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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1898)
TH& COURIER. X a""-""-! i - - it- this board. Each department is en- and Gulf to Georgetown and around llio titled to ono delegate besido tho leader, marvelous ''Loop,'' Saturday, June 25. Tho.meoting is called by Mary M. Pt:gb, Our gucst3 may anticipato in this trip u vi:e-presidcnt of Nebraska. Tho S'otia Ladies' Reading club is in tho tenth year of its career. Owing to the changes of residents which conio to most small western towns, but few of t":e present members hare belonged to the club for many years, only one, tho writer, having been connected with the . work 6ince the first year. These changes have also been tho cause of frequent changes in our lino of work. However, we have taken up United States history, English bis'.ory, general history, the Chatauqua Srn:o Minute course, study o! Shakepere, study of Dickens, Enjlish lite-aturo, American li'erature. We are now engaged for a second year upon American literature. Wo meet every Tuesday aftercoon from three to half past four. Program on February 1 was the life and works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich and Mary Mapes Dodge, led by Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Cornell reed AI drichVIho Young Desperado." Mrs. Graham read a very interesting article on Aldrich as a poet. Mr?. Fiizsimmons read Dodge's -beautiful little poem, "A Child's Prager.'' The topics of tho day wcrj especially int?restirg. Miss Mattio Rgers in tho Denver Nctcs sa)s cf th9 Djnver Bfcnnia': Tho cry of the club wojjcn all over tho land today :'a "Westward Ho." Anticipation dream of plcasuro and a day of delight. They will pass through romantic vil lage, typical mining, camp? and health resorts nestling in the bosom cf the snow mantled mountain?, rising in majesty above thnm. They will steadily climb from tho altitude of Denver, 50.0 fett, sometimes with a grado of 217 feet to the mile, uctil they reach 0000 feet, acd ride with increasing amazement over the windings of that triumph of inventiva skill, the far famed Georgetown ''Loop.' In short, the biennial guests will have op:rlurity, by taking advantage of tha low rates, to 6co what nature has done for Colorado in beauty ofmountain pass, crcg, canon and torront, which makes her so famous in song and story. At tho end of a sunset lido planned by tho committee, Blitch's gardens, in tho Euburbso! Denver, with its shaded re treats, luxurious Mowers and sweet sounds of mesic, will be thrown open to tho guest 3 by tho generous hospitality of the owner, Mrs. J. Bitch. The Noith Side Woman's club will er,titiin tho visitors end servo rerrosbnionts at evo uing. The entertainment committee his a chairman cf extensive resources end brilliant social position, Ms. W. G. Fisher of the Fo:toightly Club, who has much to offer the biennial. Mts. Fisher is fortunate in having for her assistants women famous for their social grace i Mrs. Chap. B. Kouctzo acd Mrs. N. P. 4 0 t- 4 . tsiL$ittde'itti i gMs )-$ . tz n n iz a rr , ,. v nz ;r r llegFetti l?ocolales 4 N in cluD c.rcies lsnsmgniguerandnigaer.- Hill, Mrs. Edward G. Stoiber of Silver Women are heinnirg to realizs that tho t0Di a B;st. r of one of the G oceral Fedora most important biennial of tho General tion directors; Mrs. Esther Al.'ca Jobes Federation of Woman's Clubs yet held anda Mondof Mrs.J. C. Croly (Jenuio will convene in Denver, Wtdneslay, june) has promised a trip in hjr special June 22, 1393. Tho ardor of inspiration cjr for 8omeof the prominent leaders of waj lired two years ago at tho biennial tao Federation, and a vfsVto her splen at Louisville, Ky,, when the rigid c n- did home in the heart of the Rockies, servatism of tho nut m:t the free en- There will be a grand rec?plion at the tbusiasm of the wo;-t and was vanquish- Brown Palace hotel, and more private od. The resolute courago of the Colorado entertainments bv Denver's social lead- delegation, tho msgnificont impression made on that convention by Mrs. Ashley and the fearless truth-speaking of Mrs. Piatt shockoi the stiff angles out of their projudico into a more rounded ap preciation of tho independence, earnest ness and zeal of the western woman. The far seeing and subtle brained