The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 26, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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First Publication March 5.
Notice is hereby given. That by virtue
of an Order ot Sale issued by the Clerk
of the District Court of the Third Judi
cial District ot Nebraska, within and for
Lancaster County, in an action wherein
Charles White et. al., are plaintiffs, and
Tilhe May et. al., defendants, I will, at 2
o'clock p. m., on the 5th day of April, A.
D. 1898. at the East door of the Court
House, in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster
County, Nebraska, offer for sale at pub
lic auction the following described Lands
and Tenements, to-wit:
The north half of the northwest quar
ter of section eight (8), township nine
(9), nortb, of ranga seven (7), in Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, except five (5)
acres thereof conveyed to F. W. Little as
appears of record in the office ot the
Register ot Deeds ot said county. The
west half of the southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter of section five (5),
in township nine (9), north, of range
seven (7), east, in Lancaster county,
Nebraska, being the west twenty (20)
acres of lot six (6), in theN.E. ot
Baid section five (5). Twenty-two and
one half (22JV acres off the west side ot
the northwest quarter ot the'nnrtheast
quarter of section five (5), township nine
(9), nortb, ot Range seven (7), east, in
Lancaster county, Nebraska. Seven and
one-half (7V) acres of the southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter of sec
tion five (5), in township nine (9), nortb,
range seven (7), east, in said Lancaster
county, Nebraska, being a portion of
lot C, in the N. E. J4 of said section five
(5). The west half of the southeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section thirty-one
(31), township ten (10;, range seven (7),
in La least er county, Nebraska; also de
scribed as commencing twenty (20) rods
west of the southeast corner of the west
half of the southwest quarter of section
thirty-one (HI), in township ten (10),
range seven (7), running thence west
twenty rods, thence nortb forty rods,
thence east twenty rods, thence south
forty rods to the place ot beginning,
containing fiv (5) acres, more or less.
Lot? four (4), five (5), and six (6), in
block twenty-one (21), of Lavender's Ad
dition to the City ot Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lots seven (7), and eight (8). and lot
four (1), of irregular tracts in the north
east quarter ot the nortnwest quarter of
section twenty-five (25), township ten
(10), north, ot range six (6), east, in Lan
caster county, Nebraska. The east five
(5) acres of lot six (G), in the northeast
quarter of section five (5), in township
nine (9), range seven (7), in Lancaster
county, Nebraska. Blocks saven (7),
eight (8), twenty-one (21), twenty-two
(22). thirty-five (35), thirty-six (36). forty
eight (48), forty-nine (49). and fifty-two
(52), and the south halt of block thirty
seven (37), in College View, in Lancaster
county, Nebraska. Lots six (6), and
seven (7), in block nine (9), lot9 six (6),
and seven (7), in block twenty (20), lots
six (6), and seven (7) in b'ock twenty
three (23), lots- six 6, and seven 7, in
block thirty-four 34, lot six 6, in block
thirty-seven 37. and lots "A'- and "B,"
in said College View. The south half of
the northwest quarter of section five 5,
in township niue 9, range seven, east, in
Lancaster county, Nebraska, except the
south half of the southeast quarter of
said northwest .quarter of said section
five 5. The said south half of the south
east quarter of said northwest quarter
of said section five 5. The northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of sec
tion five 5, township nine 9, range seven
7, in Lancaster county. Nebraska. The
northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter ot section five 5, in township
nine 9. range seven 7. in Lancaster coun
ty, Nebraska. Lota eight 8. nine 9.
