12 THE C0U1-vC Fashions of the Day. The toque of today, with the small brim turned up coquett'shly on the le't aide, Cisdatns all connection with the Hat round nonentity of a couple of years ago. These dainty little creations are mostly made ot apangled tulle for evening, and of velvet for day wear, and are draped in loose folds. A bird of Paradise aigrette, a contrast ing accordion plaited oow of ribbon, and a bunch of roeee or riolets resting next the hair on the upturned sido complete the poem. Acother pretty new style is a round sailor hat, with its brim turned up in the back. The brim is made of heliotrope velvet put on plain. The whole of the crown ib composed of vel vet with a stiff white aigrette on one side to form a high relief. With us lucky ones, who are dwelling among the oraoge bloesjms, straw hats, have already made their appearance These advance models are of the rough straw so popular last season. In most cases they are trimmed with long feathers en Amazone, i. c, on each side of the hat feathers about fifteen inches in length are placed. In the front they lis flat, bat toward the back there are tips which are slightly elevated and turn inward. A tuft of velvet in front, directly in the centre, and an aigrette drooping over the crown are the remain ing compsnent parts of a style warrant ed to make even an ugly girl look charm ing. I doubt whether the latest wrinkle concerning skirt liniogs has reached you. This consists in allowing the skirt lining to hang loose from the outer ma terial, both being fastened in the same belt at the waist and tacked together here and there down the seams. The inner part of the material is finished with a large hem, and the lining, upper aide, is trimmed with narrow flounces, which g.ves the effect of an additional petticoat. Edith haa lived abroad so often, so much and so long at a time that she for- KIT TO TIE UK'S HEUtT And the most important factor in a well regulated kitchen is the range. It must be one that the drafts are easy and ac cessible to handle, so that the oven can be tempered to any degree necessary for baking. One of the most particular elements of making pa stable, healthy baked fooi consists in keeping the oven at the proper beat. It must also be economical of fuel, in sizt and form it must be symmetrical; material and work manship the most perfect. It should have beautiful and artistic designs in Nickle Trimmings. All these essential features we have in he New Lincoln Steel Range. This is our reason for calling it the TBI ON H il MHItawfJl.ySf9' Jl-i . . - - " " Sulplio-Saline anitariviixi, Cor. I-ith and 3I All Kinds of Baths Scientific Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet. Shaving- Hairdressing-. Drs. RvERETT, Managing Physicians. It is acknowledged by all competitors, to be the handsomest steel range made. la the future we will tell you about a atodel kitchen and a few receipts for dainty dishes. We gaaraatee them in every particu lar. If yoar dealer does not keep them .write to as. Bccbstatf Baos. Mfg. Co, Makers. Liacoln, Neb gets that Paris, the nucleus from which all fashions for women spring, is only ten days away at the outside. This ''latest wrinkle," the loose liniDg has reached us and has been adopted only for tho lighter skirts, not the tailor made ones. Clothes that are used for the heaviest 6uits have the linings fastened firmly. And, too, Adelaide, I want to add that it is much better to have a lit tle stiffness around the bottom of a cloth skirt. Louise had a beautiful suit sent home a few days ago. The skirt was made with a seam in the middle of the front and with the flounces set on at the knee, sides and back without any stiffening. She returned it to Madame with instructions to make it firmer around tho bottom edge with fine horse hair cloth. It was so so swapsey and switchey, and twisty she couldn't wear it. It made her nervous. The skirt it self looked old before she wore it at all. All you say about the ungainlinees and general unsuitability of the blouse k painfully true, and yet, alas! our vel vet coats and evea our sable and seal jackets are cut en blouse, our silk and our chiffon evening waists bag in a way most unpleasant to those of us who are inclined to embonpoint and even our shirt waists are made with revere but toning over to one side, and they sag to the front and to the side eeams. The only relief to the detestable blouEe is the dainty and jeweled and jetted and em broidered and all kinds of extravagances belt. The broad band has gone out, the dernier cri is a narrow strip. It is of black velvet studded with steel, with silver and turquoises, or it is of gold fila gree with a gorgeous buckle, or it is stud ded with presious stones, according to taste and pocketbook of the wearer. Just a word about sleeves. Two shapes reign at present. The one, all plain un adorned jacket sleeves for cloth costumes and the other perfectly tight up to the shoulder, where a small puff more