THE COURIER Professional Directory DOCTORS. Tc ipho e. Office Hours Office 656 (Office room 18-19, llOtolJ a.m Borr Block 3 to 5 p. m (Km. 2548 Q rit I Sun. 3 to Dr. O. 0. Reynolds Res. 655 ! W. L. Dayton, M. D. I fflce-1205 stroet ! 10 to 1 (Disease of Ejre, and Throat (Be. 1621 C Street J2:30 to Office. to 5pm .Dr. J. H. Tyndale f NOSE AND THROAT J Office, rooms 9 and 10... I9 toliao.m "J Lansing Theatre (" 2to5pIn 6 i m gocial and personal wm h $wm IDr. S. B. Cook (Eye, Ear, Noeo and Throat 1315 O St. 19:30-12:3 am 2-5pm Office C18 Ses. 8Dr. Benj. F. Bailey . . ..671. ) I Office. Zebrung Block i 9 to 10 a m I Besidence. 1313 C street i 2 to 4 p m Evenings, br appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment. V12 to 12:30 Office 349, Dr. E. E. Gif fen 1 Office, Telephone Bid... 1 2 to 5 p m Va ra by a I Besidence, 1S21 F street J poihtment fflco M IDr. J.S, Eaton, Beideaee..S62 I Surgery and Xenons Diseases, ) 1 1 2 to 4 p. m yutfice, 137 So. Iltb St. -iza.m. I Hours 10 to IDr. J. B. Trickey, f Befractionist only 1 19 to 12 a. m VOSice, 1035 O street VI to 4 p. m. j DR. E. J. ANGLE. f Skin and Gcnito-Uninary Diseases. Facial blemishes removed i Office Alexander blk, 1400 O St.. rooms 7, 8, 9. ( Bes. cor 26th and N Sts. fj 9tol2a.m. :30to4p.m 30to9p.m DENTISTS. I , , . l Office, rooms 26, 27 and I Office 530. VLOUiS N. Wente,D.D.S.i I. Bjwrnell Block, 137 J ( so 11th street. ) l (Office, 1105 O treet )Stol2amO f ,w,iul' ' Besidence. SS08 T street fl to 5 p m .656 Dr. P. D. Sherwin DENTIST. (Office, room 19 BorrBlkl9 to 12a m 4 2nd floor J- (Bes.S530Qst I I to p.m BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Phone 470 J. M. GUILE, Real Estate and Ins. Geo. Exchange Business Office 315 South Eleventh WALTON G. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embalmer. Telephone, Office 145 Eleventh and P St. Res. 156. riri'9i&t'err XTT?TTT?TiVC! PHOTOGRAPH PARkORS 132 SOUTH I2TH STREET. 9JyyZe Some ask what is a 111 It is the place where Tou get your CLOTHING PRESSED, cleaned and repaired. THE Ml) HI 60., Have the only first-class one in the city. Cor. Eleventh and O. 'Phone 708. JvAJJiJj : Wo'w Quarter. :atnine our Cine line of X,EATHER BQLTa, METAXr GIRDLES, OIIIIVG BAG,MU8IC ROI.I, POCKET BOOKa, Etc. 1036 O street. IMIMIimilMMHMMWMM Nebraska Alpha of Phi Kappa Pei has issued invitations for a cotillion to be given at tbe Lincoln, Friday, April 22Jn. Mr. and Mr. Emit Joerger were very pleasantly surprised Saturday evening. High live was tbe special amusement of the evening. Mrs, W. C. Wilson gave a kensington on Friday afternoon for Mrs. Wright's guests, Mrs. Rudy of Sioux City, Mrs. Livingstone of Plattsmouth and Mrs. Gaspen of Chicago. The president, professors and students of the Worthington Military Acadamy were entertained at dinner at the Lin coln last Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ralston. Mies Margaret Lewis entertained her friends on Saturday afternoon at her home in East Lincoln. It was an Easter party. Her guests were Misses Helen Stuart. Louise Guthrie, Rena Sberde man, Grace Gibson, Clara Ricketts, Florence Butler and Lela Sherdeman. The department of Household Eco nomics of tbe Woman's club, gave a de lightful reception and banquet on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Wallace. Tbe husbands of tbe ladies of the cluli were the guests of the evening, A guesoing game and music completed the entertainment of the evening. Miss Mable Stone of Hastings is the guest of Miss Marie Weston who gave a party for her friend Saturday aftemooc. A number of games furnished entertain, ment. At 5 o'clock an elegant luncheon was daintily served. Tbe guests were Misses Ruth Macfarland, Louise Har greaves, Ruth Raymond, Tocsi Townley, Claire Funke, Jessie Outcalt, Lela flunt, Pauline Meyer, Hazel Lormer, Zela Cornell and Mabel Stone. University Place kensington club and their husbands were entertained by Prof, and Mrs. Alabaster at their pretty home. Tbe refreshments were elaborate and novel. Tbe dining room was very attractive and tbe table was decorated with carnations, pretty china and em broidered linen. Prof, and Mrs. Alabas ter are royal