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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1898)
THE COURIER. Professional Directory. DOCTORS. 4UB Teepho e. Office Hours OSee. Res..., .656 , 655 I Office room 18-19 llOtolS Dr. O. 0. Reynolds Borr Block V 3to5p.m KM. ZM8j st 1 san. ITXr T. To-rrrt 11 Tk i Office. 1306 O Street ) 10 to 1 OSce B n.iwu,!, J i S Diseases of Eye, Kat. "- and Throat Bet. 1821 C Street 1 2:30 toSpm (.Dr. J. H. Tyndale f NOSE AND THROAT j Office, rooms 9 and 10.. J Lansinc Theatre 19 to 11 JO a 6 MM Ah- godal and personal to5p im i '--., fc Iff " ?Jt I 111 HI IDr. S. E. Cook f Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1215 o St. 19:30-12:3 2-5pm " f M " Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey a 671. ) R- Res.. I Office, ZebruB Block I9tol0a iu (Residence, 1313 C street j J-12 to 12:30 t)2to4pm .319, ..462. Dr. R. R Gif fen ( Office, Telephone Bid... J 2 to 5 p m Va m bj ap 1 Residence, 1621 F street ) pointment OMee S6I ReMaace..S62 Dr. J.S.Eaton, Surgery ana Kerrous Diseases, Office, 137 So. Ilth St. 1 2 to ip.m (12 a.m. (Hours 10 to (Dr. J. B. Triokey, f Refiactionfct only I J 9 to 12 a. m j-Offlce, 1035 O street VI to 4 p. m. . DR. E. J. ANGLE. t Office Alexander blk, 1400 1 um.. rooms v,,. i (Res. cor 26th and N Sts. I 7 f Skin and Genito-Uninary Diseases. ' Facial blemisoen romored 9 to 12 a.m. 7J0to4pjn Stop.m DENTISTS. OSee a. f Louis N. WenteJXD.S. 1. Bm5i fok!vn I sollth street. Dr. J. 8. McNay j Office. 1105 O treet 18 to 12 am O I Residence. 2208 T street fl to 5 p m ggglDr. F. D. Sherwin J DENTI8T. Office, room 19 Bnrr Blk I 9 to 12 a m 2nd floor lRes.2520Qst I I to p.m players proved to be Mrs. Speier and Mke Franck. Dainty refreehmenta were served. The Phi Delta Tbeta fraternity will hold its annual banquet at the Crater' nity home on' Saturdav evening. Among those expected from out of town are Messrs. Creigh, Russell, Spooner and Shears of Omaha. ( The Children of thp Revolution met Saturday afternoon with their president, Miss Blanche Garten The topics dis cussed informally were) "The Continental Congress" and " Washington taking com Mrs. Risser of Council Bluffs, is the mand of the army." guest of Mrs. D. A. Risser. , ,, ,. . Mr. and Mrs. Olivet Rodgers gave a Miss Ura Kelley of Omaha, is the dinner Saturday eventng for Mrs. Rol guest of Miss Joy Webster. ger's sister, Mrs. Bodijoan of New York. Mrs. Lew Marshall has been visiting inwr gnests were Messrs and Mesdamea with her parents in Omaha. Mr. Geo. B. Harris spent Tuesday in the city. Mrs. A. A. Scott has returned from Chicago. , Mr. J. A. Hartley has gone to Colum bus, Ohio. Mrs. Mary Angels went to Clarion, la., on Wednesday. Miss Laura Houtx has been in Law rence, Kas., this week. Miss Bessie Turner k in David City, assisting in giving a concert. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FhesM 470 J. M. Real Estate and Ins. GUILE, Gen. Exchange Business Office 315 South FJeTenth ' The Aloha club met Tuesday after moon with Mrs. Rutherford. The Once a-week kensington club mtt Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Landers. WALTON G. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embalmer. Telephone, Office 145 Eleventh and F St. Res. 156. U. M.. liambertson. I. M. Raymond R H. Burnham and Mrs Bodman. Mrs. Plank gave a dinner after the Philharmonic concert) Monday evening for Mrs. Wadswortb, the soloist of the evening. The guests Were Messrs and Mesdames M. D. Welcn: P. M. Hall,TP. H. Holm and Prof, anil Mrs. Hagenow. r SHBtMSBEvSBBBlaVL-P Mrs. D. D. Muir is visiting in New York with W. H. Brevoort, formerly of r.inrviln Tuesday evening tho Jewish holiday, Miss Sadie Burnham has returned Purium, commemorative of the escape from an extended visit with relatives in from death of th.TwT.h wi. h u Fwiiv, lUlUUU A Thief of Time is hat procrastination is. It may also rob you of your eyesight if you defer having your eyes examined when necessity demands aid to your vision. When your eyes trouble you bring them into us, and we will examine the cause free, and fit you with a pair of glasses that will be like restoring your