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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1898)
THE COURIER. L (MMMfMMfMm S8j"S'wwS'S5) X V LBBS- g S8SC SS'SS'S'S1' AS-BSi t Annie L. Miluui, Editou. Officers of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs. President, Mrs. B. M. Stoutenborough, Plattsmouth. Vice president, Mrs. E. M. Cobb, York. Secretary, Mrs. Henrietta Smith, Omaha. Treasurer, Mrs. M. V. Nichols, Beatrice. Auditor, Mrs. Ella S.Larsb, Nebraska City. Librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln. All vfcitors and delegates to the Den ver Biennial are requested to meet in Household Economicp, Current Topic?, Art and Parliamentary Practice were Courier hall on Thursday morningjune present and responded to the call for re 1C at 9 o'clock, to arrange for the trip ports, verbally and various matters of business. right jioofuoionnon'iinnf' " THE CLUB WOMAN COURIER OKE YEAR EOR $125 CLUB WOMEN: DO YOU want the club news of the United States and Nebraska? Then serd a dollar and twenty-five cents to The Courier, Lincoln, Nebr.. and receive them both for one year. If you want a sample copy of the Club Woman send your name to THE CLUB WOMAN, i 10 School St., Egleston Square, Boston, Mass. I It is the best club paper pub- I lished. - One would like to insist here on the business end 01 club work being kept up in business fashion. fJ ... irr !... nnmcoiglnlin Mnph vnlimhlft data IS IOfit DV a nastily lilCS-' jnu nuuieuB uuu .B.. ... . held in Omaha June 18 and 19. just prepared verbal account of what isoften prior to the Denver Biennial. These times really valuable to those working should be red letter days for all the along the same lines of ones own club club women in Nebraska, as the occa- elsewhere, Reports, if condensed, yet sion is to be a grand rally for clubs. At comprehensive, touching on the reaj least 1,000 women are expected. So work of the jear, its failures andsuc great is the interest and so assuring cesses, the knowledge gained through the prospect for a large attendance that experiences or the lack of it, are the the Thomas orchestra will give the club real gist of club history and make in women a complimentary concert Satur- terebting and profitable reading. These day afternoon. Railroad rates will be documents tell infinitely more of practi reduced in proportion to the number cal value to those peeking to wear aright who go. The de egation enroute for the harness of co-operative fellowship in Denver from New England, New York, club work, than do the minutes of the New Jersey, PennsjUania, Chicago, St. general ineeticg, which aie kept so ex Louis St Paul and Minneapolis aro actly and with such infinite care. These, planning to reach Omaha Saturday valuable as they Ere, have to do with morning. The local committee, of the mechanism of club organization, which Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey, of Omaha, is the letter of accomplishment, but from chairman has planned a visit to the ex- the minutes of each department secre position grounds during the forenoon, tary the leader should compile a report lunch in the girls' and bojs' building, that would indicate the true spirit of an afternoon program in the auditorium, club progress and upon which the sue an evening program with a reception at cess or failure of another year could be the Congregational church, and ad- calculated with unerring accuracy. dresses Sunday afternoon at the church The retiring officers are to be com by Celia Parker Woolley, Cbarlotte mended for their faithful and efficient Bartlett Crane and Jane Addams or Mrs. service. Sterotyped as the plira;e is it nf Hull House. will be understood by those familiar This coni:re3s will give opportunity to with the work as highest praise. The those who cannot go to Denver to hear reelection of any or all of them would wjth Mrs. C. A. Brindley, November 20, addresses from some of the most promi- have been hailed by the members as a lg97 We organized and selected his nent women of the general federation special stroke of good fortune, but the toriesof art from the Federation Library, and to meet them socially, while those officers, believing that rotation in offico and Bent for them at once We also who are en route to Denver will gain the and a sharing of responsibility are in added pleasure of the extra sessions, also dispensible to the promotion of that de a visit to the exposition. mocracy of spirit 60 vital to the success of any club, declined the honor, thank- The annual meeting of the Woman's fuj Q re3t from their labors and glad to club of Nebraska City was held, as jjcow their successors were so well usual, on the last Saturday in May. If qualified for the duties awaiting them. the attendance upon that occasion is a rrne writer of this report is the only criterion of membership for the coming corresponding secretary the Woman's year, the club will be btnaller than in club of Nebraska city has known, having the year past, though still large enough hgiQ tbe position since its organization for (rood work. three years ago. J t sometimes seemed j (i ! 