The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 28, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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William Reed Ddhboy.
La Moiiar, ilL, Mmy 23, '98.
Mercy on me! I wouldn't live in a
town of thk size (or all the gold in the
Kinnilikft- Whv avervbodv knows every
body elee too well! When people con- everything.
grrgate they talk of their neighbors,
aad alas! everybody baa some besetting
mm that needs roastirg, and whea the
people get together the roasting is done
to a turn. No air, I do not want a little
tews in mine! 1 much fear me that I,
with my many frailties, would be the
subject of too many a back door confer
ence among the natives. As it is. I have
already brought down the wrath of sev
eaal old gossips because I inadvertantly
gat to a religious dkcueeioa with a
woman who waa trying to scare a couple
of invalids into the kingdom of heaven.
TTgAl ffa Hrphfynf face the woman
. Kwas M90 to tefhtea-
to talk
award. The hedges are green and the
roads are fringed with all manner of
wild flowers.
After a week of-rain the sun shines
out again this morning with a glory
almost too brilliant to be borne. A few
fleecy clouds float in the azure, and a
great and beautiful silence broods over
There is no harsh sound .to
mar the stillness, only the twitter of the
wrens and the call of the robin is heard.
The streets of the village are deserted.
It is Monday morning and the house
wives are 'busy washing, and the loafers
have not yet come down town.
The citizens of Lincoln have an op
portunity of viewing the startling ani
mated war scenes "reproduced by Edi
son's latest marvel. The Wargraph,
which touches gently the souls of the
teyrm bisraad aaiaga tfem-iijrand -ob
to vietery '' " - --
Ihisknet e craae.diearor novelty
aad other or rcrio"t,fefc aae to ,eafe.UM by
I fett like ehokkg io"b "' eatw- aaups in ac-
by making-quiteim- tual ;otion. -The crakar- Nashville
-credited with capturing.the first Spanish.
of gentility VP Cruisers Castine, dacianati, De-
Perhaps queerer i ana uammore. egeeay mou
In one of the nneet wewey s nagsnip utympia
liveaawoaaaawhohae nd the flying dispatch boat Bug Mc-
la the winter uuoca "at urougnt we nrsi message
into very uon Aaminu isewey euer bis glorious
victary. .tamirai oampson s un-ror-one-chance
gallant fleet, showing battleships
New York, Indiana and Iowa, the pride
of the navy. The once majestic battle
ship Maine, wreck of the Maine and the
funeral of its victims. Hearing the log
on the Raleigh, in a storm at sea. You
would deem it a rare treat were the op
portunity presented to view this collec
tion of Uncle Sam's navy and even in
' -A
We will effes 300 Ladles' lammer
Onsets ot as modVvalM uvaay w
have ever sold. They ajsweflabaged,
made of good quality mt, aaatlj.fln
ished, are well boned and sltUe
stripped, have wide sea aad two
wide eteels. on each side. fai
witu we nave a cosaplM
of sizes. Price until all; are sold
Miller & Paine
PL alstwhme,
tha elsewhere.
in town
i talent as a acalptor.
time she nrf"1- the enow
gaacef al statues, and the glearn'mg lg
aass aader the tall pine trees are a
paatty sigh. The people of the village
liked the snow figures, but when the
eeabryo artist began to mould the butter
she eafca at the store into Apollos and
Veaoess, they began to kick. How ever
BUKhpemaase the lady might take in
the making of the was die-
to say the least for the lees
Corner O and Twelfth streets
lllr Alfrsi iiAiiin
m nun
Vivid Moving Scenes
Many United States Battleships, Cruisers, Guahpats, Mani-
viae was - '. , ,,t tnrTrrnr T;co.t,:T-.4--M" i. VT , ' TT-
eethetkfcBJBtotbuyerstobmvethehead " .! ? wcaie tnem ana visit - -; ;" ' ,"yTrtV: Jutvuuwn. wreCK or tne Maine
MaaTAaeak) adeevaajrahe bnttor "&, would require travel of thoaeanda and the funeral of its victims, storm at sea. Old Glory aid'
fl. j. - a , .-. "".F f u wmn c- vim uugo iu. LUiuia JUUVID.
Oa 'the iasSasef a setter doer in, one
of the eM,oktbeeee:ia the village k
the priBt of a gW's hand. It waa made
years and jears ago in the fresh paint.
The gist waa beautiful and a favorite,
aad the print of her hand was always
left on then- Th& woman now Isold
aad worn. Her eyes are faded and her
hak atreaked with gray. Thevicfesi
tsdeeef life have changed her, but the
prist of her girlish hand yet remains on
the eld cellar door.
There is a mighty hunter in the
vilkge. He is tall and strong, a sturdy
man who loves to tramp through the
woods with a gun over his shoulders.
When the red squirrels run in the woods
he goes oat with bis gun and home he
comes at sight with game bag tilled with
the pretty game. In the summer days
he goes with rod and worms, and a string
niunmMiiaHnH ant8 ud breaks .througll the weakest
is the prize he brings home at night. He pVu0n of the shell. The crab begins
loves to wander alone in the woods, and ' tearing the.hrisk, fiber by fiber, and
he haows where thefequirrele liveywhere alwri at, the end where the eyeholes
the beet fishing places are, and "also of- the nut are situated, that being the
pease, bj Mawoxia latest procees you
view them in actual tatotian iaet aa
plainly as were yon in Brooklyn navy
yard watching them. Moving in splen
dor as eracefully as swans. See United
States and Cuban flagB in bright colors
moving .defiantly. Its, an educational
series of vivid moving- scenes, an intel
lectual treat every business man owes to
himeelf and family to view them.
