ri&&Z&r2Btv&Tv-?J jrr'1 . - .A. -" ?1- "V --- 7'. IfV11?'' '-vr- ;' 6 THE COURIEF sh- . . .. ? om V goRaiul Personal J ife!" f 9- Profeaaional IHjreotror'y. DOCTORS. - - - Tccpbo e. Office Hours Office ....."CM). ' , (Office rooms 1MB, ilOtoll a.a Dr. O. C. ReynOldS 1 Ban- Block V StoSp.m Bm 6S5) ' Bn. 2U8Qdt I San. 3.to : : tz - -"" ' " I W L Davton Iff D , (offlcerjaospstree lioiolV - Office 375 J-vv " WyWUjJV.. J f, - ft ) Diseases of.Eye,Kai. x'-t and Throat-IBM. 1821 C Street J230 to5pm I Dr. J. H. Tyndale J office, room. 9 and 10. .. 1 9 to m f NOSEANDTHROAT i I-n-tasiTlieatw f 2to5p I Dr. S.E.Cook I MroBfc immss j Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat J j 2-5 P m Office CIS). IT . .. ( Office. Zebrnnc Block ) 9 to 10 a w Dr. Bern. F. Bailey , j-ntoisao Res..: . ..671. 5 f Besidence. 1313 C street j 2 to 4 pin Evenings, by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment.-" Offico 349, 1 . .. 'Office, Telephone Bid... J 2 to S p m YDt. R. E. Giffen 1 ., , U m 6r Be.. ) s ( Kesideace,.lS21 F street J pointment Office MUDr ,T8 EJatOTl I 1 2" to 4 p. m IUL. U.D, JliaiAJU, VOffice,137 So. Ilth St. 12a.m. Reidence..5S2 ) Surgery and Nervous Diseases, ) ( Hours 10 to !Dr. J. B. Trickey, Uiee.ioso street.... HAgS." i RefractioniBt only J -c I DR. E. J. ANGLE. (Office Alexander blk.UOOl 9 to 12 a.m. , fSkin and Oenito-Uninary Diseases. ic fitBUJt?di' fJ3?top-m -A. J Facial Momisbe removed Bes.cor2handN bU. ) 7aoto9p.m -V DENTISTS. V TZ I ,T ttt I v -rx - I Office, rooms 2, 27 and Office 530.J-LOU1S N. Wente.D.D.S.i l.BrowneU Block, 137 V - x "", J J so 11th street. .) ". ). n , I Office, 1105 O treet 18tol2amO hDr. J. S. McNay - y esclDr. P. D. Sherwin J'&rBarrBlk.' m - "" 1 DENTIST. (Bes.a830Qat f I to p.m BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PJ J. M.GTJILEi -.....!. offiem' . 470- I Real Estate and Ins. Gee. Exchange Business JBeVenth " WALTON G. ROBERTS, r" Undertaker and Embalmer. Telephone, Office 145 Eleventh and P St. Res; 156. KENNEDY'S t PHHTfinPAPH PARLORS J 132 SOUTH I2TH STREET. M99X a ?ar 7 m .k Mias Grace Reynold k in Tort "- ' i Mr? It. S. Lippincott 9C New York, war in the city last week. Mib. Edmiston of Omaha is the- guest ol Mils Stella Kirker. Mrs. T. H. Mareland and Mrs. Hilton Scott are in Beatrice. Miss Allaby of Council Bluffs is the guest of Mies Maude Risser. Mrs. and the Misses Kirker will give kensington Saturday afternoon. Miss Sarah Collins of Ruseelville, Ark., is the guest of Mrs. C. T. Cahill. Miss Kate Stoddard has been visiting in Omaha and Council Blu 9a for a few days. i Mtia- 51 the class colors, yellow and blue. Lansing and a double male qu rtet, add; ed to the pleasure of the evening. Light refreshments were also served. The many guests were received by Miss Ellen" Smith, Prof, and Mr?. Barbour, Prof, and Mrs. Richards, Mr. O. H. Martin class president and Miss Mabel Cush man class secretary. Misi Ruh Munger celebrated her. eighth birthday on Thursday afternoon, from 2 until 6 She was the recipient of many little tokens of remembrance." The afternoon was passed pleas in tly" with games, and later a delicious lunch-. eon. Her guests were Katharine and Marjorie Kimball, Mary and Alice Mock ett, Hazef Clark, Helen Blisb, Eleie:? Granger, Grac-t Bryan. Lila La Gore. Rev. Dr. Hindman returned Thursday MarielJones; Katherine Holyoke, Len'--from Chicago where he has been visit- ore Richards. Blossom Wilson, Pauline ing for several weeks.' "Johnson, Elearor Barbourr,Marie Barr, Mr. WvS.BentIyand his bride have H" Smith and Dorothy Raymond, returned from Chicago." They are at "v The, University Place'. Woman's dub 1 i nm t.i 1. . . . ." 5 . : 1 Borne at oit- ioria j.i Bireec entertained at the home of Mrs. Dey Friday 'evening.