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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1898)
10 THE COURIER. enpvgh of the guard to bold a post mor tem wo discovered that the mule bad encircled the park nine tiruee, lookout Mountain twice and had returned via Cincinnati. It was rathor difficult to follow the footsteps of the guard as in Bomo places they were a mile apart. Mr. Frank Myers, the regimental quarter master, fays that a man's life is much safer clinginjr to the tail of a comet than allowing himself to bo ;mked through space at the business end of an army mule. He then remarked that "you can't comet on a mule" and sobbed him self to sleep. No, life in a government camp is not one long roseate dream. But it is an' opportunity to get experience that ono does not have more than once in a life time and is well worth the hardships connected with it. Fkank S. Bum:. Fashions of the Day. My Dearest Adelaide: Of all the pretty things just now to the front the prettiest is the little black satin coat, and of the sensible things, the most sensible is the foulard dress. Tho former, made of a rich quality of satin, has, of course, a dainty vest of lace ruffiee, and more lace rufllea fall over the hand. The coat is tight-fitting at the back, with a basque over the hips four or five inches in depth, which runs a little longer to the side fronts. Tho fronts, which are left to Bhow to advan tage the rich creamy lace ru files, one above the other in the vest, are fitted with one dart and have the Louis. XVI. effect. These coats are extrpmely chic with either black skirts or light ones, cloth or silk. The double-breasted Eton jacket in black satin is also worn. Some are cut to come to the waist and with high Medici collar, others have the turn over calUr and coat lapsl, with uuder waist of taffeta 6ilk showing around the neck and above, the belt. Tho lat ter are cut with blouse effect in frontf or allowing plenty of room for the pouching of tho waist underneath.- Speaking of pouching waiets what ever ou have jou must have that pa'jeh. It is not the kinJ thai hangs over the belt, but a projection a protu berance front chest to b;U. If nature has not provide! this extension and nature does not build exactly on these now fasnionable lines there are wire cages to be found on the counters and your dressmaker adds silk llounces across tho bust which are hidden be tween waist lining and the gathered outside materia'. The unnatural pose which it cives the body has passed into theTgrace of if. It certainly has tho ef fect or making the back look erect and dainty, and accentuates thesmallnefs of the waist line. But jou must always remember how to carry youreelf. There , can be no lopping or getting out of line. The shoulders must be, from the waist lino up, held a bit forward. This posi tion, of course, made the waist line re cede, and the conssqaance is the ave "nues are tilled as nerer -before with beau tifully formed women. A particular feature of the graceful women is the tigbt, clinging skirt with the flaring flounce. To get this effect I find that the old-fashioned "bell skirt,"' or rather the new one, is better than any of the other patterns. The top of the skirt is cut in this circular pattern without seams, and very little extra fullness at the waist back. The flounce is cut in a circle and fitted on. Add to this the train anj where from two to ten inches and you will realize your own grace with every step jou take. Tho foulard for sens.of course, means service. They can be elaborately trimmed with insertions of lace, and with innumerable yards of ribbon, or cau be made of the material entire. A near one that I saw yesterday was dark blue with whits design. On tho bell-topped skirt there were two flounces of plain blue foulaid trimmed with two rows of narrow white satin ribbon. The waist was cut off almost to tho shoulders and tilled in with finely tucked guimpe of white muslin. At the left side of the waist was a cascade of the plain blue silk edged with tvo rows of tho white satin ribbon, and falling over the hand were ruffles of tho ribbon-edged plain blue. It was effective, and ready for everything, rain or shino. The severe plain, mannish shirt-waist is not seen at all on the best dressed women. Tho shirt waist is there, but it is mado efiinr inate in some way with frills and rib bons. A pretty whito silk ono had a cascade of cream-colored lace down each side of the pleat in front which held 6omo heavy .Roman gold 6tuds. Muslin shirt waisls are solidly tucked and many silk ones are tucked in squares. Silk shirt waists have addi tions in bows of ribbon at tho throat, shoulder or waist, and sometimes at the three places on one waist. The long