and most fsvorably known in Lincoln, hav ing lived here most of her life. The groom waa once a resident of Lincoln, but is now in the insurance business in Valparaiso. Both have many warm friends who e (tend to them heartiest congratulations, and best wishes for a life of happiness and prosperity. Miss Laura Bouts gave a dinner on Wednesday for Miss. Ban m who is her guest. Those in attendance were Misses Clara Hammond, Mabel Baum, Messrs Roy Sawyer, George Bartlett, Harry Leming and Harry Evans of Blooming ton, III. Some young people enjoyed a' picnic at the home of Mrs. Baird on Tuesday afternoon. A delicioua luncheon waa served on the lswn in the cool of the evening. They were chaperoned by Mrs. Lamberfson and Mrs. Baird. Those present were Misses ?argery and Nancy Lsmbertson, Mabel Stone of Hastings, Louie H'rgreaves, Messrs Raymond, Lau, Fawell and Stein. The La Veta.Whist club had a picnic at Lincoln park Wednesday afternoon. Just before they were ready to go home little Kate Field slipped from a horse she was riding and broke her arm. Among those present were the following and their children: Messrs and Meadames Field, Wier, John Giliilaa, John Davis, M. J. Waugh, C. T. Boggs, T. W. Boggs, E. Hallett, 1. Lansing, Kirksr. W. A. Lindsey, O. C. Bell, Misses Boggs and Coffyn. Miss Laura Houtz gave dinner on Tuesday evening for Miss Mabel Baum, of Salt Lake City, and Mr. Harry Evans of Bloomington, III. The table was done in pink, ind was most dainty and delicatein every detail. The guests were Misses TJra Kelley of Omaha, Mabel Baum. Mabel Richards, MetKS Harry Evans, Edgar Morrill acd Hugh Edmisten. Mrs. H. E. Lewis gave a five o'clock tea on Wednesday evening forheraeice, Mies May Lewis of Boston, who is spend ing the summer in Lincoln. Her guests were Mrs. E. H. Burnhaa, Mrs. Atkin son, Mrs. C. L. Burr, Mrs. Oatcalt, Mrs.Lambertson, Mrs. B.- F. Bailey, Mis Leuiss of Glasgow, Ky., Miss Miss Sadie Burnham, Miss Belle Lewis, Miss Alice Wiag, Miss Benie Wing. A picnic will be given this afternoon forMirsKae Miles of Missouri Valley, la.' Amona: the guests will be Misses Jessie Outcalt, Pauline Meyer, Lelia Hunt, Daisy Hargreaves, Came Wees ner; Detrick Lau, Alex Lau, Isaac Ray mond, Frank Brown, Arthur Raymond. The party will be chaperoned Mae Ban and Miss Lilian Tul Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Blish, Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Clark. Mr. and Mrs W. E. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Will Owen Jones and Misses Ellen and Frances Gere left on Tuesday for Green Lake, near Ripan, "Wis., to rest for several weeks. In about three weeks they will be joined by other Liocoloitea. This coterie is the Lake Osakis group of laat summer. It haa not changed its name though the members have deserted the locality of Osakis. A party of young people lode out to the grove beyond the penitentiary on their wheels Wednesday evening, and carried their lunch with them. The ride .waa just long enough to give a good appetite, and the evening was delight fully cool, and the" luncheon delicious. Afterward in the dusk of the .'evening, the party rode back' to the home of Miss Seabrook and spent a pleasant evening. The picnic and ride was given for Miss Rena Smith of Ohio, who is visiting here. The members of the party were Misses Lillian Smith, May Murry, Lou Ayere, Flora Hartley, Etta Parrieb, Mabel Parrisb, Gertrude Hanson, Mar tha Seabrook, Rena Smith, Messrs Dan De Putron, Peter McNickel, Dr. Chas. KernsWard Woodruff, John Martin, Percy Pain, Taylor Burt, Clay Mussel wight, Victor Turpin. MisaMay McGreer gave a pleasant picnic Tuesdav evening at Lincoln park for her guest, Miss Stella Griger, of Con cordia, Kan. A- dainty - luncheon was served about six o'clock, and kodak pic tures were taken as the guests were aeated around the table. After luncheon theaw:tcbback was brought into use; and later, although it was- very- warm, dancing was- enjoyed in- the theatre building. Those present were: sss' Messers Charlotte Brooks, D. H. Painter, Leila Watson, Arthur Smith, jMabel Doyle, Frank Hawley, Lida Hyland, -George Vender pool May Hyland, - L. D. Grier, Lena Antony, Bruce Angle, Winifred Arm- W Donahue, strong, W.RDunroy, Kate Carveth, Rob Moore, Care Leese, George Barr, .Minnie Ray, Harley Gingerly, Laara Cauger, George Joers, LolaCaager, Charles Hammond, Grace Walthers, Ed Young, Edna Cartis, Guy McGreer, Hattie 8haf er, Victor Turpin, Helea Howland, Lute Morse.f Mabel Barnck, Dan DePutroa; May Beltgen, Jsy Wilson, May McGreer, Frank Stanbroke, Jess Caager, Henry Leok, Geiger, Fred Walt,' Edward Hickey, ? Mr.T.P.Shively.of Fairfield, Mias Clyde Blancbard, of Omaha, Miss Mj rtls Hall and Miss Moucb, of Creston, la. Miss Kate Stoddard; for several years principal of the Clinton school, has been offered the superintendency of the schools at Highland park, a suburbs Chicago. Mias Stoddard' is nowr iB Indiana and when her friends heard from her had not decided to accept the offer. They hope she will not do so. as she would be sorely missed from Lincoln and from the schools. 1 v3 Sl I