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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1898)
THE COURIER. Dr. and Mi GiffM went to Omaha difWedneeday to hear "Richard If aha field in "A Parisian Romance." They returned on the midnight train. 'The criticism of the D. A. R. in this this week's Courier is founded on the reports of their meetings and their sub egueni and preliminary wire pulling in New Fork and some of the eastern cities. The .local society here is doing excellent work in stimulating the study of history and in the collection of relics by thoee. who have forefathers. Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean enter tained the faculty-and students of the school of agriculture on Saturday eve ning. The early part of the evening was social, and delicious refreshments were served. Afterward the company listened to addresses by Dean Bessey.Prof. Lyon, CoL Daniels of Omaha, Mies Sargeant, dean of Ferry Hall, Lake Forrest Uni versity, III, Mr. Lorton of New York and Mr. A. E. 8heldon. . Everybody will be glad to know that the gentle poet, William Reed Dunroy, is getting better of his illness which haa kept him a pr.'c:, for a long time. Mr. Dunroy has the real poet's gift of making friends for all time. No one in Lincoln Newspaperdom is more missed than tho author of "Corn Tassels." His, is an all pervading friendliness and sweetness that makes Newspaperdom bleak indeed, when it is clouded and withdrawn by illness. Mrs. F. E. Campbell and Mrs. S. 1. Hyde will give the fourth of their ken HDgtons Saturday afternoon. The in vited guests are Mesdames Plank, Baker, Lambertson, A. R. Hill, Hastings, Smith, Townsend, W.F. Kelley, Horton, Teeters, Tibbets, Dinsmore, J. H. Miller, Holyeke, Flinfr, Spencer, Richards, Munger, R. I. Van Brunt, Sherwood. Chipperfield, E E. Bonnet, Huntington, Chas. Keefer, Walker, Jackson, E. Rogers; Misses A. and L. Miller, Stoddard, Zehrung. Company F, of the University regi ment, gave a most successful ball in Courier hall on Friday evening. The hall was decorated in the company col ors, red and light blue, and was further brightened by the uniforms of the men and evening gowns of the women. Miss Willoughby's orchestra furnished the music for sixteen dances. The grand march wae led by Lieut, and Mrs. Stot zenburg. The success of the party is due largely to Mr. Orlo Browc, the mas ter of ceremonies. The officers of com pany F who lent their aid to the chair man of the committee are Captain Noyes Lieutenants Davies and Wilkinson, Sar geants Brown, Cleland, E. H. Clark Strock and Miles. Company F, 2nd regiment, N. N. G., better known as the Lincoln Light In fantry, gave their regular inspection and open dull at their armory Monday night. The inspection and drill was witnessed by a number of the friends of the company. After the drill the indi vidual competition for the company medal was participated in by all mem bers of the company desiring to do so, and after a spirited contest Corporal F. I. Ringer carried off the prize, which, as a tribute to his proficiency in drill, he will be permitted to wear for a month, when he will be expected to defend it against all the company. The rest of the evening was devoted to an informal dance. ' One of 'the most brilliant social events of the season in University Place, oc cured Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. O'Neil, and was given by Soroek. Mrs.Hursey, Mrs. Green, Miss Smith and Miss Fowler assisted the hostess in receiving the guests. The house was beautifully decorated with palms, pink carnations and pink shaded lamps. The prevailing color in the dining room and sumptuous tupper which wasservad was also pink. A brilliant and most interest ing musical and literary program was rendered. Among tho3e present were noticed Messrs and Mesdames Reasman, Don Carlos, Fuller, Hursey, Underwood, Rose, Green; Misses Jay, Fowler, Smith, Campbell, Flo Smith, Reede, Wineland, Horn, Walch; Messrs Paul and Roy Mc Pherrin and Mrs. McPherrin. Mrs. Kisser will entertain on Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Risser of Council Bluffs. Each guest is asked to wear some emblem representing a geographi cal feature. Those invited are: Mesdames Meedames Kimball, White, McCreery, Wbedon, Miller, Foster, Nance, Rudge, Quiggle, Townley, ' Snider, Dayton, Welch, Scott, Talbot, Burkett. Wilson, Crawford, Heaton, Halstead, Kellogg, Lendley. Faulkner, Garoutte, Griffith, Richards, Gilkinson, Putnam, Slaughter, Hoover, Lamb, Billmeyer, Winger, Reese, Clark, MacLean, Garten, G. E. MacLean, Teeters, Baker, Holm, Stevens; Le