THE COURIER. First Publication April 30. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSION ER'S SALE. Notice ia hereby Riven, That by virtue of an Order of Sale iesued by the Clerk or the District Court ot the Third Judi- width off the east side thereof: A cer tain tract of land situated in the said county of Lancaster described as fol lows, to-wit: Commencing at a point thirty-three 33, feet west of a point rouny-iour , rods nortn ot the south- HMHIIIIIIMMIIinii I WWWWWm4WtWIIIIHIIIMMMHMMII cial District ot Nebraska, within and for e4Bt corner of the southwest quarter of T 1. rt ... l i- i unKnn thivfv Oft ir, k.m..l.1. i.. in ww.awu luiiij w, IU U'HUDUIU LOU X7. Lancaster County, in an action wherein Charles White et. al., are plaintiffs, and Tillie May et. al., defendants, I will, at 2 o clock p. m., on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1898, at the East door ot the Court House, in tb.9 City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at pub lic auction the folio wing described Lands and Tenements, to-wit: The north halt of the northwest quar ter of section eight (8), township nine (9), north, ot range seven (7), in Lancas ter county. Nebraska, except five (5) acres thereof conveyed to F. W. Little as appears of record in the office ot the Register of Deeds of said county. The west halt of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter ot section five (5), in township nine (9), north, of range seven (7), east, in Lancaster county, Nebraska, being the west twenty (20) acre3 of lot six (G), in the N. E. Ji of said section five (5). Twenty-two and range 7, thence running north 591.6-10 feet, thence west 187.5-10 feet, thence south 594 610 feet, thence erst 187.5-10 feet to the place of beginning. The east seventeen 17, and one-half acres of the northwest quarter ot the northeast quarter of section five 5. township nine 9. range seven 7, in said Lancaster coun ty, Nebraska. The northwest quarter of section thirty-two 32. in township twenty-nine 29, north, range ten 10, and the northwest quarter of section twenty-one 21, in township twenty Beven 27, north, of range twelve 12 The north half of the northwest quarter, and the south GROCERY BARGAINS -AT- THE CITY BLOCK GROCERY I OUR LETTUCE, RADDISHES, AND ALL VEGETABLES ARE CRISP AND COOL 1 t 1-53 Soutin Eleventh. Tna nn.tnnfoar .. & ...... x - uu uununrDV ijuoiuii, auu bUO BUblU- T west quarter of the northwest quarter, ? and the northwest quarter of the south- west quarter, and tho northeast quarter ot section eight 8, in township thirty two 32, north of range sixteen 16. and the northeast quarter of section thirty-three. Township twenty-six, 25, north, of range MIMMMIMIMMHMHIHICMMMM one-half (22 acres off the west side of njDe 9. ad the northwest quarter ot see the northwest quarter of the northeast tion eighteen 18. in township twenty-nine quarter of section five (5), township nine 29 north, of range sixteen 16. all in Holt (9), north, ot Range seven (7), east, in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Seven and one-half (7l) acres of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of sec tion five (5), in township nine (9). north, range seven (7), cast, in said Lancaster county, Nebraska, being a portion of lot 6, in the N. E. if of said section five (5). The west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter ot the county, Nebraska. The southwest quar ter of section twenty, 20, in township ten, 10, north, of range two, 2, west, in York county, Nebraska. Lot four, 4, in section nineteen, 19, in town ship twenty-nine, 29. north, of range twenty-one, 21, west. Lots one, 1, two, 2, and three, 3, in Bection thirty, 30, in township twenty-nine. 29. north, or range twenty-one, 21. The northeast southwest quarter of section thirty-one quarter of section nineteen, 19. Town- (31), township ten (105, range seven (7), ship thirty-two. 32, north, of range in Laacaster county, Nebraska; also tie- twenty-one. 21. The north half of pcribed as commencing twenty (20) rods the southeast quarter, and the south west of the southeast corner of the weet weet quarter of the nor.heast quarter ot halt of the southwest quarter of section section six, 6, in township twenty eight, thirty-one ,(31), in township ten (10), range seven (7), running thence west twenty rods, thence north forty rods, thence east twenty rods, thence south forty rods to the place ot beginning, containing fiv (5) acres, more or leas. Lots four (4), five (5), and six (6), in block twenty-one (21), of Lavender s Ad dition to the City ot Lincoln, Nebraska. Lots seven (7), and eight (8), and lot four (4), of irregular tracts in the north east quarter of the northwest quarter of Bection twenty-five (25), township ten (10), north, of range six (6), east, in Lan caster