entertainers and it was with regrets that good night was said after such a pleasant evening of games and pleasant conversation. Judge and 2'rs. A . W. Field gave a complimentary whist party for the Ia Vita club on Moniay evening. Chicago whi6t was played. A number of guests besides the regular club, members were present.. An elaborate luncheon was served after the games. Those playing were Messrs. and Mesdames J. B. Wright. Sawyer, Ricketts, B. P. Brown, N. C. Abbott, Kirker, Boggs, Lindley, J. J. Davis, Gillilan, Waugh, Weir. Misses Boggs, Kirker, Philpott, Caffyn, Mrs. Lansing, Mrs. Philpott, Mr. Hallett and Mr. Philpott. Miss Mai ion Treat and Mr F. W. Taylor were quietly married at the home of the bride's mother on Tuesday at high noon. Both are well known in Lincoln. They will be at home on Wednesdays in May at 1326 G. None of the friends of either Mr. or Mrs. Tay lor were informed of their matrimonial intentions. When the surprise caused by the suddenness of the young singer's departure has had time to subside, con gratulations and good wishes will be showered upon the new household. Mrs. A. R. Talbot entertained in honor of Mrs. Harris of Peoria, III., Saturday afternoon. It was an Easter party. The house was profusely decorated with Easter lilies. The game was a new sort of the ever popular guessing game. Each guest was given an eggsbaped card with the name of a song on it which was to be illustrated on tbe reverse side of the card. Tbe drawings were then exhibited and the guests guessed what the drawing represented. Mrs. D. A. Campbell was the most successful and Mrs. R. E. Moore won the second prize. Mrs. Talbot entertained again in the evening but this time it was the young people and for Miss Harris. Mw. W. E. and Miss Stella Kirker who are always such charming hostesses gave an unusually happy kensington last Saturday afternoon. Delicious re freshments were enjoyed. The invited guests were MeBdames J. H. and G. E. MacLean, F. M. and C. L. Hail, F. E. Campbell, P. W. Plank, J. W. Winger, M. D. Welch, Van Brunt, McCreery, Edmiston, Weir, Waterhouse, Blisb, White, Babcock, Harpham, Lyman, Maule, Pound, Casebeer, Hartley, Lawe, Saylor, Lansing, Candy, Lindley, Jones, Bowman, Loomis, Caldwell, Hammond, Rewick, Garten, Cochran, Sawyer, Lahr, Hyde, Noble, Hindman, Pickering, Weal, Paine, Everett; Misses McCorkle, Blfch, Brenizer, Stoddard. Mrs. Henry Branch gave a most en joyable high five party Thursday after noon. ThehouBehad been beautifully decorated with palms, Easter lilies ar..j daffodils. Delicious refreshmnnta n served after the game. The guests were Mesdames Hays Thompson, Geo. Clark, Chas. and L. C. Burr, McMurtry, Bald win, Rudge, Tucker, Patrick, Dorgan, Moore, French, Trickey, Buckstaff, Og den, Ladd, Campbell, Mallalieu, Put nam, Stewart, Tilton, Hargreaves, Lat shaw Marshall, Townley, Reese, Kelley,' Wright, Beeeon, Green, Leonard, Miller! Freeman, Brown, Ewing, Mohrenstecher, Coffreth, Gowdy, Yates, Righter; Misses Latta. Saunders, Hollowbush, Harrison, Griffetn, Dales, Nance, Rector, Farwell, Bryan, Slaughter, Bryan. A dancing club gave a large party at the Lincoln Wednesday evening. This was probably the last large party that will be given this season by that circle. About one hundred and fifty guests filll ed the dining room and corridors which had been elaborately decorated for this occasion. Easter lilies and bride a rotes were used in profusion ic the ordinary where salad and sandwiches were serv ed. The corridors were decorated with palms. The parlors were adorned with palms and brides roses. Punch was served in the dining room. Miss Wil loughby's orchestra furnished inspiring music which was all the more delightful after a silence of forty days. Dr. Ladd was the nuster of ceremonies and to him and the elaborate and long consider ed plans of the committee, Mesdames J. B. Wright, S. H. Burnham and D. A. Campbell, the success of the party is largely due. Mrs. Lawrence Bruner gave a recep tion on Monday evening, for Prof. Bruner at the Plymouth Congiegationa' church. About four hundred guests were present. Prof. Bruner has recently returned from a year's oik in tie in