sight. Cfruwri COPTRlCaT IS E. HALLETT, 1143 O Street. Funke Opera House Block. JEJ VVEMVEJR AXD OPTICIAN. SUTTON AND H0LL0WBUSH Twelfth and O. Funke Opera House Block. Are now ready to meet their old customers and many new ones at the old place, which has recently been fitted up in a most pleasing manner. Everything is new and we feel confident that the new stock which is now on Bile cannot but meet the . . . I APPROVAL OP AJuX,. . SB 5 jP&h9w .xGrfcl J I Kentucky. I Mr. and Mrs. T. H. ThomaB or Rock Island, 111., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Reed. Mies Lottie Whedon will give a party at the sanitorium on Saturday morning at nine o'clock. The Pi Beta Phi fraternity will give a party at the cycle skating rink on Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Irving J. Chapin has issued -invitations for a kensington on Tuesday afternoon the 15. Saturday evening Mre. Plank enter tained Misses Treat, Givens, Getner, Mr Worth and Mr. Kettering. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cochran gave a dancing party to a few friends Tuesday. Refreshments were served. About fifty of the fraternity girls of the university formed a party at the cycle skating rink on Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Herzog, entertained a few friends musically Saturday evening. They were assisted by Mr. Geo. Deth lefs, baritone. Mrs. Manning and Miss Carrie Dennis have issued invitations for a lenten reading to be given on the morning of March 18 at 10 o'clock. Ttl i..I Jt -, mid luwitowuu oi vueen .roaster, was celebrated at the Oliver hall. The pro ceeds of the ball were given to the new Hebrew school. The meeting of the Century club this week was a combined literary and social event. Each lady invited one guest to listen to a lecture with stereopticon views given in Mre. McCreery s parlours, by Prof. Barber on the ruins and relics of ancient Rome. Mr. Wm.P. Dineley and Miss Sallie M. Godwin were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's skier, Mrs. Baxter, by Rev. R. N. Turner. A bounteous wedding supper was served after the ceremony. Mr.' and Mrs. Dins ley will be at home at the Windsor after March 12. Mr. and Mrs. Weidman gave a card party Saturday evening for Mrs. Fred Miller, who left this week for Boston. Their guests were Messrs and'Mefr dames Helan, BostrunoLivringhouee, Hawthcrn; Mesdames Miller and Hoff man; Misses Jessie Hoffman, Lillian Hawthorn, Lulu Krone; Messrs Bently and Krone. - Mrs. TRUiBrS FAMOUS Kelley will entertain another company on Saturday afternoon.' Her guests will be Mesdames Dorgan, Woods Buckstaff, Wright, W. C. and W n Wilson, Marshall, C.L. and L. C. TW Mrs. Katherine B. Wadswortb, the Mohrenstecher, Crancer, Curtice. Mal solokt of the Philharmonic concert on lalieu, Branch, Coffreth, Branch' Rod Monday, remained in Lincoln a few days &" Tilton, Ladd, Robinson, Town ley, o iub guest oi oars. r. w. .nana:. ?0OT was "a thing of beauty," but a pretty foot encased in a handsome pair of shoes from our stylish, well fitting stock k "a joy forever," be cause they are simply perfection. No corns, bunions or cramped feet from wearing our fine shoes Mr. Samuel B. Eastman and Mrs. Agnes Dorr of Mammoutb, 1IL, were quietly married at the home of the bride's, sister, Mrs. Chas. Spurr, on Wednesday, by the Rev. R. 1. Chipperfield. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Folsom and Mr. Perkins and Sheldon 1129 O Street. Xi. ADOmDSOn. Hllrnham T j Irvine, Hargreaves, W. B. Green, Yates' and Campbell. Mrs. W. F. Kelley entertained charm ingly Thursday afternoon. The amuse ment ; was one of the guessing games wmch have become bo poDular. Rr and Mrs. Chas. Keefer. attended a party "J We Me8dane Summers, Welch, in airbury Saturday, given by general '---"--' -wv winger, Teeters, and Mrs. Bills. The ladies remained for !! Baboock. Billmeyer, F. a few days to vkit with friends there. JJ" "' Clark' Hel"fr. Coatee, Mc- The B.B.whkt club was delightfully toW entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lippincott. Baldwin; Mkses BW v ' Ackerman by Mies Franck. The best la and Lippincoi i ! ' Eu" I i I ! '-.'