.-1 6 THE COURIER. Profeasional Directory. DOCTORS. Tt , pho e. Office Hours OSce 866 Rm 655 Dr. 0. C. Beynolds OSce Tti I W. L. Dayton, M. D. i ffl. o street. MO to 1 )2ao to I Diseases of Eye, Eai. x and Throat Ees. 1821 C Street. to 5pm IDr. J. H. Tyndale I NOSE AND THROAT j Office, rooms 9 and 10. .J 9 to 11 30 m I LansinK Theatre f 2to5pnj gocial and Personal rlr IFW rss m IDr. S. E. Cook Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 616 .. "HDr. BeDj. p. Bailey ..Oil. ! Res Evenings, bj appointment. Sunday's Office 349, Dr. R. E. Gif fen OMce seli-nr .T.S "Rfltrm Beidence..562 J Snrpcry and Nerrons Diseases, j IDr. J. B. Triokev, j Refractionist only 1 DR. E. J. ANGLE. fSkin and Gcnito-Uninary Diseases. 1 u "u rooms .8, . Facial blcmtstoe removed ( Bes. cor 2Cth and N bts. J i DENTISTS. J-w i tit t t I Office, rooms 26, 27 and J OBce 530. VTjOUlS N. Wente.D.D.S-i l. BrowneU Block, 137 : J I sollth street. J . It t -. -, T 10ffice,11050 treet )Stol2amO YDr. J. 8. McNay . ' I I Residence. 2208 T street 1 1 to 5 p m ese I Dr. P. D. Sherwin DENTIST. BUSINESS J. M. GUILE, Real Estate and Ins. Gee. Exchange Business Phooe hooe 4 470 WALTON G. Undertaker and Embalmer. Eleventh and P St. 9T'2r99r9rrT A Xri?TXTT?TiXr?C! PHOTOGRAPH PARfeORS $ 132 SOUTH 5 Have the only first-class one in the city. Cor. Eleventh and O. 'Phone 708. Sacamirte our fine lix&e o METAI GIRDIVS, SHOPPING BAG.,MU8IC ROLL., POCKRT BOORa, EJtc. Nexe Quarters. 1930-133 am )2-5pm 1315 o St. ( Office, Zehrung Mock 1 9 to 10 a m i 12tol330 f RfMlidAnrA. 1313 f! strAAt lfni n m 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment. 1 Office, Telephone Bid... ) 2 to 5 p m a ra fay a I Residence, 1621 F street J pointment J 1 2- to 4 p. m 5-OfTice. 137 So. Iltb St. 12a.m. J wn a. - I nours iu 10 19 t j-Ito 9 to 12 a. m Office. 1035 O street. 4 p.m. J Office Alexander blk, 1400 J 9tol2am. 30to4p.m 30to9p.m ( Office, room 19 Burr Blk 1 9 to 12 a m 2nd floor Res. 2520 Q st J I to p. m DIRECTORY. Office 315 Sooth Eleventh ROBERTS, Telephone, Office 145 Res. 156. i I2TH STREET. M9MM Some ask what is a ill It is the place where you get your CLOTHING PRESSED, cleaned and repaired. TH THI ! 1036 O street. One of the most brilliant receptions in which Lincoln society has taken part for many a day was given by Mrs. D. E. Thompson at her beautiful home on Tuesday afternoon. Artificial lights shone mildly through the pink and red shades, casting a soft glow over the rooms and the elegant eowna of the guests. The pink-red effect was empha sized by the American beauties which were used profusely in adorning the rooms. Palms screened Prof. Huge now's orchestra, and the soft, sweet music tilled the stately halls. Mrs. Thompson, in a beautiful gown of grey grenadine over grey silk, with violets, was strik ingly handsome as she received her guests in the drawing room. She was assisted by Mrs. W. M. Leonard and Mrs. S. H. Burnham. Mrs. Leonard wore pink net over pink silk, and Mrs. Burnham black net over grey silk Those who further assisted in enter! taining the guests were Mrs. John B. Wright, Mrs. C. P. Ladd, Mrs. Kudy of Sioux City and Mrs. Gasman of Chi cago. Miss Burnham, in a gown of blue organdie over blue silk, presided grace fully at the punch bowl. In the dining room Mrs. J. W. MacDonald, in a hand some gown of white satin with spangled bodice, end Mrs. Coltra of St. Louis, in grey silk, served the dainty refreshments. They were as3inted by Mrs. A. G. Bee son, Mrs. W. B. Uargreaves, Mrs. P. W. Brown and Mrs. McDaniels of Omaha. About one hundred and fifty guests en joyed Mrs. Thompson's hospitality. Mrs. A. W. Janeen will give a kensing ton Saturday afternoon for the officers and board of the Matinee Musicale club. Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Edelman entertained for their daughter Clara. -ProgreeBiveJogomachy and music were the amusements. The Bound Table met Monday even ing with Mr. G. M. Lamberlson. ' Authority and ReligioD"was tho topic under discus-ion. Refreshments wera served after the program. Chapter K, of the P. E. O. was enter tained Tuesday evening at the home of the Misses JohnsDD, 26th and R streets. A guessing game took the place of a literary program. Mrs. O'Connell won tho first prize. Refreshments were s:rvtd. Mrs. West will entertain the club in two weeks. The currant events department of the Woman's club held a social meeting on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. E. Loomis. Each member invited one guest who was not a member of any other department of the club. Besides the current events a paper on "Song birds" was heard. Refreshments and a social time followed the program. Members of the university alumnae will be interested to hear that Mr. A. B. Codding of York, has received a letter from his son Roy in Sierra Leone, Africa which contains the news that he is well and that he expects to sail for Liverpool from whence to embark for his home in this country next September. The Woman's club gave a reception on Tuesday afternoon for the Woman's club of University Place. Their club rooms were decorated with palms and roses. Mrs. Allen's Mandolin club furnished music. The guests were received by Mis. Archibald Scott, Miss Eliot, Mrs. M. A. Newmark, Mrs. H. W.Kelley.Mre. O. M. Stonebraker and Miss Harriett Towne. Dainty refreshments were served under the supsrvision of the de partment of Household Economics This reception was the most largely at tended and the most successful ever given by the club. Mrs. Win. Lawlor was surprised by her friends last Saturday evening, her birthday anniversary. The evening was whiled away with high five followed by refreshments. The guests were: Messrs and Mesdames H. H. Younguy, H. H. Barth, J. D. Parker, W. Hopkins, P. Parks, J. Nash. Geo. Lotz. Mrs. Condon, Miss lawlor, Dr. Riser. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Raymond gave a reception after the concert Wednesday evening for the stars, Mrs. Katherine Fisk of Chicago and Miss Rita Lorton of Nebraska City. -Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond was also in tho receiving line. About two hundred gue3ts called. Mesdames A. E. Hargreaves and H. H Wilson as sisted in the entertainment of the guests. Mesdames P. W Taylor and W. B. Og den served coffee and sandwiches, punch and macaroons in the dining room. The table was beautiful with its decorations of lilies and spirea. They were assisted byMiBsesHehnHarwood, Blanche and Gladys Hargreaves and Ruth Raymond. The reception was decidedly pleasant and a complete success. Mr. Turpin will give a beries of after noon dancing parties this spring. The first occured last Saturday in Courier hall. Judge and I ra. Irvine and Dr. and Mrs. Bailey chaperoned the party. Those present were: Misses Misses Adelloyd Whiting, Maud Risser. " Uoutz, Rector, Marshall, Woodb, Clark, Miner, Hollowbush, Watkins, Messrs E. Sawyer, Honeywell, Gregory, Mason, Ostenburg, Teeters, Holben, Swartz, Cochran, Hoover, Hammond, Lansing, Custer, Farwell, McMenemy, Harris of Peoria; Messrs R. Sawder, Hurlbut, ' Corby, Selden, Walsh, Davidson, Clapp, Harmon. Lieut. Canfield and J. & Meadows of St. Joseph, Mo. One of the prettiest parties of the sea son was the cotillion given at the Lincoln by the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity on Friday evening. The hall had been beautifully decorated for the occasion. The lights were shaded with pink and lavender, the fraternity colors. Each chandelier was draped with the colors of one of the women's fraternities. Be tween the chandeliers were streamers of the university colors. The south end of the hall was made beautiful with the Phi Psi colors, which were fastened with their emblem, the shield. Canda labra heightened the effect further. The ordinary, where coffee and sandwiches were sarved during the intermission was decorated with roses and colors The parlors were given a more cosy