The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 30, 1898, Page 6, Image 6
M r t H 6 THE COURIER, I 5 Prof eaariLoitmal Directory. DOCTORS. Tt pho e. Office Hours If Ofieo. .606 .665 Dr. O. C. Reynolds Office rooms 13-19, MO to IS a.ra ;' Bnrr Block. a to a p. m Be. (Be. 258 Q rit. ban. 3 to ro I W. L. Dayton, M. D. J fflce- I f Disease of Ere, Kat. vi and Throat 1 Res. 1821C Street f: 10 to 1 Office. 2:30 to 5pm J Dr. J. H. Tyndale f NOSE AND THROAT J Office, rooms 9 and 10. j Thinning Theatre -F 9 to 11 JO am 2 to 5 p m . . godal and personal r- !Dr. S. B. Cook j Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1215 o St. 19:30-1? 3 am 2-5pm Office 618 it 68 -;!1,8 Dr. Benj. F. Bailey ..671. ) I Office, Zehrung Block 1 9 to 10 a ui ) Residence. 1313 C street J 2 to 4 d m Ereninga, by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment. Vl2 to 12:30 ;)21 Office 349, KO0 349,Dr.R.E.Giffen m I Office, Telephono Bid... ) 2 to 5 p r Va in by a ( Residence, 1S21 F street ) pointment m M I Dr. J.S. Eaton. ReideDce..562 j Surgery and Kerrons Diseases, j ) i 2 to 4 p. m yumce, 137 so. iitb su i:a.m. 1 Hours 10 to !Dr. J. B. Triokey, f Reftactionist only -Office, 1035 O street. 19 to 12 a. m 4 p. m. 19 to lltoi j DR. E. J. ANGLE. ( Office Alexandorblk, 1400 19 to 12 a.m f Skin and Genito-Unlnary Diseases. ! uoui'V"u".,,ir Ci Facial blcmistie removed I es. cor 26th and N Sts. ) i 7:30 to 4 p.m iWtoyp.m DENTISTS. J . . . I Office, rooms 26, 27 and 1 Office 530.5-IjOUiS N. Wente,D.D.S.- l.Brownell Block. 137 V I ( sollth street. I Dr. J. 8. McNay Office, 1105 O trect IS to 12 am O Residence, 2208 T street 1 1 to 5 p m I Dr. P. D. Sherwln 1 DENTIST. J Office, room 19 Bnrr Blk) 9 to 12a m 9nJ flvn L Res.2520Qst J I to p.m BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Phone 470 J. M. GUILE, Real Estate and Ins. Gen. Exchange Business Office 315 South Eleventh WALTON G. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embalmer. Telephone, Office 145 ' Eleventh and P St. Res. 156. a TT17XTnCTTi"7C! ) 5 PHnTOHPAPH PAPLOPQ t J 132 SOUTH I2TH STREET. Some ask what is a I It is the place where you get your CLOTHING PRESSED, cleaned and repaired. THE? ER TIORI Have the only first-class one in the cit3T. Cor. Eleventh and O. 'Phone 708. I LADIES ! ) I TSxaxxxlne our fine ULne of JkJUTAJ GIRDLES, SHOPPING BAGa,aUSIC) ROlVLra, POCKRT BOOKa, to. Xe-xr Quarter. 1036 O street. Mrs. Georgd H. Clark gave a card parly last Friday morning in bonor of her guests, Mrs. Corbin and Mre. Brad ley of Eaton Rapids, Mich. The Delta Tau Delta fraternity gave a banquet at their rooms on 0 6treet last Saturday evening. Before the banquet Mr. J. C. Graham was initiated. Mr?. A. W. Janren will give a recep tion on Thursday, May 5, from 3 to 5, for Miss Mary Louise Clary, Mies Stella Haddon-Alexander, and Mies Mildred Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Case have is sued invitations for the marriage of their daughter Frances Georgiana to Mr. Wil lie Herbert Sawyer on Wednesday, May 11, at the First Congregational. A re ception will follow the ceremony at 2410 T street. Miss Lena Duweese gave a card party on Friday evening. A luncheon was served after the games. Her guests were Misses Turner, Getner, Shaw, Pad dock, Pyrtle, and Mrs. J. W. Dewese? Messrs. Foleom, Turpin, Waite, Towl. Dr. Kearns and Dr. McKinnon. An Arbor day party was given last Friday evening by Claire Packard. The guests were Misses Lewis, Packard Marnrick, Stewart, Daisy and Grace Meyers, Jenkins, Nellie Packard and Mamie Marwick; Messrs. Krummick, Stewart, Love, Burkey, Fouet, Moberry, Carter, Boweo, Shanahan. Last Saturday evening the University Place Kensington club and their bus bands were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Taylor. Games and charades furnithed ample entertainment. