The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 28, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Office Hours
H. M. Betts,' Optician.
Sfoscnlar Titrable Specialty.
( . 1 9:30 to 12 am
( Second Floor.
Hao to 4 pi
'Dr. O. C. Eeynolds
(Office room 18-19, llOtoll a.rn
Barr Block V 3to5p.m
Bet. 258 Q ot I San. 3to;
-(W. L. DaytOn, 1C.D. J Bee. 1205 O Street.
Diseases of Eye, liai. v-m and Throat! Bes. 1821 C Street.
110 to 1
J2-.30 toSpm
t Dr. J. H. Tyndale
J Office, rooms 9 and 10,
J renting Theatre
9 to 11 :30 am
2 to5pm
IDr. S. B. Cook
J Eye. Ear, Now and Throat
1215 o St.
19:30-12:3 am
gocial and geMoiial
I Office, 2ehmnc Block 1 9 to 10 a in
J Vl2 to 12:30
.. ..m.) i Besidenee. 1313 C street J 2 to 4 p m
JEreBlacs, dj appointment, aunaay s iz 10 1 p. m. ana ny appointment.
Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey
I Office, Telephone Bid.,. 1 2 to 5 p m
I a tn by a
I Beside nee, 1821 F street ) pointment
w J Dr. J.S, Eaton,
BI8eaee..M2 f Surgery and JJerrous Diseases,
i 1 2 to 4 p. m
VOffice, 137 So. Ilth Bt. 12 a. m
IDr. J. B. TriCkey, -Office, 1035 O street l to 4 p,
f Refractionist only j
9 toI2a.m
I . -. . rt Ulnce, rooms zb. si ana I
b .....mvLouis N. Wente,D.D.S. i,tonfn Block,ur
J so 11th street. 1
,IDr. P. D. Sherwin
I Office, room 19 BnrrBlkl 9 to 12a m
2nd floor
tBes.2520Qst 1 I to p.m
1 Real Estate and Ins. Gen. Exchange Business
Office 315
Undertaker and Embalmer. Telephone, Office 145
Btotenth and P St. Res. 156.
. Glasses
some people call the fine Brazilian !
and French pebble eyeglasses that :
improve the appearance of a '
pretty face, while aiding the eye- !
sight as well. We adjust glasses :
to the eyes with this object in :
view also, while fitting the vision :
perfectly withe our fine gold or :
uickju eye giiuoes.
1143 O Street.
Funke Opera House Block.
Semd yMt wak dr
amd sM'ft waists ito-uas.
l our lxx& line o
iillittPPisrO BA.QsB,AnJ8IG ROIIt
I 1ttJLrtk: Factory,
X JVttrW QuLcairteraa. 1036 O street
I - ' 5
I .1 ...-,.,.,.. . ,- . 8
The men's fraternities of the univer
sity will give their second annual Pan
Hellenic hop on Saturday evening at
Burlington Beach.
The wedding of Miss Alice Slaughter
to Mr. John Lottridge will occur on
Wednesday, June 1, at 830 at the St,
Hoars 10 to Paul s Methodist church.
The wedding of Miss Katherine
Brooks to Mr. Harry Evans will be sol
emnized on Thursday, June 2, at 730 at
the First Congregational church.
The wedding of Miss' Olive Latta to
Dr. E. O. Watson of Friend will take
place on Wednesday evening, June 8, at
the First Presbyterian church.
The wedding of Miss Josephine Win
ger to Mr. 8. M. True of Tecumseh will
take place at high noon on Wednesday,
June I, at the residence of the bride's
The members of the First Congrega
tional church gave a reception on Tues
day evening in the church parlors for
their new minister and his wife, Kev.
and Mrs. Manse.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Parker have
issued invitations to the marriage of
their daughter, Minnie Hardenburgh, toj'
Mr. John Oswald Work, on Wednesday,
June 1, at 1 o'clock at their home, 1743
L street.
Prof, and Mrs. Baylor entertained the
senior class ot the high school very
pleasantly on Saturday evening. Games
which called out all the wit of the bright
seniors were enjoyed. Elegant refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. W, L. Fairbrother gave a ken
sington on Saturday afternoon. Her
guests were Mesdames Manas, Swan. P.
