The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 19, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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tor the second and Miss Foster the con
solation prize. The guests were Mee
dames Kelley, Tilton, Smyser, Walsh,
Ward, Hall, Giffen, Horton, Slaughter,
Pitcher, Clark, Seacrest, Hutchins, Mac.
Lean, Wheeler, Preston, Jones, Teeters,
Billraeycr, Chapin, Mallalieu, Nelson,
Baker, Hinkle, Dorgan, Stewart, Myron
Wheeler, Harley, Campbell, Harwood,
Wells, Upton, Wolcott, Sonus, Tipling,
Talbot, Madame MacLean; Misses Har
wood, Latham, Enliss and Foster.
On Thursday evenicg Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Wilson gave a heart party. The
prizes were won by Mrs. Buck
staff and Mr. W. F. Kelley. The
guests were Messera and Mesdamen L.
C. Burr, C. E. Yates, J. B Wright, Geo.
Clark, Buckstuff. Coffrotb, Harwood,
Irvine, Leonard, Ladd, Campbell, D. E
Thompson, Burnham, F. M. Hall, J. H.
Harley, I. M. Raymond, Lambertson, E.
E. Brown, Beeson, W. F. Kelley, Carl
Funke, Mrs. Robinson, Miss Harwood.
The members of the Kappa Alpha
Theta initiated Miss Winifred Hill Sat
urday afternoon to the home of Miss
Cunningham. In the evening their an
nual banquet was enjojed at the home
of Mise Weeks. The decorations were
black and gold, the fraternity colours,
and roses and jonquils. The active mem
bers were Misses Weeks, Vancil, Millar,
Macfarland, Schwariz, Randall, Harper,
MacMillan, Morgan, Cunningham, Hill,
Towne, Wiggenhorn, CI irk. Tuttle and
Mrs. Fling. The alumnae present were
Mtsdames Ladd, Aneley, Hardy; Misses
Barr, Walsh, Latta and Loom is.
The Patriarchs gave one of their pret
tiest parties on Monday evening in
Thorn peon hall. In ho:or of the day
the usual program was varied some
what, and at seven-thirty an elaborate
dinner was served. Erery effort was
made to make this a memorable event.
The tables were exquisitely decorated
with red tulips, carnations and cendal
abra, and delicate pieces of china and
glass. Dancing began at ten, and the
german was led by Dr. and Mrs. Ladd.
The favors were hearts of different col
ors. The guests of the club were Mrs.
Robinson of Chicago, Mrs. Turner of
Muncie, Ind., Mrs. Dundy of Omaha,
Miss Neil of Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Hillis
clerk ol the United States court, Oma
ha, Mr. Wilson of Denver, Mr. Davenport
of Omaha, Mr.Pound. The club members
present were Messrs. and Mesdames
Ladd, Lambertson, Campbsll, Ogden,
Rodgers,Tilton, Wright, Leonard, Kel
ley, Burnham, Bailey, Irvine, W. H.
Wilson, W. B. Wilsoc.H. H.Wilson,
Aitkin, Muir, Funke; Miss Latta, Miss
A. Wing, Mies B. Wing; Messrs. Lowe
and D. G Wing.
The Junior Promenade, which has
been looked forward to with most pleas
ant anticipation for so long, came off
last night at the Lincoln. Nor was the
pleasure any less than was expected.
The music was the best, the program
was a good length and the floor in a fine
condition. The satisfaction of the even
ing was added to by the many beautiful
decorations. The parlors were done in
pink, and were given a more home-like
appearance by the many lamps and
h were arranged so artis
tically. Tne ordinary was decor
ated in red, and strawberry ice'
was served there between dances.
The south end of the dancing hall,
where the orchestra was stationed, was
decorated with the class colours, black
and gold. The opposite end of the hall
was covered with a large flag. The
sides of the hall were decorated by the
different fraternities. The Delta Gam
mas had streamers of their colours
caught up with their mojupgram. The
Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Epeilon
Kappa Alpha Theta fraternities had
their colours fastened with fraternity
pins. The Delta Delta Delta and other
fraternities had long streamers of their
colours fastened in conspicious places.
Altogether this was one of the most
successful promenades ever given.
The committee, who did most efficient
work, was composed of Roy Sawyer
master of ceremonies; Messrs Whedon,
Fechot, Brown, Snuff, O. Brown Boomer,
Kind. Miss Helen Woods, chairman of
decorating committee; Misses Stewart
Macfarland, Harley and Shanck.
The Lincoln parlors and dancing b?Il
were rilled on Monday evening by the
guests of the Delta Gamma fraternity.
It is very seldom that tho rooms ever
presented so beautiful and attractive an
appearance. The tones were for tho
most part red. Both dancing ball and
parlors were decorated lavishly with
red hearts. The shades were red and
the flowers were red. Tho ordinary was
made to look cosy and restful by long
couches covered with cushions. Tho
table where red ices were served by
Misses Mullen, Dennis and Rice was
lighted with red candalabra and adorned
with red carnations. The cilors of the
fraternity, blue, pink and bronze, were
also much in evidence. Screens, lamps,
rugs, cushions, all helped to make every
nook and corner attractive. Tin pro
grams were heart-shaped and were
daintily decorated with water colors.