Gore, Misses Piper, Saunders, Adams, Foster, Lowry, Faulkner. Phi Delta Theta was at home Satur day evening to the tnembors of Delta Delta Delta and Kappa Kappa Gamma. It was the second of their series of "at homes" at which they will entertain the young ladies fraternities in turn. A number of novel and amusing musical and sleight-of-hand performances were given. The evening was full of origin ality and was altogether enjoyable. A chafing dish supper was served by the young men. The delicacies were pie pared by Messrs Sumner, Meuller and Tukey, assisted by Mrs. Wolcott, Misses Frances Gere and Ciopsey. The party was chaperoned by Messrs and Mesdames Wolcott, Taylor, Hardy and Haggard. The guests were Misres Raymond, Weil, Marguerite Winger, Outcalt, Houtz, Holbrook, Mansfelde, Bonnell, Wilson, Larscb, Hammond, Broady, Ricketts, Hoffman, Richards, Whitney, F. Winger, Ellen and Frances Gere; Messrs Sher man, McCreery, Raymond, Isaac Ray mond, Oury, Whedon, Abbott, Sumner Arthur Raymond, Tukey, Welshens, Ly man, St9bbins, Mansfelde, Hastie, Rod dy, Haggard, Weber, Randall, Meuller, Stone. WHITiBRgAST ?0AL ana LIME . OUR DELIVERED RETAIL PRICE LIST MEMORIAL TO NEAto DOW AND MISS WILLARD. The last official act of Miss Frances E. Willard was to issue a call inviting the cooperation of Christian churches, the Christian Endeavor society, theEpworth league, the Baptist Young People's union, the National Temperance society, the Good Templars, the Prohibition party and all other temperance, religious and philanthropic societies in celebrat ing March 20, the birthday of General Neal Dow, as Prohibition day. In ad dition to this the national officers at Chi cago have requested that the name of Miss Willard be added to the exercisis, and it is hoped this request will be car ried out by some special service in all the churches on that day. This occa sion will be generally observed through out tbe whole world. The memorial for Miss Williard under the auspices of the state W. 0. T. U. will be held Suuday at 3 p. m., March 13, in St. Paul's M. E. church. Pens Anthracite. . . . Ruby hard Canon CRy Lump. ffxcflrior Xump. Rouse Lump. Maklaad Xump. Rock Springs Lump. Hanoi Lump. Du Quoin Lump. Cyclone Xump. Trenton .Xump. Mcndota Lump. amut Black Lump. Smoky Hollow Lump. Keb. Ottumwa Lump. Sheridan Lump. Sheridan Lump Pueblo Xump Call at office Canon City Nut. ...Colo 9L6S Cafi at office ExccUor Nut.. ..Colo SM ..Colo.. $7.45 Rouk Nut. ...Colo kOO ..Colo.. 6j6S Maklaad Nut. ...Colo fcOB ...Colo.. &65 RockSfriags Nut....Wyo.... fctf ..Colo.. 645 Haaaa Nut. &65 ...Wyo.. 745 Smoky Hollow..... Not.... Iowa.... 3.40 ...wTo. 6.65 Kcb. Ottumwa Nut.... Iowa.... 3.40 ...m.... 5w6o Pfttofcurg Nut....Kaaa,... 4.40 ...111.... 540 wcfcCJty Nut.... Kaas.... 4.40 ..111.... 540 Canon Cry Pea. ...CoL. 5X0 ...Mo... 40 Haaaa Egg Wyo.... 6.40 .Iowa . 4J5Q Smoky HoDow MtneruaJowa... 3.40 3.40 Iowa. 4X0 Keb. Ottumwa MmeruaJowa. ....Iowa.. 4X0 GaaHouKCokc 6-50 ...Wyo.. 6X0 Oak wood, sawed and split &50 . ..yo.. 50 ...Colo.. 7.00 Tno, 'TD. Dor Iran Adirr Office 109 South 11th St. Telephone 234, roooooooocooooeooocoooooooooooooooocooooooooooo LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S JfLK TIE! We have just received aa assort ment of ladies' and gentlemen's Club House Ties and Fancy Ties which surpacses everything in that line we have ever offered. Tbe styles are the latest and choicest; colors range from very light to dark; values ex. captions!. PfftS You are invited to come and see for yourself. Miller & Paine n OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOJ ?. m. SFITZ GOOD LUCK GROCERY DEALER IN I STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Etc. TELEPHONE 626, 1107 O STREET. &j!a9(SwwwM v m Clothing cleaned pressed and repaired. Gardner Tailoring Co.'s Suitorium S. W. Cor. 11th and O. aN 53S sp If You Want . . . -3.6 SKATING if- Go to the CYCLE SKATING ACADEMY Society tired of Dancing- and Cards turns to Skating With Relief IIIUIaA (liSkaw: Afternoon, 10c; Evening. 15c. nUlnlUUlUTl Hours: 2:00 to 5:00 p. m.; 8:00 to 11:00 p. m. Patronage strictly first class. Wl IDDATT UPD 134 HOflTM TMIRTEEMTH ST.. . fl. tlDOUII, IHuK., ukolmeb. 0 0 $P WA K? ,cxfl.3rck -3W -JCRK -3TC& ..4. i?"