The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 19, 1898, Page 9, Image 9

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and Any Dollar
For One Dollar and Sixty Cents.
One Year With THE COURIE R
For One Dollar and Sixty Cents.
and thoughts xe have simple, noble
ways of following hi3 wishes and high
Current events over the coffeo cups
and adjourned to meet with Mrs. Stone
braker, March '2.
The Review and Art club of York met
in the club room February 12. T le new
Browning book with questions by Dr.
Peterson of the State Univers'.ty was in
evidence. It is absolutely necessary for
the average person to have something
like the above book to bring out the
beauty and full value of Browning's
writings. "Inductive Studies in Brown
ing" by Hans 0. Peterson, covers this
want so completely that one finds Brown
ing a most delightful study. The poem
under consideration was "How They
Brought the Good News from Ghent to
Aix." Roll cill was responded to with
quotations from Carlyle. Miss Haggard
begged to be excused from singing her
solo on account of having the book re
view. Mre. Mansfield read a paper on
"American Women Artiste,' and out of
her orn collection showed many fine
copies of their work. She also had the
biography of Edward Bellamy, who's
book entitled "Equality," was reviewed
by Miss Haggard. It is a highly amus
ing production." The Review club tbioks
of drawing up a set of resolutions re
questing Edward Bellamy and Prof.
Edison to join forces and bring about
the delightful state of affairs portrayed
in Equality instanter.
On Friday afternoon the W. K. P. C.
club met with Mrs. Violet, 1727 Z street.
Roll call was responded to by quotations
from Eugene Field. After a business
meeting the program for the afternoon
was given, the subject being Prince Bis
marctc. Delicious refreshments were served by
the hostess.
The next meetitg will be held at the
home of Mre. C. W.Rush,81G North
Twenty-sixth street. Subjct."Annexa
tion of Hawaii." Quotations from
The York Avon club met at the club
room, February 9th. The program was
as follows:
Quotations from Schiller.
SS5 VhV :::::: Mrs.woi.ard
"The Diver" Mrs. Widener
Hamlet Act II.
The club expects to give a Shake
perean recital the first week in March.
Miss Marion Treat of Lincoln, has been
engaged to assist, and we believe it will
bean unusually fine entertainment.
The Weeping Water Zetetic club meet
ing at Mra. Kennedy's last Saturday
afternoon was a very interesting one.
Although the reads were very muddy
fifteen members responded to roll call.
After a short hufiscss session the name
of I rs. Lucy Teegarden was accepted as
a member of the club. Mrs. Murtey
read a paper on the "Folk Lore of Early
Germany." Mrs. Margaret Sackett dis
cussed French literature. The session
ended with the review of "Kings in Ex
ile' by Mrs. Hungate, and review of
Middlemarch" by Mrs. Woodford.
Pastry statistics show that Chicago
each year devours 5,102,722 square feet
of pie. A'eirs Item.
The statement gives us pleasure,
But its not quite complete;
Is' this by standard measure,
Or by Chicago feet?
Tbo fifth anuual minstrel show of the
Lincoln Light Infantry packed the
Oliver on Wednesday night with about
all the people it will seat. Tho
curtain rose to a ringing chorus, and
showed the double half circle of singing
mokes in while 6atin troustrettes and
black satin troueerettcs and black coats
and white collars six inches high. The
interlocutor, Mr. E. J. Streight, was in
blue satin, white lace, white wig and
real cut glass diamonds. His grease
paint was pink anr. white instead of
black, and he looked like a whito dova
among crows. Somebody, moved by
his delicate beauty, threw him a large
bouquet somewhat unusually composed
of calla lilios, roses, carnation i and an
assortment of garden fiowere, which the
white man was too erabarrased or too
ignorant of form to pick up. Frank
Burr, an end man received a bouquet of
lettuce leaves and a single glowing car
nation which he very gracefully acknow
ledged The end men were Frank Burr, Lute
Morse, C. C. Hamilton and C. F. Avery
as "bones;" T. M. Bromwell, C. E.
Spacgler, C. S. Hojt and W. E. Clark as
The chorus was noticeably well train
ed and of good volume and tone. C. E.
