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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1898)
THE COURIER. 11 L First Publication March 5. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSION ER'S SALE. Notice is hereby given. That by virtue of an Order ot Sale issued by the Clerk ot the District Court ot tbe Third Judi cial District ot Nebra'ka, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein Charles White et. al., are plaintiffs, and Tilhe May et. al., defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 5th day of April, A. D. 1898, at the East door of the Court House, in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at pub lic auction tbe following described Lands and Tenements, to-wit: The uorth half of the northwest quar ter of section eight (8), township nine (0), nortb, of rango seven (7), in Lancas ter county. Nebraska, except rive (5) acres thereof conveyed to P. Wj Little as appears of record in the office ot the Register ot Deeds ot said county. The west half of the southwest quarter ot the northeast quarter of section five (5), in township nine (0), north, ot range seven (7), ea9t, in Lancaster county, Nebraska, being the west twenty (20) acre3 of lot six (6), in the N. E. of said section five (5). Twenty-two and one-half (22J' acres off the west fide of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section five (5), township nine (9), north, of Range seven (7), east, in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Seven and one-half (7l) acre3 of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of sec tion five (5), in township nine (9), nortb, range seven (7), east, in said Lancaster county, Nebraska, being a portion of lot C, in the N. E. i of said section five (5). The west half of tbe southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-one (31), township ten (10). range seven (7), in Laacaster county, Nebraska; also de scribed as commencing twenty (20) rods west of tbe southeast corner of the west half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-one (31). in township ten (10), range seven (7), running thence west twenty rods, thence north forty rods, thence east twenty rods, thence couth forty rods to tbe place or beginning, containing fiv (5) acres, more or less. Lots four (4), five (5), and six (G), in block twenty-one (21), of Lavender s Ad dition to the City ot Lincoln, Nebraska. Lots seven (7). and eight (8), and lot four (4), of irregular tracts in the north east quarter ot tbe nort&west quarter ot section twenty-five (25), township ten (10), nortb, of range six (G), east, in Lsn caster county. Nebraska. The east five (5) acres of lot six (G), in the noitbeast quarter ot section five (5), in township nine (9), range seven (7), in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Blocks saven (7), eight (8), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), thirty-five (35), thirty Bix (36). forty eight (48), forty-nine (49), and fifty-two (52), and the south halt of block thirty seven (37). in College View, in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lots six (G), and Beven (7), in block nine (9), lot six (G;, and seven (7), in block twenty (20), lots six (G), and seven (7) in b ock twenty three (23), lots six U, and seven 7, in block thirty-four 34, lot six 6, in block thirty-seven 37. and lots "A" and "B," in said College View. The south half of the northwest quarter of section five 5, in township nine 9, range seven, east, in Lancaster county. Nebraska, except the south half of the southeast quarter of said northwest .quarter of said section five 5. The Baid south half of the couth east quarter ot said northwest quarter of said section five 5. The northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of sec tion five 5, townEhip nine 9. range seven 7, in Lancaster county. Nebraska. The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section five 5, in township nine 9, range seven 7. in Lancaster coun ty, Nebraska. Lots eight 8, nine 9. seven 7, ten 10, and eleven 11, and iots one 1, and two 2, and Iots three 3, four 4, five 5. six G, and twelve 12. in May's subdivision of lot three 3, block two 2, and lots one 1, two 2, eight 8, nice 9, and ten 10, block four 4, and block five 5, of Grant's Addition to the City of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lot four 4, in block 4, and lot four 4. in Wock six G, in said Grant's Addition to the city of Lincoln, block five 5, in Grant's Addi tion to the city of Lincoln, lots eight 8, nine 9, ten 10, eleven 11, in Antelope Addition to the city of Lincoln, Lancas ter county, Nebraska. The south half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-five 25, township eight 8, north, range five 5, in Lancaster county. Ne braska. A portion of the southwest quarter of section five 5, township nine 9, north, range seven 7, east, in Lancas ter county. Nebraska, described as be ginning at a point ninety 90, roaj west of the center of said section five 5, run ning thence south to the south line of said section, thence west along the south line of said section seventy 70, rods to the west line of said section, thence