F j "5 t.f VOL 13 NO. 13 My -. ESTABLISH BD IN.1886 fV PRICE FIVE CENTS .i S- " .1' r 6 LINCOLN. NBB., SATURDAY. MARCH 26. 1898- Entxudin thx rosTomcs at Lincoln as SECOND CLASS MATTE. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY TIE GOIRIER PHIUM MD PtBLISIlltG CO Office 1132 N street, Up Stain. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS. DORA BACHEIXER Editor Business Manager Subscription Kates In Advance. Per annum ! 00 Six months 75 Three months 50 One month 20 Single copies 05 i g OBSERVATIONS. 8 Tlie grand jury which has lately completed six week's patient hearing of evidence has adjourned. It has re buked hasty and undeserved criticism by strict attention to the business for which it was called. From the judge and officers of the court one hears nothing but praise of its wisdom, pa tience and discriminating judgment. It is hard for an individual or a news paper to acknowledge having made an egregious mistake but there are times when the error is so palpable it is im possible to avoid it. And this is a case in point. j With the exvcption of one or two names the republican ticket deserves and will receive the suffrages of a peo ple who have been bamboozled and deceived by candidates of the machine long enough. Not for many years of the political history of Lincoln has so good a ticket been presented to the voters as the one under consideration. If it be elected, even with the dead weight of administration candidates attached to it, the interests of the taxpayers, for the first time in many years, will have due consideration. As for the first ward, all residents there who are trying to bring up a family in sobriety and righteousness, should do what they can-to put a saloon keeper out of the city council. Among the consequences of a war with Spain which would affect Ne braska most sensibly would be the diversion of national interest away from the Trans-Mississippi exposition. Those who have noted die progress of the exposition buildings towards completion can not help feeling the greatest admiration for the result which differs from the effect at the world's fair only in degree. The buildings and their grouping, with the peristyle and arches recall 1 he van ished dream of J93 in which the group of buildings, esplanades and statues, erected in memory of the discovery of America compels everyone who saw it to long to walk up and down its white walled streets again. The Omaha peo ple have persevered against many dis couragements and have accomplished splendid results with a vim that will surely bring its reward unless pesti lence or war or panic intervene. The preparations for the iegenera tion of the city administration by members of the Hamilton club and others have not been checked, unless the failure of the council to impeach the mayor may be so regarded. No one, however, was much disappointed at the verdict. Considering the com position of the council the minority could not, with consistency have voted otherwise. But the investigation was not without good results if only in the collocation of testimony and witnesses from which and from whom the grand jury was able to vote an indictment. It is hoped by all good citizens that the mayor may be convicted as charged. That there are great tech nical difficulties in the way of convic tion no one, with even a superficial knowledge of law, will deny. In con sideration of which fact good republi cans Bhould do all in their power to secure an anti-administration council. Mr. Bob Malone has shown that he can be depended upon for a consist ent and unyielding opposition to Mayor Graham. The ex-fire chief's private grievances will keep him in line with the anti-administrationists if there were no other reason. On the other hand the election of Mr. Pinley strengthens the enemy whom the Hamilton club was organized to fight. It is said that there are no better men in the first ward than the bar keeper who holds the republican nomi nation for councilman. On election day, just enough better men will vote against Finley to disprove this assertion. j The disturbance at the university last week was only another demon stration by the professional agitators who still infest that institution that any efforts to inforce law and order will be received by them with shouts of derision and efforts to incite a rev olution against the constituted authorities. There is probably not another college library in the country where silence is not stringently en forced. Librarian Epps' attempt to drive the noisy flirtations out of the library and to reduce the confusion caused by the students' perversion of it into a cloak room is wholly com mendable, and Tub Courier wishes liim eventual success. The experience of a great many years with the pro fessional agitators in the university teaches that their judgment is poor, their motives treacherous (instigated by something or somebody besides the ostensible cause of disturbance) and their ultimate expufcion essential to the welfare of the university. The harm was done years ago when de fiance of the authorities was allowed to go unpunished and the impression was made that the students were the court of last appeal and that the faculty and regents were only the nominal agents of authority. Such a presumption gives the Kearney type of politicians among the student body a position of advantage whenever there is a conflict of opinion between the students and members of the faculty. The noisy demonstrations led by the professional agitators do not accomplish much and those who are acquainted with the situation are able to put the blame, where it be longs, on the shoulders of a very few. Still these disturbances which recur about once or twice a year, injure the reputation of what is admitted to be one of the best schools in this country. But the traditions of one set of sand" hill orators are handed down to their successors, and it will require a sur prise in the shape of a suspension of the leaders of the mob to discourage the habit of revolution which gentle and concilatory methods have culti vated to thejr present strength. Elsewhere in these columns there is a reference to the unusual interest which men who are not accustomed to playing the game of politics with any particular zeal, are taking in the coming election. It is a fact that men who have never thought it worth while to exert what influence they possess, who have never held any oftice and who have no desire for polit ical distinction have made up their many minds as one mind to elect a good council, that it may be of suffic ient strength to overbalance the may. or's veto and reduce his administra tive influence to the minimum. These plain, undecorated citizens hold the balance of power but it is only once in a decade that they see the necessity of using it. They are too busy buying goods at wholesale and selling them at retail, feeding bunches of cattle and sending them to market by the car load, in storing and shipping grain, preaching sermons, in teaching turbu lent youth and in making out ab stracts of real estate, to spend much time in making up their minds in the selection of councilmen, memlers of the school board and the excise board and police judge. Theyhaveonly been turned aside from the exclusive con templation of their own affairs by the steady drop in real estate values caused by a constantly increasing tax assessment made necessary by the misapplication of the city's income, by brackish drinking water and evi dence that it was kept brackish for private gain, and lastly and least by the late testimony of firemen and po licemen regarding the mayors meth ods of deciding upon the merits of applicants for city jobs. These usually uncomplaining voters are aroused and the mayoi's conduct in dismissing those who testified against him in Giesler's court is exasperating them still further. Even the first ward Is expected to give expression to the general indignation by not returning bar-keep Finley to his seat in the coun cil chamber. If the result shows that the regenerating efforts have reached the "foorst" there is indeed cause for jubilation in the church and residence districts. J Some of the critics who are now ob-. jecting to the minstrel show given by the girls at the university last week are those who laughed loudest at the Slayton jubilee singers who sang to the audiences gathered at Lincoln park last summer. These singers have a repertoire of coon songs so old that no amateur would dare to try them on anything but a church audience. Yet these professionals' old jokes and old songs were received with the wildest enthusiasm. The Slaytons. when they left Lincoln park, where they had received the adulation levied by heaven born genius from the average handiwork of the Creator, were almost unmanageable. They did not under stand why singers of such sweetness and power should be forced to return to a round of performances in little country school-houses and the man ager had to let them try themselves on an ordinary opera house before he could convince them of their sphere in life. The critics of the university girls' show evidently have accepted the Slaytons as the standard and be cause the girls called themselves min strels instead of jubilee singers this generation has to be warned against them. The Courier can assure the