The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 19, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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10234020 O St. -?3ftr. Iincoln, Setr.
You certainly will be pleased now. For good qualities and low prices are all that is laid before you, and you can
not afford to miss this opportunity to get something nice in the line of waists. We offer only
what we have and feel sure you will be satisfied with what we offer.
Ladies' Silk Waists
As in all past seasons, it has been our aim this season to make our department of ready made goods increase in favor.
In order to do this it has been necessary for us to keep thoroughly stocked with both foreign and eastern products and
is season we can truthfully say that a more dainty, desirable line of ready made silk waists cannot be found in the
city. The qualities cannot be excelled. The colors and designs the very latest. Call and satisfy yourself. ...
iHHI Thfa Mack China Silk Vaist, This Plaid Taifeta Silk Waist, This Black Taffeta Silk Waist, HIH
HHH allsixes,for 82.451 allsizes,for 84 95 alIsues,for. 83.95 22K
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Annie L. Milleu, Editor.
The New York Tribune sajs: "A New
York wcmac who returned from the
educational convention in Lincolo, Neb.,
raya. I found the strcet3 full of slosh
and filth; the buildings are dirty, en
trances filthy and expectoration evident
ly not made unpopular by woman's clubs.
Score one for our eastern cluts. We
are doing a great work in our eastern
On Friday afternoon Mre. Avery gave
a lecture on "Cocs-ious and Unconscious
Influence before the Wornau's club.
She prefaced her remarks with the
statement that she could inly give what
the audience were hospitable to accept,
and she hoped tbey would not be nig
gardly, for it requires more generosity to
receive than to give. Mrs. Avery be
lieves that each person is the centre of a
circle from which radiate influences
which touch at points of contact the
circles of other individuals. The circle
may be extended, for wo are each the
centre of the universe. Those who are
willing to enlarge tbe'r vision rind none
too lowly or mean to touch with their
Mrs. Avery is an unemotional speaker
and appeals to the reason of her hearers
by clear and concise statements. Her
6 mpatbies are with the working people,
but she thinks for the best spiritual
growth of all, the circles of high and
low should intertwine, for each has
something to give of benefit to his
brother, if he wil! but receive it.
Mrs. Avery gave a second lecture be
fore the Woman's club on Saturday
afternoon on the subject of Woman's
Economic Freedom.
' n interesting meeting was held at
Rose Cottage on Friday morning, -vhen
Mrs. Martha More Avery of Boston was
the guest of Miss Elliott and her circle.
The usual study of tho club was not in
terrupted, but only enriched by the
preeenceof one who could cast different
light on the spiritual problems under
discussion. Rose Cottage circle has de
voted the past year to the study of the
Iliad and Odyssey, and has now reached
the point where Ulysses returns to his
home and Penelope, disguised as a beg
Mrs. Pilsbury carefully explained the
text, with many interruptions and pass
ing arguments on the spiritual applica
tion of Ulysses' trials and humiliation.
Mrs. Avery, in her de-ire to get at the
mind of the Western club woman as she
said, asked many questions which forced
thoEe present to formulate their ideas
more definitely than they had supposed
In return many points were clearly
elucidated by Mrs. Avery, and whether
wholly accepted or no, afforded much
food for thought. Some discussion arose
over the distinction between intellect
and intelligence. To the latter Mrs.
Avery accorded as great superiority as
the spring would have to the reservoir.
Yet she believed intelligence could be
cultivated a Eeemiog contradiction.
Mrs. Avery appeared in the light of a
listener to gain some knowledge of the
workings of tho circle, and her conversa
tion was intended to draw out the indi
vidual opinions of thce present rather
than present her own views.
A don't worry movement comes from
the east. In our high altitude, cultiva
tion of its principles would be medicinal.
If the rapidity of its growth bears any
relation to the need of its institution,
then the "Don't Worry" movement was
one of the necessities of the day.
New branches are being formed every
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