The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 18, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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ProfesHlonal Directory.
Office Hours
H. M. Betts, Optician.
Muscular Troubles n Specialty.
"7 1 9:30 to 12 a in
HerpolbUcitnor Block, 4
I Second Floor. 1 1:30 to 4 pro
Office 656
Bm 655
i i Office roomlS-19 llOtolS a.n
Dr. O. C. Reynolds Re.Stk;;;';.:;:t Sfflff
offiee IW. L. Dayton, M. D. S offlce la05 stroot l10to
" M ' fni...nfF.Ki.i v, ,nd Throat I Kes. 1821 C Street 230 tc
.Dr. J. H. Tyndale
IDr. S. E. Cook
(Eye, Ear, No6e and Throat
Itwb o jm 19 to 11:30 am
J Odee, rooms.9 and 10. .. I
1 Lansing Theatre j 2 to 5 p m
1930-123 am
1215 O St.
gocial and personal
OX, IV - - L
vi wW ?!
Office 618
.ZcbniDR Block I V to 10 a w
' lDr.Benl P. Bailey
Evenings, by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and liy appointment.
Vl2 to 12:30
Residence. 1313 C street ) 2 to 4 p m
co 319,Dr.R.E.Giffen
Office 349,
I Office, Telephone Bid... 12 to 5 pm
I Residence, 1821 F street j pointment
o" M IDr. J.S, Eaton,
Reidence..5C2 Surgery and Nervous Diseases, 1
i ( 2 to 4 p. m
lOffirn. IS7 So. Ilth St. 12 a. m.
(12 a,
Hours 10 to
I Dr. J. B. TrlOkey, lofficc, IO35 O street I to 4 p m.
j Refractionist only )
i 1 Office, rooms 26, 27 and I
5ce 530. Louis N. WenteJXD.S.j JnnM ,137i
..656 Pr- F-D- Sherwin
(Office, room 19 BurrBlk 9 to 12 a m
J 2nd floor V ,
I Bes. 2520 Q st ) I to p. m
470 I
J. M.GTJLLE, . i
R.i Vototo nm3 Tno (lfn. Exchange Business I F.
Office 315
Undertaker and Embalmer. Telephone, Of f ice 145
Eleventh and P St. Res. 150.
i i imj inniimimi
-n C-yf (?. IZttf w
if you live long enough, for your
eyesight to become weakened and
impaired by use. Some people are
born with astigmatism and other
defects of vieion, and the sooner
they are remedied the better for
you. If your eyes blur orsmart,
we will test them free, and fit them
with glasses that will give you new
1143 O Street.
Funkc Opera House Block.
imd jsMT w&sTh dhresses
m.n.4. slkiirt wmists t mso
S Examine our ira.e Xin. o
2ew Q,xrter
1030 O street.
Chapter R of P. E. O. met on Tues
day evening with Mrs. J. F. Saylor.
This was the last meeting of the season
and was most pleasant.
The junior class of the high school
gave a reception for the seniors on Mon
day evening at Thompson hall. Light
refreshments were served. Dancing was
the principal feature of the evening.
Mr. 0. E. Yates gave a luncheon on
Saturday. Mrs. Yate3 luncheons are
alway& pretty and thoroughly delighful.
Those enjojing the hostess' hospitality
this time were Mesdames Cass or Den
ver, Harmer, Wright, Wilson, Mqir, Dor
gan, Webster and Griffeth.
On Monday evening Mr. Lee Woods
and Miss Bernice Searle were married at
the home of Mr. T.J. Curtiss by the
Rev. II. P. Silvers. There were only a
few intimate friends present. After a
short visit in Omaha Mr. and Mrs.
Woods will go to their new homo in
North Platte.
On Monday evening at the Lindell
hotel a dinner was given by a few mem
bers of Phi Delta Phi for Mr. L. E.
Winslow, who won the handsome Amer
ican and English Eacycloptdia of law
for having presented the best tbeis.
The guests were Dr. C. F. Ladd, L. E.
Winslox, B.H. Wilson, C. H. Imhoff. J.
A. Kemp, E. C. Folsom and B. W. Wil
son. On Tuesday afternoon Miss Edna Mc
Master entertained some of her little
friends in celebration of hr birthday
Games and music amused the guests. A
dainty luncheon was served. The guests
Settie Packard, Laura Comer,
Mazie Comer, Minnie Thiel,
Stella McMastere, Mary Mullner,
Hazel Aleman, Helen McGlenan,
Elva Wright. Terra Mayer,
Howard McMaster, Harvey Morrin,
Willie Thiel
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall gave an ele
gant dinner on Wednesday evening for
a few friends. The table was exquisite
with its coverings of drawn work and its
large bowls of pink roses. The guests
were Dr. and Mrs. Hill, Judge Cornish
and Mrs. Hertsche of Portland, Ore.