V. M. Raymond, Campbell, Jones, Dco
little, Harris, Kimball, Barwood Du
Tiel; Misses Campbell, Furst, Kingsley
The Kensington club of University
Place gave its last banquet of the season
on Saturday evening at the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. Don Carlos. The house was
beautifully decorated and the table ap
pointments were exquisite. An elegant
courte dinner was served. The guests
were Messrs. and Mesdames Horsey,
CNiel, Taylor, Don Carlos, Prof, and
Mrs. Rose, Prof, and Mrs. Alabaster, Dr.
and Mrs. Green.
Miss Ina Ensign entertained on Satur
day evening at cards. Music by the
hostess and guests added pleasure to
the evening. The guests were Miss
Mabel Hagenow, Silence Dales, Dora
Bachellor, Messrs. Benton Dales. Charles
Hagenow, James Dales, Irving Andrus
of Crete and Mr. and Mrs. Manahan.
A number of young people enjoyed a
wheel ride through the country on
Wednesday afternoon and evening, stop
ping for luncheon near Lincoln park.
Those in the party were Misses Mar
guerite Winger, Helen Woods, Jessie
Lansing, Laura Bridge, Blanche Gar
ten; Messrs. Coilett, Hacksr, Wiggen
horn, Reed, Fricke and Barber.
The marriage ot Miss Hattie Hardin
and Mr. Rollins A. Emerson occurred on
Monday evening at the home of the
brid6's parents. The ceremony was per
formed by Dr. H. O. Rowlands in the
presence of relatives and intimate
friends. The bride wore wkfte silk tfdd
carried brides roses. Both are well known
in Lincoln, having been students of tie'
university. The groom has been living
for a few tears in Washington, D. C,
and it is that city that they willsaato
their future home. The best wishes of
their many friends go with them.
Miss Frances Rector gave a pleasant
card party on Saturday evening for her ,
guest. Mias Brister, of St. Joseph, Mo.
The prizes we're won by , Miss Brister
and Mr. Robinett Dainty refreshments
were served at the close ot the games.
The guests were:
Misses Messrs.
Woods, Hurlbut,
Risser, Honeywell,
Walsh, Robinett,
Hooper, Reese,
Garten, Gustin,
Nance, Cooley,
Hoover, Cowdrey,
VanArsdale, Clapp,
Farwell, Morrison,
Burnham, Joyce,
Griffeth, Ward, .
Hollowbush. Chapntiu?,"
Turpin, .
Mrs. O. C. link gave a novel and par
ticularly pretty party on Friday after
noon. It was a muncale, the mumewas
furnished by the Wssleyan quartet, and
all the numbers were national airs. In
keeping with this the programs wars fn
red, white and b'lue. These were'ens'
tributed by Miss Ruth Bryan. TlTe
house was decorated profusely with infl
and the national colors. Th flowers
were all white. In the ainingroomlbS
cream of the three stripes was served
Miss Olivs Latta, snd lemonade t)V MW.
Mallalieu. They were, assisled byitla
Marguerite Winger, Ross Foster, 1fauV
fredHill, Florence McGahey aia Ger
trude Chambers. Mrs. Link trai 'In
sisted in receiving and enWtamffig ftf e
guests by Mrs. LatU and Kiss IrwYn
and Miss Florence OulcaTt. 'The '&m
play of patriotism was aomirable, 'one
could not but be stimulated by suchsjfif
roundings. The party was a success ft
every particular abll' rejected 'reat
credit on the hostess.
Ths Sigma Chi boys 'gavs a most en
joyable ejening to some of IhelrlTHends
on Wednesday. Some of fliem so JoyecT
as elegant dinner at he 'Sigma 'i
home, then afterward 'the entire party
went to the dog show. Afoertfcs per
formance the party adjourned to he
chapter home and danced until a'lale
hour. The evening was an infbrlfiai
one and all the. more pleasant on ac
count of tlut. The boys are gooasn'ter
tamers and were at their best oa Wed
nesday svemng. Theguests were:
Jessie Shulta, DoraHarley,
TllTllSSr "CarSiaTsn,
Adelloya Whitny, EtKflldlflns.
Daisy Houck, MayCoUbo,
EleanorBaymond, CdH'Croniey '
Grace Andrews, LeriaeBleraft
WAa Gustin,
5n 'BWnSfr,
Horn, jjwa
Sheldon, FteKrald,
K"0-- LTSSis.