county, Nebraska. The east five (5) acres of lot six (6), in the northeast quarter of section five (5), in township nine (9), range seven (7), in Lancaster, county, Nebraska. Blocks B9ven (7), eight (8), twenty-one (21), twenty-two 28, north, of range twenty-one. 21, west. Ana me soutneast quarter of the north west quarter of said Bection six, 6. And the east half ot the northeast quarter. And the northwest quarter of the north east quarter ot section thirty-three, 33. in township thirty one, 31, north, of range twenty-one, 21, west. And the southwest quarter ot the northwest quarter, of section thirty-four, 31, in said township thiity one, 31, in range twenty-one, 21. And the south half of the southeast quarter of section six, 6. in township thirty-one, 31, north, ot range twenty. 20. The northeast quar ter of the northeast quarter of section Beven. 7. The southwest quarter of the southwest quar ter of section five. 5. in township thirty-one, 31, north, of range twenty, Do you know where PALACE BEAUTIFUL Is? Well, it is the place to get a Good Shampoo or your Hair Singgecl cmxmcl Treated. This eradicates dandruff and will make your hair SOFT and GLOSSY. It is the place to get a good MASSAGE to keep your skin soft and white. Also BODY MASSAGE and VAPOR BATHS to build you up and clear you skin this time time of the year. MANICURE and MASSAGE for the hands, to shape the nails and make the hand soft and white. The FACE BLEACHED, FRECKLES and PIMPLES removed, leaving the skin clear, soft and white. The hair dressed and beautified or powdered for parties, The best line of Switches. Curie and Bangs, Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Triplea Extracts, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpins, real Shell Ornaments, Combs etc. Wigs, Switches, Curls or anything of the kind made to order. Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th Nebraska, according to the recorded plat thereof; also the west half of lot twenty-two (22), of Millers Subdivision of the south half of section twenty (20), town ten (10. range seven (7), of Lancas ter county, Nebraska; alsi the northwest quarter ot lot twenty-seven (27). in Mil ler's subdivision of the south half of sec tion (20), town ten (10), range seven (7), in Lancaster coupty, Nebraska. Now therefore it is ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me at the office of the clerk of the District Court of Lancaster County, Ne braska, on the 7th day of June, 1898, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to show cause why a license should not be granted to G. S. Baldwin rs administra tor to Bell the above described real estate premises may be decreed to be sold and satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 23d day of May. 1898. Jonjc Viola. By A. B. Coffroth, his Attornej. TO CALIFORNIA And North Pacific Coast Points take the (221. thirtv-five (35). thirty-six (36). fortv- 20, west. And the north half of the mtrht (4S1. fortv-nine (49). and fiftv.twn southeast quarter of section thirtv-two. (52), and the south half of block th'irty- 32, in town thirty-one. 31, north, of range JI HRFAT seven (37). in Colleee View, in Lancaster twenty, 20. west, all in Brown county, EL'JS?-0' 8a,d Mtat0 and 2oetB JIDAI county. Nebraska. Lots six (6), and Nebraska. And the north half of the t ; V,i-T,h. , 'RHPl block nine (9). lotUix (fi. southwest quarter of section thirtv- A further ordered that this order KUUfV and seven (7), in block twenty (20), lots three, 33, in township thirty-one. 31. fPu?e,L fj" !?!?! iWfiVnH Bvn n in b'nek tsAntv. north, of ranee twenty. 20. in J" V" """" f " f" t -- -" - -. v. - s, three (23), lots six 6, and seven 7, in block thirty-four 34, lot six 6, in block thirty-seven 37, and lots "A" and "B," in said College View. The south halt of the northwest quarter of section five 5, in township niue 9, range seven, east, in Lancaster county, Nebraska, except the south half of the southeast quarter ot said northwest .quarter ot said section Brown county, Nebraska. Lot two. 2. in block twenty-eight, 28, in Spencer Brothers' Park addition to the City of Ha3tingB. And forty-eight. 48. feet off the south end of lots one, 1, to five, 5, in clusive, in block eleven, 11, of Morledge's addition to said city of Hastings. Twenty-four, 24, feet off lots one, 1, to five, 5, inclusive, in block eleven, 11. in Mor- in Lancaster county. Dated the 2oth day of April 1898. Chas. L. Hall. Judge of the District Court. (First publication April 16.) 