THE COURIEK. 31 -.' ?' !-; r,vr-. k-.. K'- .-j :l-" .- 1 . i-.' fc?JV -r 'X- 1," - .; "AT-a .- ncy. . ife?'- - :MUSlGAUMNHONr A-J:- :f The. friends of Mr. and Mr. J.W. "Winger and MisB Stoddard werechann iagly entertained on Friday evening at a musicals and reception. Miss Treat, Mrs. E. Lewis Baker. Mies Silence-Dales and Mre. P. V. M. Raymond asiistsd with the program. The guests comfortably seat;d in the four rooms which are to conven cntly arranged that the mueiciana could be seen by all. Un der a bower of tall palms which grace fully lent their green leaves for a back ground stood the soloisls. The delicate fronds rested lightly on the head of the tail eineer suggesting the laurel crowns of the Romans. The program was very short and it was heard by a company of friends who found nothing but enjoyment in each umber. The duets between Miss Treat and Mrs. Baker were a decided surprise in the haraoLious blending of voices trained to such opposite methods of vocalization. Those near the singers missed the bast effects of these number?, for at a little distance it was often diffi cult to distinguish where one voice nded and the other bsgan a strain. Miss Treat and Mrs. Baker not only illustrated two distinct schools of sing ing but were also contrasts in intensity. The charm of Miss Treat's voice lies in its sweetness, gayety and ligbtsomenese, which appeal strongly to a troubled world, but it lacks that sympathy with life learned through experience. Only a few of the greatest souls, like Bordello, feel subjectively life's inmo3t tbrobs,and to their delicate sensibilities joy is tad dened. If bought with the price of gladness, why seek for the note of ex perience? Mrs. Baker has been seldom heard in Lincoln during the past few years, and her powerful contralto voice had the charm of novelty for many. Her great dramatic gittc, capable of becoming passion, rendered her numbor, "Mamma Dice," most brilliant. Her encore, "Dearest Heart Farewell,'' was .inter preted with much feeling. Miss Silence Dales in her violin num bers shows a steady gain at each ap pearance, not only technically, but what is of even more importance, in the soul f ul quality of her playing. . All the numbers found equal apprecia tion and were enthusiastically encored. Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond at the piano was not the least important member on the program though her name comes last. In the social hour which followed an added pleasure was given the guests in the opportunity of meeting the members of the Maximilhan Dick Concert com pany, who were able to be present. The "Order of Melody," as it waB quaintly worded, was as follows: Duet "Love Shall Guide Thee'' C. A. White A,is3 Treat and Mre. Baker. Aria "Lusingbe Pin Care" (Alex - . ander Balue) Handel Mies Treat. Violin a. "Legende" ) Wien;awcki b. "Mazurka ) vvien,a,EK Mi;s Silence Dales Arietta for Contralto "Mamma "Dice" Gomez Mre. E. Lewis Baker. Tuscan Folk Songs Luigi Caracciolo. a. "A Streamlet full of Flowers." b. "A Flight of Clouds." c. "Nearest and Dearest" Miss Treat and Mrs. BaKer. -Mrs. Raymond at the piano. A wild phriek rang out on the night air. "Leave me." she cried. "Not exactly," said tho highwayman. "I will relieve you," and he proceeded to take her watch, her pocketbook and such jewelry as he could find. ' A street-car horse that happened to be standing in tho neighborhood fainted when he heard the pun. . .PASSING OF THE wTLD WIST. No more the wild &c fiercely leaps Across the trackls states. The eastern pie fecit wisW OMfs Aai hold, its KxUcn gasss. Through wild where once m salted Delved tcsderfeet elate, The hobo waits by two-track lines To catch the east-bound freight. The unshod mustang, lithe and thin, That bore the savage chief. Is corralled, slaughtered, put in tin, And sold as canned corned beef. Now in the haunts of buffalo The traction engine raves. All kinds of Mrden sass they grow Above old Injun graves. The hone-thief of another day, Who, unhung, plied hts trade, Now swipes and scorches swift away The bikes of highest grade. The rough saloons, where not to drink Invoked the bullefs whiz, Are marbled drugstores, where the wfauc Prjcedes the soda's fizz. No more the "prairie schooners" drift Across the aliali, For now the horsclas carriage swift Goes whishmg,swkhtng by. No old tar-bucket at its stern Or yaller dorg is seen. Instead a motor's cog-wheels turn, 'Mid smells of gasoline, Where once the redskin to the death Fought pioneer and scout, The Swede, with alcoholic breath, Sets rows of cabbage out. And now the "norther's" icy squall Howls loud, but vainly storms. The blanket mortgage overall With treble thickness warms. Ah, brave, wild west that we in youth Used with romance to link! Alas, 'tis truth you're now, in sooth, Completely on the dink. Roy L. McCardell, in Truth. NEW TOURIST CAR LINE. Weekly Personally Conducted Excur sions to Portland, Ore., via Burlington Route. On February 17 and every Thursday thereafter at G:10 p. m. Pullman touribt sleepers in charge of our own excursion conductor are scheduled to leave Lin coln for Portland, via Denver, Leadville, Salt Lake City, Ogden and Oregon Short Line, passing through the grand est scenery of tha Rockies and stopping several hours at Salt Lake City to allow a visit at many points of interest there. Bertb.3, tickets and full information may ba obtains 1 at B. ifcM. depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and O. Geo. W. Bo.nnell, C. P. & T. A. (First Publication January 15.