high than broad in effect, remains as the last vestige of our vanished greatness. In the thin materials, such as lace, chiffon, moussisline de soie and spangled tulle, the sleeve is wrinkled in its entire length. A fall of lace halt covering the hand is the invariable finish for sleeves of house or evening gowns. Purchase for yourself one of the new haif-moon shaped curling tongs. Have your maid brush back all your hair from the forehead and up frem the neck; then press ii the broad wave with the hot iron, all the while carefully following the share of the head in tne undulations. Finally, with your four side combs fasten down the waves all around the bead, like a halo. To be thoroughly up-to-date the droop of the hair over the fore head should be a little sideways, from right tj left. Do with the ends ot the "halo" what you choose, but don't make the back creasing ot the hair too promi nent. Tessa. Cured the Mule. "I was riding along a mountain road in Eastern Kentucky,' remarked a trav elling salesman, "when I saw a mule runniog toward me with a single-tree dangling at his heels. With great diffi culty I succeeded in turning out of his way, and he continued to go down the mountain at a lively pace. "About a mile farther on I saw two front wheels of a spring wagon and a short distance away the other wheels and the wagon box. I looked around to see if the driver had been hurt, but, finding no one. 1 drove on. "In a few minutes I met a man walk ing down the road, rather hastily. 'Stranger, he queried, 'did yV see a mewl down thar? ' "Yes.' " 'Did he hev a rag over 'is year?' ' 'I didn't see any.' "'Waal, it's all right I reckon 'e'll stop when 'e gits flustered out an' I reckon 'e's cured. " 'What is he cured of? I asked.' "'Balkin'. Yo' Ee9, I heerdthet a grasshopper put in th year o' a hoes or mewl 'ed cure im from balkin'; so I tied a rag over th critter's year so it couldn't git out, cotcbed a grasshopper, put 'ini in, an', stranger, i't th' bee' remedy I ever seed, lb.' mewl didn't give me time to git in th' wagon. I never did see a mewl eo sprightly. I reckon th' hopper's got out now, an' 111 go on an' cotch th' mewl." Washington Star. "He does not love me any more,' The maiden sang to shame him; And as the notes reached papa's ears He murmured ul don't blame frim." TJie Accompanist. "I have the secret of how to make an absolutely punctureless tire," said the dying philanthropist, "but it shall die with me.' "Think better of it." said his best friend. "Think what joy such a tire will give to mankind. Tell me the secret." "Nay, nay. Such tires might please a few wheelmen, but think of the num ber of joke writers who would ba sent to the poorhouse." oooooooooooooo CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS s&ufrrv&rify THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. OO OOOOOOOOOOO ( m () IT IS THE TRAIN TO TAKE mm The Burlington's "Vesti buled Flyer," which leaves Lincoln every evening at 6:10 p. m. and arrives in Denver the next morning at 7:15. It carries thro' sleepers, chair and dining cars, and offers a service that is unexcelled by any road running into Denver re member this when pur chasing your tickets and START RIGHT. B. & M. depot cor. 7th and P sts. City Ticket office cor. 10th and O sts. G. W. BONNELL, 6. P. & T.A. Our Crank Hanger Does It The Racycle Nar row Tread is the easiest running and longest wearinj wheel made, because there is from 20 to 30 per cent, less pressure on the bearings of a wheel having the balls in the hubs of the cranks and the fhain nnrl snmMrnt wheel rolling between craakManger the bearings, thus Dees It l saving leverage. We back this assertion with 9)1,000 IN CASH. If you do not believe it examine the Racycle, either theoretically or practi cally, figure on it, and if you can dis 8 rove our assertion we will GIVE T0U 1.000 IN CASH. Here is your chance, send for cata logue. MIAMI CYCLE & M'Ffi CO., MIDDLCTOWN, OHIO A. L. Girard& Co.. Aeent, Lincoln. w? m m&Hts BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. If you are willing to work, we can give you employment with GOOD PAY, and you can work all or part time, and at home or traveling. The work is light and easy. Write at once for terms, etc., to l&E HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY Milwaukee, Wlm NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING in the United States. A book of two hundred pases, con taining a catalogue of about six thousand newspapers, being all that are credited bj the American Newspaper Directory (December edition for 1897) with baring regular issues of 1,000 copies or more. Also separate state maps of each and erery state of the American Union, naming those towns only in which there are issued bewspapers baring more than 1,000 cir culation. This book (issued December 15, 1897.) will be sent, postage paid, to anyaddress on receipt of one dollar. Address The Geo. P. BowellAdrertisingCc., 10 Spruce street. New York. 142 m