4 In the District Court of Lancaster county, Nebraska. ISLAND ROUTE five 5. The said south half of the couth- ledge e addition to the City of Hastings, east quarter of said northwest quarter all Adams county, Nebraska. The John Viola 1 vs. of slid section five 5. The northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of sec tion five 5, township nine 9, range seven 7, in Lancaster county, Nebraska. The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter ot section five 5, in township nine 9, range Beven 7, in Lancaster coun ty, Nebraska. Lots eight 8, nice 9, seven 7, ten 10, and eleven 11, and lots three 3. four 4, five 5, six 6, and twelve 12, in May's subdivision of lot three 3, block two 2, and lots one l,two 2, eight 8, nine 9, and ten 10, block four 4, and block five 5, of Grant's Addition to the City of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne braska. Lot four 4, in block four 4, block five 5, in Grant's addition to the city of Lincoln. A portion of the south west quarter of section five 5. township nine 9, north, range seven 7, east, in Lancaster county, Nebraska, described as beginning at a point ninety 90, rods west of the center of said section five 5, running thence south to the south line of said section, thence Test along the south line of said section seventy 70, rods to the west line ot said southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of section three, 3, in township thirteen, 13, north of range fifty two, 52, west, in Cheyenne county, Nebraska. And sec tion twenty five, 25, in township thir teen, 13, north, of range fifty-seven, 57. west, in Cheyenne county, now Kimball county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 27th day April, 1898. John J. Trompex. Special Master Commissioner. NOTICE. First Publication April 30.1 4 In the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. In the matter of the ) estate of Walter ORDER. Carmen, deceased. ) This matter coming on to be heard at Chambers upon the petition of G. S. Baldwin, administrator, and it appearing two George H. Baughman etal. George H. Baughman, Adele W. Baughman, William J. Baughman, Baughman, his wife, real name unknown, Margaret II. Baughman, The Campbell Printing Press & Manufacturing com pany, a corporation, and Home Fire In surance company, a corporation, will take notice that on the 9th day of April, 1898, John Viola, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the District Court ot Lan caster county, Nebraska, against said defendants, et al, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mort gage executed by Sarah H. Baughman and Jeremiah Baughman to the Lom bard Investment Company and now owned by plaintiff, upon the following described real estate, situated in Lan caster county, Nebraska, to wit. Lots number four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), and nine (9), in block fi). in rveysione .vaaiuon to the Elegant equipment. Pullman service. Chair cars free. Through service to California points and Portland, Oregon, in Tourist Sleeping Cars. BEST LINE FOR ALASKA Send at once for a new folder of the Klondike region. If you want to get a farm in Kansas,. Oklahoma or Texas, send for our Emigration Folder. Address JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A.r Chicago. III. HOV HE DID IT. He swore he'd never make A failure or mistake In choosing him a wife To be hk mate for life. , So, true to what he said, He well, he never wed ! that there is not sufficient personal City of Lincoln, east of the Sixth Princi estate in tne bands of the said adminip- pal Meridian, to secure the payment of trator to pay the debts outstanding one certain promisory note, with coupons against the deceased, and the exnenses attached, dated June 13. 1889. for th section, thence of administration, and it appearing that sum of 83,300.00, and due and payable on north along the west line of said section it is necessary to sell the whole of the the first day of June, 1894; that there is to the north line of said southwest quar- real estate ror the payment of such now due upon said note and mortgage, ter. thence east along the north line of debts and costs of administration, to wit: the sum of 83,300.00, with interest at 10 said quarter seventy 70, rods to the place The southeast quarter of section twenty- per cent per annum from June 1, 1897, of beginning, being that portion of said five (25), town nine (9), range thirty-nine and also the further sum of 8389.89 with quarter section remaining after the re- (39). weet, in Keith county, Nebraska; interest at the rate of 10 per cent per lease from a mortgage thereon of two also lot ten (10). in block two hundred annum from the first day of April, 1898, strips aggregating ninety 90, rods in nd seven (207) of the city of Lincoln, for taxes, and plaintiff prays that said "The European nations manifest an inclination to sit down on Turkey," said Spykes. "It is the Ottoman Empire, you know," replied Spokes. " nd is London a handsome city, Dawson?"' "Don't kno w. Didn't see it." "Didn't see it? Why, man, you were there ten days. Sick?'' "Nope. Fog."