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Green, Prof, and Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Don Carlos, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner gave an unusually pleasant card party on Satur day evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. E. G. Bewick and Mr. Frank Woods. Tho guests were Messrs. and Mesdames: A.J.Sawyer, R.E.Moore, C. H. Rudge, Fred Hutchins, C. H. Morrill, C. F. Ladd. E. C. Rewick, Frank Woods, D. A. Campbell, Foster, K. T. Van Brunt, Patrick, Mrs. Aschmac of Atchinson. Mrs. Buckstaff entertained informally on Monday evening in honor of the ladies visiting in Lincoln. Each took his part in making the evening an pleae ant as possible. An elegant luncheon added greatly to the pleasure of the evening. The guests were Mre. Gcltra of St. Louis, Mrs. Rudy of Sioux City Mrs. Gasman of Chicago, Judge and Mrs. Irvine, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd, Messrs. and Mesdames Wright, F. W. Brown, Coffrotb, W. C. Wilson, Tilton, Yates, Leonard, W, Hargreaves, Beeton. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Turner gave the second of a series of card parties on Tuesday evening. Euchre was the game and it proved most highly enter taining. Favors fell to the lot of Mrs Blish and Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Munger and Mrs. Moore. Dainty refreshments were served. The guests were Messrs. and Mesdames Morse, Hutchins, Hammond, Preston, " Chapin, Gearhardt, Kirker, Blish, Munger, Billmeyer, Tyler, Aitken, Rudge and H. H. Wilson, Mm. Pre6ton" Mrs. Van Du:en, Mrs. Sonus, Latham and Mr. Kennard. Miss Mr. Willis A. G jtty of Carroll, la., and Miss A. Medora Smith of Lincoln, were married at high noon on Wednesday at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolfe in East Lincoln, by the Rev. Dunning. Miss Smith has been for years one of tho most valuable and popular teachers in Lincoln. She will be much missed in the schools and also by the many friends which her gentle disposition won for her Mr. and Mrs. Getty left on the noon train for Carroll, wheie they will make their future home. Th9 good wishes and congratulations of their friends go with them. Mre. Clinton R. Lee gave the first of a aeries of Kensingtons last Saturday afternoon. It waB a pink and white party, these colors being seen in every thing possible. -A stringed orchestra furnished music. The guests were: Mesdames Mesdames Gillilan, Houtz, Dickman, Everett, Leming, C. King, Morrison, Kirker, Babcock, Harris, Held, Dr.Sabin, Erank Everett, Dr. Levis, Kelley, Brown, Doty, Parker, Kirker, Scbwake. Shader, Maraland, Stiles, Miss Jones, One of the pleasantest parties this season was tnat given on Tuesday morn ing at the beautiful home of Mrs. Buck staff by Mrs. Ladd, Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Buckstaff for the ladies visiting here The game was six handed euchre and proved to be unusually interesting. Miss Mae Burr was the most successful, Mrs. Billmeyer won the second prize and Mrs. Leonard the third. After the game a dainty luncheon, fitting for a morning party, was served. For several hours the ten tables were surrounded by as happy and enthusiastic a party as ever as sembled. Each hostess is always a delightful entertainer by herself, but when the skill of the three was com bined the result is especially happy. The senior promenade was given at the Lincoln hotel on Friday evening. On account of some of the cadets being called out the number was not so great as expected, still the party was a success both socially and financially. The com mittee had decorated the hall with large national and Cuban flags, and in the long corridors were stacked guns and sabres. When the orchestra played one of the national airs the enthusiasm rose to a nigh pitch. Mr. Walt's orchestra furnished good music Ices were served in the ordinary which was decorated with class and university colors. The committee who were so faithful in work, ing up the party consisted of Misses Cropsey, Barber. Farnham, Noren, Wil son; Messrs. Hebdy, chairmrn, Haggard Master of ceremonies, Robbins, Barber, Beinap, Wilkinson, Morrison. '' Mrs. George H. Clark gave a Kensing ton on Monday afternoon for her guests, Mrs. Corbin and Mrs. Bradley of Eaton Rapids, Mich., who ars just returning from a winter in California. Actuated by the spirit of the day Mrs. Clark deco rated her rooms with the national colors The dining room was especially pretty.'