The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 26, 1898, Image 1

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neither the premature bluster of the terest in the preliminaries to go to thing except science and the Ian
street, nor that of the newspapers the primaries without waiting for a guages, will explain the intellectual
should lhave any effect on the executive carriage and "pair, as Mr. Thomas accomplishment of the twenty-first
heads of the two nations who must Kennard Bays, to haul them there, century.
declare war or ignore insufficient rea- The worst results of the control of Colleges are all very well, but only
sons for it with equal inattention to municipal affairs by the gang is that a small percentage of the people are
jingoism, which is as rampant inSpain it destroys the interestof the good in graduated from or influenced, except
as in America. If the divers find that politics and makes the term politician indirectly, by them. Hut all the
the Maine did not blow up, but was one of reproach instead of high honor, women, excepting some of the very
blown up, the United States will be in As the good housewife takes pride in rich and elegant, have begun to study
a position to make reprisals for the orderly housekeeping, so the good cit- in clubs assembled. When two women
lives lost, and Spain is bankrupt and izen should be able to congratulate stop to have a morning conversation,
sucli a mistake will have put heron himself on his city keeping or the ap- over a back fence, it relates
the wrong side of international sjm- plication of economy and unselfish- to the special branch of litera-
pathies. Except fqr the brave, dead ness to city affairs. The city central re or history or music which
sailors whom no money nor territory committee has advised two primaries their especial club is studying. The
can pay for, the exploded boat (if it and a preliminary republican registra- elevation of the mind which results
were exploded) lias put the United tlon the two primaries to be held on from association with lofty creative
States in a place of vantage. If Spain March 11 and 17 respectively, These minds, is eliminating gossip and back-
be guilty, the United States can die- means for securing a better represent- biting, and teaching charity and tol-
tate terms of peace or war and annex ation of the ieop!e's interests will be oration. Mental culture is the least
Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs.
-Telephone 384.
Business Manager
Subscription Kates In Advance.
Per annum $100
Six months 75
Threemonths 50
One month 20
Single copies 05
Mrs. Martha More Avery's recogni
tion of the service which trusts are
doing humanity indicates that social
ists are not for long to be scared by
words. She said that the trusts were
proving the economy, teaching the
method and establishing the rationale
of co-operation as opposed to competi
tion. In nearly all cases where a
trust has assumed the control of any
manufacture the price of the product
has been reduced to the consumer. So
cialism only asks that the people re
ceive back again the profits that they
have made. A few men should not ab
sorb the profits arising from the uni
versal taste forsugarortheneedof arti
ficial light when the sun has set, or the
taste for wall paper. The financiers
who have organized trusts to supply
the commonest needs of living have
shown the people the way to get back
part of their birthright; and the latest
socialism instead of railing at them, is
willing to give them the credit due
Until the expert divers have made
their report it is useless to conjecture
whether the blowing up of the Maine
was an accident or an overt attack of
the Spanish government. It is diffi
cult to believe that the sophisticated
Spaniards, who were diplomatists be
fore this country was discovered,
could have been ignorant of the com
plications which such a cowardly at
tack would cause without any ade
quate compensation to Spain. But
Cuba to boot.
In the days of the Roman Empire,
when an aqueduct system brought the
water from the hills to Rome, anyone
who was guilty of poisoning or ob
structing the watersupply would have
been immediately sentenced to death.
There is no record, even in the days of
negatived unless the republicans of important of the results of association
this city forget their disgust of the with the really great ones of the
old regime in the hope of the future earth. That gentle Christian, Shaks
which can be realized only with their pere. teaclics love of kind, unselfish
support, ness and purity, and the Intelligent
study of history is like living and
Miss Frances Willard, the president learning for a thousand years. Mem
of the World's Christian Temperance bership in any of the larger clubs is un
Union, was one of those rare individ- restricted. In many places it is com-
Ifero. of anyone willing to cause' sick- UaI Wl Ca" !"Spire. m"ltlia witl I of those who need it most-poor
ness and death by interfering in any ?I 2 " e""L'"? W ?"? !!n ,IU,e bUt
"J liirrlimirtrlrHnnct: Wlinparnp chn tnf tstil n rwl nn ,.!. a . .