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of Lmcaster Coun ty, Nebraska. In tho Matter of the Estate of LuteC. Younp, Deceased. To ths Creditors of Said Estate: You ara hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court Room in Lin coln, in said county, pa the 1st day of June, 1S9S, and again on the 1st day of September7l893, to recjive and examine all claims egaiust said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tb.9 time limited for the presentation of claims against said e3tate is six months from the 1st day of March A. D., 18SS. and the time limited for tho payment of debts is onn year from the 1st day of March A. D., 1S93. Notice of this proceeding is ordered published four weeks successively in The CouuiEit. a weekly newspaper pub lished in this 6ttte. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 8th day of January, 1893. S, T. Cochkax, seal County Judge. Van Clove You're drunk nearly all the time now. aren t you? Old Soak Yis. My wife's mother told me she never wantsd to eo me in this condition agiin -- .wmi .wMiWMliann"!'1 ' "' ww hkv4it.SSSSSSSSt-Ml ti ) i 'EvSfSw BSSSSSSSSwi IIbHM SBllH .y - v5 KRa' AwBwBwBw'J ySMBV' aws. AVAVJsVflaVAVAVAVAVA?BBBBV fp jSBaSBBJBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM ' 'TBSBBSi .'. BSBFSBaVSVSVSVSBBdL'BBVa J- jfc3i HsJr .' . 'BVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVK,.l' jsaaYBsra fsVsVsVsVsVsVMalBVSttaKM "? : I jaaJJJT.'ttmS;U'a I'aVsVsW w. d PsTsVsVsVsVsVsVKSssBBastV 'AVaVS -T ' 1S sWaVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsaaaVr'r ''"Wl'ff'isi BaTaVJBvATAHPlfKSiLMbK ivB I x Sv BasvaVaVaVaBlpAVBvJsva.BvS7sflBBBs7iCv 'SsssmsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsb''' Do you PALACE BEAUTIFUL Is? Well, it is A GOOD SHAMPOO " ' " or your HAIR SINGED AND TREATED. This eradicates dandruff and will make your hair SOFT and GLOSSY. It is the place to get a good MASSAGE to keep your skin soft and white. Also BODY MASSAGE and VAPOR BATHS to build you up and clear you skin this time time of the year. MANICURE and MASSAGE for the hands, to shape the nails and make tho hand soft and white. The FACE BLEACHED, FRECKLES and PIMPLES removed, leaving the skin clear, soft and white. The hair dressed and beautified or powdered for parties, The best line of Switches, Curie and Bangs, Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Triple Extracts, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpins, real Shell Ornaments, Combs etc. Wigs, Switches, Curls or anything of tho kind made to order. Near Oliver Theatre. (First Publication January 29 ) MASTERS SALE, Docket R. No. 348 In the Circuit Court of the 'United States for the District of Nebraska. The National Life Insur-1 ance Company of Mont-1 pelier, Vermont, com-1 plainant. J-In Chancery. vs. Margaret A. Fedawa, et. j al., defendants. j FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance and by virtue of a decree en tered in the above cause on the 29th day of December, 1897, I, Samuel S. Curtis, Master in Chancer' of the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Nebraska, will.on the first day of March, 1893, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the east door of the county court house building, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, state and district of Nebraska, sell at auction, for cash, the following described prop, erty, to wit: All of Iot3 number three (3 and nice (9) and th9 west half of lot number ten (10), in block number thirtj two (32) in the city of Lincoln, Lancas ter county, Nebraska. The above described real estate will be offered in parcels as follows: Lot numbsr three (3) as one parcel, the north thirty-! o (32) feetof lotnin9(9) and the north thirty-two (3u) feet of the west half of lot ten (1U). as one parcel; and the south one hundred and ten (110) feet of lot nine (9) and tho south one hundred and ten (110) feet of the west half of lot ten (10), as one parcel. Samuel S. Curtis, Master in Chancery. S. L. Geisthakdt, Solicitor for Complainant, "What are you writing?" "An ode to spring." It isn't spring yet." "Np, but it will be before it's accsptid." know where the place to get a .v."f & ' 121 so 13th Mre. Wabash Mrs. Lakeside is going to calebrate her gel Jen wedding next week. Mrs. Manhattan Yes; she will then have beeu married fifty times. Halt the world doesn't know how ths other half lives. Well I do not know that it is any' of their business. "I bear that D Anber sold a picture to that wealthy Chfcajo man.' "He didn't. The man who was going to buy it declared the deal off because there was no frame on the picture." GO B. F. Wilcox has movrd from the Y. M C A. building, Thirteenth and N, to the Halter Block 144 North TLlrtecnth -St, and k prepared to do all kinds of Upholsterinp; & Couch, taking j as cneap as tnecneapest and better. ?S8' MMinirc m oruuj Jlairdressing, Shampooing, Manicuring, Scalp Treatment. First Class Hair Goods of All Kinds, Tonics, Pins, etc, go to IasM Anno Rlvott At. Mrs. U'ospir?, 111! O street. per?, 1114 0 street, t