The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 26, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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T w m TTJ;-
Mr. Daaroy expects to leave St. Eliza
beth'a hospital the last of this week.
Frieoda of Mica Dora Bacheller will be
glad to keow that she is convalescing
The meeting of the Woman's club
Moaday, March 28lh, will be in charge
of the Department of Parliamentary
Practice. Mrs. Nellie Richardson leader.
An interesting program in the form of
a Bass meeting has been arranged. Miss
Elinor Toung will play Raff's "Spinning
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wells and Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Steckley entertained
their friends Wednesday evening at the
heme of the former in a progressive
spelling game in which Mrs. Hill and
Mr. Talbot were the victors. Those
present were Messrs and Mesdames F.
A. Browo, Doty, D. Foster, Talbot, H.
aad Theo. Burgett, Upton, Schwake,
Wilson, Aitken, Hutchins, Lynch, Hill.
Robbins, H. Porter, Jackson, Caeebeer,
Sammerladd, M. I. Cbapin, Fitzgerald,
Farnham, Preston, Mrs. McPhee; Misses
McPhee, De Laahmutt and Farnham.
The Patriarchs.
Last Saturday night the Patriarchs
saat and elected a president, treasurer,
execatire committee and master of cere
BBoaies. In its nine years of existence
it has never before been necessary to
elect aew officers at the close of the
sessoB, but in the present instance, the
president, executive committee and
treasurer having violated the printed
coastitution of the Patriarchs these
were vacant and the charter
ibera thoaght best to fill the vacan
All the oScera heretofore elected by
the Patriarchs have enforced the exact
spirit aad letter of the constitution and
retired at the end of their term with digni
ty aad the approval of the entire mem
bership. Among the presidents of the
dab who have set an example for their
successors for all time are Mrs. Macfar
Wad. Mrs. k. S. Raymond, Mrs. R. O.
AUHps, Mrs. R. C. Outcalt, Mrs C.H.
Isshoff, Mrs. W. B. Ogden, Mrs. C. H.
Gere and Mrs. Carl Funke. The attempt
aJladed to in the daily papers to force
eaauUdatee for membership into the
dab after they had been rejected by
over? a third of the number of votes
cast, would, of course, destroy any social
oajsniiatkm, and the only course re
maining after the withdrawal from the
organisation by the officers, was the elec
tion of sew ones by those who stood by
the coastitution. The following legal
opinion in this connection is of interest:
Tha coastitution of any organization
or society is the rule governing the
satire membership by the members
adopted and any willful violation there
of is a severance of its members so vio
lating the same from that organization.
So loagas one member stands loyal and
firm to the constitution and rules of
each organization that member is en
titled to all the privileges and rights
Article third of the constitution pro-,
vides for the manner in which special
saeetiags may be called, and upon the
failure of the president to perform the
duties therein charged any five members
or the executive committee may call and
hold each meeting, and when the presi
des! fails to so respond to the duty of
granting the request of the five members
or the executive committee she can be
lightfully considered as having with
drawn from the rules governing her
office, aad is acting in some other capac
ity other than aa officer of the organiza
tion which she formerly represented.
This rale would apply likewise to
members seeking to violate article seven
of the constitution. This article cannot
be changed only by a two-thirds vole of
all the members in meeting regularly
fit -. ('yfom S?M' '. w Fa oiWTnTsi ,k
Rvr Pitty a Trr e y.y
LJ I U- V-U-J.,
nailed. The signing of a petition to sus
pend article seven would have no effect
other than to cast aside the constitution
and open the organization's doors to any
person proposed for membership. Tno-e
persons standing by the constitution
and proceeding directly in the manner
as therein directed would be taeonly
legall constituted members thereof and
would be possessed of all the rights and
privileges granted by this torstitutiop."
The officers elected were:
President Miss Harris.
Treasurer Mr. W. B Ogden.
Executive Committee Mrs. Ogden
and Mies Treat.
Master of Ceremonies Dr. R. B.
The vice president, Dr. John White,
presided at the meeting, and the secre
tary, Dr. T. L. Lyon, was present and
preserved the minutes for the next gen.
eration of Patriarchs.
The Courier will execute all kinds of com
missions in Lincoln for the club women
of the state free of charge. We will buy
carpets, china, dry goods, furniture, hard
ware, anything- for sale, and charge the
club women nothing for the service- Many
merchants will send articles on approval.
Send The Courier on your errands. . . .
The Battle of Havana.
It was daybreak.
The commander of the Spanish forces
advanced to the head of his column and
surveyed the field where the great bat
tle was about to take place. His bin
ocular gleamed in the light of the rising
"Ho!" he cried to his aids with some
amazement, "surely the enemy have
been very busy during the night. They
have brought up phalanx on phalanx,
some thousands stronger since last I
viewed them."
No, sire,' said the aide. "Our spies
report the arrival of no fresh artillery or
infantry from the detepted Ycnkeeland"
"But look yonder!" cried the gorgeous
commander in a rage, pointing to the
heights along the east "What do you
call that?"
"That, sire, is the camp of the Yankee
novelists, with their respective stenogra
phers and drink-mixers, armed with ten.
inch telescopes to take notes of the fight
which shall take place today."
"H'mF grunted the general. "And
yonder solid ranks to the westward,
pray? More of the same ilk?''
"No, sire. That is the Chase sketch
ing class, the ArtfStudents' League and
several other representative bodies of
limners, sire! They have come to study
the red realism of war and paint master
pieces" 4 But certainly to the southward yon
der," cried the general utterly baffled,
"that formidable array of Gatling guns,
mortars, Maxims, el cetera, have been
brought up in .battle line during the
"Sire, they are not whatfyou suppose.
On the contrary, they are sundry syndi
cate kinetoscopes, phonographs, long
distance telephones'and other parapher
nalia by which 10,000,000 of these same
Yanks may see the battle and hear its
roar, as we'll as that it; may all be pre
served for the'nickle-in-the-slot machines
throughout the world for-the benefit of
future generations."
"Carachm. carambal" growled the gen
eral, giving the heights a sweep of his
glass, "now I know why these miserable
Yanks have prodded us into war. But
they don't catch us so easily. Europe
doesn't 'play to the gallery for sport.
Give the order that there shall be no
battle today; then establish a box office
at Havana, with instructions to these
curiosity-seekers that unless wn get half
the gate money there will be no fight.
What is the use of our putting ourselves
in pawn to the bankers for the benefit
of a lot of novelists, artists and kineto
scope syndicates? Give the order! Un
less half the gate money is in the Spanish
coffers by nightfall the dogs of war re
main tied up in their kennels."
And that is how it happened that, al
though Spain lost the battle, within
three days she bad paid her war loan
principal and interest, and presented
Vtzcaya to the President of the Uuited
States as a souvenir yacht
The Warrior.
rnnn u ,u.
.- -
2c per roll and
upwards, at . . .
: J. 1. HOUT's,
Richard's Block,
(Leming's Old Stand.)