The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 26, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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minister wlio thought it worth while putc. When the test of the Mockett
to rebuke the minstrels, that the well had proceeded far enough
songs they sang were composed since to show that the water there
I860, that their principal stage busi- was fresh, soft and abundant,
ness was not in stretching a mouth Engineer Henry says that the mayor
from ear to ear and that their jokes gave him orders to plug it It was in
were harmless as well as pointed and spite of much opposition that Mr.
-rf . ri sTi IV. fK 9 9Tt nr i toy
that they were their own invention.
The Slay tons' broad jokes had not even
novelty to recommend them but they
amused good people who attended the
Ep worth picnic. On account of their
name it was accepted as a matter of
Mockett and other members of the
council secured that body's permission
to proceed with the test of the well.
When the presence of fresh water,
was demonstrated, it is said that the
mayor gave orders, which, if carried
course that they had something to do out, would indicate that the well was
with kingdom come and must be edi- supplied by too thin a vein to be of
fying. if the university girls had' any use. When the test had proceeded
called themselves Jubilee -singers, or a day or two, wells a mile or two away
Jordan's Band, or Weeping Willow were reported as running dry, all on
Wallers it would never have occurred account of the A- street well test
to our good Methodist brother to re- which threatened to supply the
proach them for singing -'That Little city with ''fresh water. All this
Pumpkin ColoredTtoon,'' or "My Gal's points to a conspiracy against
a High-toned Lady,'' or any of the the interests of the city of Lin
sparkling numbers which they pre coin, so coldblooded, so selfish, of
sented to the sophisticated audi- an essence so criminal that the
ence with good results. The crlti- charges of bribery and collusion for a
cism would not have been delivered if share of the profits with the gamblers
the preacher had seen the crescent sink into insignificance,
full of round black faces and had Perhaps never before were so many
heard the merry, innocent songs of people interested in this city's poll
ute college girls who chose this very tics and determined that no friend or
successful method of raising money ally of the mayor's shall be re-elected
for the base ball team to buy balls and to share in the management of the
bats and padded suits with that they city. This is largely due to the water
might be properly equipped to meet conspiracy. Everybody admits that
and beat the Wesleyan nine. the mayor, if he gave that order, must
j have been influenced by a person or
The spirited repudiation of all that persons interested in keeping the water
is English by the Irish speakers at the of the city just as expensive and bad as
Oliver last Sunday does not alter the ever. Who the selfish conspirators
fact or the English origin of American were Is only surmised, but the mayor's
institutions and of our own direct de unpopularity is due to the conviction
r .
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scent from the English people.
Whether the Irish like it or not they
are British themselves a part of the
great English speaking (with a differ
ence) race that will possess the world.
that he was willing to baffle the effort
to get good water. The universal in
terest that habitually preoccupied
merchants and professional men are
taking in the approaching election is
Irish, English or American, it is only a result of the resentment against the
a question of geograpical boundaries, water conspirators and their official
The same passionate love of liberty tool. y
and methods of establishing it, the ji
same literary and legal traditions and Tue 1 Btory by Henrv James
precedents. If Mr.Manahan. who re- IOw appearing in Colliers' Weekly is
pudlated everything English with so characteristic of that author, Mr.
