The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 09, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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National Good Citizens' Convention to
be Held at Nashviiie, Tenn., Ju y
11-13, 1898.
The second annual convention of the
National Good Citizens' League will be
held at Nashville. Tenn., July 11-13.
The time has come in the history of
our country when all good citizens
should unite to iescue the municipality,
the state, and the nation from present
evils and .impending disaster and ruin.
The foes from within are far more dan
gerous than the foes from without, and,
while there are some good men in office,
every department of our life whether
economic, industrial, social, or religious
has felt the blighting influences, the
evil effects of unwise and unrighteous
eivil government incompetency and
demagogiem on one hand, infidelity and
corruption on the otb6r.
Too many men have devoted all their
time to their business and left politics
to those who make politics a trade. The
result is political conditions that make
any business venture risky and hard
time universal. If the real business
men of the nation would realize the ne
ce:sity of taking an intelligent part in
politics, the result would be better men
in office, better laws mora rigidly en
forced, wiser policies, lees pauperism,
less crime and immorality of every kind,
and more righteousness, prosperity and
happiness all over the land.
Private duties ond public duties run
in parallel lines he that sins against
the one does injury to himself he that
falters in the other does injury to the
common welfare.
The caucus and the primary should
be made the pivot of reform, and here
is where every lojal citizen should take
an active and intelligent part in politics
the politics which
Noah Webster ds-
fines as "the science of government; U0"M.B IWJWJ w"n .""" " 1U T
.1. . u v i. u j -4l cent, from May 1st, 1890; plaintiff prays
that part of ethics which has to do with for decree that Mid defendants be ra
the regulation and government of ana- quired to pay said sum, or that said
tion or state; the preservation of its premises be sold to satisfy the same.
safety, peace and prosperity; and the vice n - unknown heirs and dev
. . r .. . T ., JBees is made hereby under order and
protection of its citizens in their rights direction of said District Court, given
with the preservation and improvement by ordtt in said cause, on the 28th day
of their morals.' of June, 1898. You are required to
ti, n.:., ..,..,.... oil answer said petition on or before the 8th
The primary source of all legislative, day of August. 1398.
executive and judicial power is the peo- Dated June 28th. 1898.
pie. This power they wield through Frederick Wohlenberg.
the ballot in a representative republic r Plaintiff.
such as ours, and for the wise use of
this power they are morally responsible.
Public opinion is ripe for aggressive
action, and with the objects of the
League properly carried out, reform all
along these lines can be speedily im
planted on the thought of the nation as
the most important issue before the
American people to-day.
Tbere is need of action, not bo much
to prove the self-evident facts of exist
ing evils as to larouse the religious and
patriotic conscience of the people, so
that the individual will feel it a part of
his dut to assist in the eradication of
existing evils in every way possible, and
especially in the selection for public
office of "able men, such as fear God,
men of truth, hating unjust gain."
ThuB reform can be had inside of party
lines by organizing local leagues, one for
each political party, at all voting pre
cincts. me national Uood Uitizens' .League,
being non-sectarian and non-partisan iu
character, cordially invites patriotic citi
zens of all creeds and of all political
parties to attend the Nashville conven
tion July 11-13, and join hearts and
hands in this great movement so full of
hope for humanity.
Churches of all denominations, socie
ties of Christian Endeavor and other
young people's unions, reform leagues,
temperance and patriotic societies, W.
C. T. U.'s, Y. M. C A.'s, and all kindred
organizations throughout the
States, are urged to send delegates to
thkeonvention, on a basis of tan dele
gates from national, five from state, and
two from all other organizations for
every one hundred members or a frac
tion thereof.
To those who visit Nashville in time
for the Christian Endeavor convention,
July 6-11, the railroads will furnish
round-trip tickets at greatly reduced
Until July 13 address all communica
tions for the General Secretary to Nash,
ville, Tenn.
By order of the Executive Committee.
S. T. Nicholson,
General Secretary.
First publication July 2. 4
f To M. Susan Cum
j mings.D. E.Cum
j mings, her hus-
band, first names
I unknown, John
Doe, as adminis-
trator of the es
tate of J. L. Brit
ton,deceased,Mrs. J. Li. Britton,
wife of said de
ceased, the un
known heirs and
devisees of the
said deceased, all
of whoee real and
true names are to
plaintiff unknown.
Yqu and each of you will take notice
that on April 19th, 1898, the under
signed filed his petition in the District
court of Lancaster county, Nebraska,
against you as defendants, by which
petition, the undersigned seeks to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by
theeaid M. Susan Cummings, and hus
band, to C. T. Boggs, and assigned to
this plaintiff; said mortgage being given
upon lot nine (9), in block (8) of Kin
ney's O Street addition to the city of
Lincoln, in said county, to secure the
payment of one certain promissory note
and interest coupon, dated Slay 1st,
1890, for the sum of One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000) with interest at 10 per
cent, from date, due May 1st, 1892; that
there is now due upon said note and
mortgage the sum of One Thousand
lij i: iz.iv a. uivun.i,
His Attorneys.
First publication June 25. 3
In the County Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska:
The State of Nebraska, to Wilhelmine
Miller and to others interested in said
You are hereby notified, that an in
strument perporting to be the last will
and testament of Samuel Brandt, de
ceased, is on file in said court, and also a
petition praying for the probate of said
instrument, and for the appointment of
Wilhelmine Miller as administratrix,
with will annexed. That on the 18th
day of July, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m., said
petition and the proof of the execution
of said instrument will be heard, and
that if you do not then appear and con
test, said court may probate and record
the same, and grant administration of
the estate to Wilhelmine Miller.
This notice shall be published for
three weekB successively in The
Courier prior to said hearing.
Witness mv hand and official seal this
23d day of June, isus.
