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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1898)
THE COURIER from Sir Francis Bacon. Literature and tho drama. Quota tions from John Dryden. Tolstoi. Quotations from Samuel Butler. Architecture Quotations from Jo seph Addison. Poland. Quotations from Alexander Pope. The Fight ARiinst Knowledge. Quo tations from Richard Steele. Music. Quotations from Jonathan EdwarJs, Painting and Decorative Art. Quota tions from John Bun) en. Relations between Russia and Turkey. Quotations from Jonathan Swift. Alexander 111. Quotations from Thomas Chalterton. Siberia. The Nihilists. Quotations from Thomas (5 ray. rick. Secretary Mrs. Eliza A.Bprton. Treasurer Mrs. Susan K. Sullivan. Program committteo Mis Mary Ap pelget, Mrs. Mary S. Pierce, Mrs. Frank F. Pool. The club will bo represented in tho General Federation at Denver by Misses Mary and ElIaMcOosky. An outline taken from the Homo Science department of tho North Caro linaSorosis. It has been successfully carried through duricg the past seascn. Chairman, Mrs, Walker Tajlor, Wil mington, North Carolina. Ethics of Home. Evolution of Home. Self government in tUB Homo. The Training of Children. The Need of Being Attractive at Home! Home making, Lecture. "What to Do in Emergen cies.' Action or Frost on Water-pipes, etc. Decoration of Homo. Readicg: Heating. Tho Nursery. Water. Exercise and Re st Calisthenics. Contributed paper-A Successful Nurse. Lecture, 'Fever and Its Germs." Debate: Resolved, That the mistress, and not tho servant, is responsible for the present imperfect system of house keeping. Analysis of Foods. Why do we Eat? What is Dyspepsia? Debate: Resolved, That the new system of education is an improvement on tho old systpm. o The History and Art club of Albion held tho closing meeting of tho club year May 31 at tho homo of Mrs. T. II. Barkley. It was also the annual busi ness meeting. The following oflicer3 were elected for the ensuing year: President-Mrs. William Weitzel. Vice-president-Mrs. E. T. Farmer. Secretary Mrs. O. M. Needham. Treasurer MrB. M. J. Dwyer. After all business was completed the club adjourned for the summer vacation. Tho Cosy club of Tecumseh closed its labors for the year on June 2. The an nual busino s meeting called out every member. Tho secretary's annual report, which was a resume of the year's work, made a record of whbh the club has no reason to be ashamed. It showed that, out of a membership of sixteen, there was an average attendance of fourteen, and tho absences were caused almost entire ly by sickness Four members had been present at every meeting. Tho library work of the j ear includ ed the critical study of three Shaks perean play, five sessions devoted to child study and a Eerier, of sixteen origi nal papers on subjects of interest, usu ally connected more or less intimately with tho lesson of the day. In addition the club studied "Anthony and Cleopat ra" in connection with the five lectures on that play given by Prof. Sherman. Mrs.Stoutenborough and Mrs. Heller have addressed tho club this year, and the general public were invited to share these treats. The secretary sent out a largo number of j ear books to clubs of the state but the return courtesies could be counted on tho fingers of one hand. The annual election of officers result ed as follows. President Mrs. Anna L. Apperson. Vice-President Mrs. May M. Head- BURLINGTON ROUTE EXCUR SIONS FOR SUMMER OF 1893. Denver, Colo., nnd return SIS 23, for meeting of American medical associa tion. Tickets on sale Juno 5 and G. Return limit Juiy G. For same meeting tickets will be so!d on samo dates and limits, to Colorado Springs at 81S.S5 and Puoblo at 819.00. Denver, Colo., and return for biennial meeting general federation of Women's clubs. Sale date3, June 1G, 17 and 18. Return to July 17. For same meotirg tickets will be sold on same date3 and limits to Colorado Springs at 818.S5 and Pueblo at S19.00. Omaha national electric medical as sociation, $220 round trip. Dates of sale, June 19, 20 and 21. Return limit, .'50 day?. Omaha American institute of homeo pathy, 52.20 round trip. Date of salo, June 20 to 30. Return limit 30 uas. Omaha trans-Missi'ss'ppi teachers as