much indignation, were to rid himself Howells and penny dreadfulls to a
of English law and English literature degree. It is called "The Turn of the
and the English language, only the Screw" and the weekly installment
Gaelic would be left and there is not have j me to the conclusion that the
enough Gaelic law, literature and Ian- turn 0f tije gc. iSOnus. Forever
guage to educate a circus pig. The on the point of revealing what it is all
noble and splendid body of accom- about, the heroine, who tells the story,
plishment is English and no other na- is cast back upon her own inner con
tion can claim asmuch. Let the Irish sciousness which palpitates, decides,
rail as they may they are a part of falters, goes forward again and again
Great Britain. They have married retreats in the interminable and most
English girls and their children are exasperating manner of Messrs. How
Saxon as well as Celtic Before an- ens and James. These two have
other century rolls around the Irish learned nothing at all from Kipling,
question will have been settled to Anthony Hope and Conan Doyle, who
Erins satisfaction. In the meantime are to Howells and James like a tonic
we are one people. Erin go bragh. wak in tbe open air after a series of
very hot but necessary and depressing
Bribery and receiving bribes are baths. You like the walk better for
reprehensible and no man capable of having had the baths but the relief
either should have been elected to the and therein air are gifts of God. The
mayoralty of a city, but many mayors n, or events, the active lives, the
have been guilty of both and will be healthful hatreds and loves of Kip
again. The real crime against the iingt Doye and Hope carry a reader
people, an offense that only a criminal through several hundred of their
without any survival of conscience pages without stopping for a lunch
could be guilty of, was the alleged whUe the introspection and everlast
order to plug the A street well. The iDg hesitation of Howells and James
public sense of the enormity of such maife of their books a penance and
an offense is obscured by the number eTery page a bead that may be turned
and variety of tbe charges against the without surcease of torment "The
mayor. But this offense, if proved, Turn of the Screw" is a diary of a
deserves a punishment suffered by young English governess in charge of
those who offend, past forgiveness, a pretty lad and his little sister, who
against society. The disease that has are obsessed by the ghosts of a vulgar
been caused by the corroding water of little valet of their uncle and his, mis
the salt basin cannot, of course, be tress, the former governess of the
estimated; the damage done to plumb- children. The story has reached part
ing and pipes by the destructive solu- fOUrth and chapter twenty-live and
tion and paid for by individual citi- nothing has happened excent the an
iens might be reckoned up. That the
character of the water supply of Lin
coln has been a serious objection to
those who would otherwise have re
mained or settled here, is beyond dis-
parition of the little cockney and his
sweetheart to the diary writer. The
children see the ghosts but play
they don't and the little gov
erness' conscientious diary is filled
with resolutions that she will
speak to the children about their
obsession and accounts of how she did
not do it. Last week's two chapters
relates how the supernaturally beauti
ful little Miles informs his governess
on their way to church in the village
church yard that he wishes to go
away to school and be henceforth
taught by men and that he will write
his guardian to that effect. These
sensible and practical remarks over
come the governess so that she
sinks upon a tombstone and is unable
to accompany the lad in to the church.
She decides that she is too em
barrassed to face her pupils again and
will flee from the haunted spot while
they are in the church. She is pre
vented by the apparition of her pre
decessor. I was led to expect more
from the appearance of a double page
illustration of the lad and the lady in
the church yard in the act of conduct
ing the first real conversation tbe
story has yet presented. The date of
the story is not modern and the young
lady's tremors belong to the age of the
"Children of the Abbey." The inde
pendent "'98 model" as a newspaper
correspondent calls the girl of today
would have gone straight at those
children, released them from the
spell, nor spent her strength in tortu
ous diary writing. In spite of this
tantalizing refusal to come to the
point, there is no denying that Henry
James is a great story writer nor
that he has the art to make you believe
that he is just about to tell you some
thing that will make it worth your
while to stay awake.
Jl .
These poems are the work of a' little
girl of thirteen. They are chiefly in
teresting for their ry thm and for their
choice of subject which illustrates the
fascination of graveyard subjects for
apple-cheeked youth:
In a shadowy, dim forest,
There the silver waters gleam,
Sat a fair and gentle maiden
By a dizzy, laughing stream.
In her hands there lay a Hnon?,
Pure as her own soul and white,
And ib heart was brightly golden,
Like a bit of lost sunlight,
And it held a sweet, soft fragrance,
Held a fragrance rich and rare,
Held a deadly, fatal odor
And it poisoned all the air.
Where the forest leaves are waving,
Where the nA.g waters gleam,
Lay a gentle maiden sleeping
Softly sang the careless stream;
Bods above her told sweet stories;
Daring breezes kissed her hain
But she never, never wakened,
AndherbonesHe bleaching there
The moonlight fell white
on the water,
The lake and the land;
they were still.
And the titties lay pale
in the silence,
The wierd shadows slept
And the moon beams
touched sadly and coldly,
A face that was young
and once fair,
With a heart that was faint
from life's struggle,
And eyes that were wild
with despair.
And a figure bent over
the water;
It opened its arms
to the wave,
And the dark water rippled
a welcome.
And carried it down
to its grave.
When the morningawoke
in the heavens
The night shrank away
But a soul to Hs Maker
had gone,
When the sun arose
over the hilL
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