Spangler's song Honey You's ma Lady
Love, was dramatically deliverej, and
his voice is very pleasing. Frank Burr's
easy nonchalant singing and dancing is
always delightful and hi did his part
with his usual success. Lute Morso's
ability to amuse was fully demonstrated
by his Bongs and gags. W. K. Tuttle's
rich voice was heard in the musical gem
of the Light Infantry setting. The bal
ancing tricks by Chas. Ramsdell were
very clever indeed, and suggested more
than a start in professionalism. The
evening closed with balancing and tum
bling by Wertz and Adair, professional
A remarkable feature of tho evening
was the scenery which appeared in sec
tions, suspended by ropes and gj rating
mysteriously like will-o-tuo wisps. Some
times it lit on the performer's head, some
times on other things. It generally
reached the floor and rested at all kicd3
of diverse angles. The effect was spec
tacular but not reassuring. It is said
that the net receipts were more than
seven hundred and fifty dollars.
The "World Against Her" at tho
Funke on Thursday night played to
only ordinary business. The play is a
crude melo drama adequately presented.
a a a
At the Funke, Monday, February 21,
Lewis Morrison will appear in the play
which has made him famous, Goethe's
immortal play "Faust."
Mr. Morrkon as Mepbisto in "Faust,"
has achieved a reputation as an artist
surpassed by none. "Genius" said John
Ruskin, has in all -ages of the world been
extolled and venerated. It has no Rojal
birth place; it is not tho offspring of
caste or rank, nor indigenous production
of any particular country or climate,
but it is equally the light and joy of tho
cabin of the poor and the palace of the
rich. Lewis Morrison entered upon his
career under adversn circumstances, but
permitted no obstacle to dim bis mind's
lofty ideal of the dignity of his profes
sion. He is regarded as one of the
brightest stars of the theatrical sky. Of
Mr. Morrison's Mephisto, it is difficult
to say new things of praise. He has
been before the public for many jears.
and the character of bis art is well
Corner O and Twelfth streets
MONDAY, February 21.
Mr Mr. Morrison
f his original c
L 4,000 times in
Mr. Morrison will appear as "Mephisto,'
creation, played
i Goethe s sublime
"Mephisto,' rinnT
by him over flllAI
j poem play, I flUUI
Superb scenery, properties, electrical effect. A production of splondor.
Prices, fl.OO, 755, fl0 and S&o
Seats on Sale Today JO a. m.
Wednesday and Thursday, February 23-24.
Presenting th Newest Laughing Success
A Grand Company of Artist6, including the famous MAUDE NUGENT,
the girl who wrote "Sweet Rosie O'Grady. jt William Jerome at every
performance j New songs, new jokes, new dances; everything new and
up-to date. Nothing but laughter.
PRICES, 15, 25, 35 and 50 Cents.
Wednesday Night One Lady Free with every paid Z0c ticket if bought
before! p.m. Seats on Sale Tuesday 10 a. m.
JNG). B(DWEN. J R. Manager. - -
jgSTFirst Time Here. One Night,
Wednesday, February 23.
Mir. James O'JVoill
In a Sumptuous Revival of the
Sir Henry Irving version. The great play of the French Revolution.
Presented at the Ljceum Theatre, London, England, for two hundred
nights. Duplicated by Mr. O'Neill in the larger cities of this country and
endorsed as the dramatic novelty of the decade j jt j Large and
special cast. Magnificent costumes by Hermann of New York. Vivid and
historic stage pictures by John A. Thompson, Hollis Street, Boston, Mass.
THE IMPORTANT SCENES: La Belle Jardiniere de Paris The
Storming of tho Bastile Rescue of the Prisoners Tho CafeJocrisse
Gambling Scene A Prison Corridor The Historic Conciergerie A Room
in the Pricon Public Square in Paris The Guillotine The Sacrifice.
PRICES, $1.00,7S, SO and 2S Cents.
Seats on Sale Monday at JO a. m. sharp. Secure your seats early.
FRIDAY, February 25.
II-N Mr. Willie Collier.
Who Will Be Seen for the First Time Here ic
Xte Man FFom Mex
By H. A. Du Souchet, Author of "4y Friend From India."
A Roar of Continuous Laughter jc jt j In Mr. Collier's Exception
ally Excellent Company will be found Louise Allen, Maclyn A rbuckle,
Dan Mason, Carolyn Elbertp, Charles Mason, Violet Rand, Ceorge W.
Parsons, (Catherine Mulkins. Philip H. Ryley, M. L. Heckert, L. J. Shee
han, Eugene Jelis and a number of others.
PRICES, t&l.OO, TS9 SO oncl SCS Cents.
Seats on Sale Wednesday 10 a. m.