The craze is 'justly prevalent and
prices are such that every man, woman
and child may see. At the Funbe this
afternoon and night.
tM Coeomaat crau.
The eocoanut crab Is one of the odd
est specimens of the whole crab family.
He Uvea in the South Islands, and
siakes a diet of cocoanuts. This
species has a pair of front legs ter
minated with a strong.palr of pinchers,
and it Is with these that he husks the
Prices 10 and 25 Cents.
c '
where the walnuts and butternuts grow.
Altogether he ie a man of the woods,
aad oae that it k well for a perBan to
know. - l
'Oeee more the time for decoratiog the
aokHers' graves draws near. In the
edgea of thk little town lies the village
of the dead. And 'tk a populous village
for it k an old place of burial. It k like
a garden in its neatness and on nearly -tore
every grassy rtea were lies airiDute
of flowers. In one corner where sleep
the eld soldiers a mighty cannon points
from a little knoll to the eastward.
Aboat the grim eld iron tube the tender
vises twine asd the birds make it their
heaae. The old monster now k as silent
as the bms who Ik aroand it in their
aleep. Meanwhile the flowers
;iato bloom on every lawn.
The feast ahaejgy peonka are uafoldiag,
the-eyieagea, bridal wreaths and pure
white eaewbalk adorn the velvety green-
weakest place In the shelL When the
husk hasbeea removed the crab com
mences hummerjng the shell with his
heavy claws, and. soon .makes an open
ing, through which . he extracts, the
meat of the nut Mr. Darwin, .writing
of this crab, says: "I think this is as
curious a, case of Instinct as. I ever
heard of, especially In structures, so re
mote from each other, in the scheme of
a cocoanut and a crab." .
A Sqvlrrer-Capcloa Mbatt.
a Dummerston (Vt) man wished to
-certain how many kernels of corn a
chipmunk could carry in its mouth,
Thirty kernels were placed on a board.
A squirrel carried them .all away at
one time. Forty-five kernels were then
placed in position, and chippy got away
with all of them at thai trial. Seventy
kernels were pat on the board for a
third trial The little striped animal
was beaten this time, but succeeded la
carrying fifty-eight of the kernels is
Ib mouth. Beston Herald.
In the resent memoirs of Deaa Buck
land an amusing picture is given of
the antipathy felt fifty years age by
the old classical scholars at Oxford to
the new scientific learning. They
described it as "mischievous and ab
surd." When Buckland once went to
Rome for a long vacation one of the
elder dons Is said to have exclaimed:
"Well, Buckland has gone to Italy.
Thank heaven, we shall hear no more
ef his silly geology."
Learned men do not always appre
elatethe achievements of their fellows.
It is said that a friend brought Mil
ton's 'Taradise Lost" to a great Scotch
mathematician, who remarked when
he had .finished it:
"It's Terra pretty, but, num. what
does it prove?"
Aa'Americaa, who stated recently is
&. London club .that he. was going, to
Enfield in search of '"the'i griveof
Charles Lamb was astonished. to hear
him contemptuously described "by an
English statesman as "a flighty writer
ef silly papers, in which there was no
mention of "political osestloas ef his
PaganlnL while in England, was
mentioned by a great jurist in a letter
as "poor fiddler who had driven the
town, mad with hla squeaks and
scrapes," and he, no doubt, would have
described his critic as soulless and deaf
to the highest expression of emotion.
An anecdote Is told of Henry Clay in
the senith of his popularity and mma.
Meeting an old schoolmate at a recep
tion,' he expressed regret that another
friend, a mutual acquaintance, whese
career promised to be milHaat, had
given Hp his life te the raising ef pigs
:r?gg a fortune. The frieai
presently met; the gaspers referref
to, who exclaimed, with a shake of the
"Poor Henry Clay! He might hat
made a geea stock grower and be a
comfortable planter now if he had mm
wasted hla ttme in
Tiy m.
aad alighUy knewn fact k
k imp rihis to am th
while leaklag at ik aeleettoshi a mlr
rer. The ere k the sues' masahlspaje
of the face. yatK yoatry to kak aa It
aad move it a "imfttv part ot an'
Inch yon will he balked la yoar bbb.
pose. The moment you endeavor tf
perceive the motion ot the eye k h
esmea fixed. That k why a person's ef.
preeslon as he sees himself in the ajaaa
k entirely different from the bat. hr
whleh hk friensa reeogBize him. '
thirty VMeeh
The record far aalekly
pepalaUoa, aa shown hf the
census, says a Park
certaniy belongs to Roabalx. In lt
the population of thk town was gjaa
at the taking of the last census i was
11417, of which 53.075 were Belgtasa,
Of thk increase 6L660 were Immi
grants, walk the remaining U,ttl were
dae to the excess of births eve deaths.
There k certainly no ether team fta
France where the ponuktloa has k
creased so rapidly. The ate of lax .
crease k ten timea thai of the rest ef
France and three times that of Pajs
'wsvat Umi
The youngest school teapher In the
United States k 11 years old. At the
examination he secured a frat-graia
certificate and finished hk papers be
fore many of the eUkr toachers.' mm
name k Marten Olsnajaav sM at esmaa
. Uvm la Okie.
i 5
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