sociation, 82.20 round tr'p. Dato of salo June 2G to 30. Return limit 30 das. San Francisco, Cal., and return, 8G0.50, North American Turners' union. Date of sale, Juno 23 and 29. Return limit, August 31. Salt Lako City, Utah, and return, 83200, international mining congress. Dato of sale. July 3. Return limit, July 23. Portland, Orp., and return, 8G0 50, na tional council of Congregational churches. Dato of sale, June 30 an J July 1. Return limit, August 31. Washington, D. C, and return, $3."i.30, national educational association. Date of salo, July 3, i and 5. Return July 15. Limit can be extended to August 31 on payment of 50 cents. Buffalo, N. V., 827.S0 round trip, Bap tist young people's union convention. Date of sale, July 11 and 12. Return limit, July 19. Extension to Septem ber 1 on payment of deposit fee. Omaha, Neb., and return, 8220, na tional republican league. Date of sale, July 20 to 30. Return, 30 days. Rock Island, III, and return, 81345, national encampment union veterans' union. Date of sale, August 8 and 9. Return limit, August 20. Indianapolis, Ind., Supreme lodge Uniform Rank K. of P. Date of meet ing, August 22. Limit, September 10. Rate to bo announced later. Nashville, Tenn., Christain endeavor annual meeting, July G to 11. Limits and rates to be announced later. Omaha and rnturn. 82.20, national congress retail liquor dealers. Date of sale, August 20 to 27. Return limit, 30 das. Omaha, Neb., and return, 82.20, na tional convention Bohemian turners. Dato of sale, August 25 to 30. Return, 30 dajs. Cincinnati, O., and return, 822 50, G A. R. national encampmeut. Sale dates and limits to be announced later. GEORGE W. BONNELL, C. P. & T. A . . Lincoln, Neb. The Courier forsaleatall newsstands WANTED-AGENTS FOri"GLAD stone, His Life and Public Ser vices." by Thomas W. Handford. A wonderful 6tory of a glorious career. Over 500 large, radiant pages. 100 superb, rare engravings. Richest, big gest, best and only endorsed "Gladstone book published. Only 81.50. Commis sion 50 percent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Drop all trash and clear 8300 a month with the only true and good "Gladstone book." Address The Dominion Company, Dept. 3G, 352 35G D:arborn street, Chicago. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 To Close at Once. Fifty Per Gerxt Off On COST PRICE 0r All Qoods ir Store. udkmer;. 1212 gt 0& PI m & m $ -cOftt -tfBx tflZk 4k -. .fcJ? 4 -? toT rfi- rzF&rm ric- iflivr VU The Courier will execute all kinds of commissions in Lincoln for the club women of the state free of charge. We will buy carpets, china, dry g-oods, furniture, hardware, boys' and children's clothing, jewelr' and watches, wedding presents, bicycles, shoes, groceries, anything- for sale, and charge the club women nothing- for the service. Many mer chants will send articles on approval. Send The Courier on your errands. 31 fP 5 vT x' 5 .Jl .2 5 - mm MKm wshisi 1& r-1. - y u it .JUM pvLifj. "' AT WORK OX THE Tr.ASS-SIDEr.IAN RAH.WAV For sale, or will exchange for a first class Nebraska farm, a number of choice residence lots in the city of Htnnibal, Mo. These lots aro in the line of future improvement and are only about fifteen minutes walk from the United States .post otlico and district court building; the trade will be made on a cash valua tion. For particulars write George D. Clayton & Co., real estate dealers, Han nibal, Mo. conductor are scheduled to leave Lin coln for Portland, via Donver, Leadville, Salt Lako City, Ogden and Oregon Short Line, passing through tho grand est scenery of the Rockies and stopping several hours at Salt Lake City to allow a visit at many points of interest there. Berths, tickets and full information may ba obtained at B. t M. depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and O. Geo. W. Bonnkll, O. P. & T. A. NEW TOURIST CARLINE. He The Spanish papers say more Weekly Personally Conducted Excur troops are coing to the front ,iom to Portland, Ore., via She ho 8 chas,D? them? Burlington Route. On February 17 and every Thursday Skidds-What is your opinion of. tho thereafter at G:10 p. m. Pullman tourist exaggeratedly decollete gown? sleepers in charge of our own excursion Skadds-Low! Frightfully low! WIS"