S. T. Cochran.
County Judge.
By Dudley Cochran, Clerk.
Fimt Publication June 18. 4
In the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the )
estate of Walter ORDER:
Carmen, deceased. )
This matter coming on to be heard at
Chambers at Lircoln iu said county
upon the petitioo of G. S. Baldwin, ad
ministrator, and it appearing that there
is not sufficient nersonal estate in the
hands of said administrator to pay the
debts outstanding against the deceased,
and the expenbes of administration, and
it appearing that it is necessary to sell
the whole of the real estate for the pay
Do you know where
Is? Well, it is the place to
get a Good Shampoo or your
Hca.ii Singed cartel Treated.
This eradicates dandruff and wdl make your hair SOFT and GLOSSY. It is
the place to get a good MASSAGE to keep your skin soft and white. Also BODY
MASSAGE and VAPOR BATHS to build you up and clear you skin this time
time of the year. MANICURE and MASSAGE for the hands, to shape the nails
and make the hand soft and white. The FACE BLEACHED, FRECKLES aud
PIMPLES removed, leaving the skin clear, soft and white. The hair dressed and
beautified or powdered for parties.
The best line of Switches, Curie and Bangs, Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Triples
Extracts, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpins, real Shell Ornaments, Combs
etc. Wigs, Switches, Curls or anything of the kind made to order.
Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th
ment of Buch debtB and costs of admin
istration, to-wit: The southeast quarter
of section twenty-five, 25, town nine, 9,
range thirty-nine, 39, west, in Keith
county, Nebraska; also lot ten, 10, in
block two hundred and seven, 207, of
the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof; also
the west halt of lot twenty-two. 22, of
Miller's subdivision of the south half of
section twenty, 20, town ten, 1 0, range
seven, 7, of Lancaster county, Nebraska;
also the northwest nuarter of lot twenty
seven, 27, in Miller's subdivision of the
south half of section twenty, 20, town
ten. 10, range seven, 7, in Lancaster
county, Nebraska; also the north half of
lots one, 1, two. 2. three. 3. and four, 4, in
block two hundred and forty four, 214,
of the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, ac
cording to the recorded plat thereof.
Now therefore it is ordered that all
persons interested in said estate appear
before me at the office of the Clerk of
the District Court of Lancaster county,
Nebraska, on the 25th day of July. 1898,
at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
to show cause why a license should not
be granted to G. S. Baldwin, as admin
istrator, to sell the above described real
estate to pay the debts of said estate
and costs of administration.
It is further ordered that this ordr
shall be published four successive weeks
in The Courier, published and printed
in Lancaster county.
Dated this 11th day of June. 1898.
Charles L. Hall,
Jndge of the District Court.
First publication June 18. 4
Notice is hereby given that the sub
scribers have associated themselves and
adopted Articles of Incorporation and
caused them to be duly filed in the office
of the Clerk of Lancaster County, Ne
braska, and the Secretary of State of
said state, for the purpose of becoming
an incorporation pursuant to the laws of
said state.
The name of said incorporation is H.
W. Brown Drug and Book Company.
The principal place of transacting its
business will be at Lincoln, Nebraska;
and the general nature of said business
will be the purchase and sale at whole
sale and retail of drugs, medicines,
paints, oils, chemicals, toilet articles,
books, stationery, writing materials and
appliances, and the carrying on of a gen
eral wholesale and retail business in
merchandise and articles of like nature.
The amount of its capital stock is
116,000. divided into 160 shares of 8100.00
each, all of wbicn will be fully paid up
at the time of the commencement of the
incorporation, and may be paid iu whole
or in part by the conveyance to said in
corporation of merchandise of all or any
of the descriptions hereinbefore men
tioned. The time of its commencement
was the date ef filing of theee articles in
the office of the Clerk of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, to-wit: the 11th day
of June, 1898, and the day of its termina
tion will be at the expiration of twenty
years from said last named date. The
highest amount of indebtedness or lia
bility to which the corporation may at
any time subject itself is tlO.000. Its
affairs will be conducted by a Board of
three Directors, who will chose from
their own number a President and Sec
retary, one of whom will serve also aa
Subscribed this 11th day of June, 1898.
H. W. Bkowx,
C. M. Conn,
I. H. Hatfield,
First publication July 9. 3
In re Estate of In the County
Amelia H. Howell, y Court of Lancaster
deceased. ) County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to Adele G.
Harley, Alice L. Ford and Dora A.
Perry and to any other persons interest
ed in said matter.
Take notice, that a petition signed by
J. H. Harley, praying said court to
grant letters of administration of said
estate to Adele G. Harlev has been filed
in said court; that the same is set for
hearing on the first day of August, 1S98,
at 10 o'clock a. m., and that if you do
not then appear and contest, said Court
may grant administration of the said es
tate to Adele G. Harley. Notice of this
proceeding shall be published three
weeks successively in the Cockier prior
to said hearing.
Witness my band and the seal of
said court this 5th day of July, A. D.
S. T. Cochran,
County Judge.
By Dudley Cochran
Two solid vestibule trains daily.
Leaving Lincoln at C:10p. m and 1:20
a.m. Arriving in Denver at 7:30 a.m.
and 1-30 p. m. and always on time.
B. & M. depot cor. "th and P sts.
City Ticket office cor. 10th and O
G. W. BONNBLL. G. P. & T.A.
Fifteen Hours to bnicago.
Ib all it takes, if you leave Lincoln on
the Burlington'd new fast train at 11:19
p. m., any day. No change of cars. En
tire train of Pullman sleepers and free
reclining chair cars runs solid to Chi
cago union depot. Call at B k. M depot
or city office, cor. O ad 10th streets for
berths, tickets and full information.
Geo. W. Botoell, C. P. & T. A.
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