The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 18, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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This is a story of the western plains
and it was told to mo by Oogla, the In.
dian, who heard it from hts mother,
who had it from her uncle, who knew
all the stories of his race fiom before
the time of the mound builders.
Malachoit was an Indian of the raco
of Healelen. Ho was mighty in war
had many ponies and oven more wives
On this account his people crowned him
king. Afterwards they Nourished, too,
because Malachoit was wise and broad
minded, and knew the art of medicine.
But he was avaricious bejond words,
avaricious even for an Indian.
One day Malachoit was riding out
with threfl friends. Suddenl) bis pony
stumblsd and looking around he saw a
little girl standing alone in his path as
though she had sprung from tho ground.
She was nursing her hand which the
pony had tramp'eil and she looked in
dignantly at the king. On the ground
were scattered sticky, white nishni
tlowers, for she had bten weavirg her a
"Who are jou?" demanded the kicg.
She stood and stared with her big eyes
and clawed hei hurt hanJ lighter.
Then the king leaped down and tossed
her before him on his ponj and tcok her
to camp.
The wives of Malachoit were kind to
her. They taught her their language
and they gave her wampum and petti
coats. But when they asked her who
she was and where she came from, she
would only say: "I am betrothed to
the Sun-god." Therefore they regarded
her with awe and named her Mail, which
means divine.
As sho f rew older she became as a
daughter to Malachoit, and very beauti
ful. She was small and light, with a
wonderful golden-brown skin; also, the
Sun-god seened to have kissed some of
his gold into her long-lashed ee?. The
tribe was a little at raid of her Sho did
strange things, disappearing where they
could not tind her and singing queer
wild songs and weaving wreaths of the
6ticky nishni. which was sacred and
which others feared to touch.
But ia spite of this there were many
suitors for her hand, and when one day
ajoung brave otfered Malachoit an ex
traordinary number of ponies in ex
change for Mau, he told her it was all
nonsense about the Sun-god and he
would not feed her any longer.
Mau shivered oddly but she did not
entreat. She stretched her slim, brown
arms to the jellow sky and cried out in
a oloe sweetly shrill as a birds's. After
wards she gathered a quantity of nishni
blossoms and sat upun the ground,
weaving and 6inging. That night the
whole tribe slept, fr..m Malachoit down
to the joung Lrave. Only Mau wes
awake. She sat in the 'Hence of the
dim prairies and worked on her wreath.
About morning it was done, very thick
and sweet, and sticky. She placed it at
her feet and stood waiting.
The east had long been brightening.
All at onus the 6un slid half above the
horizon. Malachoit and a few others
started up, rubbing their ejes. Then a
strange thing happened. There was a
shrill, sweet cry, and Mau had leaped
upon the king's pony and was riding
swiftly down the east. The tribe, which
had awakened, stood dumb and trans
fixed. The light, wild lit'le figure Hew
on and on and vanished in the glory of
the sunrise and that was the last of
Afterwards they found her wreath,
rilled to the brim with gold, enough to
buy the pony she had taken and all the
ponies the bravo had offered for her.
But Malachoit, because he was remorse
full, did not take the gold, nor the
wreath. He let them lie a'd built a
mound of stone? over them. After a
time a group of sticky nishni Mowers
roso from the mound and their petals
were no longer white, but jellow, as
thought the gold had nested upon them.
Edith Lewis.
Firt Publication Juno 18. 4
In the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the )
estate of Walter C ORDER:
Carmen, deceased. )
This matter coining on to bo heard at
Chambers at Lircoln in said county
upon tho petition of O. S. Baldwin, ad
ministrator. and it appearing that there
is not sufficient personal estate in tho
hands of said administrator to pay tho
debts outstanding against tho deceased,
and tho expenees of administration, and
it appearing that it is necessary to sell
the whole of tho real estate for tho pay
ment of such debts and costs of admin
istration, to-wit: Tho southeast quarter
of section twenty live, 2.", town nine, 0,
range thirty nine, .', west, in Keith
county, Nebraska; also lot ten, 10, in
block" two hundred and se en. '207, of
tho City of Lincoln. Nebraska, accord
ing to tho recorded plat thereof; also
the west half of lot twent)-wo. 22. of
Miller's subdivision of the south half f
section twenty. 20, town ten, 10. rango
seven, 7, of Lancaster county, Nebraska;
also the northwest uarter of lot twentj
seven, 27, in Miller's subdivision of tho
Fouth half of section twenty, -0, town
ten. 10, ianae seven, 7, in Lancaster
county, Nebraska; also the north half of
lots one, 1, two, 2. three, .'f. and four, 1, in
block two hundred and forty four, 214,
of the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, ac
cording to the recorded plat thereof.
Now therefore it is ordered that all
persons interested in said estate appear
before me at the otlico of the Clerk of
the District Court of Lancaster county.
Nebraska, on the 2."th day of July. 1S9S,
at 9 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day,
to show cause why a licen'e should not
be granted to G. S. Baldwin, as admin
istrator, to sell the aboe described real
estate to pay the debt of said estate
and costs of administration.
It is further ordered that this orar
shall be published four successive weeks
in The Coukih:, published and printed
in Lancaster count
Dated this 11th day of June. 1S93.
Chmslen L. Hall,
Judge or the District Court.
First publication Juno IS 4
Notice is hereby given that tho sub
scribers have associated themselves and
adopted Articles of Incorporation and
caused them to bo duly filed in the otlico
of tho Clerk of Lancaster County, Ne
braska, and tho Secretary of State of
said state, for the purpose of becoming
an incorporation pursuant to tho laws of
said state.
