-V 12 THE COURIER. Fashions of the Day. Sulpho-Sallne All Kinds of Baths! My Dearest Adelaide: Easter hats are abroad In full bloom, not as yet on the street, bat ready for the Avenue parade. A cruise among the fashionable milliners hows two things: hats are tipred over the face, and trimmings are massed into such quanities that, but for the fluffy light materials used, our fashionables would seem doomed this seanon to be burden bearers. The materials .re tulle, chiffons, nets, mouBseline de soie, gauze, gros grain, taffeta and gauze ribbons. Trimmings are of thin stuffs entire, or else the thin stuffs veil other trimmings; there is a craze for veiling trimmings in one way or another. White mousseline de soie, appliqued with black Chantilly lace, is wound soft ly around the crown, lying partially on the brim in folds which show to the best advantage the exquisite design of the laca pattern. One hat trimmed with 01 . TT . , this was of white straw so fine it looked shaving Hairdressinff . like linen. The edge of the brim was bound with black velvet; under the biim, on each side, a little at the back, were dark red roses, giving height; at one wide were black and white ostrich tips with an osprey of black and white. The shapes are mostly "shepherdess" and "sailor." B at shapes are important only as something on which to rest the colos sal quanities of trimming. Some few hats are raised at the left aide "a la highwayman," but the Gains borough style is not seen bo much in these Easter hats as one might have ex pected. The shapes carrying the ex quisite trimmings are very simple in themselves, which balance well the gor geousneas of accessories. When mous seline de soie is not appliqued or em broidered initseif it is veiled with jetted or spangled nets having handsome de signs. Black and white combinations in these soft fluffy stuffs are a special fea ture of the spring millinery in hat trim mings, or in toques for theatre, matinee and evening wear. But colors, my dear, are simply gor- Sjanitojritim, Cor. I-itlx a.n.d JM. Scientific Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet. Drs. Everett, Managing- Physicians. geous! You can take them solid or shaded. Hats in colors invariably have the straw corresponding in some way. The new straws show as much brilliancy in coloring ae do silks, and some of them have the same silky sheen. If you have a turquoise-trimmed hat, you must have a turquoise straw; if your hat is purple or violet, then the straw must be the same shade. If your hat is a flower hat, then it is in good taste to have the straw a darkish green, which corresponds with some of the green leaves. If the hat is trimmed with any of the shaded silk mousseline de soie, or gauzes, then have the straw a shade which matches some of the darkest tints. Speaking of these Bhaded effects, I saw a hat, a theatre waist and parasol in yellow shaded from cream to deepest orange, which a French millinery turned out yesterday for Anna; with her dark hair and black eyes, she will look stun ning. Almost all of the houses along the Avenge are tempting you with waists, capes and parasols to match your hat or bonnet. A pretty shoulder-cape that went with a hat that was loaded down with gray plumes, and had some pink roses under the brim was of gray chif fon shirred and corded into fluffinesa. It had a foundation of gray taffeta silk. Inside of the high flaring collar was a very full ruching of pink chiffon; at the throat in front were long ends of the pink and gray chiffon shirred with cord ing, the pink being on the under side to correspond with the pink lining of the cape. All of these capes are not lined. The foundation silk for the gauze or chiffon answers for lining. A beautiful turquoise blue bonnet was a little headpiece made of blue spangles or paillettes. Down each side, close to the hair, and reaching almost to the shoulders were two blue ostrich plumes, and at the centre of the front were two more plume3 erect. Through the cen tre of the standing plumes, which curled backward, was a line of Steele spangles relieved with black aigrettes, whic 1 were flat against the plumes. The quill ends of the four plumes met at the centre over the forehead, and were held in place with a square cut steel buckle over black velvet. With this bonnet was a theatre waist of black spangled net over white mousseline de soie. It was made with a guimpe of satin and cream laco; a tur quoise blue silk stock finished the neck. Down the front were turquoise blue knots of silk in the cascade of cream lace, and around the waist was a belt of It is acknowledged by all competitors, wrinkled turquoise silk. The sleeves to be the handsomest Bteel range made. without fullness at the top-were In the future we will tell you about a . 