snlendid sv?tem nt """"""""' "-"-- .,......, .., .,u u sjiuiiaiiiy irum or asso-
t.i tii.o luuuu nir.tu iv 1'iqnn.u nn V-IUHUII VflLII UlUiC lUriUIlHlC WOUldl
same feelings. She was in every sense who have been able to buy culture,
of the word, a leader. Her foibles, The advantages of scientific study of
which are the results of long con- the problemsof child raising and home
tinned and unquestioned leadership keeping are making a change in the
were of small consequence when com- lives of the poorer middle class. There
pared with what she accomplished for are in Lincoln small clubs that the
temperance and purity. There is no larger ones know nothing of; they are
one to take her place. The financial unfederated and unknown, but their
complications arising from the Worn, members are, patronising the cl
an's temple at Chicago which have in- library in increasing numbers, and
troduced great differences of opinion the eventual result will raise the tone
into the union and at several meetings of the city to an unforseen dignity,
threatened to disorganize it have been jt
at those times, if not dissipated, at The self respect of the republican
least hopefully arranged by Miss Wii- party revived when Eugene Moore re
lard. The woman who takes her place ceived his sentence from a republican
will probably have the support of one judge. The people and the newspa
faction, but she cannot be the idol of pers of the state acknowledged the
all, as Miss Willard was. The cohesion justice of the decision and the verdict
which really exists between the differ- of the supreme court is a disappoint
en societies of the Temperance Union ment to all lovers of justice, as well
over is the result of Miss as an injury to the republican party.
iiiuu uiiu iim !....;....i . 1 .i ,-i.:..i. ... .,. . ...
burned and skinned and broke on the """"u? i.. .. ......,-. a lM. Suucr,Des to tiigii
wj,eel to a principle. There are plenty of principles, and as a party insists that
others with just as much sense and they be carried out. The vpniir.t,
- - -V..VM
just as much devotion, but they are
.Memuen oi uie uamuion ciuo win lacking in those qualities possessed bv
use their influence to get the full vote one in a hundred thousand, qualities
uui at tue primaries. me over- that comnel obedience, faith and devo
burdened and robbed tax-payers do tion to the cause in their followers,
not care enough about relief to turn j
oui in strengtn at tiie primaries, they The historian who writes the his-
ought forever after to
peace. Under the revised
way with the
water works. Xot until modern times
when a cruel and mercenary despotism
is disguised under the name of democ
racy, have men been discovered who
were willing for the sake of a bribe to
interrupt the flow of fresh water to
quench a people's thirst. The awful
wickedness and criminality of such
a bribe giver and bribe taker would
have shocked INeroand everybody who
has read Quo Vadis knows what a
tougli old rat he was. Besides that
the Roman people, accustomed to
wickedness as they were, would have
torn to pieces sucli foes of humanity.
But in Lincoln, local self government
has made possible such Men as Gra
ham and those whom he serves who
tamper with the watersupply without
exciting any particular abhorrence,
though the slaughter of the innocents
caused thereby is far greater tiian the tl d
uuiuuci ui vjiinsuans uia& iNero
illustrates the difference between ex
act justice and the technical inter
pretation of the law, which, in this
case, is about as far apart as the two
often get. If justice and the law are
so irreconciliable. if ther f nn in.
dictment that will hold t.hnt. ran k.
hold their tory of today will need to read the brought against an auditor who takes
ised Lincoln papers. They will inform him of what the state's mnniv nn,i ntc ;t s i.:.
W .;il l.o. i...,:m.n .1 1- j. . . . - J """ "- ' " " ""
... .u ..... w ucuicy uiuii-uib uh; peupie were aoing ana learning, pocket, what recourse have the people
the gang to control nominations The reportsof women's clubs and their of the state? Auditors from this day
if decent republicans take enough in- courses of study, which embrace every- forward have free access tothetreas-