- American Beauties and carnations decorated the parlors, while in the dining room there were palms and hyacinths. After a short time spent in games the euestB were William Reed Dunroy, who has been served with a dainty luncheon. The ill for some time, is again on the street, husbands of the members were allow This will be good news to his 'many ed to participate and a jolly time and a friends, who have been anxiously await illj" time was enjoyed by all. Mrs. On Thursday Misses Emma Outcalt, Margaret Whedon and Blanche Har greaves went to Fairbury to epend the Easter holidays with Miss Cora Croppey. THE ER HI ing his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Rewick gave a whist party on Friday evening for their guest Mrs. Ashman of Atchison. There were seven tables. Mrs. Ashman and Mr. R. T. Van Brunt proved themselves the most efficient players. Ciook, Professors Fordyceand Bowlus responded wittily to toasts, Miss Blood acting &3 toast mistress. The club will meet in two weeks with Mrs. Lowe when the Book Review department will have charge of the program. Employ two skilled CUTTFRS and the best coat, pants and vest mak ers in the city. Prices the lowest -for first-class work. Try them. Southwest Cor. Eleventh and O Sts. 'Phone 708. The Melba concert in Omaha attract: ed a great many Lincoln people to that .' place on Wednesday. Among those who heard the great singer were Messrs and Mesdames W. O. Jones, Bignell, Prof, and Mrs. Kimball, Dr. and Mrs. Giffen, J Mesdames C. H. Gere, J. W. Winger, M. D. Welch, W. J. Bryan, M E. McKin-I non,Ladd;Prof. W. F. Taylor, Barber' . Randolph; Dr. Lowery; Messrs , Barclar.' count'of the relationship existing be- ttJU.D?U S" tween the meats . X. Tattle. Ed Barnes; Misses Eleanor. tweentbe guests, Raymond, Lottie Whedon. Marril, Ellen Mr. and Mrs. Sncil gave a farewell re- and Frances Gere, Laura Boutz, Kate ception last Friday evening for Prof, and Stoddard, Helen Welch, Eugenia Get Mrs. Geo. Howard. About one hundred ner, Lena Deweese, Bessie Turner, Helen guests called during the evening. The Harwood, Olive Latta, Louise Pound, guesti"were receTvecT in the" drawing ";Anna HowIandrLouise and Ari.ie Mil room by Mr. and Mrs. Snell, Prof, and ler, Hughes and Treat. r Mrs. Carl Funke gave a dinner Thurs- day evening for Mrs. and Miss Harris of ' Peoria, 111. Mrs. Harris is a distant 1 relative to Mrs. Funke and is also a ' relative to Mrs. Talbot by marriage. . The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Funke be- I aide Mrs. and Miss Harris were Messrs and Mesdames Talbot and Ogden. The I ''party was all the more enjoyable on ac WsraSifJ I LADIES ! IS- tmliie our lxx& Xtxxe of LEATHER BKWa, M15TAI GIRDI,ES, SHOPPING 13 AGs, AII7SIO ROLLa, POCIOfT BOOK, Etc. Ke-w Qtxettrtem 1030 O satxreel:. Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Frost. Mrs. Snell was assisted in the dining room by Misses Ena RickettsMinnie and Hattie McClay. This room was daintily de corated in pink and green and violets. All of the other rooms were lavishly de corated with jonquils. Mrs. W. E. and Miss Stella Kirker' gave a delightful card party Thursday afternoon. High five was the game. The unusual number of good players made it difficult for one to get far ahead of another. Seven players cut for the first prize and eleven for the second It is a pleasure for The Codhieb to Mrs. Winger and Patrick were the sue- say that the Ladies society of the First . C8e8In- on- delicious refreshmerta' Congretional church have arranged with were 8erTed after the gmee. The guests Mrs. Fisk to give a song recital at the were Mwd,mM Prank nI Mark Woods, Oliver, April 20. Mrs. Fisk will be as- a H- C,ark' A- 8cott Van Brunt, Van sisteu by Miss Rita Lorton, daughter of H0"--1 G. Patrick, Freeman, Harley, Mr. Robert Lorton of Nebraska City. Lee- FliD Mallalieu, Kimball, Ladd, She has been in Europe five years and Mohrenstecher, BUImeyer, Teeters, Lam will be remembered as one of the famous tertson, Oliver, Holm, Strode, Barbour, -Columbian Lady's quartette whose sing Ti,ton-WanJ. Winger, Richards, Taylor, ing attracted marked attention through- 8tevens. Bailey, Crancer, Moore, Camp out Great Britain last year. bel, MuDger and Manning; Misses M. and C. Hammond, C. Clark, Pound, Tib- The Senior class of the State Uni- bets,Lahr, Winger, Garten, Raymond versity gave a reception in the armory Houtz, Whiting, Harwood, Getner Tur- last Saturday evening. The liall was ner, Perkins, Lindley, Ricketts, Risser very prettily decorated with palms and Allaby, Dennis, Loomis and Turner - V - i- - &' 1 -r 3SK& Xrii -1 31 va "& v '- ie m :l