presidentof the Gjneral Federation, Mrs. ers than time will permit ub to mention. The officers and speakers of tho Fe deration will bo entertainoJ by tho club women of Denver, The Woman's Cub wi 1 keep open house with hearty hespi tality from the Alpha to tho Omega of the convention. Through the untiring z.'alof Miss Laura Parsons of tho North Side Woman's Club, written statements llenrotin, supported xne decision or tne jjav0 bien procured of reasonable board by a fow wise words: "I feel that ratcB to the delegates from tho principal tho womoa of tho west have somethirg i,otBlB an(j boarding housos cf the city. to give m at tho biennial, something in thought and method, which is to bring women out of tho fearful individualism of the past. They have more of tho pro gressive spirit of the world today thin ht women of the acd south hav: ct learned." The smoke of battlo for the bicsnul honor bad scarcaly cleared away whon the machinery of the local bienn'nl board wasnicdy adjusted, well oiled and in. perfect working order. The cbier among 4,003 club women of Co'orado t: day is Mrs. Janiea B. Gran', cbo-en to Gil tho position of gioato3t responsibility, tho presidency of the biennial local board. She has the entire confidence of the wo mon of Colorado to successfully manage Xhero is plen'y of room and gooJ ch?er if they come 100,000 strong. MissJJa Miler cf tho Round Tablo Club hzs charge of the committee on pkca of meating and mus'c. It has Lcea arranged fjr all sessions to bo h.Id in tho handsome, commodious Broadway thoatre. It has seating capacity for nearly 2C00 peopb, good acoustic pro perties, and is centrally located. Den ver h a musical city, and chorus, instru mental and vocal numbers given at the Lienuial will to of the ben. Prof. W. J. Whit;man, the able director of tho Wo man's club chorus and Wejt Side public echoo's, will illustrate srcial methods in voico building by his joung pupils. Ho has also iu training a chorus of young experienca. Ea:h chairman opened near theauditorium wh're cvvry er of committer is chosen for thirg that can add to tho health. con the difficulties of biennid affair?. Tao g;rls, the dau3hters of ctub women, to recording" secretary, Mrs. A. M. Wells; as3i&t at the biennial, corresponding sooretiry, Mrs. John L. The bureau o: information is in charge McNiel, anJ treasurer, Mrs. 0en E. otMrs.Jro L. McNeil of the Fortnight LoFevra, are all womoa of rarj wisdom jy cluU. Sho has sp2cial genius for her andexesutive ability, tried by tho tiro of nociii3n. and will arrant to havo rooms tho club nnrl ivKlmfia UUU Ul..... ....U...v..0 .O UiSCll thltg Her peculiar mnss ior ner position. fortt happiness and rat of foe Federa- The energetic chairman of the com- t:0n guests will oa procured. Posloffica mittee on trdn3Porat!on, Mrs. James H. with ma:i dci:Verv, telephtn-, express Walker, of the Mo aday club, has made c,nv,nien2es. reg'ater, daily cowspapers, every ex jrtioa to procure for the bannial Btationery, stenographer and tj powriter. guests and tourists reduced railroad t-Ierranh and district mfssereer bos will be at hand. Artistic badges for uso of tho biennial are boiog des'gned by Mrr. James B. BelforJ of the Clio rlub. The credentials comrni too is in cta-ge rat;s. The chairmen of tho committee ofiexcursiocs Mrs. T. C. Chase of tho North Side Woman's club, has recom mended a monster complimentary ex cursion oa the Union Puctti-. D:nver of Mr. Wm. II. K:st!er, chairman of the art and litsraturo department of the Wo man's club, end Mrs. James D: Whit mcr. tho grecious vicopresident of the Woman's club. Mrs. Fiank J. Mott of tho club well undo s'acdo that no convention is perfect without a profusion of Mowers end pretty girl ushers. Sho has arranged for tho beautiful wild Ibwors of the Rockies to bo brought in fiesh every morning for the decora t:on of tho theatre. Tho r.r.'ss committee under tho management of Miss Minnie Reynolds of the Rocky Mountain A'eirs. a delegate from tho Round Table, is striving v'gor ously io reach through tho principal cewr papers and periodicals every club woman in the country, that all m ly ap preciate the personal benefit and inspir ation they will receivo from att.ndiog tho biennial. Mrs. O. E. LeFevro of tho Mondjy elub has wel known genius as a finan cier. The biennial