The name of said incorporation is II.
W. Brown Drug and Book Company.
The principal place of transacting its
business will bo at Lincoln, Nebraska;
and the general nature of said business
will be the purchase and sale at whole
sale and retail of drug?, medicines,
pai&ts, oils, chemicals, toilet article?,
books, s'ationery, writing materials and
appliances, and the carrjingon of a gen
eral wholesale and retail business in
merchandise and articles of like natuie.
Thn amount of its capital stock is
510.000. divided into 100 shares of S1C0 0O
each. all of which will be fully paid up
at th" time of the commencement of the
incorporation, and may Le paid in whole
or in part by the conveyance to said in
cort oration'of merchandise of all or any
of the descriptions heieinbtfore men
tioned. The time of its commencement
vas the date of tihnu of these articles in
the office of the Clerk of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, to-wit: the 11th day
of June, lS93,and the day of its termina
tion will be at the expiration of tweutv
years from said last named dato. The
t ighest amount of indebtedness or lia
bility to which the corporation ma at
any time subject itself is 10,000. Its
affairs will be conducted by a Board of
three Directors, who will chose from
their own number a President and Sec
retary, one of whom will serve also as
Subscribed this Hth dayor June, 1S93.
H. W. Brown,
C. M. Conn,
I. H. Hatkikld,
"The wages of sin,'' said the solemn
one, "is death."
"Say," said the walking delegate, "if
all the sinners would organize don't jou
think they could get better wages and
Jongor hours?"
Do you know where
Is? Well, it is the place to
get a Good Shampoo or your
Hnlr SSiniged and Treated.
This eradicates dandruff and will mako your hair SOFT and GLOSSY. It is
tho place to got a good MASSAGE to keep your skin soft and white. Also BODY
MASSAGE and VAPOR BATHS to build ou up and clear jou skin thia time
tirao of tho enr. MANICURE and MASSAGE for tho hands, to shape the nails
and mako tho hand soft and white. Tho FACE BLEACHED, FRECKLES aud
PIMPLES removed, leaving tho skin clear, soft and white. Tho hair dressed and
beautified or powdered for parties,
Tho best lino of Switches, Curie and Bangs, Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Triples
Extractp, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpins, real Shell Ornaments. Combs
etc. Wigs, Switches, Curls oranything or tho kind mado to ord-ir.
Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th
fcr'Tti2'''r co-ooocxoooooc
11JJi1KI1J1K1 CX0"C0X3JOxi
First Publication June 11. I
In the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the l
Application of
Nancy J. Tucker
as Administratrix,
for License to sell
Real Kstate. i
This ciU6e monies on to be heard upon
tho petition of said administratrix and
the proof offere I in support thereof; and
it aj pearing therefrom to the court that
there is not sufficient personal C9tate in
the hands of sai'. administratrix to pay
tho dl ts of said estate and tte ox
penses of administration, and it fur her
appearing that tho re 1 estate of said
estate should be sold to pay tho same, it
is, therefore, ordered at d adjudged that
all persons interestd in said estate be.
and thej hereby are directed, to bo and
appear betoro tho undersigned, Charles
L. Hall, as a judge of said court at the
Equity Court Room in the County Court
House in the City of Lincoln, County of
Lancaster, State of Nebraska, upon the
20th day of July, ls9S, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, to show cause, if any ihero
be, why a license should u t lie granted
to said administratrix to sell so much of
the real estato of the deceased as shall
bo necessary to pa the debts of said
It is further ordered that service of
this order shall be made by publishing
the same four (t)successive weeks in
The Courier, a legal newspaper of said
Dated this Gth day of June, 1S93.
Chi:lfxL Hll,
As Judge of the District Court.
photo g
U'J South Eleventh Street
Fifteen Hours to (anttago.
Is all it takes, if ou leave Lincoln on
tho Burlington' new fast train at 11:19
p. m., any day. No change of cars. En
tire train of Pullman sleepers and free
reclining chair cars runs solid to Chi
cago union depot. Call at B & M depot
or city office, cor. O and 10th streets for
berths, tickets and full information.
Geo. W. Boxnkll, C. P. &. T. A.
motooo? m co"o.c
Druggist and
Fine Stationery
Calling Cards
S. Eleventh Street.
4 127
oaooo iiorii
Two solid vestibule trains daily.
Leaving Lincoln at 010 p. m and 1:20
a.m. Arriving in Denver at 710 a. m.
and litO p. m. and always on time.
B. & M. depot cor. 7th and P t.
City Ticket office cor. 10th and O
G. W. BONNBLL. G. P. & T.A.
"What sort of a fellow is the whale?"
inquired the mackerel.
"Well, I don't believe the Jonah
story," &aid the shark, "but the whale is
a deep fellow a very deep fellow."
by tho use of Volupta, the only toilet
preparation which will develop the
female form. Fills all hollow places,
adds new grace and beauty to the face,
ceck and arms. Develops the bust six
inches. Harmless, permanent. Never
fails. Every lady should have it. To
introduce it we will send to one lady in
each town or village a full sized c.X
case securely sealed for 62. Write to
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Jack How did jou know I was go
ing to call, my dear.
Iter Little S'ster I saw Bessie taking
all of the pins out of her waistbaud.
"Did he write this book all by him
"Not exactly. He '"Uaborated with a
case of whisky."