41 , , . ,. model kitchen and a few receipts for of the spangled net over the mousseline dainty dishes. de eoie. We guarantee them in every particu- Parasols will almost invariably match :totos?rdea 0e3n0t thehat in co,or and trimmin8- Black anr! wfiitA otrinAa rnnninff rtxiraliAl oaa. " DnVB M &m S"A lUT !& O Mr f Lincoln, ieb 111 10 TIE UK'S HURT And the most important factor in a well regulated kitchen is the range. It must be one that the drafts are easy and ac cessible to handle, so that the oven can be tempered to any degree necessary for baking. One of the most particular elements of making pa stable, healthy baked foo3 consists in keeping the oven at the proper heat It must also be economical of fuel, in size and form it must be symmetrical; material and work manship the most perfect. It should bave beautiful and artistic designs in Nickle Trimmings. AH these essential features we bave in the New Lincoln Steel Range. This is our reason for calling it the BsTiBE25L-ic?ri aft----- BBBl BBTW B-- mmfn of the season, and turquoise blue and yellow, and bright red ones, plain and trimmed, are seen everywhere. The meat fashionable colors in mil linery, and in these accessories, are vio lets and purples, black and white, gray and turquoise blue. It there is a pre ference it is for turquoise blue. It has been murmuring all winter and has now burst forth into fullest glory. It is be coming to almost everybody. Pale gray is still a favorite, but it is trying to many complexions. Tessa. : MERIGII EXuHIIGE NATIONAL BUNK S. H. BuBMIAM, ft President. w w LINCOLN, Neb. A. J. Sawyer, Vice-President. J). G. Wiko, Cashier. CAPITAL 925o.ooo. AAA "I hear that Dornick died suddenly out in Arizona." "That is true." "What was his complaint?' "He complained that the boys didn't give him a fair trial." NEW TOURIST CARLINE. Weekly Personally Conducted Excur siona to Portland, Ore., via Burlington Route. On February 17 and every Thursday thereafter at 6:10 p. m. Pullman tourist sleepers in charge of our own excursion conductor are scheduled to leave Lin coln for Portland, via Denver, Leadville, Salt Lake City, Ogden and Oregon Short Line, passing through the grand est scenery of the Rockies and stopping several hours at Salt Lake City to allow a visit at many points of interest there. Berths, tickets and full information may ba obtained at B. & M. depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and O. Geo. W. Bojjnell, C. P. & T. A. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS ( PHOTOGRAPHS OF B ABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS DIRECTORS: A. J. Sawyer. S. S m H Burnbam, E.Finney, J. A. Lan caster, Lewis Gregory, N. Z. Snell, J G. M. Lambertson, D. G. Wing, S. 5 ar W. Burnham. 5 GET DOWN TO FACTS. The name plate, joints, enamel, nickel plating or tubing has nothing to do with reducing the strain, the wear, the leverage or friction of any bicycle. The name plate may be set in diamonds; the tubing of gold and the enamel In mother of pearl, still your bicycle may pull as hard as a handcar. The actual worth of a delicate piece of machinery fa determined by its approach to perfect mechanical laws. No bicycle with bear ings Inside of the sprocket is a perfect piece of machinery. There Is only one mechanically correct bicycle made in the world, and that is . THE fy NARROW TREAD WtMM Mialn mill Wmm 4t. w . j. saves from 20 to 30 per cent, pressure. No other wheel has this feature. None can save thi pressure n'rn the bearings ePt THE RACYCLE. The bicycle business will be the survival of the fittfxt, and advertising pretty pictures and display ing big words does not make a good wheel or save a rider any extra exertion. MIAMI CYCLE t M'FC CI. MIDOLCTOWN. OHIO- Sole agents for Lincoln AIL.GIRARD&CO. Dealers in Bicycle and Bicycle Supplies. 135 So. 12th St, Lincoln, Nebr. 64g IT IS THE TRAIN TO TAKE mingly made of ribbons, is a new parasol THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. 00090000000 OOOOOOC Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. - Glasses Fitted. Examination free. 1211 O STREET. : "She is the most fickle girl I ever raw. "Her love is inconstant, eh?" '"I should say so. She has a different make of wheel each year." The Burlington's "Yesti buled Flyer," which leaves Lincoln every evening at 6:10 p. m. and arrives in Denver the next morning at 7:15. It rarries thro' sleepers, chair and dining cars, and offers a service that is unexcelled by any road minim); into -Louver re member this when pur chasing your tickets and START RIGHT. B. & JL depot cor. 7th and P sts. City Ticket office cor. 10th and O sts. G. W. BONNELL, G. P. & T.A. HB Geraldine I wish I weie a man. Gerald What would you do? Geraldine I'd propose to me.