After the d'nner the guests were enter
tained at billiards and examining the
beautiful collection of photographs of
the new Congressional library.
I iss Mabel Cox gave a pretty pink
and white party on Saturday evening.
The guests were moBt charmingly en
tertained by their hostess. Those pres
ent were:
Misse6 Misses-
Ruth Raymond, Fanchon Hooper,
Gladys Hargreaves, Alice Farrington,
Elsie Fawell, LutieGilkeson,
Mabel De Putron, Luella Lansing,
Agnes CaBebeer, Louise Sboles,
Ida Glover.
Messrs Messrs-
Hayes, Jack Macfarland,
Thomson, Harold CulbertsoD,
S.Kelley, Leslie Rankin,
Robert Donnelly, John Fawell.
Misb Charlotte Clark gave a most en
joyable party on TueEday evening at
Courier hall. It was very informal and
perhaps more pleasant on that account.
The evening was spent in dancing and
little Nannie Cunningham presided at
the piano and received many compli
ments on her music. The party was
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. William
Clark and Mrs. Best. The guests were:
Misses Misses
iSdith Schwartz, Grace MacMillan, -Emilie
Weeks, Ruth Wilson,
Leola Vancil, Lida Miller,
Fuller, Ella Harper,
Jane Macfarland, JeEsie Macfarland.
Jeanne Tuttle. Winifred Hill,
Maude Hammond, AnneSpurck,
Ena Ricketts, Gertrude Marslanil,
Frances Cunningham.
Messrb Messrs-
Harry Sbedd. Fri'z Korsraeyer,
John Hill, John Kind, .
Irving Cutter, Bert Watkins,
Vergil Barber, Carlton Marley,
Dick Reed. E. Sovereign,
Alex Sheldon, Charles Sjhw-irtz,
Calvin Atwood, LowcRicketts,
Peter L3U, Fred Clements,
Calvin Miller.
Mr. Tobias Castor gave an elegant
and elaborate dinner on Friday at It!
o'clock for Hon. J. Sterling Morton.
The table was beautifully decorated
with carnations and etnilav and the
souvenirs were roses. Following were
the guests:
Hon. J. Sterlirg Morion.
Judge Hastings of Wilbur.
Hon. A. J.Sawyer.
Hon. James North and JudgeMcIIugh
of Omaha.
Hon. J.R. Coles of York.
Dr. A. J. Smith.
Miss Jsssie Outcalt gave a lovely
party on Wednesday afternoon. The
parlors were decorated with rcses and
carnations. A bicjele guessing game,
at which Nellie Macfarland proved her
self the most proficient, furnished ample
amusemens for the guests. Dainty le
freshments were served. Those presen I
Misses Misses-
Ruth Raymord, Elsie Fawell.
Jessie Macfarland, Lillian White,
Louise Burnham, Gladys Hargreaves
Alva Clark, Minnie Morrill,
Nellie Macfarland, Margie Loomis,
Beth Marshall, Silence Dales,
Marie Wiepner, Mabel Muir,
Pauline Meer, Lela Hunt,
Margaret Honeywell.
Visitors and delegates to the Denver
Biennial met in Courier hall on Thurs
diy morning. Most of them agreed to
start Monday evening. Those present
wereMadames Welsh, Field, Bartruir,
Rickette, Summers. McLean, McLean,
Winger, Franklj n, Richardson, Lamb,
Gere. Castor, Misses Elliott and Harris.
A few of Lincoln people who visited
in Omaha on Nebraska Day were Mr.
and Mrs. John Dorgan, Mr. and Mrs.
George Woods, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Burr, Dr. and Mrs. Victor, Mr. and
Mrs. Howe, Ear McCreery, Will Ray
mond, Arthur Walsh, Dan Wing, Mr.
Buckstaff and Mrs. D. A. Campbell.
A party of university students, con
sisting of D. I. Pope, W.J. Laurie, Wend
Hall and Schuyler Miller havo started
for Seattle, Washington, intending to
stop at Denver and Salt Lake City and
returning in the fall through Yellow
stone park. They will spend the sum
mer in the interest of a steroscopic view