The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 16, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 13.' NO.'29 - '"
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Entered n thk postoffice at Lincoln as
the mer mik aid PUBLISHING 60
Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs
Telephone 384.
Subscription Kates In Advance.
Per annum '22
Six months 75
Three months 5
One month 20
Single copies 05
The Courier will not be responsi
l)le for voluntary communications un
accompanied by return postage.
Communications, to receive atten
tion, must be signed by the full name
of the writer, not merely as a guaran
tee of good faith, but for publication
if advisable.
O uDJUinuwMB''
The express and telegraph companies
which are seeking to make the people
pay the tax that it was the intent
of the law they should bear them
selves, are creating a prejudice against
them which may be expressed in legis
lation. A bill which would remind
the companies of their duty to a peo
ple who have continued to pay them
more than fifty per cent of the cost of
transportation, would be very popular.
In refusing to bear their share or the
war burden the express companies
say: Our business is 6o large that
the duty means a tax of a great many
thousand dollars, while to our custo
mers it only means a few cents. Mean
while the druggists and other mer
chants are paying the tax without a
murmur or un attempt at evasion. For
the amount of business which they do
and the enormous profit which they
make, there is no business which con
tributes so little to local prosperity as
the express companies. Their refusal
to bear their share of the war tax is a
public expression of their isolation
from any share in the national life.
The law may be a long time in getting
around to them, in the meantime
American citizens will send just as
much by mail as possible.
The Omaha Excelsior of July 2 gives
the best pictorial representation of
the exposition which has yet appeared.
The handsome buildings with their
surroundings have been newly photo
graphed and the result on the pages
of the Excelsior is very satisfactory.
The narrow and selfish Rosewater
policy, to which the board has acceded
with more or less grace, has offended
many Nebraska editors so that the
exposition has not been advertised as
it might have been under the man
agement of a man with ability to ap
predate a result not ye, un fait ac
compli but made possible by a pre
liminary outlay. But the crowds did
not arrive on the grounds of the Co
lumbian exposition till September and
October. Travellers and summer va
cationists are in the mountains and at
the seashore. The exposition is a duty
as well as a pleasure and real Ameri
cans will visit it on their way home
July and August are laissez faire days
for all the world who can afford it.
Those who cannot will take a lemon
ade and a rocking chair on a porch at
home, when the six o'clock bell releases
them from a hireling's oran employ
er's duties, in the fall they will visit
the exposition and rejoice the heart of
the concessionaire.
There is no one who is aware of the
depression of the last few years who
will den) that ex-Treasurer's Bartley's
deficit was caused by the inability of
banks to which he had loaned state
money to pay it back again promptly.
If, duringbis incumbency of the office,
times had improved instead of getting
worse, Mr. Bartley would have been
able to show a clean balance sheet to
Mr.Meserve. There is also no reason
for believing that a panic occurring
during the administration of Mr. Hill
or Mr. Benton, a panic severe enough
to force country banks to close, would
not have made it impossible for these
gentlemen to render back that which
the state bad given into their hand.
It is supposed that state treas
urers of Nebraska, since the pass
age of the depository law, receive in
terest over and above that paid to the
state for the useof state money. From
the nature of investment banks can
not pay back a large amount in a
hurry or without a time ol prepara
tion. In Mr. Bartley's case the usual
time was denied him and the banks
were slow, on account of the panic, in
paying back sums which he had on
deposit. When he used state money
to discharge his own obligations, be
counted on the interest money, which
every state treasurer elected in Ne
braska has enjoyed, to pay it with.
The banks failed and he was a de
faulter. The people were justly exas
perated and the judge sentenced him
for practicing a vicious system which
had not happened to disappoint his
predecessors of the treasury.
The Coukikk does not contend that
Mr. Bartley should not be punished.
He took his chances and he has ac
cepted the consequences like a brave
man. But twenty years for the col
lapse of a system is too much to give
to anyone but its inventor.
"Inasmuch," a story of the west,
each ot the twelve chapters contrib
uted by a separate author, is a com
posite story of a western home mis
sionary and his wife. Mrs. Helen
Doane Perry, the president of the
Woman's Home Missionary Union of
Nebraska, says in the short preface
that "The work had no plot or out
line. Twelve ladies wrote it, each one
receiving the M. S. and adding a chap
ter before it left her hands. The
twelfth united the converging threads
of the story and it was sent to the
publisher. The authors are Emma N.
Beebe, Harriet S. Caswell, Harriet A.
Cheever, Ida D. Fleming, Harriet H.
Heller, Etta S. Hendee. Elia W. Peat
tie. Margaret E. Sangster, Amelia H.
C Somers, Harriet C. S. Towne, Fran
ces D. lwombley and Annie E.C.
Although the chapters are not
signed those contributed by writers
with whose character we are some
what familiar may be guessed, and
herein lies a charm of the book. It is
so easy to be mistaken. 1 am ac
quainted with the work of Mrs. Peat
tie of Chicago aud Mrs. Heller of
Omaha. The former may have written
chapter eleven and the latter, chapter
three. To the friends of each of the
twelve contributors the puzzle of iden
tification will be an Interesting exer
cise. The story as a whole, is a whole.
It is only on examination that the
articulations are apparent. Every
one interested in the cause of home
missions or willing to help the society
which has helped so many frontier
clergymen through years of drought
and grashoppers should buy a copy of
this little book. The price is trifling
only twenty five cents. It is printed on
heavy paper with rough edges. The
type is large and the style of the edi
tion is most attractive.
Two years ago George Woods e vi need
a desire to represent this county in the
legislature. It is said that parties
who had had to deal with him as a
member of the city council concluded
that it would not do to permit him to
be nominated and thereupon for the
purpose of encompassing his defeat E.
J. Burkett was made a candidate from
the fifth ward for the house. He was
nominated, elected, and served as a
member but exhibited no trait which
marked him as a man of ability. It is
but fair, however, to say that he
served those who made him a candi
date faithfully and well. Jn the path
which they marked for him he walked
with propriety, docility and decorum.
As a reward for his subserviency he is
now supported by the same interests
in his congressional aspirations.
Early this year an investigation of
municipal affairs and municipal offi
cers was instituted; articles of im
peachment were filed; a trial upon the
articles was held; the grand jury re
turned an indictment against the
mayor who is now out of jail because
he was able to find a friend who would
go his bail. There were three men
who were particularly active in their
opposition to the reform then inaugu
rated and to a considerable extent
supported by the Hamilton club.
Those men were Bud Lindsey, Joe
Burns and E. J. Burkett. As compen
sation for his services in behalf of the
mayor Lindsey entered into an active
campaign for Burkett and voted the
first ward solid for him in the county
convention. To Lindsey, Burkett
owes the privilege accorded to him of
naming the delegation to the district
convention which meets the third of
next month. As a reward for his ser
vices Burns was nominated for the
legislature. Lindsey heads the dele
gation to the state convention and
will appear as its chairman. The re
publican party ought not to make Mr.
Burkett its nominee for congressman.
He is too small for the position. While
he is upwards of thirty years of age he
lacks the ability, the maturity, the
judgment ordinarily possessed by men
who have just arrived at their major
ity. The First Congressional district
of Nebn"-:ra sbonld be represented by
a man of ability who will honor the
position. That man is not E. J.
When a candidate is supported by
men who have been always ready to
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