seven 7, ten 10, and eleven 11, and lots
one 1, and two 2, and lots three 3, four
4, five 5. six G, and twelve 12. in May's
subdivision of lot three 3, block two 2,
and lots one 1, two 2, eight 8, nine 9, and
ten 10, block four 4, and block five 5, of
Grant's Addition to the City of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lot four
4, in block 4, and lot four 4. in block six
6, in said Grant's Addition to the city
ot Lincoln, block five 5, in Grant's Addi
tion to the city of Lincoln, lots eight
8, nine 9, ten 10, eleven 11, in Antelope
Addition to the city of Lincoln, Lancas
ter county, Nebraska. The south half
of the northwest quarter of section
twenty-five 25, township eight 8, north,
range five 5, in Lancaster county, Ne
braska. A portion of the southwest
quarter of section five 5, township nine
9, north, range seven 7, east, in Lancas
ter county. Nebraska, described as be
ginning at a point ninety 90, rods west
of the center of said section five 5, run
ning thence south to the south line of
said section, thence west along the south
line of said section seventy 70, rods to
the west line of said section, thence
north along the west line of said section
to the north line of said southwest quar
ter, thence east along the north line of
aid quarter seventy 70, rods to the place
of beginning, being that portion of said
quarter section remaining after the re
lease from a mortgage thereon of two
strips aggregating ninety 90, rods in
width off the east side thereof: A cer
tain tract of land situated in the said
county of Lancaster described as fol
lows, to-wit: -Commencing at a point
thirty-three 33, feet west of .a point
fourty-four 44, rods north ot the south
east corner ot the southwest quarter of
section thirty 30, in township ten 10,
range 7, thence running north 594.6-10
feet, thence west 1875-10 feet, thence
south 594 6-10 feet, thence erst 187510
feet to the place of beginning. The east
seventeen 17, and ooe-half acres of the
northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of section five 5, township nine
9, range seven?, in said Lancaster coun
ty, Nebraska. Section sven 7, in town
ship seven 7, north, ot range fifteen 15,
west, in Kearney county, Nebraska. The
northwest quarter ot section thirty-two
32, in township twenty-nine 29, nortb,
range ten 10, and the northwest quarter
of section twenty-one 21, in township
twenty seven 27, north, ot range twelve
12. Tha north halt of the northwest
quarter, and the southwest quarter of
the northwest quarter, and the north
west quarter of the southwest quarter,
and the northea3t quarter ot sec
tion eight 8. in township thirty
two 32, north of range sixteen 16,
and the northeast quarter of section
thirty-three, 33. Township twenty-six,
26, nortb, of range nine, 9. and the north
west quarter of section eighteen, 18, in
township twenty-nine, 29. norta, of range
sixteen, 16, all in Holt county, Nebraska.
The southwest quarter of section twenty-five,
25, in township eight, 8, north,
range thirty-two, 32. west, in Hayes
county. Nebraska. The southwest quar
ter of section twenty, 20, in township
ten, 10, north, of range two, 2, west, in
York county, Nebraska. The east halt
of the southeast quarter, and the Eouth
west quarter of the northeast quarter,
ana the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of section nineteen, 19, in
township three, 3. north, ot range thirty
five, 35, west, in Hitchcock county, Ne
braska. Lot four, 4, in section nineteen,
19, in township twenty-nine, 29. north,
of range twenty-one, 21, west. Lots one,
1, two, 2, and three, 3, in section thirty,
30, in township twenty-nine. 29, north,
of range twenty-one, 21. The northeast
quarter of section nineteen, 19. Town
ship thirty-two. 32. north, of range
twenty-one. 21. The north half of the
northwest quarter, and the west half of
the northeast quarter of section nine
teen, 19. Township twenty-six, 26, north,
of range twenty, 20 The north half of
the southeast quarter, and the south
west quarter of the nor beast quarter of
section six, 6, in township twenty eight,
28, north, of range twenty-one, 21, west.
And the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter ot said section six, 6. And
the east halt of the northeast quarter.
And the northwest quarter of the north
east quarter ot section thirty-three, 33,
in township thirty one, 31, nortb, of
range twenty-one, 21, west. And the
southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter, of section thirty-four, 31, in
said township thiity one, 31, in range
twenty-one, 21. And the south half ot
the southeast quarter of section six, G,
in township thirty-one, 31. north, of
range twenty. 20. The northeast quar
ter of the northeast quarter of
section seven. 7. The southwest
quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section five, 5, in township
thirty-one, 31, north, of range twenty,
20, west. And the north half of the
southeast quarter ot section tbirty-two,
32, in t3wn thirty-one. 31, north, of range
twenty, 20, west, all in Brown county,
Nebraska. And the north half of the
southwest quarter of section thirty
three, 33, in township thirty-one, 31,
nortb, of range twenty, 20, west. And
the southwest quarter of section thirty
three, 33, in township thirty, 30, north,
of range twenty-one, 21, west, all in
Brown county, Nebraska. Lot two, 2,
in block twenty-eight, 28, in Spencer
Brothers' Park addition to the City of
Hastings. And forty-eight. 48. feet off
the south end of lots one, 1, to five, 5, in
clusive, in block eleven, 11, of Morledge'a
addition to said city of Hastings. Twenty-four,
24, feet off lots one, 1, to five, 5,
inclusive, in block eleven, 11. in Mor
ledge'a addition to the City of Hastings.