The music was furnished by Miss Wil
Ioughby's orchestra and was all that
could be desired. Besides the guests
from other fraternities there, were pres
ent many from other cities, among
whom were Misses Cole, Tukey, Kelly
and Reynolds, Messrs. Young and Bow
man from Omaha; Miss Niel from Colum
bus, Ohio; Miss Neeman from Schuyler!
Miss Turner from Muncie, Ind.
?(DAL ana LIME .
Penn Anthracite Callatnffke
Ruby hard Callat office
unoouty i.ump....ioio..?.oa
Excelsior Xump
Rouse Lump. .
Maitland Xump..
Rock Springs Lump . .
Hanna..... Lump..
Du Quoin Lump
Cyclone Xump... .111....
Trenton -Lump. Ill ....
Mendota Lump... .Mo...
Walnut Black Lump.... Iowa .
Smoky F iow Lump. . . .Iowa .
Keb. Ottumwa Lump Iowa .
Sheridan Lump Wyo..
Sheridan Lump.... Wyo..
Pueblo Xump.... Colo. .
Office 109 South 11th St,
Canon Gty Nut.... Colo....
ExceWor Nut.... Colo....
Route Nut.... Colo....
Maitland Nut Colo....
Rock Springs Nut.... Wyo...
Hanna Nut. . . .Wyo. . .
Smoky Hollow.. . . .Nut. . . .Iowa. . .
Keb. Ottumwa Nut.... Iowa...
Pittsburg Nut Kane...
Weir Gty Nut.... Kane. ..
Canon Gty Pea . . . .CoL.. . .
Hanna Etc.... Wyo...
Smoky Hollow MtacruoJowa..
Keb. Ottumwa MincrunJowa..
Gas House Coke 6w50
Oak wood, tawed and split.. &50
1 Dorgan, XIqzf
Telephone 234,
The Matinee Musicale will give an
open program on Monday afternoon .
Paper The Opera
Mrs. John B. Wright.
'Elsa's Dream" (Lohengrin). . .Wagner
Miss Olive Shute.
Recit. and Aria"Ministridell Averno,'
(II Profeta) Meyerbeer
Mrs. E. Lewis Baker.
Othello, arranged by Chas. de Beriot. .
First violin, Miss Ensign; second
violir, Miss Dales; 'cello, Miss
Eiche; double bas3, Mr. Leo
Franklin; piano, Mrs. P. V. M.
Aria Lucia di Lammermoor. .Donizetti
Mrs. A. W. Jansen.
The Maiden's Wish Chopin
Miss Elinor Young.
Duet La Gioconda Ponchielli
Mrs. A. W. Jansen, Mrs. E.
Lewis Baker.
Accompanist, Mrs. Wurzburg.
Among- the bargains se
cured by Mr. Roth, the
manager of our Cloak and
Suit department, while in
New York, is a lot of La
dies' Cotton Wrappers,
which we purchased much
below value. There are 33
dozen in the lot. The col
ors are black and white,
blue and white, and also
fancy patterns. The' are
well made; the collars and
yokes are trimmed with
braid; the waists well lined
and the skirts are 3 yards
wide. They are worth from
$1 to $1.25. While they last
take your choice at 7oc,
Miller & Paine
was "a thing of beauty," but a
pretty foot encased in a handsome
pair of shoes from our stylish, well
titting stock is "a joy forever," be
cause they are simply perfection.
No cores, bunions or cramped feet
from wearing our tine shoes
In morning golden with life's promise,
Gleams the beckoning hand of joy,
Fair, elusive on she flitteth,
Now draws near, retreating coy.
Through the thickets youth pursueth,
Passing blossoms gayly rare,
Seeing naught of heaven's beauty
In the sky and grass and air.
By the streamlet's edge she lingers,
Lost to sight in dream-like mist;
In he plunges to discover
Joy beyond in sunlight kissed.
Thus he wanders e'er pursuing
Down the years till youth be past,
Hope abateth, then it chanceth
Clasps the lovely form at last.
But is this Joy, large-eyed and sad,
With self-effacement in her look?
Not Joy, that careless-hearted maid,
Her form, her sister Sorrow took.
Annie Miller.
Perkins and Sheldon
1129 O
Senators and Legislatures.
The Kentucky legislature has recently
asked Senator Lindsay to resign because
he is not in favor of the free coinage of
silver. This action has been followed by
the introduction of a resolution in the
New York assembly requesting the resig
nation of Senator Edward Murphy, Jr.,
ot this state, becausa he voted for the
Teller resolution. Neither of these reso
lutions is of any real importance, al
though government of the nation by
state legislatures would doubtless be
quite as intelligent as government by
the present United States senate. The
Kentucky legislature does not really ex
pect Senator Lindsay to vote against bi3
convictions, nor do the republicans of
the New York state legislature expect
Senator Murphy to think of an thing
but his machine, and the sufficient pro
tection of collars and cuffs. Harper
Cothamer I hope that you have en
tirely recovered from the effects of the
Boston! an No; we shall never en
tirely recover.
Gothamer Were your pecuniary
losses eo heavy?
Bostonian Not at all; but we were
cut off from the rest of the worlu for
two days and nobody missed Boston.
You may laugh at a maa's expense
but you can't always "smile" at bis expense.