north along tbe west line of said section to the north line of said southwest quar ter, thence east along the north line ot said quarter seventy 70, rods to the place of beginning, being that portion of said quarter section remaining after the re lease from a mortgage thereon of two strips aggregating ninety 90, rods in width off the east side thereof: A cer tain tract of land situated in the Baid county ot Lancaster described as fol lows, to-wit: Commencing at a point thirty-three 33, feet west of a point fourtyfour 44, rods north of the south east corner of the southwest quarter of section thirty 30, in township ten 10. nnge 7, thence running north 594.G-10 feet, thence west 187 5-10 feet, thence south 594 G10 feet, thence epst 187510 feet to the place of beginning. Tbe east seventeen 17, and one-half acres cf the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section five 5, township nine 9, range seven?, in said Lancaster coun ty, Nebraska. Section sven 7, in town ship seven 7, north, of range fifteen 15, west, in Kearney county, Nebraska. The northwest quarter of section thirty-two 32, in township twenty?nino 29, nortb, range ten 10, and the northwest quarter ot section twenty-one 21, in township twenty seven 27, north, of range twelve 12. Tha north halt of tbe northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of tbe northwest quarter, and the north west quarter of the southwest quarter, and the northeast quarter of sec tion eight 8. in township thirty two 32, north of range sixteen 16, and the northeast quarter of section ibirty-three, 33. Township twenty-six, 26, nortb, of range nine, 9. and tbe north west quarter of section eighteen, 18, in township twenty-nine, 9, nort J. of range sixteen, 1G, all in Holt county, Nebraska. The southwest quarter of section twenty-five, 25. in township eight, 8, north, range thirty-two, 32. west, in Hayes county. Nebraska. Thesouthwestquar ter of section twenty, 20, in township ten, 10, north, of range two, 2, west, in York county, Nebraska. Tbe east halt of the southeast quarter, and the south west quarter of the northeast quarter, ana the northwest quarter of the south east quarter of section nineteen, 19, in township three, 3. north, of range thirty five, 35, west, in Hitchcock county, Ne braska. Lot four, 4, in section nineteen, 19, in township twenty-cine, 29. nortb, of range twenty-one, 21, west. Lots one, 1, two, 2, end three, 3, in section thirty, 30, in township twenty-nine. 29. north, of range twenty -one, 21. Tbe northeast quarter of section nineteen, 19. Town ship thirty-two. 32. north, of range twenty one. 21. The north half of the northwest quarter, and the west half ot the northeast quarter ot section nine teen, 19. Townsbip twenty-six, 26, north, of range twenty, 20 The north half of the southeast quarter, and the south west quarter ot the ncr beast quarter ot section six, G, in townEhip twenty eight, 28, nortb, of range twenty-one. 21, west. And tbe southeast quarter of the north west quarter ot said section six, G. And the east halt ot the northeast quarter. And the northwest quarter of the north east quarter ot section thirty-three, 33. in township thirty one, 31, nortb, of range twenty-one, 21, west. And the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, of section thirty-four, 31, in said township thiity ore, 31. in range twenty-one, 21. And the south half of the southeast quarter of section eix, 0, in township thirty-one, 31. north, of range twenty. 20. The northeast quar ter ot tbe northeast quarter of section seven. 7. The southwest quarter of the southwest quar ter of section five, 5, in townehip thirty-one, 31, north, of range twenty, 20, west. And tho north half ot the southeast quarter of section thirty-two, 32, in t swn thirtj-one, 31, north, of range twenty, 20, west, all in Brown county, Nebraska. And the north halt of the southwest quarter of section thirty three, 33, in township thirty-one, 31, nortb, of range twenty, 20, west. And the southwest quarter of section thirty three,, in township thirty, 30, nortb, of range twenty-one, 21, west, all in Brown county, Nebraska. Lot two, 2, in block twenty-eight, 28, in Spencer Brothers' Park addition to the City of Ha.tiugs. And forty-eight, 48. feet off the south end of Iots one, 1. to five, 5, in clusive, in block eleven, 11, of Morledge's addition to said city of Hastings. Twenty-four, 21. feet off lots one, 1, to five, 5, inclusive, in block eleven, 11. in Mor ledge's addition to the City ot Hastings. And lot fourteen, 14, in Nelson's addition to the City of Hastings, all in Adams county, Nebraska. Tbe southeast quar ter, and tbe northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of section three, 3, in township thirteen, 13, north of range fifty two,52, west, in Cheyenne county, Nebraska. And section twenty five, 25, in township thirteen, 13, north, ot range &9&&&&999W3-9 SOS!) 3 420 o EJleventH t. Professional IHtorseslhoer amd Farrier Diseases of time xreet c& Speololty Do you know where PALACE BEAUTIFUL Is? Well, it is the place to get a Good Shampoo or your Hair Stfnggecl and Treated. This eradicates dandruff and will make your hair SOFT and GLOSSV. It is the place to get a good MASSAGE to keep your skin soft and wbito. Also BODY MASSAGE and VAPOR BATHS to build you up and clear you skin thiB time time of tho year. MANICURE and MASSAGE for the hands, to shape the nails and make the hand soft and whito. The FACE BLEACHED, FHECKLES and PIMPLES removed, leaving the skin clear, soft and white. The hair dressed and beautified or powdered for parties, The best line ot Switches, Curie and Bangs, Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Triple Extracts, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpins, real Shell Ornaments, Combs etc. Wigs, Switches, Curls oranytbing ot the kind made to orcbr. Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th fifty-seven, 57, west, in Cheyenne coun ty, now Kimball county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 3rd day ot March, 1893. John J. Trosii'Kn, Special Master Commissioner. 3 (Fintt publication March 5.) Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 1st da of February, 1895, and duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Lan caster county, Nebraska, on the 7th day of May, 1895, and executed by A. C. Frost to Estey & Camp to secure the payment of the sum ot 842.90, and upon which there is now due the sum of $27.66 and costs 97.95, default having been made in the payment ot said sum and the mortgaged property having been replevined, and no other suit or pro cedure at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore the said Estey fc Camp will sell the property herein described, viz: One black walnut Estey oigan. No. 199753, style No. 17, at public auction at the house ot Ernst Hunger, 2324 Ran dolph street, in the city of Lincoln, Lan caster county, Nebraska, ou the 26th day of March at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated March 2nd, 1898. Estey & Camp, Mortgagee. (First publication February 12.) SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judicial district ot Nebraska, within and for Lan caster county, in an action wherein The Newport Savings Bank is plaintiff, and David B. Miller, et. al., defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 15th day of March. A. D. 1898, at the east door ot the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following de scribed lands and tenements, to-wit: Lot thirteen (13), in block eight (8), in Hillsdale, located on part ot the south half of the southeast quarter of section twenty five (25). town ten (10), range eix (6, east of the 6th P. M., all ia Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 10th day of February, A. D. 1898. John J. Trompen, 5 Sheriff. (First publication February 12.) SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given. That by virtue of an Order of Sate issued by tbe clerk of the district court ot tbe Third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lan caster county, in an action wherein The Guaranty Savings and Loan Association is plaintiff, and Ezilda A., defendants, I will, at 2 o'cJock p. m., on the 15th day of March, A. D.18&8. at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction tbe fol lowing described lands and tenements, to-wit: Lot three (3). block twenty-five (25), in South Lincoln, an addition to the city ot Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 10th day of February, A. D.1898. John J. Tromi'kn. 5 Sheriff. It is one of the school laws in Boston, as in other cities, that no pupil may come from a family any member of which is ill with a contagious disease. One day recently Willie K ap peared before his teacher and said: "My sister's got the measles, sir." "Well, what are jou doing here, then?" replied the teacher, severely. "Don't you know any better than to come to school when your Bister has tbe measles? Now you go home and stay there until she is well." The boy, who is a veritable little rogue, went to the door, where he turned with a twinkle in his eye, and said: "If you please sir, my sister lives in Philadelphia.'' Harper's Bazar. She I likeyour impudence. I have'nt quite reached the bargain counter yet. He You would be a bargain on any counter. Tbe garbage is collected every Mon day on the street in Thich the D s live. One morning little Helen D proposed discarding for good a rag doll, of which she had grown tired. "I think, mamma," she said, "that I'll put it out for the garbage man to carry off. He can take it to the garbage woman, and she can fix it up for the little gamage children to play with." Harjter's Bazar. Harold has a pair of twin aunties who look and dress so exactly alike that it is difficult to tell which is Miss Mary and which Miss Martha. One day a lady said to Harold: "I don't see how you can tell your two aunties apart." "Oh, that's eas enough," replied Harold, "for Auntie Mary looks a ecod deal more alike than Auntie Martha." Harper's Bazar. "I shall not call upon you next week, nor the week after," said the young man. "In fact, I shall not call upon you until after Easter." "Why not?" she asked, anxiously. "Because I am giving up what I love best for Lent," said he. "Gilgal lives high." "Dees he?" "Yes. He occupies a castle in the air mo3t of the time.''