0MWO90 OHOtM09 Miss dealt can. with Martha Turner. Miss Turner with coloring as only an artist The February meeting was held the Misses Turner. Art notes carried out a program on Egyptian art, which consisted of a paper by Miss Wat kins on Egyptian Architecture and a paper by Mrs. Brindey on painting and sculpture by the Egyptians. The in tention on the part of both writers was to give a condensed account of art as it existed in the cradle of civil zation. The next meeting was with Mrs. C. C. Gray. A paper was read by Miss Beck er, taking us a step further in the his- r rt tit c liiiilrlinr if1 rlannrattFii a rt ftf " . . O ll .11 K.,f o .... . , . W.J .Uli Uu.w.Uhuuuv- E.gmeeninBwereuw . ....- as u tne omce oeiongea to ntr. mere this period. An article was read on "How . & urn naro nirt a i j numDer wno reueweu iuui mcmc.ou. were moments wnen ner sense oi tne were absent, so the total number to b9 official position was lost in the keen per- countel upon is about twenty-five. sonal interest 6he felt in promoting and The utmost harmony prevailed and conserving club interests as best she after several balota for president the might through the medium of the office. fallowing officers were elected: The club in the meantime learned for- Preeident Mrs. J. C. Watson. bearance in a marked degree as well as First vice president, Mrs. T. Ryan. many other of the Christian graces Second vice-president Mrs. E. Zook. which are supposed to wait on patience. Recording Secretary Miss Jean Mor- jt i8 prepared to appreciate the work of were given in response to roll call. Mrs. C. C. Gray read an article on the Ital ian Old Masters and dwelt particular!) on Titian and the beauty of his paint ings. A paper on Roman Architecture was reac by Mrs. Herrick in which she described the Roman baths and forum. She gave the points in which the Roman buildings differed from others. Mrs. F. C. Rorer read a paper on Roman paint ing and sculpture, showing to what ex tent the Romans borrowed from the Greeks. She compared the to Study the Fine Arts," by Mrs. Brind- ideas of the Romans with the loity lueas ley. of the Greeks, and took ub one step fur The third meetintr was held with ther in the history of art. This paper Mrs. Herrick. Art notes were given in was illustrated by a folio of photographs response to roll call. A paper on Baby- of Roman art. Mrs. A. M. Covert read Ionian art, was read by Miss Lynch, from an art magazine "How to make a This dwelt on the beauty of the hang ing gardens and gave also a sketch of the painting and sculpture as it existed in this period. Mrs. A. C. Ballou dis- displace I hands of rlr-nomw Secretary-Mrs. David a woman so well qualified for the posi- coursed on Greek the Brown. ' tion as Mrs. David Urowo. history of architecture from the rudo souvenirs in the shape of palettes bear nWmte to State Federation Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Larsh. A notion to reduce the initiation and current fee from 12 to SL50 was lost After some discussion as to plans for rtudy for another year, the newly elected nM.Mtnt. Mrs. Watson appointed a UlVMMkHM " - hut or cave up to the time of the tem- The desire to 6tudy the history of art pies of the Greeks, with their magniti- in Columbus, Nebr., was so strong as to cent columns of polished marble. induce the forming of an additional The Greek ideas were contrasted with department in the Woman's club. Gothic and other styles which followed. The benefits to ba derived from the Greek Sculpture was discussed by broadening of one's knowledge on this Miss Sheldon. The beauty and grace piaster caste." Miss Turner castes made by herself of the members of her own family. Miss Sheldon acted as hostess ami leader of the March meeting. Pretb ing art notes and decorated witn chit' colors, were distributed and read. - paper, "The Influence of Art on tin Home and School," was read by Mrr Britell. The refining intluence of . cheap copy of a masterpiec e; the inn i ation to persistent effort which is p tt meeting for Saturday, June 11, at her suoject was realized Dy fourteen persons of the Greek statues was well described, ceived from pictures of great men; home at which time definite arrange- who signed the roll of membership, and Sheldon Illustrated ber discourse with culture instilled by artistic enviro ments would be made for carrying on toagreafer or less extent pursued the fifty photographs of Greek art, secured ments; all were discussed in a skillf the work. Btudy and attended the meetings of this from the art department of Omaha. A and forceful manner. Miss Becker reu The leaders of the department in department. The first meeting was held paper oc Greek painting waB read by a paper on "Painters behind tb -xsp5?- .