sashes are being reylaced by targe bows at the left front of the waist. Sashes are still worn, but are too dressy for an accessory to the shirt , waist. Four in-hand ties are worn, but all masculine effect is destroyed by the handsome ribtons and broad, full onds which hjlp to magnify the waist pro tuberance which I memtioned further back. A pretty waist wa3 made of a broad Roman sash ribbon. There was guimpe and sleeves of dark blue silk, and he gay stripes were arranged most artisti cally in waist and sleeve-tops with the fringe a part of tho trimming wher? waist and gu:iupo met. It womld be a dangerous experiment for one to at tempt but tho artist dreES-maker, but the costume, which was completed with dark bluo silk skirt, was extremely stylish. Most fashions are summed up into- in dividual taste. There was never more scapobrmoro safeny in wearing, just what you please if you but observe the general outline. Vera. r oooolwoooooiMMOifrowB0M00 LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, MOHAIR AND CRASH SKIRTS. In our cloak and suit department we are showing- large assortments of warm weather read3'-to wear garments for ladies. Among- them are shirt waists in choice styles at popular prices; black mo hair skirts of medium and good qualities and crash skirts at very low prices. Miller & Paine caoooof ttt09 "Sit enter the cominc year prepared to rive to the reading public that which has made it famous for .. ' . t - .-...,. ntn'liiinn fmm the ivns of the rreat literary men and omen 01 the woridf illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over its prospectus announces sudi reading as OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT rsiurrrs fob ir imcw ciMt E coiUBt iil iroitT we or ix lTlian CASH. Tnl l lino Teens b, woktuisgtox a ford F.1STEBV MBEItU AM) THE PitlUC THE DETELOMOT OF OIK PACIFIC U0AI5 " , STErllEX DOSSAL D, CIIJRLES F. LCXXI3 RODEN'S CORNER-THE NOVEL OF THE YEAR bv Henry Setos Mekkuian, author of "The Sowers." Stnkins novelties in short fiction will S contributed by such authors as W. D. Ho ells, Richard Harding Davis, Urander Matthe.s, Frederic Remington, Ruth McEnery Stuart, and others. There iU be a series of articles on THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE EUROPE. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ART ANDTHE DRAMA ARMIES AND NAVIES STUDIES IN AMERICAN SOCIETY AMERICAN CHARACTER SKETCHES - ' Postage free to all suhscriBers in lie United States, Canada, and Mexico. Sub. $4 a year. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Pub', N. Y. City. Send lor Iree prospectus BY THE WAV, HOW ABOUT THAT SUMMER TRIP? Which way are you going this year? Wo want a word with jou on the sub jec. You know its our business to help you out in plans for a railroad or steam ship trip and we are nlajs glad to do eo. But wa need jour assurance to start with. Just tell us where you want to go and we will furnish you with plans and specifications-in the shape of routes, rates, time scedules, luxury of equip ment, etc, etc Remember that this year we are more in the passenger business than ever. If you doubt this statement please go to the corner of Ninth and S street and view our superb nw passenger station, finely appointed and designed for the convenience and comfort of Elkhcrn Northwestern line passengers, and then when ready to go north, east, south or west, call on A. S. FlELDINO, City Ticket Agent, 117 So. Tenth St. Oen. Lew Wallace II. S. Williams W. D. HoweHs 0en U'uter C D. Warner With THE COURIER One Year For $4: oooss KM! UY AND MEAT (III. 508 North Fourteenth St. Sells all kinds of fresh vegetables and strawberries at o lowest prices for honest goods. ff Three car loads of best flour bought before the ad vance. Our'prices are right. 1 1 t&EtttS &g!)S BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. If you are willing to work, we can give you employment with GOOD PAY", and you can work all or jKirt time, and at home or traveling. The work is light and easy. "Write at once for terms etc., to THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY Milwaukee, Wis. REDUCED RATES TO GRAND EN CAMPMENT MINING DISTRICT, WYO. The Union Pacific will sell tickets at one faro for the round trip, plus ?o.00, from all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Utah to Rawlins, Wyo. Dates on which tickets will be sold are 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct. and Nor. Stage line daily .except Sunday each way between Rawlins and Grand Encampment. For full information call on or address E. B. Slosson, General Agent. Peters Which of the American cities is called "the city of magnificent dis tances? Larson Ob, any of them if you are trying to borrow two dollajs. I