board and club wo men cf Colorado feel perfect contid inco in h;r Lcing ab'o tocontrjl that especial ly imp rtant part of the bien-.n! admin istration. Mrs. Geo. L. Scott of tho Fortnightly club has tho progiam under tbo suror vi:ion. Tho full session of the General Federation will be from four to tiveda;p. Tuesday, the 21st of Jute, will bo li 1 cd with btard and council meetings. WeitnrsJay morning the Federation proper will o: en, with tho president, Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotio, in tho chair. There will be addresses of welcome by Governor Alva Adams and the mayor of Denver. Mrs. Eli M. Ashley wi;F address tho con vention for tho women o! the Stat, Mrs. Sarah S. Piatt for the women of thoci'y. Resroises and reports of cflicers. Widne3lay afternoon, conference of State cba:rmen, preside! over by MrB. Alice Iv8 BreoJ, vice-president of the General Fedc-ation, and a cooferenco o! Stato presidents, with Mrr. llenrotin in tho chair. Wedno -day evening, education, s'.udied from four different standpoiats-ethi'-al, manual, university extension ai.d educa tion perse. Mis3 Annie Law?, auditor of the Federation, Mrs. Mary Mumford, Mrs. Oltley of Georgia and Mrs. Coray of Utah, w'll speak on their specialties Thursday murnirg. civic club?, village improvement associations. Mrs. Cor nelius Stevenson will havo chere of tho pi itfoi na. "Co-operation Between Press and Club,' Miss Swalm. Art clubs will have a voice at a second place of meet iog, and some phases of economic work in clubs will be discussed. Thurslay afternoon will be given up to receptions, teas and entertainments by the Denver club women. '-Uncut Leaves' will bo the subjsctof an address by Mis. C. P. Barnes, recording Fecrc tary of the Federation and chairmen for that evening. It is hopod that Miss Agnes Ropp'hr, Mrs. Ruth McEnery Stuart and Mar garet Djland will be present at the con vention. Friday morning, educational confer en:e under th; leadership of Miss Mar garet Evan3 cf tho University of Min nesota; also kindergarten and pbjsical culture exhibits. Friday after, oon, "Tho Industrial 1&1i11:WsW' Prob'em m it Affects Women and Child ren." Chairman. Mre. Breed. A famous ipecialist, Miss Claro do Graffenriod, special aent of tho Unite J Statin do partmont of labor, will givo her cxperi enco a!ong this line. Saturday, excursion. Saturday evening, folk sonB of America. Iu charge ol Mrs. Philip N. Mcore, corresponding secrotary of the General Federation. Theroaro other ut tractive- features on thnprcgram. Seve ral famous ectiosscn will bo present and givo their views of the educational valuo of tho drama. So cial conditions and its phases will bo dii cussoJ. A chilJren's meeting will bo conduced by Mary Mapes Dodge, oJitor of HI. A7cto'f. On Sunday twelve pul pits will bo supplied by famous womoa v'sitorsnnd ministers of tho Federation, among these Mrs. C. Stevenson and Mr?. EJwin Longtrcth from Philado'pbin ami the Rov. Bartlott Crano are expected to bo prrsont. Sun Jay evening ll:o subject will bo tho "Sp'ritual Signiticmce of Orgamzv ticn and Nat.onul Song.-' Miss Jano Ademiof Hull Houso, Chicago, and Mrs. B.Stoutanbjrough will make nddresscs. Monday, 27tb, addres of Mr?. llenro tin and election of cflicers for General Federaticn. To Mr. Longstreth of Philadelphia, is due a new departure from conventional methods. Thero will bo few or no es sajsor papers, butsul.jects will bo intro duced by trpeakers and submitted to the audience for debate an open conference. It will bo a day of grand opportunity to hold loviog communion with famous thinkers and workers western women have eo longed to m'et. Tne local board is fortunate in having so helpful an ad visory committee as Mm. Frank Trum bull, treasurer of tha Go.-eral Federa tion; Mrs. E. M. Ashley, chairman of Stato correspondent- -a staunch pioneer in the development of woman's work in Colorado; MrF. MahloTi D. Thatcher, tha earnest, devoted president of the Stato Federation, and that great stronghold or love and power to Colorado women, Mrs. S. S. Plat1; president cf tho Woman's Club of Donvcr. Denver has lone been tho beloved (Continued oi PdgeD.J AS--CAAS72S?A 1 " 1 fit ,2 m m ) Magazine " Iharper'sJ I Bazaar J HARPER'S ) Weekly or any $4 Magazine g With. THE COURIER g One Year for $4. t