And lot fourteen, 14, in Nelson's addition
to the City of Hastings, all in Adams
county, Nebraska. The southeast quar
ter, and the northeast quarter, and the
northwest quarter of section three, 3, in
township thirteen, 13. north ot range
fifty two, 52, west, in Cheyenne county,
Nebraska. And section twenty five, 25,
in township thirteen, 13, north, of range
Wholesalers of Contractors for ;
Do you know where
Is? Well, it is the place to
get a Good Shampoo or your
Hair Singed cmncl Tecvtel.
This eradicates dandruff and will make your hair SOFT and GLOSSY. It ia
the place to get a good MASSAGE to keep your skin soft and white. Also BODY
MASSAGE and VAPOR BATHS to build you up and clear you skin this time
time of the year. MANICURE and MASSAGE for the hands, to shape the naila
and make the hand soft and white. The FACE BLEACHED, FRECKLES and
PIMPLES removed, leaving the skin clear, soft and white. The hair dreaseu and
beautified or powdered for parties.
The best line of Switches, Curie and Bangs, Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Triple
Extracts, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpins, real Shell Ornaments, Combs
etc. Wigs, Switches, Curls or anything of the kind made to ord-sr.
Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th
fifty-seven, 57, west, in Cheyenne coun
ty, now Kimball county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 3rd day ot
March, 1898.
John J. TaoMPEJf,
Special Master Commissioner.
(First Publication March 12.)
Preston Helmick will take notice that
on the 9th day ot March, 1898, Mary
Helmick, as plaintiff, tiled her petition
in the district court of Lancaster county,
Nebraska, against said defendant, the
object and prayeT of which are to secure
a divorce f i om the bonds of matrimony
from the defendant on the grounds:
1. Ot pbandonment for more than two
years last past. 2. For willful failure to
support plaintiff, although ot sufficient
ability so to do. 3. For possession of
LaFayette Helmick, sole issue of said
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 18th day ot April,
Dated March 9th, 1898.
Mary Helmick, Plaintiff.
By Ricketts Jc Wilson, Attorneys.
And North Pacific Coast
Points take the
States. A book ot two hundred pages, con
taining a catalogue of about tiz thousand
newspapers, beine all tbat aro credited by the
American Newspaper Directory (December
edition for 1SJ) with baring regular issues of
1.0U) copies or moro. Also separate state maps
of each and orery stato of the American Union,
naming those towns only in which there aro
issued newspapers baring more than 1,000 cir
culation. This book (issued December IS. 197,)
will bo gent, postage paid, to any address on
receipt of one dollar. Address The Geo. P.
Howell AdrertisiiurCc., 1 Spruco street. New
York. l-a
are willing to work, we can give you'
employment with GOOD PAY, and
you can work all or part time, and at
home or traveling. The work is light
and easy. Write at once for terms,
etc., to
IVIll-wtat-alto, Wis.
Van Clove That Miss Newleigh looks
good enough to eat.
Miss Pacsee (enviotuly) Why, yes;
her family are mushrooms, you know.
The Pagan When you speak of Lent,
what length ot time do you refer to?
Quipps If there's an umbrella in the
case, eterjity is short to it.
They may christen the warship Ken
tucky with water, but they can never
handle her without a poker deck.
Elegant equipment. Pullman service.
Chair cars free.
Through service to California points
and Portland, Oregon, in Tourtst
Sleeping Cars.
Send at once for a new folder of the
Klondike region.
It you want to get a farm in Kansas,
Oklahoma or Texas, send for our
Emigration Folder. Address
Chicago. III.
Prig I suppose you lawyers would
always defend any case?
Attorney Oh, well, of course, we have
to draw the line somewhere. What are
you accused of?
"Ma," said little Johnny, "why don't
you get some black and red and blue
"What for?" was the smiling question.
"Why, think what nice ready-made
Easter eggs they'd lay!"
The Cocrikk has reduced its sub
scription price to 81 a year See title
Druggist and
Fine Stationery
Calling Cards
127 S. Eleventh Street.